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杰克弄伤了他的手腕.于是他的妈妈带他去看医生。医生给杰克的手腕打了石膏。然后杰克问医生:“医生,我手腕上的石膏弄掉后.我能弹钢琴吗?”  相似文献   

Play the Piano     
It,5 too diffieult for me to Play,Miss. 拉小提琴时我来说 太难了,老师。 Whieh instrument ean you Play, Li Li? 你会演奏什么乐器,莉莉? 31}斗 摘表 终鲤鲤L— musieal/’mju:z:kl/畔音乐的 instrument/instrumant/n.器械, noteln分。似n.音符 enough/l’n动adj.足  相似文献   

After the Play     
The children cheered wildly as the play Mrs Samuels' Adventure(《山姆夫人历险记》)was coming to the end.Of course the play ended happily.Clever old Mrs Samuels had safely escaped from her dangerous place.  相似文献   

Violin Lessons     
“D addy, can I learn to play the violin?”young Sarah asked her father.She w as alw ays asking for things and her father w as notvery pleased. “Y ou costm e a lot of m oney,Sarah,”he said. “First you w anted to learnhorse riding,then dancing,then sw im m ing.N ow it’s the violin.” “I’llplay every day,D addy,”Sarah said.“I’lltry very hard.” “A llright,”her father said.“This is w hatI’lldo.I’llpay for you to havelessons for six w eeks.A t the end of six w eeks you …  相似文献   

The play within a play has long been understood as Hamlet’s attempt to catch the conscience of the King. But is that all it is? Perhaps there’s more to the Murder of Gonzago than either Hamlet or even Shakespeare, himself, intended? While the narrative of the Player King and Player Queen clearly works to tap into the private guilt of King Claudius, it also does much to reveal the hidden psychology of Gertrude, a woman whose motives and psychological underpinnings are often concealed to the audience. The purpose of this article is to use the play within a play as a meta-text through which the reader can learn to decode, first, who Gertrude was, both as a wife and a person, prior to Hamlet Sr’s death, and, second, offer an explanation for why she remarries so quickly in the wake of her first husband’s murder. In this sense, though Hamlet designs the play within a play to gain ocular proof of Claudius’ crime, he may unconsciously also do so to catch the conscience of his mother, and thereby better understand himself. The play within a play within a play’s the thing.  相似文献   

Jim,John,Jerry,andJoetogetherboughtabasketof144apples.Jimreceived10moreapplesthanJohn,26morethanJerry,and32morethanJoe.HowmanyapplesdidJimreceive?Canyougettheanswer?(答案见第62页)CanYouGettheAnswer?答案:Jim:53(John:43;Jerry:27;Joe:21)Can You Get the Answer?!四川@陈普贤…  相似文献   

王建明 《新高考》2009,(3):54-55
难度:★★★★☆字数:368建议时间:5分钟Apurple tomato genetically engineered to con-tain nutrients more commonly seen in dark berries helped prevent cancer in mice,British researchers said on Sunday.The finding,published in  相似文献   

A Violin Player     
llist6lllllgtOIYlllslC.for himself nd sat by 2.[一刊b’lp切we,缸dhs。1吵b。(邻居)didn’t like to hear he noise he mad.WqlerlM加h砌m——lip…ughs。I沙h。got so p tha he thlew thingr at im to stopturn Plains. 1.Mr J讪划n elljoyd[e的,he bught a violin foa、ndOW to k。to plny it. 订1大二歹匠二_二︻︽!刮5.But he dead(死人)idn’t like himto plny there,eithe、。He was kicked verybed nd had to leaV he place.A Violin Player@仲卫东$江苏东台市富东镇中学…  相似文献   

下面的故事,同样欢迎小朋友的配图作品!根据情节,展开想像,拿起画笔吧!下期这里就会刊登你的优秀配图!1.Aboydoesn'tlivetoofarfromschool.Sohewalkstoschooleveryday.2.Thereisaplayground(操场)onhiswaytoschool.Anditgetsverywet(湿的)whenitrains.3.Oneday,theboycomeshomeverywet.Hismoth-erbecomesangry(生气雪.“Don'tplayinthewa-ter.”4.Thenextdayhecomeshomeverywetagain.Hismotherbecomesevenan-grier熏“I'lltellyourfatherifyoucomehomeweta-5.Thethirdday,theboycomeshomene…  相似文献   

