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音乐审美趣味具有主观性、自由性、封闭性、保守性,同时又具有开放性和可转移性;音乐趣味特点的形成不是浅显的感觉和单一的情感因素构成,而是由一个庞大复杂的社会心理结构系统支配着它;不同的时代、民族、阶级和不同的群体,由于其社会条件背景的不同而构成了音乐审美趣味的差异。  相似文献   

Fun time主要通过趣味性、互动性较强的游戏活动,帮助学生操练并掌握本单元所学单词、句型和日常交际用语。Fun time是句型趣味操练板块,其目的主要是通过一系列语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的重点词汇和句型,并且提高他们的语言应用能力。在实际教学过程中,教师应该如何利用该板块的功能,为学生提供更适合交际的语言活动情境和方式,做到趣味性、实效性和活动性的  相似文献   

对于学生来说要学好英语实属不易 ;对老师们来说 ,要教好学生学好英语也不容易。几年来 ,我采用了一些趣味教学法教学生学英语 ,收到了良好的教学效果。  一、优美乐曲 ,陶情怡性。  融乐曲与英语为一体 ,既激发了学生学习的乐趣 ,又利于提高教学质量。小学生喜爱唱歌 ,我就充分借助歌曲的优美旋律进行单词与句型学习 ,通常一首乐曲可套练好几个句型 ,无形之中增加了字母、单词、句型的活力。如教歌曲 :《Where′sPeter?》 ,先让学生学会谱子 ,而后让一名学生来扮演Peter ,Peter一会儿坐在椅子上 ,一会儿躲在桌子…  相似文献   

英语报刊标题特色浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语报刊中的新闻标题要求简明扼要,生动醒目而又不拘一格,从而形成了其特有的特色。本文从标题的形式、用词、句型与时态、修辞等方面对其加以归类并作分析  相似文献   

中古蒙古语中主谓结构句型之一的SOVS,与其它主谓结构句型有其独特的区别.又有着相应的关系。在现代蒙古语中这种句型已发生变化。其演变,主要是以语音、词法、句法和词汇等某些系统变化互为条件的。这种句型变化是蒙古语历时演化之一,又是古蒙古语和现代蒙古语区别特征之一。  相似文献   

电工基础课是电学类专业的基础科目。由于其理论性强且公式较多,导致学生在学习中感到难以接受和消化。计算时又会出现这样或那样的错误;而应用枚举、归类、验证、趣味记忆等方法。有助于学生学好电工基础这门课。  相似文献   

趣味教学也是教师追求的目标,英语教学中,让学生"玩中学""学中玩""玩中用",效果会事半功倍。以字母教学、单词教学、句型教学等为例,谈谈小学英语趣味教学的策略——图片、实物、chant、歌曲等,以期实现快乐学英语之目的。  相似文献   

一年级的外语课本中除了有简单的单词与短语,还有部分稍复杂的长句,例如,小学一年级新纪元课本Chapter 6《in the zoo》中,需要学生掌握的知识有:有关动物的单词(monkey elephant hippo arm leg tail)、形容词(long shor big small);能听懂句型“It has(a)…”或“A monkey has(a)…”,并能用其来描述动物的特征。那么对于一年级的儿童,怎样记住这个复杂的句型并熟练运用它呢?  相似文献   

徐Yu是一个集现代、传奇、通俗学于一身的小说家,他的作品既与形而上的哲理结合,又与形而下的大众趣味合成一体。与大众趣味的结合必然造成其小说具有通俗性特征。徐Yu在他的创作理论中就自觉契合了通俗小说要求,强调小说应具有娱乐消遣功能;在小说创作模式中重复使用了第一人称“内焦点叙事”视角和“多角”言情模式;在情节上运用富于传奇色彩的异域风情、奇特恋情及奇异人物等,在制造陌生化效果的同时,又满足了读的好奇心理。  相似文献   

在科技英语学习中,考生会遇到大量的科技词汇,而这些词汇对考生来说大都是生词。同时,科技英语文章又有其独特的句型结构,这就增加了科技英语学习的难度。其实考生如果能掌握一些科技英语的词汇结构和惯用句型结构,这些困难就能迎刃而解。  相似文献   

In studies carried out in the 1980s the algebraic symbols and expressions are revealed through prealgebraic readers as non-independent texts, as texts that relate to other texts that in some cases belong to the reader’s native language or to the arithmetic sign system. Such outcomes suggest that the act of reading algebraic texts submerges the reader into a network of intertextual relations derived from that reader’s prior mathematics and linguistic experiences. In this article we propose an analytical perspective of algebraic activity that is based on intertextuality and that makes it possible to advance our knowledge concerning the production of sense in said activity. In particular, we resort to the notion of intertextuality as a means of theoretically describing and explaining sense production processes in the learning of two algebraic methods: the Cartesian Method (for the algebraic solution of word problems) and the Substitution Method (for the solution of systems of two linear equations with two unknowns). We support our arguments via a series of episodes of empirical study interviews with secondary school students, in order to demonstrate the pertinence and relevance of carrying out their analysis from the perspective proposed.  相似文献   

