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中国历史上失婚妇女的命运有其时代的烙印。汉代妇女盛行自由改嫁,上至皇族妇女,下至平民百姓,再嫁者司空见惯。到唐代,守寡或离婚后再嫁者不在少数,公主再嫁者也不乏其人。宋代尤其从宋代晚期开始,寡妇守贞已逐渐成了士大夫阶层的共识,并被社会各阶层普遍实践。汉唐宋时期守寡妇女的生活变迁无不印证着历史的视角:汉代妇女自由改嫁蔚然成风,唐代妇女改嫁之习气依然,足以证明在唐以前社会不以改嫁为非礼,而宋代以后,随着士族礼法门风向皇室和普通民众的传播与普及,儒家礼法文化逐渐确立其正统思想的地位,并逐渐被全社会所接受。  相似文献   

16至17世纪上半期,英格兰城市的商人和匠人寡妇不仅乐于再嫁而且急于再嫁,其对象往往是比自己年轻的男子。这一特征的形成既与寡妇所处的社会阶层密不可分,也与她们生活在城市有关。她们既没有受到上层及中产阶级上层思想的钳制,也未像底层穷寡妇那样依赖于教区的救济而被摒弃于婚姻市场之外,还拥有比农村姐妹更加有利的改嫁条件。因此,她们的改嫁是常见的,也是基本未被社会文化所扭曲的一种正常现象。  相似文献   

>For a variety of reasons, psychological services are largely unavailable for older people who want help in coping with their interpersonal problems. Group counseling, when it is used, proves to be an effective and efficient method for meeting their needs. It also addresses the reality of the limited numbers of gerontologically trained professionals currently available in the field. A readily attainable, and largely untapped, resource for working with this population is older people themselves. The Continuum Center of Oakland University selects, trains, and supervises older men and women, who serve as paraprofessional group leaders in a self‐exploration program offered in a variety of community centers in the Detroit metropolitan area. The service and training programs, and some of the outcomes for clients and group leaders, are briefly described.  相似文献   

The results of a community college's efforts to develop a range of educational services for the aging are presented. Cultural, educational, and recreational activities provided within a college setting and through a network of neighborhood centers are described, as well as continuing education and in‐service training programs for persons who work with the elderly. The processes and problems involved in planning, organizing, and administering such a comprehensive program for the elderly in an educational institution are described and discussed.

The authors attempt to demonstrate that a wide range of opportunities exists for colleges and universities in most localities to develop a variety of services that can enhance the quality of life of the elderly. Their central message is that it is possible to accomplish a lot with quite limited resources if available resources are used well. A variety of educational services to a large number of older persons and to people who work with them was generated by a small initial grant. This grant enabled the college not only to begin to identify the educational needs of the elderly in a particular locality but also to locate a wide range of available resources (money, people, facilities) that could be used immediately to provide services.  相似文献   


In this article, the authors propose six standards for the work of Intergenerational Specialists in an emerging field of professional practice. These standards are intended to guide students in academic settings who are preparing to work as Intergenerational Specialists in direct service roles, administrative capacities, or the supervision and training of others in the field. In addition, they might also be considered useful guidelines for program developers who want to ensure mutually beneficial interactions between younger people and older adults in any kind of organized intergenerational context. The proposed Standards for Intergenerational Practice are currently being piloted by students in a graduate degree program, and eventually will be submitted to Generations United for endorsement and widespread acceptance by the field. These basic principles are consistent with NAEYC's Developmentally Appropriate Practices for early childhood programs, and they are also consistent with ethical practices in programs for older adults.  相似文献   

If training programs with older participants can be implemented and evaluated through Title IV‐A of the Older Americans Act, the gerontological community can compare the relative merits of these types of programs with the more typical ones that train younger adults to serve older persons. An emphasis on older participants may be particularly relevant in the 1980s, when career training for younger adults in the human service occupations appears to be less promising. Older participants are more likely to complete training programs and enter part‐time or volunteer work. Studies have found older participants to be competent trainees, effective workers, and likely candidates to improve self‐esteem. However, much work needs to be done in the area of program evaluation. The Institute of Gerontology at the University of the District of Columbia has developed and implemented three training programs with older participants. Two future objectives of the Institute are to evaluate the programs with more rigorous methodologies and to encourage similar programs to be developed, implemented, and evaluated at ofher institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

