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高校教师流动是教师个体、高校组织基于各自可支配资源与理想需求进行协同博弈、联合决策的结果。高校教师流动的合理性是不同主体针对特定岗位人员变动的价值判断问题。主体最优化需求得到满足、组织内部各岗位上人尽其才、区域内人力资本得到最大化释放、高等教育行业的应有效能得到发挥分别是个体、组织、地区、行业评判高校教师流动合理的重要标尺。"双一流"建设背景下的高校引才,需要在入选高校和非"双一流"高校的"零和博弈""合作共赢"间,在同质高校的"单打独斗""抱团取暖"间,在人才来源的"外引优先""内培为主"间,在既有人才的"择优而往""坚守情怀"间,在人才管理的"市场选择""政府调控"间做出多元统筹调和。  相似文献   

“传统互动”和“新媒体”互动两种模式的选择取向各有其合理性和局限性,增强高校辅导员与大学生互动的有效性是一项系统工程,需要辅导员从转变互动理念,关注并满足大学生的心理诉求;明确互动目的,促进大学生全面发展目标的实现;遵循互动规律,激发互为主体的能动性与创造性;总结互动经验,不断提升与大学生互动的技能来推动两种互动模式的有机结合与重构。  相似文献   

Considering the Third Sector: The New Prominence of For-Profit Higher Education Why Now? Taking Aim The Target Organization of the Volume From the Beginning: Development of For-Profit Higher Education in the United States Eras of For-Profit Higher Education The For-Profit Sector Today Institutional Diversity: Classification of the For-Profit Sector A New Classification Elements of the Classification Types of For-Profit Institutions Continuing Difficulties with Classification Shareholder Owners: Defining an Era History of Shareholder Institutions Current Owners Implications of the Wall Street Era Measure of Success: Students in the For-Profit Sector Historical Perspectives National Datasets Current Trends Student Outcomes Student Motivation, Experiences, and Campus Life Remaining Questions The Academic Mission: Teaching and Learning in the For-Profit Sector Curriculum Faculty Do Students Learn? External Approval: Accrediting the For-Profit Sector Background on Accreditation History Regional Accreditation For-Profit Accrediting Agencies Regional Accreditation of National Institutions Creating the Playing Field: State and Federal Regulation State Oversight Federal Oversight Diploma Mills Current Regulatory Issues Reflections and Future Direction Research Agenda Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

From 1986 to 1988, Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (RECSAM) at Penang organised the Computers in Education Project with financial support from the Australian Government. The aim of the Project was to provide information on the use of computers in education among SEAMEO countries. Such information, it was thought, could be useful for educators who needed to formulate sound policies regarding the introduction, management, and use of computers in schools and the roles of computers in education in general. Six countries took part in this project including a team from Singapore.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,英国高等教育的发展出现了新的动向,一个区域性发展的议程进入了英国高等教育领域,政府鼓励大学与地方、区域展开互动,大学也重新燃起了服务地方、区域的热情。本文拟对英国高等教育政策调整的背景与动因、大学与区域互动的具体进展、存在的问题以及未来走向等进行梳理与阐述。  相似文献   

Quality control of graduate physical education has been the sole responsibility of educational institutions offering such programs. Regional and national accrediting bodies have also guaranteed some standardization of programs. Now the profession of physical education, through the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), has launched a significant undertaking toward establishing its own specialized accreditation. This paper examines the need for such a model in graduate physical education, presents arguments for and against, and delineates directions taken by NASPE toward full implementation of accreditation.  相似文献   

亚太教育的区域化、国际化及我国的应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在亚太地区教育的区域化、国际化进程中,联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育署、亚太经合组织、亚太地区各国政府等都做出了积极的努力,并体现出了各自的特点。中国应从自身实际出发,采取措施,积极参与亚太地区的教育国际合作及交流活动。  相似文献   

