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随着欧洲高等教育国际化趋势不断加速,为了鼓励欧洲国家之间的高等教育机构,特别是大学促进学生的交流与合作,欧洲共同体以及后来的欧盟出台了一系列的高等教育政策,其中之一是"伊拉斯谟—曼德斯计划"。通过阐述"伊拉斯谟—曼德斯计划"的实施背景、内容并对其加以评析,提供了我们了解欧洲高等教育跨国合作的一个独特视角。  相似文献   

为了鼓励欧洲国家之间以及欧洲与世界其他地区在高等教育领域,特别是学生交流方面的合作,欧盟出台了伊拉斯谟系列计划,已历经30年。文章针对伊拉斯谟系列计划中的研究生联合培养项目进行研究,总结分析了该项目在研究生联合培养方面的主要内容、模式特点、培养成效,并以此为基础分析了该计划对我国高校研究生联合培养的启示。  相似文献   

【欧洲之声】欧盟委员会近日正式启动第二期“伊拉斯谟计划”(2009~2013)。资助领域由第一期的欧洲高校联合提供的硕士学位项目延伸至博士学位项目。至此,“伊拉斯谟计划”已经涵盖高等教育的各个层次。同时,第二期计划总预算从第一期(2004-2008)的2.3亿欧元大幅提升至9.3亿欧元。非欧盟国家大学的参与空间将扩大,第三国大学或高等教育机构可作为合作方参与联合办学体,与欧洲的大学共同合作开办硕士学位和博士学位课程项目。欧盟还在计划中注入了新的理念,更加注重贯穿质量保障意识,  相似文献   

欧盟:加强与海湾国家教育合作10月29日,2013年世界教育创新峰会在卡塔尔首都多哈举行。欧盟教育、文化、语言和青年专员安德鲁·瓦拉西欧强调,欧洲要对世界开放,通过教育和文化,不同国家的人才相互理解并建立更深联系。欧盟高等教育国际化的战略及"伊拉斯谟"和"创新欧洲"项目将是欧盟加强与海湾国家在教育和文化合作伙伴关系方面的重要桥梁。据悉,"伊拉斯谟"项目是欧盟教育、培训、青年和体育国际交流与合作的新计划,计划于2014年1月正式启动。除了资助欧洲国  相似文献   

本文通过对"伊拉斯谟项目"和"伊拉斯谟世界项目"的梳理,分析了欧盟从设立"伊拉斯谟项目"到启动"伊拉斯谟世界项目"欧盟高等教育国际化的跨越式发展,总结出欧盟高等教育在项目设计和实施中所体现出的国际化发展的特点,包括目标的国际化发展、项目内容的国际化发展、视野的国际化发展、参与范围的国际化发展、影响的国际化发展等,对我国高等教育国际化有一定的启示。  相似文献   

正据欧盟网站2014年9月22日报道,欧盟发布了《伊拉斯谟影响研究》(Erasmus Impact Study,EIS)调查报告。报告发现,伊拉斯谟项目提高了学生的就业能力,对学生的未来职业和生活都有很大的影响,伊拉斯谟项目也有助于提高教师的教育质量,提升高等教育机构的国际化水平。《伊拉斯谟影响研究》主要有两个目的:一是分析伊拉斯谟学生流动性对个人技能提高、就业能力发展的影响;二是调查伊拉斯谟项目对教师  相似文献   

"伊拉斯谟+"计划拓展了"伊拉斯谟"计划的成效,由三个关键性行动即促进个体学习交流、开展成功经验交流与合作、支持政策革新和两个辅助性方案即让·莫内行动、体育运动方案构成。欧盟采取了识别和验证技能与资格、传播和利用各种项目成果、扩大和保持国际合作、贯彻和实施多语言制度、倡导和促进公平与包容、保障与维护参与者的利益等措施来扩大欧洲高等教育在世界的影响力和竞争力。  相似文献   

李大为 《成人教育》2015,35(1):88-91
过去二十余年间,欧盟在不同领域内开展了各种形式的教育促进计划,并取得了一定成果.然而,这些计划在运行过程中也暴露出了诸多不足.面临并不乐观的社会和经济形势,欧盟以“伊拉斯谟计划”为主体,整合了包括高等教育、职业教育、成人教育等多个领域的计划和项目框架,于2014年启动了“新伊拉斯谟计划”.其中,成人教育领域作为非正规和非正式学习的重要形式,并作为终身学习理念的重点推广领域,得到了非常的重视.  相似文献   

据欧盟网站2013年11月21日报道,芬兰、希腊和西班牙的3所高等教育机构荣获2013年“欧洲伊拉斯谟奖”(European Erasmus Awards),同时获得一笔奖金。其中,金奖得主是位于芬兰中部的韦斯屈莱大学,该大学每年有70%的教职人员参与了伊拉斯谟海外交流项目,学校认为教师交换是提高教师质量的关键。希腊的克里特技术教育学院以及西班牙瓦伦西亚的理工大学分获了银奖和铜奖。“伊拉斯谟奖”的颁奖典礼于21日在比利时首都布鲁塞尔的展览中心举行。  相似文献   

