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虽然你和它们未曾谋面,但是你每次乘飞机时总与之同行。它们记录你去何方,飞行速度是多少,以及飞机上的一切是否正常运转。它们几乎能从所有灾难中幸存下来,  相似文献   

佚名  李孜 《课外阅读》2006,(5):61-62
类人猿甲:不公平,为什么进化到直立行走的担子要落在我们肩上,就这一个早上,我已经摔了十八跤了!  相似文献   

本文中主要讨论热力学的发展简史和热力学理论与其热现象中的应用.  相似文献   

元代,是回回的初期活动时期。在这个时期里,战争和农耕占很重要地位,蒙古军西侵后,把中亚细亚各族人编入探巴赤军签发东来。探巴赤军按规定,要“上马则备战斗,下马则屯聚牧养”。当时回回“屯聚牧养”的地方,有甘肃河西、宁夏、河南、山东和河北一带,以及云南等地。此后,又有大批的回回军士在社的编制下,投入农牧业生产中去,而成为普通的牧民。与此同时,被迁东来的还有大批回回工匠,回回商人,他们多半居住在城市和交通要道上。  相似文献   

欢迎,欢迎。恭喜,恭喜。我很高兴,你居然成功了。我知道,来到这个世界很不容易。事实上,我认为比你知道的还要难一些。首先,你现在来到这个世界,几万亿个游离的原子不得不以某种方式聚集在一起,以复杂而又奇特的方式创造了你。这种安排非常专门,非常特别,过去从未有过,存在仅此一回。在此后的许多年里,  相似文献   

世界上有那么一类词汇,它们实在是太基本了,以至于为了解释一个这样的词汇,人们必须引入一大堆比这个词汇复杂得多的词汇,而且事实上会越解释越糊涂。“时间”就是一个这样的词汇。似乎谁都知道时间是什么意思,可是又没有人说得清时间究竟是什么东西。哲学家那些玄而又玄的套话(比如“时间是物质存在的基本形式之一”),往往使人越听越糊涂;而霍金那本大名鼎鼎的《时间简史》,里面实际上却是谈宇宙学的。  相似文献   

一天早晨,我向儿子乔迪许下了一个诺言。“你的小弟弟马特病了,乔迪,”我说,“为了照顾他,你妈妈昨天一夜都没有睡觉。她今天可能不能带你去公园了。不过,我答应你,等我下班回来,我就带你去广场上玩,就我们俩,我保证!”  相似文献   

史艳华 《考试周刊》2013,(88):26-27
汉语古典籍的英译目前已成为较热门的学科,本文意在对古典籍诗歌的英译情况进行简要概述,介绍中国古典诗歌,如《诗经》等的翻译简史及其在英国、美国等英语国家的译介出版情况.  相似文献   

早期关于遗传物质的臆测关于遗传物质基础 ,科学家早就有所臆测。 186 4年英国哲学家斯宾塞曾提出“生理单位” ;186 8年达尔文将其称为“微芽” ;1884年瑞士植物学家冯内格列称之为“异胞质” ;1889年荷兰学者德弗里斯称为“泛生子” ;1883年德国魏斯曼称之为“种质” ,并指明生殖细胞中的染色体便是种质 ,认为种质是遗传的 ,体质不遗传 ,种质影响体质 ,而体质不影响种质。这在理论上为重新发现和广为人们接受的孟德尔的遗传规律铺平了道路。基因的前奏———遗传因子19世纪中叶在欧洲 ,正当人们热衷于搞植物杂交实验时 ,孟德尔 (Mendel)…  相似文献   

以长征为题材的电影可分为四个阶段:1949年-1966年,再现英雄时代;1966年-1976年,表现"红色年代";1976年-1989年,在艺术上求新求变;1990年至今,在主旋律旗帜下。政治运动和意识形态变迁始终是决定长征电影兴衰的关键性因素。  相似文献   

Passed in 2000, the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) mandates Internet filtering for all public schools and libraries. Challenges to the law have been raised on constitutional grounds by free-speech advocates such as the American Library Association and the American Civil Liberties Union. After losing one such challenge in district court, the federal government appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the law was upheld in June 2003, though not without possible future concerns. CIPA has profound implications for K–12 school leaders and technology specialists, and a history of the law reveals much about its origins and purpose.  相似文献   

金球奖的历史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Maybe it's just the endless awards show coverage in the news this time of year, but it seems like there' s a trophy(奖品) handed out for everything from best film to best performance by a houseplant. You' ve got your AMAs, your CMAs, your DMAs,  相似文献   

有效市场假说领导创立四十周年之际,其能否成立是新古典金融学与行为金融学论战的焦点。本文回顾了自1900年以来有效市场假说的主要文献,研究了随机游走理论和有效市场理论产生和发展的学说史,同时评述了1970年以后有效市场理论的最新进展。本文厘清了有效市场假说与行为金融争论,提出套利限制是由制度性因素还是投资者心理因素是两者论战的实质,同时指明有效市场假说适用于一般均衡,而行为金融的更适用于局部均衡。  相似文献   

With the development of globalization,and of high technology,especially information technology(IT),together with the adiUStment of the USA government's policy,New Economy came into being in 1990s in the United States.As a new economic formation. New Economy is information\knowledge economy in essence. New Economy can be divided into two distinctive periods marked off by the September 11 attacks.New Economy has its own characters and we should adopt an objective attitude towards it.  相似文献   

The term “reading wars” is a way of describing the intensity of the debate that has raged over the last 20 years between the major theorists of the whole language approach, Kenneth Goodman and Frank Smith, and their critics, particularly Philip Gough. It has been a dead‐serious debate, though to an outsider it may have seemed like a series of pitched battles, with no prisoners taken. This review describes in detail the positions taken by both sides in the debate, and concludes that the Goodman/Smith theoretical position has not stood the test of time.  相似文献   

This article investigates the Iraqi educational system and the historical, political, religious, and cultural factors that have influenced teaching and learning in Iraq. It is based on the author's personal experience as an educator within the system for three decades. The author posits that Iraqi educators must establish a collaborative and cooperative endeavor for a reformation of the Iraqi educational system. The current educational system of rote memorization has governed Iraqi schools and universities for almost one century. The author envisions a new educational system that would be based on new teaching and learning approaches that cultivate students’ critical thinking skills, as well as teachers’ pedagogical skills.  相似文献   

The subfield of Darwin studies devoted to comparative reception coalesced around 1971 with the planning of a conference on the subject, at the University of Texas at Austin held in April 1972. The original focus was western Europe, Russia and the United States. Subsequently a spate of studies on the Italian reception added to the Eurocentric focus. The center of activity then switched to Latin America where a group of scholars coalesced in the mid 1990s, seemingly related to the maturation of the history of science as a discrete discipline there somewhat earlier. When interest in Europe revived during the last decade, the center of gravity had moved both eastward, to the former Society bloc countries (a reflection of the institutionalization of the history of science there), and north to Scandinavia. Recently, interest in the topic has emerged in the Islamic World. The subtext of the expansion of this topic is modernization.  相似文献   

同学们好,今天我们讲教育技术的发展历史。在讲正题之前,我想说明三点:第一点,教育技术可以分为传统教育技术和现代教育技术。我们对于教育技术的理解可以有两种理解:一种是广义的理解,一种是狭义的理解。广义的理解包括传统教育技术和现代教育技术;狭义的理解就指的现代教育技术。  相似文献   

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