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This study examines institutional factors that promote faculty satisfaction with their institution's approach to and support for student assessment and that are related to faculty involvement in their institution's support practices and in their own engagement with student assessment in the classroom. The study is based on a survey of faculty from 7 institutions that vary by type, control, and accrediting region. The institution's student assessment purposes, its administrative support patterns, and its faculty instructional impacts are significant predictors of faculty satisfaction with their institution's approach to and support for student assessment. External influences on, faculty uses, and perceived benefits of professional development practices for student assessment are significant predictors of faculty involvement with student assessment in their institution and their classes.  相似文献   

This study attempts to unravel the complex relationships between faculty entrepreneurialism and teaching. Specifically, this study (1) compares the extent of entrepreneurial activities (i.e., using funds for research and consulting activity) across disciplinary fields and levels of teaching commitment and (2) examines the relative effects of faculty entrepreneurialism on commitment to teaching. Using a national database of four-year college faculty, research findings demonstrate variations of teaching commitment with respect to disciplinary fields and forms of entrepreneurial activities. More important, this study reveals rather strong negative relationships between using funds for research and teaching commitment. Such findings have important implications for policy makers, administrative leaders, and university faculty as they seek to balance the institution's instructional mission in light of the increasing trend toward entrepreneurialism.  相似文献   

高校教师考核工作之探讨与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师考核工作主要是对教师的工作表现、业务水平、工作成绩进行检查评价,是高校师资管理的一个重要组成部分。做好师资考核工作对促进高校师资队伍建设、提高教师素质有着重要作用。高校教师考核是一项极其复杂的工作,因此对高校教师的考核要充分考虑到其工作的特殊性,从而调动高校教师的积极性,促使教师各安其职,推动高等教育事业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

This article is the second of a two-part series that examines the utility of higher education research to help guide campus-based interventions to enhance institutional effectiveness. This second article outlines programmatic efforts undertaken to enhance the quality of the first-year experience for new students. It also describes the impact of these interventions on the first-year student experience. The article closes with a summary of the lessons learned from these efforts and delineates a series of recommendations for higher education administrators interested in using the research literature to enhance institutional effectiveness.  相似文献   

This article reports on the impact of organized research centers on professional effort, productivity, and perceptions of work satisfaction for life sciences faculty members at research intensive universities’ medical schools in the U.S. Results indicate that senior center-affiliated faculty members taught less but worked more total hours than peers not affiliated with centers. Senior affiliated faculty members were more productive than their non-affiliated peers and were more likely to be principal investigators on externally funded grants. Center-affiliated faculty members were more likely to be dissatisfied with their mix of activities and workload but more likely to be satisfied with job security and autonomy. Implications beyond this context are suggested. Sarah A. Bunton is a Senior Research Associate at the Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington DC. She received her B.A. from the University of Chicago, her M.A. from the University of Minnesota, and her Ph.D. in higher educational policy also from the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include postsecondary faculty work life and satisfaction, higher education organization, and student development. William T. Mallon is Assistant Vice President and Director of Organization and Management Studies at the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Mallon received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Richmond and his M.Ed. and Ed.D. in higher education policy from Harvard University. His research interests focus on the ways in which academic medical centers recruit and retain faculty and administrative leaders and the interorganizational relationships among medical schools, teaching hospitals, and parent universities.  相似文献   

大学内部治理模式中,“教授治校”和“教授治学”在历史渊源、内涵界定、权力侧重以及价值诉求等方面都存在差异,既呈现理论上的分野,也有着制度上的耦合。实现“教授治校”与“教授治学”的制度耦合,是当代中国大学内部治理改革的基本逻辑和必然发展,也是立足国情、化繁为简、平复争议的有效路径和可行方案。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的整体设计上,不但要保持两种模式灵活转化的张力,也要在维护教授权力的基础上避免行政化管理惯性,促进学术的民主与自由。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的路径策略上,可以从完善行政管理体制和改革学术管理组织出发,整合学校教授群体的资源,构筑教授权力的实现平台,建立教授主体参与的保障机制,以增强教授治校和教授治学制度耦合的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

制度分析与高等教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度分析不仅以制度为研究对象 ,还构成一种研究方法与范式 ,即通过制度主义视角重新审视高等教育现象与问题 ,提出制度创新的可能途径。制度分析主要源于新制度主义的启发 ,借鉴了多学科方法 ,在理论上强调制度的内生性特点 ,对具体制度做发生学研究 ,追问制度安排的合法性。高等教育制度分析具备上述特征 ,并着力探讨高等教育诱致性制度变迁的可能性 ,试图从交易成本理论、组织理论、博弈论等出发 ,揭示高等教育制度的双重性 :既是重复博弈的内生产物 ,又独立于参与者的行动选择。高等教育制度分析服从于高等教育组织特性。目前 ,当务之急是要处理好理论研究、经验研究和政策分析三者之间的关系  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles that examine the utility of higher education research to help guide campus-based interventions to enhance institutional effectiveness. This first article describes the organizational context and sequence of events, which set the stage for the interventions that were implemented at this public research university. It next delineates the interventions implemented in areas related to enrollment management. Finally, the first article describes the effects of these interventions. The second article, which follows immediately in this issue, outlines programmatic efforts undertaken to enhance the quality of the first-year experience for new students.  相似文献   

