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姚传德 《教学研究》2007,(3):204-206
目前日本私立大学出现经营危机的主要原因是人口出生率下降、大学数量相对过剩、政府教育政策的变革导致竞争加剧、政府资助的减少等等.私立大学正面临着改革与重组.  相似文献   

目前日本私立大学出现经营危机的主要原因是人口出生率下降、大学数量相对过剩、政府教育政策的变革导致竞争加剧、政府资助的减少等等。私立大学正面临着改革与重组。  相似文献   

面对经济低迷、少子化、失业率增长、高等教育国际竞争力下降等形势的不断加剧,日本政府开始启动新一轮的国立大学课程改革.改革的主要措施是重组或裁撤人文社科专业,同时扶持与加强理工科专业,并通过适度的财政倾斜保证改革的有效实施.此次改革呈现出明显的“抑文扬理”特征.改革的目的在于提升国立大学学术水平,提高国立大学毕业生就业率,促使国立大学由“综合化”向更加“专业化”和“实用性”的方向发展,并促使国立大学将其承担的一部分人文社科功能转交给私立大学,以实现学科布局的合理化.  相似文献   

日本私立大学的质量评估及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本对于私立高等教育质量的评估可分为外部评估和内部评估,私立高等教育外部评估主要由民间的大学基准协会和文部省来实施.大学基准协会对私立大学的评估有两种:"加盟判定审查"和"相互评估".文部省对私立大学的评估是通过大学评价-学位授予机构来实施的.内部评估则是私立大学的自我评估.日本的经验对我国民办高校教育质量评估有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

近年来,台湾地区私立大专院校数量快速增加,但由于少子化趋势、教育经费不足等原因,造成了台湾地区私立高等教育质量的失衡.为了提升私立高等教育质量,台湾地区教育部门重新制订了公私立大学的评鉴制度,并逐步修订私立学校法律,建立私立大学退场机制,以促进台湾私立大学竞争力的提升.  相似文献   

韩国实施高等职业教育的机构主要是专门大学.专门大学学历层次不局限于专科水平,其"专业深化课程"还可授学士学位;专门大学以私立为主,而私立专门大学以其具有特色的专业设置实现了与公立专门大学的错位发展;专门大学通过合作协议方式与企业合作,实现了产学双赢.我国高等职业教育发展可适度借鉴韩国的经验.  相似文献   

20世纪50~70年代日本私立大学的经费不足问题日益严重,既有学校自身资金周转问题,也有更深层的政治社会原因.经费匮乏不仅使私立大学公共设施不足,办学条件恶劣,同时使得私立大学以发展文科为主.政府对私立大学的财政补助使其更加依赖政府资助,在办学上更加脆弱.  相似文献   

世界最早的大学,博洛尼亚大学是私立的. 美国最早的大学,如哈佛,耶鲁,是私立的. 中国最早的大学中,也有私立的,如南开,复旦. 这些大学办得差吗?都很好.南开、复旦在其是私立的时候就相当好.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初期,日本高等教育大众化进程中的规模扩张任务主要由私立大学承担.在学费收入及政府财政拨款有限的情况下,日本私立大学开始通过向资本市场借贷的方式来筹措部分办学经费.日本私立大学的借贷融资至今已大致经历了贷款规模膨胀期、还贷危机治理期及贷款融资稳定期等三个发展阶段.现在,借贷资金仍然是日本私立大学的重要财源之一.长期的制度建设和有效的治理,已使日本私立大学的借贷融资,无论是贷款规模还是贷款资金来源的构成均趋向稳定.  相似文献   

战后日本私立大学在政府的控制与扶持之下得到迅速发展,但20世纪90年代以后,由于日本18岁人口减少,以及在政府高等教育市场化政策之下大学之间激烈的市场竞争,使得部分私立大学陷入经营危机。为避免私立大学经营危机带来的冲击,日本政府试图通过建立私立大学经营危机预警机制以及建立私立大学破产处理程序以保护学生的利益。但日本私立大学经营危机处理中依然存在着制度不够完备、学生保护措施薄弱等诸多问题。  相似文献   

民办高校教师激励机制构建——基于马斯洛需要理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民办高校已经成为当前高等教育体系中一支强有力的主力军,面对公办院校的扩招和民办高校之间的竞争,提升教育质量最为关键的师资成为民办高校品牌的核心竞争力,但不少民办高校教师队伍普遍存在流动性大、稳定性差等问题。本文根据当前民办高校教师需求现状,就如何完善满足教师合理需求的激励机制提出建议。  相似文献   

Internationalisation of higher education in Malaysia is seen as a means for improving and empowering higher education so that the higher education institutions in the country can become comparable to the best in the world. While the government has spelt out the directions as well as some of the targets for internationalisation, higher education institutions in the country have been internationalising for different reasons and with different levels of priority and intensity. Public universities, especially the older ones, have been engaged in internationalisation as part of their academic growth and development. Concurrently, a variety of private institutions of higher learning has evolved since the opening up of private higher education from the 1980s. These include private universities that have been established by large corporations, smaller private colleges that have been elevated to the status of degree-conferring institutions as well as branch campuses of foreign universities. The objective of this paper is to examine the different concepts and challenges of internationalisation faced by the different types of higher education institutions in the country, using the case study approach. It was found that in each of these cases, the concept of internationalisation and the challenges faced are different, although funding is raised as a problem in three of the four cases. These different challenges imply that current policies may have to be fine-tuned in order to address the different needs of these institutions in their respective efforts to internationalise.  相似文献   

