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This article suggests that part of the task of the teacher educator is functioning simultaneously as both researcher and practitioner. However, there are sharply diverging viewpoints about the worth of this kind of research. On the one hand, there is now more research about teacher education being conducted by teacher educators themselves than at any previous time. On the other hand, in certain contexts, this research is discounted because it is judged not rigorous or because it does not generalize across contexts. The article considers the deliberations about practitioner research by the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education as an illustration of how these competing viewpoints can play out.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

美国职前、入职和在职教师教育评估体系简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁军  毕诚 《外国教育研究》2004,31(11):56-60
教师专业生涯发展由职前、入职和在职教育三部分组成。美国通过对大学的认证和学生的选拔保证了职前教育质量。毕业生经过学科专业评价,获得初级证书,进入新手教师教学导入计划。在达到标准并通过课堂行为评价后,才能获得正式教师证书,进入教师专业。对在职教育,没有统一的标准,但要求教师继续学习并取得更高学位。  相似文献   

师范教育的德育是所育人才能否为师的根本。当下我国师范教育的德育面临德与智失谐、德与文失谐、德与行失谐的窘境。师范教育的德育既有普通德育的共性,又有其固有特性,是更为严苛和神圣的德育范式。因此需要用原点思维对师范教育的德育进行审慎思考,让师范教育的德育回归“善”之本真,同时将“情”之德育融于现实生活,把德性的养成作为塑造德育格局的重心,进而追求德育的“美”之境界。建构师范教育的德育体系必须立足当下中国社会现实,在中华传统优秀文化滋养下分析当代师范教育的德育理路,探寻师范教育的德育文化语境与路径。从面向“新时代”,植根祖国大地,围绕职业素养三个方面,分别探讨在“时间”文化语境、“空间”文化语境和“职业”文化语境中的中国特色师范教育的德育(树人)之道,凸显当代中国师范教育德育的实践逻辑、国际视野和专业属性。  相似文献   


This research examined the legal climate regarding admissions and retention in teacher preparation programs as well as the current practices of selected programs. The study utilized legal/archival research and an on‐line survey of 27 universities. Findings indicated that the legal parameters regarding admission and retention fall under the expectations established for other types of professional training. University officials have great latitude to make professional judgments. The survey found that most institutions have formal admission and retention policies, though the admission policies are more fully developed. Many universities reported having formal policies to consider student dispositions for teaching, though no single policy is used by more than one third of the universities surveyed (most employ informal means). Conclusions include that teacher preparation programs have more legal latitude than is being employed for admission and retention decisions, and it is recommended that the field establish professional norms for retention policies and assessing student dispositions for teaching.  相似文献   

教师教育的定位、体系与政策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
中国教师教育体系正经历历史性变革。要完成这一变革,建立起现代教师教育新体系,必须给教师教育新体系以明确的定位。新的将要建立起来的中国现代教师教育新体系是以“开放化”和“专业化”为特征的。建立起这样的教师教育新体系需要相应的政策予以保障。  相似文献   

Urban schools and immigrant families: Teacher perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Teachers of two urban senior high schools talk about barriers and bridges in communicating with English as Second Language (ESL) minority students and their parents. The paper focuses on student, parent, and school characteristics with respect to intercultural communication. The typical ESL student is characterized to be alienated, displaced, and in denial of other cultures. Typical parents are distrustful of Western ways, resistant to adopting new values, patriarchal, yet dependent on their children. The school system is characterized as ethnocentric and uncommitted to providing equal services to all students including ESL students. The paper then focuses on student, parent, and school needs to enhance intercultural communication effectiveness. ESL students need to feel connected at many levels of society and to develop social communication skiils, self-empowerment, and greater sensitivity to other cultural minorities. Parents need a greater connection with the school system, a greater understanding of the tensions between their culture and the mainstream culture, greater collaboration skills, and less dependency upon their children as interpreters. Members of schools systems need to develop policies that reflect a greater awareness of intercultural problems and a greater commitment to equal educational opportunities.This study is partially supported by the Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies (AACES). A version of this paper was originally presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco, April 1992.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Historically, schools have been homogenizing institutions that often disadvantaged people of color and ethnic and religious minorities. In this article I examine Roma education in Hungary, focusing on (re)production of racial identities and the negotiation of ethnic labels. I distinguish two models of education as they relate to ideas of integration, and assess the evolving ethnic labels: “bad Gypsies” and “good Roma.” These labels reflect different philosophies of education, and both contain different tensions and challenges.  相似文献   

In this article we aim to highlight the issues we have encountered in teaching art curriculum courses on the primary BAEd degree programme. The main issues addressed are student self-confidence and the conditions which form barriers to active engagement in art activities. These we have addressed in the context of the wide changes taking place since the Education Reform Act of 1988. Our concern is that students develop the confidence to implement change in accord with their own convictions. We describe how we support them in their developing autonomy through the various strategies we have developed including the recognition and transfer of prior knowledge and reflection on the process of their own learning.  相似文献   

Games and digital media experiences permeate the lives of youth. Researchers have argued the participatory attributes and cognitive benefits of gaming and media production for more than a decade, relying on socio-cultural theory to bolster their claims. Only recently have large-scale efforts ensued towards moving game play and design into formal schooling. Educators are beginning to recognize the instructional potential of games but are seeking ways to understand and effectively support them in learning environments. This paper offers a working example detailing the process of creating a high school curriculum focused on game and app design. Through the example, the author addresses the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to move forward with games in schools and argue the necessity of cultivating a participatory culture. The example concludes with assumptions from this experience and an invitation for scholars to critique and discuss the instance.  相似文献   

校本教师教育的多样性——国外校本教师教育举隅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从校本教师教育组成要素出发,简要地描述了4个国家或地区的校本教师教育计划的差异,概括了课程的总观点及其实践课程、学生完成课程的实质、校本教师教育与大学教师教育的角色及提供给校本教师教育者的专业发展,以期为我国的校本教师教育的设计与规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通识教育理念已为我国教育界所接受且在职前教师教育体系中已见成效。但职前教师教育中的通识教育仍存在着教育目标、课程设置、认识水平、师资水平和教学方式与方法等方面的诸多问题。文章通过对通识教育在职前教师教育中的地位与作用进行剖析的基础上提出了促进教师教育中通识教育发展的强化理念、完善制度,统筹管理与规划设计课程体系,合理调整教师资源、选择恰当的教学方法,营造良好的通识教育氛围等策略性建议。  相似文献   

如何为适应中小学课堂的文化多样性、实现教育平等和社会正义而培养合格教师,是当代美国多元文化教师教育研究的核心议题,诸如招收更多具有多元文化背景的师范生、丰富多元文化教师教育课程体系、增加教育实践场所的文化多样性以及教师教育者自觉示范等实践创新亦蔚然成风.面对多元文化教师教育发展中的困难,研究者呼吁组织、课程和个人等多层面的变革,开展高水平合作研究,建设多元文化教师教育学科.  相似文献   

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