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浅论义务教育阶段儿童的受教育权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,在城市学校和乡村学校,富裕地区学校与贫困地区学校,重点学校和非重点学校普遍存在差别的情况下,我国儿童的受教育权实际上不平等。要努力达到义务教育阶段儿童受教育权平等的目标,政府应调整政策,实施全额免费义务教育,取消重点中小学,对学校的教育投入一视同仁,使学校的教育资源配置基本平衡。  相似文献   

对入学儿童的识字量、父母受教育程度进行初测,发现儿童识字量的个体差异很大,与父母受教育程度密切相关。经过一学期的学校教育后再次对其识字量进行测试,儿童的平均识字量能够达到400字的教学要求,但个体差异仍然很大,与父母的受教育程度相关依然十分显著。两种教学方法对儿童识字量的差异无显著影响,男女学生之间识字量在初测与再测时均无显著性差异。  相似文献   

农村小学的教育均衡是关系到广大农村儿童,特别是留守儿童的受教育权的重大问题,在农村地区教育中,要平衡区域内学校与学校之间的软硬件设施,缩小学校之间的差距,使农村儿童也能享受最好的教育。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童正处于受教育的关键期。需要依靠学校这一教育主渠道加强对留守儿童的教育与管理,政府、学校、家庭、社会各负其责、协调合作,才能促进和保障农村留守儿童的身心健康得以良性发展。  相似文献   

全纳教育的基本精神是“人人受教育”。强调“每一个儿童都有受教育的基本权利”,“每一个儿童都有独一无二的个人特点、兴趣、能力和学习需要”,要求“教育体系的设计和教育方案的实施应充分考虑到这些特点与需要的广泛差异”。“有特殊教育需要必须有机会进入普通学校学习,这些学校应该将他们吸收在能满足其需要的、以儿童为中心的教育活动中”。(引自1994年《萨拉曼卡宣言》)  相似文献   

美国是一个移民国家,来自不同国家和地区的移民为美国带来了众多的民族传统节日。我所任教(作为交换教师,2000年我到美国任教)的美国弗吉尼亚州大瀑布城(theGreatFalls)私立幼儿园、绿色乡村学校(VillageGreenDaySchool),经常可见一些来自世界各地、不同肤色、不同种族的儿童在一起嬉戏学习,同时也发现他们带来了各自特殊的文化。因此,美国的幼儿园很注重围绕各国的节日开展教育教学活动,以促使移民中的儿童美国化,并在尊重他们原来的文化基础上,增强他们的民族认同感,同时也培养儿童对各种文化的尊重和宽容的态度。围绕…  相似文献   

美国保障流动儿童受教育的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,借鉴国外经验思考我国流动儿童受教育问题意义重大。美国近10多年来针对跨区务工人员的子女、无家可归儿童、移民家庭孩子、军人家庭孩子四种流动儿童的情况,分别采取了一定措施保障他们受教育。这些经验对我国有一定的借鉴意义,结合这些经验与启示,本文认为,我国在解决流动儿童受教育的问题的时候应该:注重分析研究,增强工作的针对性;加强法规建设,提高工作的严肃性;加强过程管理,增强工作的连续性;加大教育投入,确保工作的物质基础。  相似文献   

研究表明 ,孩子的道德成长受学校影响占 2 0 % ,受家庭、社会影响占 70~ 80 %。家长、老师的愿望是一样的 ,但由于家庭教育受家长水平、素质修养的限制 ,致使某些家庭的教育不能与学校保持一致 ,结果两天的家庭生活将五天学校教育否定 ,导致了“5 2 =0”。这种现象在幼儿园和小学表现最严重 ,中学也仍然存在。苏霍姆林斯基在讲到教师与家长在教育中的作用时 ,曾把儿童比做大理石 ,把教师和家长比做雕塑家。他说 ,把这块大理石雕塑成一座雕像的有六位“雕塑家”:家庭、学校、儿童所在的集体、儿童本人、书籍和偶然出现的因素。其中 ,学校和…  相似文献   

受经济、政治和交通的影响,双语教育已经成为当今世界教育最明显的趋势。现在不但有更多的儿童在学校里学习双语,而且儿童开始学习双语的年龄也在提早。例如,在新加坡,儿童在小学学习双语,但是几乎所有的幼儿园都以双语进行活动。  相似文献   

生态移民社区的教育实践影响社区的可持续发展。本研究结合人类学的参与式观察和深度访谈法与历史资料分析法,梳理和分析移民对普通教育与培训教育由排斥到接受乃至依托的实践变化历程。研究发现,移民社区的教育实践是移民不同代际主体实现就业与转变生计方式的重要途径,且普通教育与培训教育前后共同作用于移民不同代际主体转变生计方式的过程,体现了二者对移民群体生计转换的接续性影响,从而促使移民社区可持续发展的状态呈动态变化的结构性特征。同时,研究针对生态移民社区可持续发展背景的特殊性与两种教育实践在移民社区中所遇到的问题,提出对普通教育从政策辅助,学校和家庭的合作以及对培训教育从培训内容、过程和结果等方面进行改进的建议,以进一步推进生态移民社区可持续发展。  相似文献   

采用自制的城市新移民社会融入问卷对138名新移民进行调查,并对7名知识型新移民进行半结构式访谈。通过混合研究方法,主要从经济融入(包括工作、收入、居住状况)、生活融入(包括社会交往、气候饮食适应等)、心理融入(包括思想观念等)三个维度来研究城市新移民的社会融入现状并分析影响其社会融入的因素,最后针对新移民群体在社会融入中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