Although the literature contains numerous references to stress and burnout within the professional staffs of hospice programs, little has been written about stress among hospice volunteers. This article explores this issue by examining what the literature has to say about significant stressors and appropriate strategies for coping with stress and burnout. Implications for work with and the training of hospice volunteers are suggested. A number of research questions also are suggested.  相似文献   

During the coming years the number of older adults will increase dramatically, which will require a corresponding increase in the number of social workers who have accurate knowledge of this population. This article reports the impact focus groups with older adults and with service providers who work with older adults and their families have on baccalaureate social work (BSW) students. We find that BSW students exposed to focus groups have their negative attitudes about older adults and service providers deconstructed and replaced with more positive and accurate information about older adults. When students' misconceptions about older adults are confronted, they become more interested in choosing geriatric social work as a career option.  相似文献   

移民工作天下第一难,它涉及各种利益、关系、结构的再调整、再分配、再重组,牵一发而动全局,如果不处理妥当,极易引起干群关系对立,诱发群体性事件.周云和在《搏浪金沙江》中借鉴了小说描写的技法,塑造了一个个移民工作者的鲜活形象:他们都是没有受过完整现代政治训练的屏山基层乡镇干部,受命于为难之际,生存于夹缝之间,行走在钢丝之上,用他们的真心、爱心、责任心,用他们的智慧,用他们的汗水和泪水,排除了一个又一个困难,化解了一个又一个矛盾,终于不辱使命,胜利完成了屏山历史上单项工作量最大的移民搬迁任务,创造了新形势下移民工作的一个崭新模式.  相似文献   

Though they need help, most people who are over 60 have an aversion to welfare as such and want to work. Most older persons find their pensions and/or social security benefits rapidly eroded by inflation and need some supplemental income. Similarly, many need to be sought out, assisted, and counseled back into active involvement in their own lives and that of their community. Career education, particularly directed at training older people to work in human services, the work of helping others, is viewed as a plausible, viable concept. It can help many older adults “retire to” rather than “retire from” and help them help themselves, their peers, and others. This paper encourages new and/or second careers for many older people.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe a project that aims to foster active aging through entrepreneurial activities among older adults. The project establishes the feasibility of implementing an intervention program that assimilates the concept and capabilities of entrepreneurship among older adults and supports them while launching new ventures. A 12-meeting training program was provided to the selected participants followed by continuing support through a tailor-made incubator. The pilot experiment selected a group of retirees who sought work and had no previous entrepreneurial experience. Of the 22 participants in the intervention program, 15 (70%) actually started a microenterprise based on their previously formulated ideas and past work experience and encouraged by participation in the program. Fostering older adults’ entrepreneurial activities has value much further than fulfilling individual needs because it provides benefits to the welfare of the community as well as to the economy. The pilot experiment suggests that this type of intervention program is feasible and warrants further studies.  相似文献   

Project InSights is a community vision education and outreach program designed to utilize trained older adult volunteers to educate their peers about age-related vision loss and the benefits of vision rehabilitation for people who are visually impaired. Volunteers conduct programs that motivate attendees to maintain their vision health and provide information about available services and resources in the community. The overall goal is to prevent unnecessary functional disability among older adults with vision impairment. Peer education is based on the assumption that people are more likely to listen to their contemporaries, and Project InSights uses this approach. A nine-month evaluation of Project InSights was conducted to determine program effectiveness, volunteer and attendee satisfaction, and suggestions for program modification. Data were gathered from two perspectives--program attendees and volunteers--via telephone interviews and evaluation forms completed by program attendees. Program attendees (90 % ) stated that they learned something new that could help them or someone they know who has a vision problem. Volunteers (98 % ) would recommend others to become an InSights volunteer because they are providing an important service. Results indicate that Project InSights was viewed as a valuable community resource by all involved.  相似文献   

Having regained independence from Russia in 1990, Lithuania is in the process of developing a social service system to meet the needs of its older citizens. This paper describes the current situation of older persons in Lithuania and the early stages of gerontology education and gerontological service provision in that nation. Future social service providers (n = 22) who participated in one of Lithuania's first gerontological education training programs completed the 17 items of Kogan's Attitudes Toward Old People Scale. Results indicate that future service providers hold generally neutral to positive attitudes toward older persons. The absence of negative attitudes toward older persons among the first generation of Lithuanian gerontological service providers bodes well for the development of gerontology education and services for older persons in Lithuania.  相似文献   