院校研究作为我国高等教育研究领域的一个新兴研究方向,它既表现出巨大的成长潜力,也面对着诸多挑战,其中最大的挑战莫过于来自传统院校决策体制的坚冰。与此相关,如何进行角色定位、确立新的研究规范和组建合理队伍都是院校研究必须面对的难题。院校研究出路在哪里?我们认为院校研究有望取得实质进展的努力方向是行动研究。  相似文献   

本文首先对近十年来美国高校网络教育发展的总体态势进行了总结和回顾,指出教师是影响高校网络教学可持续发展的关键因素;文章在对高校教师对待网络教学态度和认可度现状及形成原因分析的基础上,总结了美国普渡大学DEMP项目实施的成功经验和美国大学领导力理事会提出的激励与支持高校教师从事网络教学的五项建议;在以上研究基础上,文章提出了高校教师网络教学支持服务的设计框架;文章最后对我国高校教师网络教学现状及面临主要问题的调查和分析,提出了推动我国高校教师网络教学实践的对策建议。  相似文献   

院校研究的性质与特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
院校研究就是在一定理论观照下 ,应用科学的方法和程式 (特别是定量分析的方法和程式 ) ,对单个高等院校运行中的实际问题进行分析评估论证 ,从而直接服务于该校管理决策的一种研究范式。院校研究在内容和范围方面的最大特点是多样性 ;从研究对象上看 ,院校研究是一种个案研究 ;从任务上看 ,院校研究旨在研究特定院校的特定问题 ;从方法上看 ,院校研究的主要特点是科学性和定量化 ;从主体方面看 ,院校研究具有专业性和制度性的特点 ;从功能上看 ,院校研究表现出直接性和全面性的特点  相似文献   

"院校研究"是什么,不是什么--解读美国"院校研究"   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
"院校研究"是流行于欧美高等教育领域的一个专门术语.就美国的经验而言,"院校研究"可以理解为"是研究者基于本校情境、针对院校运行中的实际问题所作的应用性研究,是高等学校为改进管理决策、促进院校发展而设定的一个专门的实践领域".作为一种独特的研究形式,"院校研究"有别于传统意义上的"高等教育研究".它是高等教育研究的一种新的范式,是现代高等学校实施科学化管理的重要手段.  相似文献   


Embedding general education in the Chinese university education system is a considerably complex systemic project, and a lack of institutional arrangements beneficial to general education has always been a key barrier in implementation. Currently, the main institutional restricting factors for university general education include substantial major-based education systems, scattered credit management systems, lack of a distributive elective system with interdisciplinary integration, and a vertically segmented course management system. In the process from popularizing to deepening general education, Chinese universities must move from imitating and transplanting toward local construction; establish the new ideal of undergraduate general education; focus on building featured, university-based fundamental general education curricula; and seek out a path that suits the institutional environment of Chinese universities.  相似文献   

起源于美国的院校研究经历了萌芽阶段、雏形阶段、成型阶段和完善普及化阶段。院校研究因其具有参谋咨询、信息中枢和知识管理的功能而受到各国的重视。在目前我国高等教育走向普及化、国际化的进程中,加强院校研究对我国各高等学校具有更为现实的意义。借鉴国际院校研究的新方法、新成果,我国必须成立全国性的院校研究机构,制定院校研究的基本原则,建立院校研究的平台,确立院校研究的重点。  相似文献   

本文对美国USNEWS2004大学排行榜前60名的研究型大学的经费收支情况进行了调查统计,初步探索了其经费筹措及经费支出情况,为我国高校创建世界一流大学提供参考。  相似文献   

世界一流高职教育概念受到世界一流大学建设的推动。2004年,教育部《关于以就业为导向深化高等职业教育改革的若干意见》是世界一流高职教育的关键性文件,其中提出一流高职教育的最根本标准是是否培养出受社会欢迎的高质量人才,而不是国际比较,具有重要的指导意义。提高高职院校的研究水平是目前建设世界一流高职教育的急迫任务,但在此过程中要防止对教学工作产生过大的压力,实现教学与研究之间平衡。  相似文献   

院校研究起源于欧美并流行于美国高等教育领域.作为高等学校内部的一项重要工作,院校研究是对所在高校的运行状况及其影响因素进行分析和评估的自我研究.它着眼于院校管理与发展中的实际问题,其基本职责是收集、完善和规范院校数据,为院校决策提供信息和咨询服务.院校研究是一个很有潜力的领域,值得我们加以研究与借鉴.  相似文献   

随着双一流建设的推进,为激发高校学术组织创新活力,中国部分高校逐渐进行学部制改革。学部作为学术分类管理的平台,对指导学科分类、深入民主管理具有重要作用。面对中国工科研究型大学工强文弱的状况,应通过构建人文社科学部来引导和推动人文社科建设,但在学部建设过程中要注意克服发展定位不准、有效融合不够、院部职能协调不清等问题,要对学部进行有效定位,重视其运行模式和组织架构设计。  相似文献   

院校研究作为高等教育领域新的研究范式,已经引起人们的高度关注.新建本科院校迫切需要开展院校研究,以提升办学水平.在机构设置、研究主体、激励机制及成果展现等方面,新建本科院校还需要进一步探究,使院校研究能够助推学校发展.  相似文献   

通过分析比较中日研究型大学的教育现状,从学制、导师制、经费来源以及合作交流等四个方面对中日研究生的培养模式及管理方法进行对比,从中得到启示和借鉴,提出我国研究型大学在研究生教育中应注重加强人才培养目标的定位、创新能力的培养、学校管理力度以及国际合作交流等方面。  相似文献   

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