高等教育学历、文凭和学位相互承认问题,是高等教育国际化过程中面临的一个重要问题.本文从<亚太地区高等教育学历、文凭和学位相互承认地区公约>出发,介绍了该公约的主要内容及实施进展,并对公约的发展动向和实施中面临的问题进行了论述.  相似文献   

课堂教学是形塑学生发展核心素养的主要渠道,构建学生核心素养根基于紧密渗入时空的教学实践之中。所有学生都是具有认知能力的行动者,其认知能力嵌入实践意识,在日常教学生活中能够在话语层面上描述他们的行为及理由。教师作为能动者的任务在于促使学生发挥能动作用,而不是代替学生来主宰教学活动。学生在教学实践中一方面构建作为能动者发展的核心素养,同时构建与自身紧密联系的教学制度,二者的互动在广阔时空范围内表现为能动者与教学制度的结构二重性。传统课堂向现代课堂的结构转型,经历了两次历史性的"翻转",为课堂教学落实学生发展核心素养提供了制度保障。  相似文献   

为应对信息社会和教育信息化对教师提出的新挑战,提高教师的信息素养和信息技术技能水平,美国制定了一系列教师信息技术教育标准并逐渐形成了完整的体系。文章试图就该标准体系及其在实践中的应用效果进行简单评述。  相似文献   

立足当代区域教育改进实践,基于发展理论,从经济社会发展背景与教育发展基本趋势的宏观视野出发,就我国区域教育改进的形态、阶段、路径演进、驱动力及目标的实现方式等建立基于规律性认识的基本发展方式模型;探求区域教育改进发生、发展的适应性、创新性、可持续性的原理性依据,从而作为区域教育实验的一般性理论假设,构成区域教育发展方式选择的原理之基,支撑区域教育设计与改进路径的基本判断.  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出了“优化高等教育区域布局结构”等改革设想,为构建合理的区域高等教育系统,实现我国高等教育可持续发展提供了明确的改革导向。这成为“十二五”期间高等教育改革的战略方向之一。推动区域高等教育系统的构建与优化。是由我国高等教育的区域化特点决定的。根据这一战略,各省级区域应加快推进省级政府的高等教育统筹、建立高效的区域高等教育协调机制以及制定科学的区域高等教育发展规划等工作。  相似文献   

An Experiential Learning Questionnaire was designed using a critical incidents technique, open-ended questions and rating scales based on propositions derived from Social Learning Theory. Administered to 218 students in eight Experience-Based Career Education programs in five states, the questionnaire sought to determine the characteristics of both good and poor learning experiences in the community. The study found factors which discriminated between good and poor learning experiences and between young men and women.Research for this study was sponsored by the Education and Work Program of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) under a grant from the National Institute of Education (NIE). The ideas and opinions in this paper do not necessarily reflect the position of NWREL nor NIE and no official endorsement should be inferred.This article is based on a presentation at the 1978 SFEE/NCPSIP annual convention.Readers interested in receiving a copy of the instrument used in thist study may obtain it by writing to the authors at NWREL, Education and Work Program, 710 S. W. Second Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.  相似文献   

Studies have shown a positive relationship between a rise in schooling levels and economic production [World Bank, 2005. A Time to Choose: Caribbean Development in the 21st Century. World Bank, Washington, DC; Jules, V., Panneflek, A., 2000. EFA in the Caribbean: Assessment 2000, Sub-Regional Report, vol. 2, The State of Education in the Caribbean in the 1990s. UNESCO, Kingston, Jamaica; Haddad, W.D., 1990. Education and Development; Evidence for New Priorities. World Bank Discussion Paper 95. The World Bank, Washington, DC; McClelland, D., 1969. Does Education Accelerate Economic Growth. In: Eckstein, M.A., Noah, H.J. (Eds.), Scientific Investigations in Comparative Education. Macmillan, London], but this link may be limited in systems of education where traditional pedagogic methods have been dominant (such as the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Barbados where underachievement is also associated with lack of participation and low levels of social inclusion skills by teachers: World Bank, 1992. Access, Quality and Efficiency in Caribbean Education: a Regional Study. World Bank, Washington, DC; Kutnick, P., Jules, V., Layne, A., 1997. Gender and School Achievement in the Caribbean. Department for International Development, London). Into traditional classroom contexts in Trinidad and Barbados, a new social pedagogic method was introduced by teachers and changes in attainment and motivation of pupils and attitudes of teachers were assessed over two terms in secondary schools.  相似文献   

