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本文以项目课程理论为依据,对高职个人理财课程的项目化改革问题进行了理论分析。作者认为,应以高职投资与理财专业的就业岗位的工作任务和职业能力分析为抓手,根据专业职业岗位职业能力的特点以及阻碍专业岗位能力形成的因素,对课程进行项目化改革。具体的措施包括:建立校企合作的双向开发机制;增强课程内容与理财职业岗位任务、能力要求的相关性;提高项目训练的价值;注重理财职业道德的培养和职业素养的养成。  相似文献   

项目课程开发是高职教育课程改革的主导方向,通过分析高职教育项目课程的内涵,对基于能力本位高职教育项目课程改革进行理论分析,提出确立项目课程开发主体、进行专业面向的岗位定位、开展工作任务与职业能力分析、构建项目课程体系、开发项目课程教学资源等构建路径,推进高职教育项目课程改革。  相似文献   

首先分析了“三教”改革的意义,依据“三教”改革目标及岗位需求确立电工电子技术课程的知识目标、能力目标和素质目标。依据确立的课程目标进行课程建设和探索,在教学内容方面对传统知识体系重构形成七个教学项目,并针对每个项目特点融入课程思政,实现润物细无声的效果,针对课程设计开发对应的项目化活页教材,教材设计对应任务的工作页,在完成工作页过程中实现知识点的学习和实践操作。针对学生层次多样化的特点,教材配备了相应的课程资源,方便线上线下学习使用。  相似文献   

阐述了以制药机械维修岗位的典型工作任务为载体,以综合职业能力培养为目标,开发任务驱动型《制药机械安装维修》项目教材;按照单元→项目→任务的结构编写模式,构建“提出任务→分析任务→知识链接→任务实施→完成工作任务单→知识与技能拓展→考核标准”的学习任务编写体例;完成了多元立体化教学资源体系建设,实现了做中学、学中做、做中评的一体化教学,推进了工学结合项目教材的改革与创新。  相似文献   

活页式教材开发是我国高职教育“三教”改革中教材改革的重要体现,活页式教材开发目前属于探索阶段,在教材内容编写中对于典型工作任务和职业技能需求的确定缺少相对的数据支撑。以搜索引擎优化岗位网络招聘数据为基础,对岗位职责、岗位要求进行数据分解、整合、分析,整理出本岗位的典型工作任务和技能清单,为活页式教材编写提供参考依据和结构设计思路。  相似文献   

采用项目导向的教学模式是电工技术课程的教改趋势,开发适合“做中学”的课程和教材,是职业教育教学改革的重要任务之一;从课程要求、内容项目设计、项目实施出现的问题等方面探索电工技术课程的教学改革。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的课程开发是当前我国职业教育课程改革的方向。在广泛调研的基础上,采用"工作过程导向"课程设计方法分析了房地产项目策划课程,确定了房地产专业面向的主要职业岗位,并在分析房地产策划岗位典型工作任务的基础上设计了课程的工作项目和学习型工作任务,最后从项目设计、教学方法、师资队伍和考核评价等方面对课程教学实施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高职高专"项目课程"的开发设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
程凌 《职业技术教育》2007,(20):23-24,26
构建以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以项目课程为主体的模块化专业课程体系正成为职业教育课程改革的基本取向。项目课程与工作任务、工作过程、工作成果密切相关。开发和设计项目课程,要以完成工作任务为中心,按工作过程编排内容,以学生获得一个具有实际价值的产品为结果。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的学习领域课程开发与项目教学法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于工作过程的学习领域课程课程开发主要包括确定专业培养目标,确定典型工作任务,确定典型工作任务的难度等级,典型工作任务分析记录,设计学习领域,编写学习领域课程教学大纲等七个关键环节.其课程实施主要采用项目教学法,按照确定项目任务、制订工作计划、实施计划、检查评估、归档或结果应用等五个步骤进行.  相似文献   

基于工作过程导向的项目课程开发,已经成为高职课程改革的共同选择,高职英语教学应紧跟教革主流,围绕职业能力的培养进行基于工作任务的项目课程改革与开发。本文依据项目教学的相关理论,以《旅游英语》课程为例,初步探讨了高职职场英语项目课程的开发与实施。  相似文献   

发展性课程评价方法的探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
课程评价方法是对课程评价的发展变化最为敏感的因素之一。课程评价方法经历了实证化方法与人文化方法的演化,根据发展性评价的特点,在发展性课程评价中,应确立理解性原则、多元化原则、现实性原则,建立课程评价方法的网状结构模型,并以行动研究作为发展性课程评价的基本策略。  相似文献   

Since the demise of the Schools Council, the newly formed School Curriculum Development Committee has initiated, as one of its first projects, an exploratory study of the mathematics curriculum for the six to 13 age range. In this open letter to Hilary Shuard, the project director, a case for particular consideration for the needs of pupils with learning difficulties is presented by Alec Williams, Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln. He has recently piloted, for the Mathematical Association/NARE, the new diploma course in the Teaching of Mathematics to Low Attainers in Secondary Schools.  相似文献   