高等教育当前应当着重抓什么   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
我国高等教育在进一步发展过程中需要特别关注三个问题 :首先 ,在公办高校继续发展的同时 ,必须发展民办高校 ,提高民办高校的办学水平。其次 ,无论是公办高校还是民办高校都需要提高质量。再次 ,在公办高校中 ,应当将精英教育与大众化教育区别对待  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育发展进入了一个新的时期,转型发展是民办高校突出重围,走向建设高水平大学的必由之路。从发展形势看,民办高校的前景是广阔的、光明的,因为有经济基础,还有最重要的人口基础。转型就是要从粗放式、低水平的重复发展模式,转变到精细化、高水平发展模式。要实现成功转型,民办高校应当坚定信念寻找突破口,调整和优化学科专业结构,建立内涵丰富的应用型人才培养体系,积极探索现代大学制度。  相似文献   

日本私立高校面临倒闭危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私立高校对日本高等教育大众化的推进起到了重要的作用,为日本社会培养了大批各级各类专门性人才,促进了日本经济的发展。但近年来,少子化趋势高校竞争加剧以及大学管理理念与决策失误等高校内外环境的改变,使部分私立大学面临倒闭危机,为了使自身得以生存和发展,私立高校采取了一系列改革措施。  相似文献   

This article considers the potential role of private institutions in the development of Russian higher education. After decades of a government centralised higher education system, there is a clear trend towards the privatisation of education institutions and the diversification of education practices. Some commentators consider this to indicate that the Russian State is losing control of education; others welcome private initiatives, both in formal and informal education. Russian higher education has also been greatly challenged by the current demographic gap: the total number of secondary school graduates expected in 2012 is half that of 2006. This strengthens the competition for the enrolment of students in private and public (federal and municipal) institutions. Based on recent interviews with senior management at a number of provincial private universities, this article suggests possible avenues for private universities to extend into the education market and considers the implications.  相似文献   

The expansion of private sectors of higher education has usually been regarded as a factor of diversification in higher education systems. Some of this differentiation has been found to arise from the affiliation of private institutions with organizations outside the field of higher education. This article reports the results of a study of this form of interorganizational relationship in private universities in Chile. Cases include universities founded or sponsored by religious, business and military organizations. A typology of private universities is proposed, on the basis of the forms affiliation (or its absence), was observed to take in the cases examined. Weak and strong forms of affiliation are described, and affiliated universities are compared to “proprietary” universities, i.e., those owned by individuals who govern them from their positions in the board of directors, and “independent” universities, in which governance lies with internal – academic or administrative – constituents. Albeit derived from the case of Chile, the typology could be applied to the analysis of private higher education in other national systems. The second part of the article seeks to ascertain whether affiliation operates as a source of differentiation in Chilean private higher education. Results show that, compared to the other types of private universities, the affiliated ones possess distinctive mission statements and declarations of principles, consistent with the orientations of their sponsor institutions, they tend to be smaller, and to have more full-time and better qualified faculty. Some receive financial support from their sponsor organization or its members. Distinctiveness was not found in indicators of prestige and student selectivity, nor in tuition levels, program offerings, curriculum design, the weight of research and graduate programs in their functions, student socioeconomic profile, and faculty involvement in governance. This is not to say that there are no differences in these dimensions among private universities: much diversity exists, but most of it cuts across all categories of interest for our study. Overall, affiliation does not appear to be a strong factor behind the diversification that exists in the Chilean private university sector.  相似文献   

Following a rapid overview of the genesis of private higher education in Romania after the Revolution of December 1989, the author proceeds to analyse the phenomenon in terms of John Meyer's neo‐institutionalist perspective. Citing, in particular, Meyer's theses regarding the isomorphism of organizations with their respective environments, she credits much of the early success of private Romanian higher education institutions in getting started to their close copying of the structure, offerings, and procedures of public higher education in addition to unsatisfied public demand for higher education. She further shows how private higher education institutions have adapted to the requirements of accreditation and state funding possibilities. She fears, however, that the continuing demographic downturn in Romania along with the creation of extra tuition fee‐paying openings at the public universities may finally doom private higher education.  相似文献   

New public management and increasing levels of competition driven by global rankings are bringing the managerial practices of public and private higher education institutions closer together. However, these two types of institutions still maintain different objectives and traditions and enjoy different degrees of autonomy that are reflected in their internal organisational structures. We study the relative efficiency and productivity performance of private and public universities in Spain through two adaptations of the Malmquist Index. Results show that, in 2009/2010, the greater flexibility of private universities meant a better adjustment between inputs and outputs in the private sector. However, in 2013/2014, public universities had caught up with private universities. Because of the economic crisis, the inputs of public universities have decreased, but this decrease had not fully impacted their results in 2013/2014.  相似文献   

Towards quality private higher education in central and eastern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of private higher education institutions in post-communist Eastern Europe has risen spectacularly since 1989. In some countries, private-sector enrollments have neared one-third of total enrollment. This article traces the development of these private higher education institutions. The argument is that while their quality is currently varied, they are structurally much better suited to serve the post-communist world than are the rigid, cash-strapped public universities. However, they must first overcome certain challenges, such as a lack of prestige, that arise from their very identity as private-sector institutions.  相似文献   

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