广东省职业教育地方立法的反思与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方立法是国家立法的重要组成部分。我国《职业教育法》颁布15年来,全国已有20个省、直辖市和自治区颁布了相应的配套法规,而地处改革开放前沿的职业教育大省广东省却迟迟没有出台相应法规。制定广东省地方职业教育条例,不仅必要,而且可行。广东省职业教育地方立法要着重解决立法模式、职教体系、经费保障、校企合作、师资队伍、实训基地建设等关键问题。  相似文献   

Educational planning specialist at Unesco's Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC). Former staff member of the World Bank and Coordinator of the Latin American educational research exchange network (REDUC), he was also Head of the Chilean Educational Planning Office (1965–70). Co-author of Development of Educational Planning Modelsand of Eight Years of their Lives.  相似文献   

The author, the Rector of the University of Nis in Serbia and Montenegro, describes the recent introduction of quality control mechanisms and other reform measures in his university. These reform measures are intended to help adapt the university to the Bologna Process. The carrying out of these reforms has been aided by a university-wide evaluation that was conducted in 2002 by a team of the European Association of Universities. A second impetus for reform has been the participation of the University of Nis in the activities of the Regional University Network on Governance and Management of Higher Education in South East Europe.  相似文献   

This article explores the issue of language policy analysis for elementary school teachers in the Oceania region, that is Polynesian nations in the southern and eastern, Melanesian nations in the western and Micronesian nations in the northern parts of the Pacific Ocean region. It is grounded in an understanding that education policy work of any kind is contested and political but nevertheless an exercise that elementary school teachers need to engage in. The ideas examined in the article are timely given recent ‘re-thinking’ language policy work across the region initiated in early 2005 by the Institute of Education at the University of the South Pacific and the Pacific Regional Initiatives for the Delivery of [basic] Education (PRIDE), in Fiji. This article draws on a template for education policy analysis that enables teachers in particular to ask critical key questions around language policy context, text and consequences (Taylor et al., 1997). These questions offer teachers a language for examining language and language policy issues that concern them in their everyday work and thus a possible way of accessing and contributing to debates from which they are often excluded.  相似文献   

随着欧洲各国对性教育重要性认识的提高,加之欧洲各国性教育发展水平不一致,性教育标准多样,无统一的标准,不利于各国相互借鉴以改善性教育。鉴于此,世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处和联邦健康教育中心于2010年联合制定了欧洲性教育标准。该标准从信息、技能、态度三个方面对6个年龄段的性教育制定具体的内容。该标准首次引入全面性教育(holistic sexuality education),重新定义了性教育年龄段,丰富了性教育的内容,并强调各个年龄段前后衔接。欧洲性教育标准值得借鉴,中国今后在性教育方面应摒弃传统性教育观念、倡导"全面性教育",注重学校性教育内容的广泛性与实用性,以一种积极、整体的方式讲授关于性健康和预防性侵犯的知识,并注重培养高尚的性道德,树立正确的性价值观。  相似文献   

写作是语言运用能力的反映,更是人文素养的重要体现。剖析初中学生英语写作所体现的思想内容,对学生核心素养发展及品德教育具有现实意义。本研究基于北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心区域教育质量监测项目的测试数据,分析48份初中学生英语写作样卷,揭示学生在语用意识与语言礼仪、国际视野与跨文化理解、尊重与自重、学习态度与兴趣以及学习策略与自我效能等方面存在的问题,并提出教学与评价建议,以期为学生核心素养及品德教育提供启示。  相似文献   

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