下面的连环画故事,同样欢迎小朋友的配图作品!根据情节,展开想像,拿起画笔吧!下期这里就会刊登你的优秀配图!  相似文献   

今天要认识这些单词哦: Britain是“英国”。除此之外,我们在说“英国”时,还可以用Great Britain和the United Kingdom(简称the U.K.)。其实,英国的正式名称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)。它包括England(英格兰)、Wales(威尔士)、Scotland(苏格兰)和Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)这四个部分。大家要注意了,在说“英国”时,千万不要用England哦,因为England只是英国的一部分而已。  相似文献   

王永强 《新高考》2013,(2):28-30
英语时事类文章以其丰富的内容(涉及社会、科学、文化、体育、金融、生活、生物等方方面面)、多样的体裁(记叙文、说明文、议论文、广告等)以及鲜明的特性(新闻性、知识性等),多年来深受命题专家的青睐,牢牢占据各地高考试题的一席之地.通过阅读英语时事类文章,同学们不但可以随时了解天下大事,激发学习英语的兴趣,而且可以学到许多生动鲜活的英语语言知识,从而提高综合应用英语的能力.  相似文献   

This paper argues that one type of text analyser—the spelling checker—can help non-proficient writers. 16 students in a Singapore classroom wrote compositions by hand for one month; the following month they composed their compositions directly on the computer. Observations of students' composing behaviours and a comparison of the lexis used in two students' hand-written and computer essays show that students use the spelling checker for two functions: (a) word-correction, in which they locate and correct some of their spelling errors, and (b) word-generation, in which they use the spelling checker to generate words that are in their receptive but not their productive vocabularies. The spelling checker benefits those students whose initial writing ability is poor and whose writing is blocked by an emphasis on the mechanical aspects of writing.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.看图完成下列广告。Advertisement(广告)Can you1?Can you2?Welcome to our school3and4club.Do you like5?Do you like6?Then welcome to our78.If you like9,you can10our1112.And our school bandneeds students who can play1314and1516.If you17tolearn to18,youcan19our school20club.Ⅱ.选择填空。()1.you have a long ruler?A.Can B.Do C.Are D./()2.—Are you a musician?—No,I.A.can B.am C.can’t D.am not()3.Can Mary?A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sings…  相似文献   

Given the serious decline in the number of undergraduates majoring in the humanities in general, and literature in particular, teachers of Children’s Literature have a unique opportunity to serve their discipline by tapping the power of classroom dialogue to introduce students to the practical reasoning central to humanistic study. This essay takes Long John Silver, from Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island (1883), as a model for generating lively discussion that begins with literary matters but leads, with help from the teacher, to fundamental questions about the role of the humanities in students’ education and in their lives. In the process, the essay traces a pedagogical strategy that moves from matters of plot and character, to issues of ethics and judgment, to larger questions regarding approximate knowledge and sound reasoning about the complexities of the human condition. This inquiry focuses specifically on the charming but villainous Silver and the possible explanations for his escape at the end of the novel. But the ambiguity and fascination of his character are also catalysts for wide-ranging classroom discussion of a kind that Children’s Literature routinely promotes and sustains. Such discussion can provide broad, balanced insight into the nature and variety of critical understanding. As such, Children’s Literature and the pedagogy it supports serves to identify and enliven the benefits of humanistic study at a crucial moment of academic history.  相似文献   

We review the Simple View of Reading (SVR) model and examine its nature, applicability and validity. We describe the SVR as an abstract framework for understanding the relationship between global linguistic comprehension and word‐reading abilities in reading comprehension (RC). We argue that the SVR is neither a full theory of reading nor a blueprint for instruction. Nevertheless we argue that the model is helpful in conceptualising these broad skills and thus in planning for teaching and learning. We review empirical evidence concerning the SVR, suggesting that it provides a good fit to much scientific data on typical and atypical development, and variation among students across the school age range. We also indicate several areas in which we think the SVR is incomplete or in need of further empirical support. These include the way in which word decoding is conceptualised, the ways in which RC is measured, RC strategies, the role of reading fluency, reading with illustrations and second‐language reading.  相似文献   

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