孙珂  王宏方 《文教资料》2008,(24):79-81
在欧洲一体化进程中.高等教育学生流动发挥着不可或缺的作用.因此欧盟及其成员国便通过一系列措施大力推进大学生流动,如制定苏格拉底一伊拉斯谟计划(SOCRATES/ERASMUS)、莱昂纳多·达·芬奇计划(LEONARDO DA VINCI),推广欧洲学分转移与积累系统(ECTS),启动博洛尼亚进程(The Bologna Pro-cess)等.研究这些举措以及欧洲学生流动与欧洲高等教育一体化的关系,有利于加深我们对欧洲学生大流动的认识,同时还可以为我国相关方面的发展带来启示.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):225-240
This article examines the impact of European integration on higher education policies of the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders and Germany. The analysis of higher education policies in the three countries is part of a broader project, which focuses on a majority of E.U. member states. The selection of the three countries for this paper is not based on any methodological considerations. The question addressed is if higher education policies of member states are converging, diverging or not changing at all, and whether such developments are a consequence of the policies of the European Union (E.U.) or of other factors (e.g., the globalization of the market or of institutions imitating each other). A preliminary assessment leads to the conclusion that a number of important indications of convergence are present in national policy arrangements in the field of higher education (in particular student mobility and quality assurance, but less in the structure of higher education systems My attention will be focused on the structure of higher education systems, on quality assurance and on student and teacher mobility. These domains appear to cover most relevant issues pertaining to higher education policies in the European Union member states (funding of higher education is sometimes considered as a separate domain, but it can also be regarded as an element of the structure of higher education systems, while it is also related to the issue of quality assurance).). The European Union, however, does not have much legal authority in the policy sector in question. Thus, an explanation for converging national policies may lie elsewhere, in part in the concept of “institutional isomorphism”.  相似文献   

The development of higher education and research constitutes a possible pathway to innovation and global competitiveness. Nation states, however, often seek the quickest adaptations, with minimum investment, ignoring essential political and structural changes. Turkey maintains its highly centralized system of higher education observing the national policies in the field. This paper addresses the international aspects of Turkish higher education, with special focus on student and academic mobility. Present day Turkish higher education system has been shaped by two dominant major events: the post‐Soviet era and the country's integration into the European Union.  相似文献   

欧洲学分转换系统:从单一功能到双重功能的转变   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
欧盟国家在经济一体化深入进行的同时,也正朝着包括政治、文化一体化的目标努力。早在1987年,欧盟就在其成员国间进行了一项名为“伊拉斯莫”的高等教育合作计划,此计划旨在推动大学生在欧盟国家内的流动及通过合作提高欧盟国家高等教育的质量。在这个过程当中,欧盟委员会开发出了欧洲学分转换系统作为推动学生流动的工具,并取得了一定的效果。1999年《波洛尼亚宣言》发表,在肯定欧洲学分转换系统在促进学生流动方面的作用的同时,也希望将积累功能附加在欧洲学分系统之上,以促进终身学习。  相似文献   

A sweeping analysis is provided of the problems and challenges inherent in adapting the higher education systems of South East Europe to the Bologna Process. For the countries in question, not yet members of the European Union, educational reform, particularly the reform of higher education along the lines of the Bologna Process, are viewed as crucial steps to be taken on the way to membership. Such matters as course programmes and credits, faculty and student mobility, brain drain, the employment of graduates, quality and competitiveness, use of the NITs in the region, inter-university co-operation, higher education and society, lifelong learning, and the actions of international organizations are discussed. Some suggestions for further progress are given.  相似文献   

为打破欧洲各国的高等教育边界,欧洲各国于1999年签署了《博洛尼亚宣言》,由此启动了博洛尼亚进程。目前,欧洲各国教育部长们在推动旨在促进学生流动的学习项目方面达成了共识,一方面,吸引欧洲以外的学生到欧洲国家修读学位项目,另一方面促进欧洲内部的短期学生流动。虽然该政策的效果评估面临各种问题,但有些大体趋势依然可见。首先,博洛尼亚进程有助于促使欧洲以外的学生到欧洲学习,但对促进欧洲内部的学生流动作用不大。其次,到毕业为止,学生频繁向外流动的情形超出了很多学者的预期,但也因国家而异。最后,由于学生流动的排他性式微,其价值逐渐减小。  相似文献   

学生参与:欧洲高等教育质量保障中的新维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生参与高等教育质量保障是近年来欧洲高等教育政策所强调的一个重要方面.学生能否参与、在多大程度上参与,从根本上说涉及对高等学校教学活动中师生关系的认识.20世纪90年代以来,关于学生参与的理论先后有学生"顾客"论、学术共同体论和利益相关者论等.博洛尼亚进程对于学生参与高等教育质量保障不仅有明确的政策倡导,而且有具体的监测指标.从执行情况看,相关政策还存在有待完善的空间.尽管如此,从博洛尼亚进程对学生参与质量保障的重视程度可以看出,在当前欧洲高等教育的改革与发展过程中,学生这一利益群体越来越受到重视.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse political rationales for promoting student mobility in Europe and discuss these in the light of individual experiences of mobile students. Since the creation of the ERASMUS programme in 1987, student mobility in Europe has been the subject of unusual political promotion. More recently, in the context of the Bologna process, the goal of increasing student mobility has been reaffirmed by various higher education actors. Student mobility is thought to be both a component of the European Higher Education Area and one of its outcomes. Beyond this apparent widespread acceptance, we examine, on the one hand, underlying legitimating ideas and rationales that accompanied the institutionalisation of student mobility by the European Commission and a regional French authority. We also discuss the extent to which drives for mobility and outcomes at the individual student level are in line with the political perceptions and expectations of the above‐mentioned institutional actors.  相似文献   

Since the European unification project started in the 1950s, rules, regulations and policies have been formulated by the European Union (and its predecessors) to facilitate the flow of products and people; those who benefited from the increasing transnational exchange urged European actors to remove remaining obstacles and further facilitate European trade and mobility. In the field of higher education and research, this transnational activity has led to the emergence of European rules, a strengthening of European institutions and the development of a European higher education and research community. In other words, it has led to the institutionalisation of the European higher education and research area (EHERA). The argument put forward in this article is that these three dimensions and the increase in transnational activity shape a dynamic process of which further integration of the EHERA is likely to be a result.  相似文献   

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