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Although academic staff have a key role to play in innovation at higher education institutions (hEIs), current innovation adoption among academic staff is disappointing. Most curricula at hEIs are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission for teaching and learning with little exploration of technologies for innovative/inventive outputs. This article explores the essential issues of innovation/invention in higher education and provides criteria for empowering innovation. Starting from reflections and perspectives on innovation at South African hEIs and the theories on innovative problem solving, the article provides arguments on multiple issues of innovation/invention that culminate in crucial criteria for innovation. The real dilemma for innovation is caused by external and macro-level factors that require the analysis of existing business models. The management of HEIs have to take into account the underlying barriers, such as knowledge of patenting and academic valorisation, when they create policies that encourage academic staff to explore innovative endeavours.  相似文献   

Education policies should support the use of programs and practices with strong evidence of effectiveness. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) contains evidence standards and incentives to use programs that meet them. This provides a great opportunity for evidence to play a stronger role in decisions about education programs and practices. However, for evidence-based reform to prevail, three conditions must exist: many practical programs with solid evidence; trusted and user-friendly reviews of research; and more education policies that provide incentives for use of proven programs. The article discusses recent progress in each of these areas and notes difficulties in each. It makes a case that if these difficulties can be effectively addressed, evidence-based reform may begin to make a meaningful difference in education outcomes at the national level.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(2):157-171
Rapidly growing higher education systems are often characterized by market failure in terms of programs’ quality. When new institutions with various motivations enter the higher education market, and when applicants to these institutions are characterized by heterogeneous goals and motivations, acceptance criteria may differ among institutions. As a result, the quality of higher education may deteriorate. The current paper formally expresses this problem in a model for planning quality policy of academic institutions. Afterwards, an explanation is provided regarding conditions for setting national minimal quality requirements. This theoretical framework is applied to the Israeli higher education system, in an attempt to show that there is a market failure. Since controlling bodies do not have complete information about the quality of academic programs and there is low sensitivity to quality variations, high quality institutions do not have sufficient incentives to maintain high quality. Based on this analysis, policy implications regarding the required structural changes are drawn.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of selection for graduate study at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in the Netherlands. The VU developed and implemented an assessment instrument for students with a vocational Bachelor degree wishing to pursue a Master’s programme at the university. This instrument is new in the egalitarian higher education culture of the Netherlands. It focuses on the differences between higher vocational and academic education and makes them measurable. The article will focus on some aspects of the implementation process, the results of the first round of evaluation and on implications for Dutch and other universities.  相似文献   

采用问卷与访谈相结合的方式就安徽省特殊教育教师专业发展现状进行了初步的调查研究,发现目前安徽省特殊教育教师存在学历水平偏低,特殊教育专业修养不够;参加培训机会较少且针对性不强;科研意识和能力欠缺;专业认同感不足等现象.建议通过开设特殊教育本科专业,实施特殊教育教师资格制度,构建特殊教育培训体系,加大特殊教育科研力度,建立长效激励机制等途径促进特殊教育教师专业发展,推动安徽省特殊教育事业不断向前.  相似文献   

文章采用问卷方式就黑龙江省随班就读教师专业发展现状及需求进行了调查研究,发现目前黑龙江省随班就读教师专业发展基础较好,但在特殊教育知识与技能方面存在明显不足,专业发展需求强烈;参加随班就读专项培训机会较少,且针对性不强;对随班就读工作的认同感较差,社会和学校的支持力度不够,存在比较严重的矛盾心理,希望通过专项培训和自主研修等途径获得专业发展。  相似文献   


Amidst opportunities for universities to consider international academic staff in supporting internationalisation and innovation in academic practice, there is very little research to provide insights into their attitudes towards institutional approaches and frameworks in place to enable this. This article focuses on this research gap, suggesting that this academic community might enhance the development of internationally-informed and innovative pedagogic practice. The research reported within the article constitutes a preliminary study, set within a UK higher education case study setting. Methods included focus groups and themed in-depth interviews with a sample of 34 international academic staff from over 15 countries. The findings and discussion provide insights into the perspectives and experiences of international academic staff in relation to the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning and other institutional practice. Innovative pedagogic practice as enabled by international academic staff is discussed, as are approaches to the internationalisation of the curricula. The findings are relevant to the UK higher education context but also to the global context: academic institutions need to consider whether curriculum and processes are limited and limiting in favour of a narrow cultural lens.  相似文献   


