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The causes of the transfer of technology between countries is now seen as an important dimension of the diffusion of new products and processes. Despite its obvious importance, there has been little empirical research investigating the international transfer of technology, although the work of Schiffel and Kitti (Research Policy 7 (1978)) provides a useful foundation on which to build. The research reported below tests the hypothesis that the transfer of technology between countries, as measured by the movement of patented invention, is influenced by both supply side and demand side factors. The principal variables are: patenting activity in the country of origin; the size of the recepient economy; international trade in goods and services; and the operations of multinational producing enterprises. These vaiables explain most of the variation across countries in the transfer of U.S. technology abroad. The worldwide distribution of U.S. based multinational enterprises appear to play an important part in explaining U.S. technology tranfer. On the other hand, the remaining international differences in patent law do not seem to significantly affect patent flows between countries.  相似文献   

The increased patenting activity of foreign nationals in the United States has been a source of recent concern, and the fear has been expressed that the US is becoming relatively less technologically inventive. This paper investigates some possible causes of the increased foreign patenting activity and also briefly examines the determinants of patent filings by a country's own residents. The countries covered include: Canada, France, West Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Based on data on patent applications filed and some preliminary regression analysis, the paper finds that the rising foreign patenting activity in the US probably does not reflect increased foreign inventiveness vis-à-vis the US. However, foreign innovativeness may be increasing relative to the US. Over the period 1963 – 1974, the domestic patent base, measured by the number of patent applications filed by nationals in their home countries, has shown little change in any country except for Japan. Rather, multiple patent applications and a greater propensity to patent abroad, induced by the possibilities of exporting, appear to be the sources of the increase in foreign patent applications in the US and also in Japan.  相似文献   

Foreign patenting in the U.S. has been considered to be a useful technology indicator in comparisons between countries. In order to shed light on this topic, this paper will try to explain foreign patenting in the U.S. by way of data for one country - Norway.A crucial question is what role is played by exports in explaining the foreign patent activity. Is the U.S. patenting just an indicator of the export performance, or is it the other way around; that technology - measured by foreign patent activity - is an important trade explanatory variable.The first part of this paper deals with the relationship between Norwegian U.S. patenting and export to the U.S. by way of time-series analysis on data from 1883 to 1980. Then some more detailed analysis are done on industry-level data from 1920 and from 1960–1980. An hypothesis is further tested for the possible relationship between foreign U.S. patenting and the international business-cycles. Finally a detailed but tentative analysis is done on firm-level data for the years 1969–1980.The results lend partial support to the assumption that foreign U.S. patent activity reflects innovative activity in the country where the patents originated. A major advantage in using foreign patenting in the U.S. as a technology indicator, is that this type of data in general seems to be of a higher quality than domestic patent data.  相似文献   

从制度因素视角就为什么在不同国家的国际专利流入数量会呈现明显的差异进行了分析和检验。采用36个国家1975-2005年每间隔5年的跨国面板数据,计量分析结果表明,专利保护、私有财产保护、贸易便利程度以及市场化程度四个制度因素对国际专利的扩散具有重要影响,一个国家在这些制度因素上的改进,相对会吸引较多的国际专利流入。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]当前全球经济以及科技迅猛发展,作为国家必不可少的基础设施,高速铁路更是进入了高速发展的新时代,我国积极地抓紧这次机遇,大力发展高铁产业。本文对高铁领域专利技术的布局进行研究,为我国掌握高铁行业发展态势,把握技术热点提供可借鉴性建议,为专利布局相关研究提供一个新思路。[方法/过程]本文从纵向、横向和深向三个角度宏观来观测专利布局态势,即专利申请的年度变化、专利国内国外布局和专利构成分析。在对高铁领域的专利技术布局进行全方位分析的基础上,进一步分析高铁领域主要竞争者的专利布局情况。[结果/结论]发现高铁领域的专利技术处在快速发展期,我国在短时间内已经成为了高铁领域的专利高产大国,但仍然存在专利布局过于保守、专利技术投入过于传统等问题,而国际各国对我国专利技术已形成了包夹之势。  相似文献   

通过中国专利数据库公开的发明专利信息,采用专利地图和专利计量分析方法对我国干细胞产业技术竞争态势进行系统分析与比较。结果表明,我国干细胞产业专利技术增长强劲,美国、日本、韩国等发达国家是我国在干细胞领域的竞争者;我国干细胞技术优势主要集中在科研机构和大学,国内研发团队领军人才明显少于国外机构,国内专利技术质量也不及国外。研究旨在为我国干细胞产业专利战略和产业创新政策的制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Building on a rich dataset with information on 65,000 firms and 465,000 European patent applications from 1978 to 2000, this paper addresses the geographical amplitude of international technology generation. First, we show that the number of countries hosting international technological activities is increasing. The USA and some developing nations benefit from this internationalisation. Conversely, although Europe as a whole still plays a leading role in the encouragement of foreign technological activities, some European countries, such as Germany and the UK, appear to be losing their technological appeal. Second, we verify that multinational corporations (MNCs) have increased the geographical amplitude of their technological activities. In fact, the mean number of countries in which MNCs internationalised technology generation has doubled during the 23 years we have analyzed. Third, we address the business characteristics that explain this phenomenon. A negative binomial regression suggests that internationalisation is higher in MNCs showing a greater technological diversification, a higher volume of technological activity, a wider presence in international markets and more experience in the international generation of technology. Finally, American corporations and (regardless of the home country) those firms whose main technological fields are in chemistry, pharmaceuticals, or electronics, present the highest geographical dispersion of their international technological activities.  相似文献   

