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高职高专精品课程申报新思路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精品课程的建设和申报是高等院校进行教学改革、提高教学质量的重要举措。高职高专精品课程的评审标准近两年发生了诸多新的变化。分析2008年度立项的国家精品课程,探究一些有利于高职高专精品课程建设和申报的思路和措施,其目的是为高职高专申报国家级精品课程以及课程建设与教学改革工作提供参考。  相似文献   

利用CiteSpace软件对CNKI数据库CSSCI和核心期刊2012篇国家认同教育相关论文进行统计分析发现:发文量出现两次峰值,其波动主要与相关政策颁布有关;发文作者主要来自高等师范院校,但未形成一定规模的合作群体;论文主要来自《外国教育研究》等期刊;研究内容主要聚焦在贯彻《爱国主义教育实施纲要》精神、基于爱国主义教...  相似文献   

Current policies at both the state and national levels emphasise the need for increased attention to teaching children with special needs and more extensive school‐based experience in teacher education courses. This paper reports an in‐school experience which was an integral part of an on‐campus subject that focused upon teaching children with special needs. It also addressed a range of issues currently of concern in pre‐service teacher education, including the nature of the in‐school experience, managing the needs of children with learning difficulties in an integrated classroom, overcoming the socialising effect of block practice teaching, reinforcing the relevance of campus‐based subjects, maintaining a balance between the formal teaching expectations and the nurturing roles of teachers, providing teacher educators with recent and relevant in‐school experience, and producing reflective teachers with an understanding and appreciation of the ‘art’ and the ‘science’ of teaching.  相似文献   

此研究探讨台湾高等教育餐旅类科系实施三明治教学与传统校外教学实习成效满意度与实施上的差异,并调查餐旅业实习机构对三明治教学实习与传统校外教学实习成效满意度,并以问卷为工具,内容包括"业者背景资料"、"业者对实习生工作表现满意度"、"业者立场评估"及"对餐旅教育的改进意见与建议"等4部分,作为评估高校餐旅学生人力素质依据。抽样调查之有效样本为203份,有效回收率达73.6%。其研究对象以兼具接受三明治教学实习与传统校外教学实习之学生的国际观光餐旅饭店为主。  相似文献   

深化高等教育改革增强创新能力促进创新型人才培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等学校在建设创新型国家中占有重要地位.但我国高校尚不能满足建设创新型国家的要求,与创新型国家的高校相比,存在比较明显的差距.我国高等教育应深化改革,加强科研创新能力建设,使创新型人才脱颖而出.为此,要进行教育理念的改革,探索有利于创新型人才培养的教育模式,加强科技创新能力建设,坚持产学研结合,加强创新文化建设,扩大高校对外开放,增加科技创新投资.  相似文献   

A review of rubric use in higher education   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
This paper critically reviews the empirical research on the use of rubrics at the post‐secondary level, identifies gaps in the literature and proposes areas in need of research. Studies of rubrics in higher education have been undertaken in a wide range of disciplines and for multiple purposes, including increasing student achievement, improving instruction and evaluating programmes. While, student perceptions of rubrics are generally positive and some authors report positive responses to rubric use by instructors, others noted a tendency for instructors to resist using them. Two studies suggested that rubric use was associated with improved academic performance, while one did not. The potential of rubrics to identify the need for improvements in courses and programmes has been demonstrated. Studies of the validity of rubrics have shown that clarity and appropriateness of language is a central concern. Studies of rater reliability tend to show that rubrics can lead to a relatively common interpretation of student performance. Suggestions for future research include the use of more rigorous research methods, more attention to validity and reliability, a closer focus on learning and research on rubric use in diverse educational contexts.  相似文献   

党的十八大强调要坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,实施创新驱动发展战略。高等学校既是培养人才、传承知识、创新科技的重要基地,也是基础研究和高技术领域创新成果的重要源泉,在国家发展中具有重要地位和独特作用。河南高校应主动适应国家战略需求,及时发现自身在人才协同创新发展中存在的问题,推动创新人才协同培养机制改革,以高水平科学研究支撑创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