Over the last 40 years, the Conceptual Physical Education (CPE) movement has played an important role in the evolution of secondary school physical education (PE). In this article, we trace the history of CPE as well as fitness education (FE) programs that share common objectives with CPE. CPE at the college/university level is almost universal and has been shown to be a longstanding innovation. The information provided here suggests that CPE/FE programs at the secondary level are also an innovation, rather than a passing fad. Among the topics explored include factors precipitating the innovation, the stages of implementation, the current status of the innovation, factors leading to success, barriers to be overcome in program implementation, and suggestions for the future. Finally, evidence is provided to show that CPE, when conducted with fidelity, can be effective in promoting the overarching objective of quality PE programs—promoting lifelong physical activity.  相似文献   

Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically focused curricula; schools driven by social movement principles such as antiracism and global education; schools for students who do not thrive in mainstream schools; and schools with alternative scheduling and delivery practices for students who must work. The schools are small, supporting personalized relationships among teachers and students, with teacher-driven curricular programs that are responsive to student interests. Curricular innovation is made possible because alternative schools are only loosely coupled with the rest of the public education system, but they still must comply with school system regulations. This paper describes how teachers’ work and the structural elements of alternative schools support school-based innovation.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来和工业4.0的提出,德国对于职业能力与学术能力兼具的高层次应用型人才需求持续增长。由此,双元制职教本科应运而生并获得蓬勃发展。双元制职教本科跨越了职业教育和高等教育两个体系,涉及一系列不同性质的机构和部门,治理难度极大。双元制职教本科的诞生和发展,既得益于机构层面的创新精神,也依赖于宏观层面的顶层设计。双元制职教本科的治理方式呈现出“新型治理”的典型特征。新型治理奠定了双元制职教本科成功跨界的基础,也为高度复杂性条件下办学模式的治理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands internationalization of higher education may lead to an increasing use of a foreign language-for example English-as the medium of instruction. This may raise the issue whether learning in a foreign language affects academic performance, given the language problems international students are faced with when studying abroad. The present article reviews research in this field and presents a study into the academic achievement of 90 Indonesian engineers. These subjects took a one-year English-medium postgraduate course at the International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering in Delft. Language proficiency was measured by TOEFL and academic success was defined as the average score on seven written examinations. A most remarkable finding is the observation of a cut-off point in the relationship between English proficiency and academic success. This has led to the hypothesis that there is a range of TOEFL scores within which a better command of English increases the chance of being academically successful. The lower and upper limits of this range may vary according to academic discipline or may even be institution-specific. Additional findings are presented as well as implications and directions for further research.  相似文献   

During 2009, three alternative teacher retraining programs in English as a Foreign Language, mathematics and biology were launched for the first time in one of Israel’s largest teacher education colleges. The programs, which offered varied economic incentives to participants, were initiated by the state owing to shortages of teachers in these disciplines and the economic crisis in the hi-tech industry. After hundreds of candidates responded to the program’s advertisement, 90 candidates were accepted and enrolled following rigorous screening. The purpose of the research reported here was to examine the demographic, academic and occupational profiles of the candidates and students in each of the three programs in comparison with applicants and students in traditional teacher education retraining programs. The research population included a total of 611 candidates who had applied to all the teacher retraining programs offered in 2009. The study’s findings indicate that not only did the alternative programs make the teaching profession more accessible to potential candidates; they also attracted students with impressive demographic, academic and occupational profiles that varied considerably from the profiles of the students in the traditional programs. Longitudinal follow-up studies are needed to investigate the adjustment, success and retention rates of these new teachers in the educational system.  相似文献   

This study uses a randomized controlled trial of a school-based anemia reduction program in rural China to examine how increased school emphasis on health promotion affects academic performance. Although education and health promotion are complementary functions of schools, they do compete for finite school resources. We compare the effects of a traditional program that provided only information about anemia and subsidies to an otherwise identical program that included performance incentives for school principals based on school-level anemia prevalence. By the end of the trial, exam scores among students who were anemic at baseline improved under both versions of the program, but scores among students in the incentive group who were healthy at baseline fell relative to healthy students in the control group. Results suggest that performance incentives to improve student health increase the impact of school-based programs on student health outcomes, but may also lead to reallocation of school resources.  相似文献   

This article describes a viable alternative to hiring full-time certified teachers or to using lay volunteers to provide children at risk of failing in school with academic coaches (tutors). The Academic Coaching Program described herein recruited and trained students enrolled in a university's school of education programs to serve as academic coaches primarily for 7th and 8th graders in an inner-city school in which 96% of the students are placed at risk by the socioeconomic (SES) status of their families. The program extended the school's regular instructional programs in reading and mathematics. It provided the at-risk students with high-quality coaching by university students through a systematic process of training the university students in the school's reading and mathematics programs, monitoring them as they coached, and providing feedback to the coaches on a regular basis.  相似文献   