贸易摩擦的最终目的是争夺技术创新的制高点。研究借助SPSS统计软件,以金砖国家2000-2018年在华获授权的3696项专利为依据,对外国在华专利技术的时序变化、专利权人、优势技术领域、优先权和PCT专利、有效专利、专利权利转移和被引用等特征进行了分析。研究得出以下结论:①大型企业专利权人是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的主导力量,个人专利权人是重要力量。②根据科技发展需求,技术保护是外国在华进行专利技术创新战略的主要目的。③经济发展水平和主导产业优势是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的推动要素。④应该以“一带一路”战略为契机,加强自主创新和技术创新合作,吸引更多核心创新技术首次在华申请专利和进行技术转移,推动中国国际科技创新中心建设,争取更为有利的国际竞争环境。  相似文献   

张军  戴炜轶  马廷灿 《现代情报》2016,36(9):142-150
新能源技术的不断发展对大规模储能技术提出更高的要求,钠硫电池作为一种备受关注的电化学储能技术,具有良好的性能与经济效益。本文以钠硫电池为研究对象,旨在通过对钠硫电池储能技术相关专利的分析,梳理并总结钠硫电池领域中技术研发重点与专利分布特点。专利数据来源于DII数据库中钠硫电池储能领域的全球专利。在调研钠硫电池研发概况的基础上,利用TDA和Innography工具,从专利申请总体态势、技术主题、主要国家/地区分布、重要专利权人等方面,对钠硫电池相关专利展开分析。最后,就我国钠硫电池储能技术的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

The paper contributes to the empirical literature by investigating host country innovation capability and export success of local firms as main determinants of technology transfer spending by foreign affiliates. In addition, the paper succeeds to partially explains why previous studies show mixed support for the significance of the technology diffusion from foreign affiliates by estimating the innovation capability threshold level. Using data for majority-owned foreign affiliates of the US parent companies in 32 developed and developing countries during the period 1966–2000, the panel data models have two main results. The first result is that the host country innovation capability and export success of local firms have significant impact on the technology transfer spending by foreign affiliates. The second result is that many developing countries do not attain the innovation capability threshold level in order to obtain positive technology spillovers from foreign affiliates.  相似文献   

高校科技创新中专利高申请量现象的反思和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校是我国科技创新的主要力量之一.近年来高校专利申请量和授权量呈现高速增长态势,但其专利技术的转移率低,有效专利的维持年限比较短,显示出高校创新与经济结合的问题并未得到有效解决.高校专利的高申请量表面繁荣之下隐藏着许多值得重视的问题,其中专利申请前未经过与市场结合的充分评估、发明人对其专利的实际价值认识存在偏差、有价值的高校专利技术未得到充分的挖掘和保护、发明人对技术成果采用何种方式进行保护缺乏理性认识、政府资金大幅投入的效益不明等问题已相当突出.要想真正促进高校专利质量提升和经济价值实现,需要从资助政策、考核体系、管理制度及文化建设方面进行有力改进和引导.  相似文献   

为探寻战略性新兴产业全球研发竞争态势以及我国在战略性新兴产业研发领域面临的机会与挑战,提出基于文献计量和专利分析的战略性新兴产业研发竞争态势分析模型,并以OLED产业为例,验证了该模型的客观性、可行性和有效性。案例结果表明,我国在OLED产业技术领域研发比较活跃,且在基础研究方面,已经具有较强的研究实力;但在专利开发方面与国外发达国家相比还有一定的差距,国外一些企业和个人已经在我国进行了长时间的OLED技术专利布局,成为我国OLED技术专利的重要持有者,并且一些专利是集中在我国OLED技术的空白领域,这将对我国在OLED产业技术领域的自主创新产生严重干扰。  相似文献   

基础研究成果获取专利及其效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方岩 《研究与发展管理》2004,16(2):93-97,105
随着现代科技的发展,基础研究出现了许多新特点与新变化。根据这些特点与变化,探讨了基础研究成果获取专利的现实性和可能性,并对基础研究成果获取专利带来的效应作出分析。认为:只有通过制度创新,才能合理配置知识资源,促进科技转化为生产力,有效参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