校本课程发展是一个由"回应"走向"自觉"的过程。从思想理论、知识伦理、课程实践三个方面来考察校本课程发展之源中的"回应"之由,校本课程发展在理论层面、实践层面与发展层面上理应做出"回应","回应"为后来的"自觉"集聚能量,人员因素、学校文化与支持系统支撑起了"自觉"的基础。由"回应"走向"自觉"是一个螺旋上升的过程,从而实现校本课程发展提升理论、推进实践与文化再生。  相似文献   

我国初中《历史与社会》课程结构存在的问题有:两部《历史与社会》课程标准同时颁行,与《思想品德》内容重复,与小学和高中缺乏合理的衔接。《历史与社会》课程结构的优化,需要确立核心概念,统合两个课程标准,实现社会科课程一体化和"一贯化"。  相似文献   

Many countries, including Australia, China, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, have included art subjects in their core curriculum. Using the theory of governmentality as a critical lens to investigate the intricate power–knowledge system in relation to curriculum, arts and pedagogy, this paper makes a comparative document analysis of two contemporary arts curricula for children aged 5–6 years—the Beijing Kindergarten Happiness and Development Curriculum in the arts learning area (upper class in kindergarten), and the Australian Curriculum: The Arts (Foundation level). Curriculum is best understood as a multi-faceted phenomenon and this paper draws from research which categorized curriculum into three phases: the intended (or planned) curriculum, the enacted (or implemented) curriculum and the experienced (the learner experience) curriculum. By focusing on the first phase: the intended curriculum, this paper compares the documents that comprise the planned curriculum from two very different contexts, and thus makes a contribution to cross-cultural understanding of early childhood arts curriculum in ways that may lead to social change.  相似文献   

Curriculum is a mechanism for citizenship preparation. Although a large body of literature speaks to the important role of official and hidden curriculum in fostering or hindering democratic classrooms, much less attention has been given to the processes of curriculum development, especially between Western researchers and teachers in postcolonial African contexts. This article discusses a curriculum development method, namely, Democratic Concept Development (DCD), created by 2 American social educators (Kubow & Fischer) in their work with groups of South African and Kenyan teachers during an international project. The methodology—premised on 4 critical social aims (namely, dialogue, consciousness raising, change, and transformation)—provides a way to make public teachers' views of democracy. For those who view the means (democratic processes) to be just as important as the ends (democratic lessons), DCD represents a pedagogical process for developing citizenship education curriculum.  相似文献   

为了积极推动、配合我国新一轮基础教育课程改革,加强全国课程专业委员会的学术研讨与交流,中国教育学会教育学分会课程专业委员会特主办第四次全国课程学术研讨会。会议的主题是:“基础教育课程改革的反思和评价”。与会代表主要研讨五项议题:新基础教育课程改革的理论创新和反思;新课程的实施与评价;地方课程、校本课程、综合实践活动课程的开发与反思;新课程与教师专业发展;基础教育课程改革的政策分析与课程管理的反思。会议取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

校本课程开发是当今世界课程改革的一种潮流,也是未来基础教育课程改革的一种基本取向。当前我国校本课程开发面临众多问题和不足,因此,必须克服现存困难,不断提高课程开发的水平和能力,走出困境。  相似文献   

全资源课程是信息技术环境下出现的新课程形态。近年来,通过开发由纸质教材、辅教光盘、学科网站三部分组成的《课程与教学论》(第2版)课程系统,我们初步进行了全资源课程建设的实践探索。反思这次行动,我们认为基于信息技术的全资源课程,有利于及时更新教学内容,增强教材开发与教学研究之间的联系,有效丰富课程资源,同时,课程开发也将面临人力投入、教学服务、资源支持等新挑战。  相似文献   

Muju Zhu 《Prospects》2007,37(2):223-235
Although it seems obsolete to analyse and criticise a curriculum from the point-of-view of “subject-centredness”, this is the situation we face during the Chinese basic education curriculum reform. This article gives a brief introduction to the ideas behind the development and practice of the Chinese curriculum reform and the progress of the reform since 2001. Several aspects of the reform are introduced: 1. Re-examining and revamping academic courses; 2. Adding general practical courses; 3. Diversifying the curriculum with local and school-based courses; 4. Providing elective courses for all students. We also give two examples to present the idea of the new curriculum and practice. Original language: English Muju Zhu (China) Deputy Director-General of the Department of Basic Education and Director-General of the National Center for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, Ministry of Education, Beijing. She serves as Vice-Chairwoman of the Master’s Degrees Subcommittee of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and is a Permanent Member of the China Pre-School Education Society. Ms Zhu is the chief designer and organiser of China’s basic education curriculum reform, which was launched nationwide in 2001. From 1991 to 2005, she was National Director of several UNICEF projects in China. Author of 10 books and numerous articles. E-mail: zhumj@moe.edu.cn  相似文献   

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