Research on effective schooling has led to conclusions regarding classroom practices. This research has implications for special educators, who need to become familiar with it. The implications which are discussed in this article are related to the need for planning, high expectations of student performance, monitoring student progress and providing feedback, establishing classrom routines, grouping, academic learning time, personal relationships and the use of incentives and rewards. These conclusions regarding effective teaching can be used diagnostically by teachers to evaluate and improve their own performance in the classroom. In this article some conclusions based on a review of effective teaching research will be outlined and implications for the special education classroom will be discussed.  相似文献   

In the 1970s the vicissitudes of university education were an important impetus for female students and members of staff to formulate feminist criticism on science subjects. Women's studies came into being, aiming at transforming academic scholarship and women's experience in education. Now that women's studies themselves are becoming institutionalised, new problems have developed and we need to question if science is now less of a male dominated bastion. In this article a case study is presented on the ‘trials’ and ‘tribulations’ of female university students at Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands. A theoretical framework is introduced and an analysis of empirical material offered. It is apparent that female students are rather critical of their studies, although generally they do not leave the university before graduating. The university teacher emerges as a gatekeeper, holding the key of the door to the academic community, and using knowledge as a key resource.  相似文献   

This article explains the development of, and presents a theoretical framework for, harnessing the roles of the academic middle manager in strategic innovation in Dutch higher education, thereby increasing higher education’s ability to learn, innovate and develop a competitive advantage. The framework is developed from theoretical models of role interactions in an educational context and in business organizations. It is also based on an empirical pilot study of the role of the academic middle manager and reviews of other relevant literature. The aim of this article will be to explore and discuss ways of analyzing the way in which academic middle managers influence strategic innovations in universities.  相似文献   

本文从电大面向在职成人教育方向出发,结合首都职工素质教育工程研究实际,探索现阶段适合我国在职成人特点的素质教育和职业培训结合的模式。文章介绍了首都职工素质教育工程实施的特点,探索了社会多方参保证职工素质教育和职业培训质量的新思路,认为搭建素质教育、技能培训、学历教育的有效通道,是构建终身学习体系的创新和探索。文章最后根据首都职工素质教育工程战略目标,提出了发展战略方面的建议。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The emergence of standards-based accountability reforms in early childhood education has created new challenges for the field. This article presents findings from a case study that explored how stakeholders in a large urban pre-kindergarten program struggled to implement an assessment tool that aligned the normative academic achievement expectations found among their teachers and administrators with the absolute measures of this construct found in their state policymakers' high-stakes standards-based accountability reforms. Analyzing the tension that emerged in this process of alignment highlights the challenges early educators face as they fold their child-centered programs into these larger high-stakes standards-based kindergarten through grade 12 education systems. Practice and Policy: The findings from this study illuminate the need for early childhood education programs to understand how high-stakes standards-based accountability reforms define student achievement. Furthermore, as early childhood programs and personnel address these reforms, their responses need to be explicit about how their assessment measures are connected to their normative conceptualizations of student achievement and what this means for the education of children in their programs.  相似文献   

In this article we will present findings from a national survey questioning the actual impact of the new governance structures at German universities on academic teaching. To begin with, we give a theoretical underpinning to the economization of higher education institutions (HEIs) according to Principal-Agent Theory. This allows for the development of hypotheses about the influence of new selective incentives (merit pay, performance-related budgeting, Management by Objectives, teaching awards) on the professors’ academic teaching behavior. Instructed by critical considerations on Principal-Agent Theory we extended the axiomatics of this economic theory by incorporating concepts like work task motivation and academic socialization for a supposedly more comprehensive explanation. Data from a nationwide German survey allows us then to test our theory-driven assumptions. Our target population was the entire collectivity of all professors at German universities from which we could draft a sample 8,000 individuals. An estimation of four different OLS-regression models shows that the hypotheses derived from Principal-Agent Theory must be rejected whereas the hypotheses based on motivational aspects and socialization processes can be confirmed. Based on our analysis we can conclude that for the status quo of implementation there are no direct influences of new selective incentives on the actual teaching performance whereas we have strong indications for altered mechanisms of enculturation in the field of universities. New Public Management (NPM) seems to produce a new breed of professors whose preferences and practice are conditioned by the imperatives evoked by this new managerialism.  相似文献   

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