采用Thomson Innovation专利检索分析平台搜集整理驱动电机相关专利,通过分析国内外驱动电机专利的申请时间趋势、国别分布、申请人排名、技术热点分布以及国内专利省市分布,了解国内外驱动电机专利技术的发展现状,对比指出国内专利申请特点以及存在的问题,并尝试性地为国内驱动电机相关企业和科研机构提出相应的发展建议。  相似文献   

以德温特数据库作为样本数据来源,借助于德温特专利族时间和空间分布情况的计量分析,揭示太阳能汽车技术领域的全球专利布局特点。结果表明,太阳能汽车技术目前正处于快速发展期,该技术领域的竞争主要集中于中、日、美、韩、德等少数国家,中国后来居上一跃成为全球最大的专利受理国,也是全球主要的专利产出国,但是中国并未积极谋划海外专利布局。而西方国家早已将中国视为未来太阳能汽车的主要战场,美日等国继续推行进攻型专利战略,抢先在海外市场构筑了专利保护网络。  相似文献   

蔡中华  陈鸿  马欢 《科学学研究》2020,38(7):1207-1214
提高我国向沿线国家的专利申请质量是“一带一路”高质量发展和知识产权强国建设的内在要求,文章从专利申请质量的内涵出发,围绕技术质量和文本质量两个维度,选取7个指标构建了专利申请质量指标体系,使用结构熵权法确立权重,对我国向“一带一路”沿线国家的专利申请质量进行了测度研究。结果表明:我国向沿线国家的专利申请质量显著高于国内专利申请,高质量专利较多集中在数字通信、计算机技术、有机精细化学和电气机械设备等领域;我国向俄罗斯的专利申请整体质量最高,而向印度的申请整体质量较低;从申请来源省份看,北京等5个东部省份向沿线国家专利申请具有高数量-高质量特征,表现出较强的对外申请实力。  相似文献   

许可  刘海波  肖冰 《科学学研究》2019,37(7):1231-1237
早在2014年,我国就已经成为了专利申请量的第一大国,但如何将科技成果转化为有效的生产力这一问题始终没有得到有效的解决。由于科学与市场之间在追求目标、价值取向等方面均存在着不同,使得科学与市场这两个社会界域之间形成了明显的边界,进而导致技术转移这个沟通两个社会界域的活动难以顺畅、自发、有效的进行。为了模糊科学与市场之间的边界,解决技术转移中存在的种种问题,就需要新的机制设计。通过对技术转移与边界组织的研究发现①可以将边界组织的理论和概念扩展到技术转移领域,用边界组织的特性弥补了技术转移中边界现象带来的障碍,在拥有理论基础的情况下,为现有技术转移服务机构提出了新的发展方向。②总结现有的技术转移服务机构存在的问题,发现目前我国的大多数技术转移服务机构仍属于“摸着石头过河”,为此提出了边界组织范式的技术转移服务机构,给予了技术转移服务机构拥有理论基础的发展路径,对技术转移机构的未来发展有着显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

肖冰  何丽敏  许可 《科研管理》2021,42(1):113-123
税收优惠是激励创新的重要手段与方式,"专利盒"是欧盟地区促进企业创新的一项重要政策。实践中,该政策在降低企业税收负担、促进知识产权运用方面取得良好效果。但同时也存在优惠政策被滥用,以致成为企业避税工具的现实问题。通过案例研究的方法分析英国"专利盒"政策形成与演变的过程,研究发现,该政策有效降低了企业知识产权交易的税收金额,但政策受益的主体集中于大型跨国企业。在日趋严格的税收监管趋势下,限制优惠范围,规范计税方法,将成为"专利盒"政策发展的主要方向。上述结论可以为我国建立覆盖科技创新全流程的税收优惠政策体系提供有益参考。  相似文献   

本文在CH模型的基础上,对变量进行扩展,构建了国外专利申请溢出的传导模型,并采用全国29个省市1990--2007的数据,运用计量回归方法,实证研究了国外专利申请溢出对我国区域技术进步的影响.结果表明,国外专利申请在中国各区域都产生了技术溢出,这种溢出促进了地区技术进步,但由于国外专利申请溢出在各区域之间的传导存在差异,则对区域技术进步的影响也存在着一定的差异,其中这种技术溢出对中部地区的技术进步影响最大,其次是东北地区,对东部和西部地区技术进步的影响最小.  相似文献   

依据2001-2008年我国省市区面板数据,对自主研发、技术引进与专利产出之间的关系进行了实证分析。研究发现,从全国来看,自主研发和国内技术引进对专利产出有显著促进作用,但国外技术引进对专利产出没有显著影响或者影响作用较弱;从东中西部地区来看,自主研发对专利产出都有显著正效应,国外技术引进只对东部地区专利产出有显著正效应,国内技术引进只对中西部地区专利产出有显著正效应。  相似文献   

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