This paper considers components of a framework for relational training for counsellors who work with interpreters. Where counsellors and clients cannot be linguistically matched, they will need to incorporate an interpreter into their therapeutic relationship. Counsellors are often unprepared to work in this way. ‘Mothertongue multi-ethnic counselling service’, a UK counselling agency has developed and piloted an in-house training for counsellors and interpreters. Components of this training in how to work collaboratively with interpreters are considered in this paper. These components address the need for a collaborative relationship between counsellor and interpreter, consideration of dynamics in a triangular relationship and a clear delineation of responsibilities. Recommendations are made for the development of a training curriculum and models of clinical supervision for counsellors and interpreters who want to work together collaboratively.  相似文献   

高职酒店管理专业学生服务意识的培养研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
服务意识是酒店服务产品的生命力,是服务质量的关键,是服务工作的灵魂,是从事酒店服务行业员工素质的关键标志。目前,高职院校酒店管理专业的学生由于种种原因,普遍缺乏服务意识。因此,应在课堂上、环境中加强学生服务意识的教育与培养。  相似文献   

Most health care and social service providers are routinely required to work with elderly clients and clients’ aging family members. Research suggests that students entering these professions have knowledge deficits and lack positive attitudes toward older people. Few prefer to work with aging clients. Professional curricula are not providing students with adequate training to serve the current needs of this population, much less to meet projected increases in demand for services. To examine this issue, 67 master's students in nursing and social work completed questionnaires assessing (1) knowledge about aging, (2) attitudes toward old people, and (3) perceived barriers to gerontological education. Results confirmed the existence of knowledge deficits among respondents. Attitudes tended to be neutral rather than strongly positive or negative. Knowledge scores were related to attitudes, to respondents’ ages, and to their having lived in households with older relatives. Nursing students identified the greatest barriers in gerontological education as insufficient curriculum time and lack of academic role models. Social work students perceived lower status of work with the elderly and limited experience with healthy older people as the greatest barriers. The two groups agreed that fragmentation of services contributes to inadequate gerontological preparation. Findings suggest a need for didactic and experiential learning opportunities, reinforced by appropriate academic role models, for students in service professions.  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化程度的不断加快,临终关怀日益受到社会关注。作为医学院校的教师必须重视对医学生进行临终关怀教育。为提高医学生临终关怀教育的实际效果,通过临终关怀典型案例的教学方式,让医学生感受临终患者的心理状态,了解其情感需求和医疗服务要求,从而提升临终关怀教育教学的质量。  相似文献   

This article summarizes a national survey of the hospice community. Respondents provided detailed information in the following areas: (a) What formal mental health training is provided for staff members? (b) Who conducts this training? (c) What areas are covered and where would more training be useful? (d) How is the training conducted--what formats and teaching materials are used? and (e) How much training do staff members receive? The results of the survey indicate that the hospice community is making a concerted effort to meet the mental health training needs of its paid staff members and volunteers. However, more than half of the hospices surveyed expressed a need for further training in 26 of the 33 issues and skills covered in the questionnaire, and many reported a need for a more systematic and comprehensive mental health curriculum. The findings point to several areas of particularly great need and provide a basis for the development of future mental health training in the hospice community.  相似文献   

Extended lifespans and an increase in community‐based services have created an environment in which it is imperative that educational and service systems focus attention on older people with developmental disabilities. Although the cumulative effects of growing older with a lifelong disability create a unique set of issues and service needs, gerontology courses seldom include content on these elders. An insufficient educational focus translates into a service system inadequately prepared to meet critical individual needs. In this paper we describe an educational model used to prepare students to work with older people who have mental retardation. Students in the course described, part of the Interdisciplinary Leadership Training Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities at the University of Georgia, are exposed to the ecological perspective as a way to examine various issues related to the aging population with mental retardation. Students explore issues relevant to older individuals with mental retardation and the various contexts in which these individuals function. The six units of the course are: overview of the older population with mental retardation, physiological issues, mental health issues, social support systems, service delivery networks, and legal and ethical concerns. Content from the course model can easily be infused into foundation gerontology courses to expose a greater number of students to the group of older people who have mental retardation.  相似文献   

外向型农民工是指针对国际劳务市场的劳务输出农民工,也就是在国外务工并获得劳动收入的农民工。外向型农民工对缓解国内就业压力,促进我国经济发展有着重要作用,然而语言不通妨碍了我国农民工走向世界,因此必须加大对外向型农民工的英语培训力度。本文探讨了外向型农民工英语培训的重要性,以及培训由谁来出资、谁来负责以及培训内容等问题,以期促进我国外向型农民工英语培训工作,扩大农民工对外输出规模。  相似文献   

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