The article analyses the context and content of current national education sector policy documents from four African countries (Ethiopia, 1994; Mozambique, 1995; Namibia, 1993; Zambia, 1996). These documents are examined in relation to the educational policy agenda presented in World Bank publications and in the documents of the Jomtien Education for All conference. In all four cases a considerable degree of agreement is found between the national documents and the donor agenda, particularly in the countries undergoing structural adjustment programmes. The analysis also suggests that this influence is moderated by multi-party politics, and by remnants of previous socialist ideology.  相似文献   

“互联网+”与高等教育课程的深度融合已经成为不可逆转的发展趋势,但目前“互联网+”计划与专业基础课程建设之间的融合还严重滞后,亟待健全和完善。文航以“互联网+”与专业课程《钻井液与完井液》为例,探讨了在课程建设、课程设置和考核机制等方面,建立了“项目引导+智慧教育”,“互联网+现场案例分析”的教育新模式,积极推进科研促教学结合,激发大学生创新精神,实现专业知识到双创能力的转化。  相似文献   

师范院校钢琴课程的教学改革,在我国师范教育与基础音乐教育的改革发展中备受业界人士的关注。但是,要真正解决钢琴课程教学在高质量音乐教育人才培养中所暴露出来的诸多问题,还必须依靠一线教师的具体教学改革研究与实践探索。为此,针对钢琴课程教学中出现的一些理念与教学实践效果方面的问题,教师在教学活动中应积极探索、大胆创新,把"注重理论知识引导,加强实践训练,大力培养学生的专业从教能力"作为教学的核心内容与奋斗目标,以期构建音乐学(教师教育)专业与社会音乐教育发展相适应的钢琴课程教学体系。  相似文献   

系统研究科技创新的金融支持问题,对加速促进企业科技创新能力发展,实现建立创新型国家目标,保持经济与社会的稳定和发展具有极为重要的意义。以安徽省为例,结合1993-2009年间科技创新与金融支持的相关数据进行实证研究,通过单位根检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,得到以下结论:金融结构和创新资金投入与科技创新长期正相关;金融效率与科技创新显著负相关。  相似文献   

The New Zealand Ministry of Education is producing the final draft of Te Whaariki the national early childhood curriculum (Ministry of Education 1993). Once formalised all early childhood services will be required to demonstrate that their programmes are operating according to the Principles, Aims and Goals outlined in Te Whaariki (a Maori name meaning a mat for all to stand on). Three years ago a paper at the first Warwick International Early Years Conference outlined the rationale, framework and processes involved in the development ofTe Whaariki (Carr & May 1993c). We had been contracted by the Ministry of Education to coordinate the development of a national early childhood curriculum that firstly, would embrace a diverse range of early childhood services and cultural perspectives, secondly, would articulate a philosophy of quality early childhood practice, and thirdly would make connections with the new national curriculum for schools. Te Whaariki was released to early childhood centres on a trial basis in late 1993. Since that time there has been an official process of trialing and evaluation which has indicated a very high level of support within the early childhood community for the document. In 1994 the Government contracted a number of professional development projects to support early childhood practitioners with the document. Training programmes began reviewing the structure and rationale of the courses they provide. Margaret Carr is now undertaking a research project looking at some possibilities for the assessment for young children that relate to the Principles, Aims and Goals outlined in Te Whaariki. There are, however, many issues for centres regarding the implementation of Te Whaariki. For example, current regulatory requirements and funding levels make it difficult for centres to meet the high expectations of quality outlined in Te Whaariki, although the 1995 budget pronouncements promised some small funding increase.

This paper provides an overview of the implementation of Te Whaariki. We are mindful that other countries, have been undertaking similar kinds of development. While we see Te Whaariki as a document that is uniquely New Zealand, we have also sought, throughout the process of development and implementation, to encourage international critique and appraisal ofTe Whaariki as part of on going debates regarding the nature of early childhood curriculum in the 1990s. This paper was first presented at the second Early Years Conference at Warwick in 1996.  相似文献   

