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会计信息失真是会计信息披露中非常突出的问题,并严重地影响了社会正常的经济秩序,治理会计信息失真已成为政府目前的一项十分重要的工作。本从主观与客观的角度深入分析了会计信息失真产生的根源,探讨有效治理会计信息失真在理论和实践方面的现实意义。  相似文献   

通过对图书馆员专业化的内涵、外延和合理知识结构的分析,提出现代图书馆员应具备先进工作理念、灵活工作方法和独特创新的主张。旨在进一步推进图书馆工作,充分发挥信息时代图书馆员的导航作用,造就在图书馆建设和发展事业中迫切需要的知识广博型人才。  相似文献   

依托信息安全中心,通过总结近年来开展信息安全专业教学、实施网络攻防实战演练以及培养信息安全俱乐部会员的经验,将CDIO(构思、设计、实施和运作)教育理念与CMM(能力成熟度模型)相结合,形成了一整套以实战引导教学、以创新加强实践、以专业带动全体的教学模式,此成果对军内外高校各层次学员信息安全能力的培养具有一定理论参考和实践借鉴价值。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了高校党政工作者应具备的三个层次的信息素养:基本信息素养、职业信息素养和科研信息素养,分析了高校党政工作者信息素养存在的诸如信息意识薄弱、信息技能偏低等问题及危害,最后从高校和党政干部自身两个层面出发,提出了培养和提高高校党政工作者信息素养的途径。  相似文献   

探索新形势下会计信息失真治理的有效途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国市场经济快速发展及成功入WTO,社会各阶层对会计信息的信赖越来越强,对会计信息真实性的要求也越来越高。而虚假的会计信息已影响到市场经济稳定和发展。导致国家宏观调控和微观决策失误。文章就当前会计信息失真的原因及治理的途径作深刻探讨。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the use of computers in the area of global networking, with particular emphasis on Internet and Bitnet The emphasis of the paper is on the value of these applications for the professional development of teacher educators rather than on their potential in schools, though their potential in all sectors of education is enormous. Separate sections of the paper are devoted to discussing three important types of networking activity: electronic mail discussion groups, access to information from remote computers (through Telnet, Gopher and World Wide Web), and access to remote computer programs or files using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).  相似文献   

Two contrasting methods of investigation were used to characterise the basis upon which the mental representation of a scientific diagram was organised in individuals having different levels of experience and skill in the interpretation of this type of diagram. Each of these methods is described and several important methodological issues are discussed. In the first method (the Card Sort method), subjects performed a three-stage grouping of diagram elements in a card sorting task that produced an hierarchical ordering of the information constituting the diagram. In the second method (the Copy-Recall method), subjects copied then produced drawn recall of a given diagram. Measurements of the sequence in which diagram elements were produced and the time intervals between each production were used to infer the underlying cognitive structuring involved in the mental representation of the diagram information. Questions are raised concerning the way resulting data can be analysed and interpreted most effectively. Specializations: Mental representation and processing of scientific diagrams, characteristics of explanatory diagrams, visual aspects of problem solving, instructional design.  相似文献   

[问题]某课外实验小组的同学学习完氨气的化学性质后,对氨气喷泉实验胶头滴管中水的作用发生了兴趣,如图1所示[1]:经过讨论后,他们一致认为:没有挤压胶头滴管时打开止气夹也没有喷泉产生,挤压胶头滴管时水进入烧瓶后溶解了氨气而产生了负压,这时打开止气夹后在大气压的作用下,将烧杯中的水压人烧瓶,玻璃管中空气也被吸入了烧瓶,使水与烧瓶中没有溶解完的氨气冲破了空气的阻隔作用直接接触,才能形成连续的喷泉,为此他们打算进行如下探究:  相似文献   

影视思维是由多元化的电影、电视及网络媒体表现生活的特点所决定的。电影电视以及网络媒体是时代科学技术发展下的产物,是科学与艺术的完美结合体。影视思维依托影视的表现方式,在四维的空间内造型,运用蒙太奇的方式来描叙现实。影视思维有自己独特的思维方式,它是有别于人类其他思维方式,并且具有着自己鲜明独特的美学特征。  相似文献   

Two years of experimenting with the use of a microcomputer as a communication aid and for developing the curriculum are described lan Glen head of Brays School for physically handicapped children, Birmingham  相似文献   

In Part 11, we described the basic principle of the lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), the different scattering processes in the atmosphere and the Mie and Rayleigh lidars. In this part, we describe three other types of lidars: Raman lidar, differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and doppler lidar. A lidar system consists of a pulsed laser which sends out pulses of laser light and a sensor that senses the scattered light from the different molecules and aerosols in the atmosphere. The characteristics of the scattered light are used to determine the nature and amount of the constituents.  相似文献   

Veerabuthiran  S 《Resonance》2003,8(4):33-43
Lidar is a powerful technique for the study of atmospheric structure and dynamics. The spatial and temporal variability of minor constituents of the atmosphere such as aerosols, dusts, clouds, water vapour, and wind speed and temperature structure of the upper atmosphere can be studied using lidar. This article describes the basic principle of lidar operation, types of laser used for the remote sensing of the atmosphere and mechanism of scattering/absorption processes when the laser interacts with the atmosphere. Part 1 gives the basics and applications of lidar. Also, one type of lidar—Mie and Rayleigh lidar is described. S Veerabuthiran is working as a research fellow in Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum. His research involves the study of aerosols, dusts, and clouds in the lower atmosphere and temperature structure in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

研究性教学探微   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究性教学是同研究性学习紧紧联系在一起的一种教育思想和教学行为,它适应了社会经济、教育发展的要求,是教师参加课程改革,全面提高教学质量,推进素质教育的有效方式,研究性教学同传统的教学方式有着明显的区别。  相似文献   

思想政治教育从根本上说是一种用思想掌握群众的实践活动,思想掌握群众的过程也是群众掌握思想的过程.思想掌握群众的“思想”是兼具抽象性、逻辑性与概括性的,掌握群众的过程就需要通过教育者对于思想、理论的再阐释,即化抽象为具体、化陌生为熟悉、化未知为已知.语言作为“化”的载体和中介,需要发挥隐喻言说方式丰富想象、激发情感、启发...  相似文献   

濒危语言在理论语言学研究、语言哲学研究、以及语言类型学研究等方面潜藏着巨大语言学价值;在人类文化知识、人类历史以及人类思维方式研究等方面蕴含重要文化价值。对濒危语言实施挽救与保护刻不容缓。  相似文献   

古典人文教育注重个人在教育中的主体作用,然而,“群体”道德湮灭人在现实生活中的主体性。近现代教育科学主义遏制人在教育中的个性,人本主义片面张扬个人主体性,忽视教育的社会价值。鉴于此,当前的主体性教育应关怀个人和“类”的价值和意义,培养既具有“个人”活力又富有“类”关怀精神的主体。  相似文献   

This article attempts to integrate the crucial ideas of sampling and estimation in the teaching of linear regression. It won first prize in the recent PSI competition.  相似文献   

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