与一般农民工的社会适应表现为经济、社会、心理三个层面依次递进的特点不同,城市女性婚姻移民的社会适应首先是从心理适应开始的。虽然女性移民因为婚姻得以进入城市生活,但其社会地位并没有因此而得到提高;而这种低下的社会地位又直接影响了她们与城市居民的接触和交往,影响了她们对自我身份的认同。从社会适应的总体状况来看,城市女性婚姻移民应属于介于农民工和市民之间的"边际人"。  相似文献   

Micronesian people, a new group of immigrants to the USA, have a strong system of responsibilities to family members that guides their priorities and actions. When family obligations clash with school priorities, conflicts can occur. I interviewed 26 adults to learn about the relationships and responsibilities of family members to each other in Micronesian cultures and implications for Micronesian parent priorities that may affect their children’s schooling. The system of family obligations in Micronesian cultures is described, and its role in the priorities and behaviors of Micronesian families around schooling of their children is explored through emergent themes of (a) identity, (b) family relationships, (c) family roles, and (d) responsibilities of immigrants. The conventions of family obligations are the core of many cultural traditions from the Pacific. Understanding these traditions may help teachers and administrators better assist immigrant Micronesian families and their children to be successful in American schools.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of parental human capital background on ethnic educational gaps between second-generation immigrants using a large data set conducted in France in 2003. Estimates from censored random effect ordered Probit regressions show that the skills of immigrants explain in the most part, the ethnic educational gap between their children. Fluency in French and the length of their parents’ stay in France also matter. The impact of the immigrants’ education on the educational attainment of their children further depends on their country of origin, their place of schooling, and their proficiency in French.  相似文献   

The school transition model suggests that children's transitions into formal schooling can have lasting and profound implications for their educational careers, though this model is rarely used to understand the outcomes of children of immigrants. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), a nationally representative sample of kindergarteners in 1998–1999, we examine the pre-kindergarten child care arrangements of children of immigrants and how these care arrangements are associated with children's behavior. We find that minority and immigrant children are less likely than their native-born white counterparts to be enrolled in center-based care and other care, compared to parental care, prior to kindergarten. We also find that ethnic origin is an important predictor of child care usage. Finally, though center-based care, on average, is not independently associated with children's behavior in kindergarten, the association between center-based care and behaviors varies by race and immigrant status. Broadly, these findings underscore the importance of understanding how native- and foreign-born children experience the transition to schooling, a critical period in the life course.  相似文献   

Immigration in the U.S. continues to increase and to become increasingly diverse. About 20% of U.S. students are children of immigrants. This phenomenon is occurring as schools are racially and ethnically resegregating even as race-based decision making for K-12 schooling has been severely limited. This study examines school segregation for children of immigrants who are often an overlooked component of this phenomenon. Using a large national dataset, the author explores the extent to which children of immigrants are segregated from non-immigrants as well as the extent to which they are segregated from Whites. This study also examines how these relationships vary based on a student's race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Results show a society where children of immigrants are segregated in school, which carries with it a host of likely negative outcomes. Implications for policy, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the following issues regarding measuring schooling cost-effectiveness: (1) difficulties in evaluating school effectiveness from behavioral data due to measurement problems, both unobserved determinants of outcomes and choices of those involved and imperfect measures of observed variables; (2) evidence on marginal values of schooling outputs and on schooling production relations and methodological issues in underlying studies and their carryover to cost-benefit estimates; and (3) reflections on methodological improvements in assessing the cost-effectiveness of schooling policies, inevitable limitations in such assessments given information problems, and on complementary and more general schooling policy changes to improve schooling in light of information problems.  相似文献   

Practices and policies of Japanese schooling for immigrant and marginalised students are examined through the lens of a primary school which serves one of the largest foreign student populations in Japan. Student families include Southeast Asian refugees, South American immigrants of Japanese descent, recent and longstanding Chinese and Koreans, and low-income Japanese nationals. Years of ethnographic fieldwork in several low-income Japanese urban communities preceded this work, consisting of interviews, site visits, historical documentation and professional consultations. Study of the chosen school offers a snapshot of not only the contested terrain of schooling, but also the larger context of these young peoples’ lives: demands on foreign labourers, shifting and constructed identities, laws that both welcome and constrain. In the midst of apparent chaos, this school attempts to respond to the challenges presented by a system ill-prepared to work with children who are ‘different’.  相似文献   

We explore immigrant students' experience of schooling focusing on Yang Yang and his family. We present insights into immigrant Chinese educational experience in Canada and bring forward a narrative‐inquiry framework for the study of student experience. We find that—contrary to some of the expectations of Chinese immigrants—family relations, student learning, and school policies are complicated, with families finding it difficult to translate Chinese educational values in the Canadian context and their children facing serious learning and social difficulties.  相似文献   

19世纪英国移民是美国外来移民中一个有着独特经历和贡献的群体。来自美国移民始祖故国的他们和其他新来者一样远渡重洋而来,却很快融入美利坚社会,并被视作“看不见的移民”。他们拥有美国工业建设和经济发展亟需的先进技术和革新理念,并努力将这些技术和理念付诸实践。无论他们不同于抑或相似于其他进入美国的移民族群,19世纪英国移民定居美国后的种种经历和贡献在美利坚共和国的发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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