This article is the first of two reporting research concerned with the profile of degree level qualifications of initial teacher trainees who start Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) Secondary English courses. In a context where there is no existing database of such information, the researchers sought to establish the patterns in this profile and collate a summary of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) tutors’ perceptions about the level of subject knowledge preparedness of students with different degree level qualifications. Following from this, the enquiry was also interested in the ways that PGCE institutions support students with different subject knowledge development needs. The article that follows below treats the issue of degree qualifications and the PGCE selection process in the context of recent changes to subject English. The evidence suggests patterned but divergent practices with an overall trend of preference for prior qualifications in English Literature despite significant alterations in the study of English since 1980. PGCE courses surveyed attract many more applicants than there were places and tutors exercise considerable discretion in admissions practices which are not always made transparent by published policies and rationales, including those made available to prospective applicants. The review of the literature showed little published discourse on this topic to date.  相似文献   

Restructuring of the labour market has led to changing demand for skills and concern about potential mismatch between needs of employers and competences developed in higher education courses. This paper extends analysis of the Great Expectations survey of UK final-year undergraduates in 1996 to explore the development of skills and competences in different disciplinary areas and the anticipated career trajectories of students. A detailed assessment is undertaken of the extent to which respondents appear prepared, both in terms of the employment-related skills they consider they have developed as undergraduates and in their expectations, for the changes which have taken place in the labour market in the latter part of the twentieth century. While findings from transitional early careers need to be interpreted cautiously, it does appear that expectations varied less than emerging outcomes for this cohort in the vanguard of mass higher education. Subject and gender differences in expectations and outcomes were significant and 'non-traditional' graduates were more likely than others to report that they were experiencing difficulties in the transition from education to employment. The graduates themselves had a flexible approach to the labour market but it seems that employers may have more inflexible recruitment graduate practices. Further research is required but there is clearly a danger that wider access may not lead to correspondingly wider career opportunities.  相似文献   

多领域研究在促进当代体育科学发展和知识创新上具有明显的优势 ,是体育科技一体化的重要特征 ,也是体育学科之间交叉和融合的需要。为鼓励多领域研究 ,应该有相应的机制和政策作保证 ,以利于体育科学事业的进步和发展  相似文献   

瑞典提升大学创新能力管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王志强 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):94-100,120,121
瑞典在创新方面的优异表现提升了国家的竞争力,并引起世人的关注。其中一个重要原因是大学在其国家创新系统中所起到的知识基础作用。瑞典在继承传统的技术政策与产业政策对大学研究活动重视的基础上,进一步利用创新政策为大学创新营造良好的外部环境。同时,瑞典通过机构改革和制度创新等手段提升大学的创新能力。  相似文献   

以科研促进教学的探索与实践   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文探索了在国家精品课程"摄影测量学"教学中如何探索科研向本科教学渗透的途径,重点从科研促进教师教学水平的提高、本科教学内容的丰富、本科实践教学的创新三个方面进行了实践,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Science education traditionally has received insufficient attention. As a literature review shows, teacher preparation in science will be best served by improvements in pedagogy and in the content of required undergraduate science courses. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (1993, 1995) and the National Research Council (1993, 1995) have addressed this need in advocating a "science for all" that is highly significant for diverse learners. The No Child Left Behind Act emphasizes that reform of teacher preparation is part of an urgent national commitment to bring high-quality teacher candidates into the classroom. The Gallaudet University undergraduate teacher education program has developed an inquiry-based course that emphasizes integration of the sciences. Acquisition of the Full Option Science System, and its adaptation to and integration into the course, has resulted in specific curricular changes and positive results.  相似文献   

在推进创新型国家建设的进程中,建设国家创新体系与构建高校大学后继续教育创新体系具有极为密切的关系。全面构建高校大学后继续教育创新体系,是加快全面建设国家创新体系的必然要求和重要对策之一。加快发展创新型高校大学后继续教育,不仅对加快全面建设国家创新体系具有直接推动作用,而且有助于建立加快全面建设国家创新体系的有效机制。  相似文献   

随着各高校的音乐教学的改革与实践,“双主修、三结合”的艺术人才培养模式也应运而生。高校音乐系的古筝课程教学模式必然要进行改革与创新才能适应新形势的发展需要。以湖南人文科技学院音乐系为例,对其古筝课程教学模式现状进行分析并研究探索,可以总结出相应的对策。  相似文献   

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