UK government policy has increasingly emphasized the importance of learning in the home; and commercial publishers have not been slow to respond. There is now a growing market in popular information books targeted at parents and children. This article provides an analytical case-study of four such books on a common historical theme: ancient Rome. It addresses three main issues. First, it considers the epistemology or historiography of these texts, particularly in relation to their use of sources and their implicit view of what history (as a subject) is. Second, it discusses the pedagogic style of the texts, as reflected in their mode of address to the reader and their use of narrative and expository language. Finally, it considers the balance between ‘education’ and ‘entertainment’ and the implications of using popular cultural genres as a means of representing the past.  相似文献   

认知体系在理解母语文本及第二语言文本中都起着很重要的作用。读者无论以母语还是第二语言阅读,只要熟悉文本的内容、形式和语言等认知体系,就能对文本有较多的理解。但是,如果一个第二语言读者不具备这种知识,那他就可能因认知的障碍而理解甚少。本文将探讨认知体系在文化因素方面:内容认知体系(schema)和形式认知体系对母语和第二语言阅读的影响。  相似文献   

Register refers to the variety of language that is appropriate for a particular situational context. This study examines young children’s development of register switching expertise as they become independent readers. Participants were 17 first graders identified by their classroom teachers as at-risk readers and admitted into an early literacy intervention program called Reading Recovery. At both the beginning and end of Reading Recovery, each child was asked to share a story about a personally relevant topic in a face-to-face, conversational context and then dictate that same oral tale as an autonomous/written text intended for a reader audience. The 68 texts (34 oral and 34 written) were analysed for their use of register-appropriate cohesive linguistic choices. It was found that as these at-risk children grew from emergent to independent, strategic readers, they were concurrently developing skills in constructing written register texts by recontextualising the cohesion language patterns in their oral register texts. It is suggested that developing expertise in register switching may compose part of the process of learning to read and write. This finding is discussed in the light of relevant literacy and educational research.  相似文献   

Susan Jones 《Literacy》2004,38(1):40-45
How far do bilingual readers identify with the ‘implied readers’ of the texts they read? This article explores this question through a quantitative analysis of the reading habits of a sample of 100 English secondary‐school students, mainly from southern Asian backgrounds. Particular focus is given to the way a bilingual reader may or may not be able to identify with the implied reader in the particular texts to which they are exposed, and attendant implications. It was found that reading in the mother tongue played only a small part in the lives of the majority of respondents. It is argued, therefore, that the dominance of Anglo‐American culture in the lives of these students (and, indeed in the lives of bilingual adolescents across many parts of the world) places pressure on the home language and culture of bilingual adolescents to compete with the experience offered to them, at a time when they are already striving to form an individual identity. Parallels are drawn between the experiences of young Welsh–English bilinguals and those of young Urdu/Punjabi–English bilinguals, and recommendations are made based on the current successes of the model of publishing children's fiction in Wales. The students in this study are of secondary school age, but the analysis and implications have a wider relevance.  相似文献   

基于语料库的小说文体学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于语料库的小说文体学研究是利用文学作品语料库和语料库分析工具,以文学语言和文学结构作为研究对象,或者对文学作品进行更详实、更深入和更具体的描述,或者用文体特征的统计数据和检索数据验证、说明读者对作品解读的合理性。本文用《喧哗与骚动》的第一章为例,介绍如何进行基于语料库的小说文体分析。  相似文献   

In many contemporary texts boundaries are broken down. Words and image convey multiple meanings, lending themselves to postmodern readings, in the sense that they encourage readings that reject a single interpretation and instead hold in suspense the possibility of multiple readings co‐existing. This article explores how these texts allow the consumer/reader the opportunity to actively engage, and in a sense therefore to produce, the cultural event rather than being merely the passive receiver of it. It raises implications for the way that such texts are considered in schools.  相似文献   

主要以组织篇章翻译过程中语用功能的作用为研究对象,着重强调译者在翻译篇章时应采取的思维方式,在利用语言资源对应注重读者的反映,读者在接受篇章时的心理特征,读者、译者和篇章三者之间的整体关系.  相似文献   

Introduction Depending on the perspectives of different fields of study, it is possible, broadly speaking, to see reading as practice, product or process. The first has been the interest of anthropologists and social psychologists whose concern is with reading and writing practices as linked to their uses in everyday life, not merely within schooling. The second orientation focuses on the form and meaning of written texts and their constituent parts. The third perspective pays relatively greater attention to the role of the reader in the ongoing processing of written language and the strategies that she or he draws on in constructing meaning from text.  相似文献   

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