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刘岗 《体育科技》2014,(1):64-65
运用实验法,对罚球时选择不同瞄准点训练后命中率的变化进行对比分析。结果表明,经过分组训练,有确定瞄准点的实验组训练后罚球命中率具有显著提高,而没有确定瞄准点的实验组训练后命中率提高不明显。其中,以篮圈后沿为瞄准点的实验组训练后罚球命中率提高最大,而以篮圈前沿为瞄准点的实验组命中率提高次之,选择篮圈中心和没有固定瞄准点的对照组训练后罚球命中率增加不明显。  相似文献   

This study aimed to observe the intraseasonal stability of anthropometric, technical and functional test results in academy soccer players of different age categories. In total, 103 participants (age range: 7.7–13.4 years) by 5 age categories of the same academy were recruited for this study. Players were submitted to a field-test battery comprising 3 anthropometric measurements (body mass, stature and body mass index), 6 soccer technical tests (to assess the ability of ball control, ball control with the head, pass accuracy, shooting accuracy, dribbling and dribbling with pass) and 3 functional tests (countermovement jump with the hands on the hip, countermovement jump with free hands and 15-m linear sprint) that was administered in 4 test sessions during the same season. Though anthropometric results showed a clear increment in each age category across the season, the fluctuation of technical test results depended on age category and test session. Moreover, a significant increase in the results of functional tests was observed in most of the age categories, in particular, for the assessment of lower power limb. In conclusion, collecting repeated intraseason measurements permits the identification of players’ fluctuations of performance across the season and allows coaches to make frequent adjustments of their programmes.  相似文献   

A system was developed for measuring and analyzing the forces placed on a bicycle pedal during operation of a stationary ergometer. Forces are measured in the plane parallel to the ergometer in directions normal and tangential to the surface of the pedals, encompassing the plane of propulsive forces. The pedals are designed to be structurally and functionally equivalent to standard clipless pedals. The stock pedal spindle and bearing assembly was replaced with a new spindle that was instrumented with two Wheatstone bridges of foil strain gauges. The bearings were relocated to the crank-arm/pedal-spindle interface. The original pedal body was then pinned to the new spindle. Additionally, the pedals were instrumented with optical encoders to measure the pedal angle relative to the crank arm. An optical encoder was also mounted near the bottom bracket to measure crank-arm angle. Signals were transmitted via a cable tethered to the cyclist’s leg from the pedals to an instrumented chassis, where the strain gauge signals were conditioned and the digital optical encoder signals converted to analogue signals. From the instrumented chassis, seven signals are ready for standard analogue data collection. Data collected from this new system has proved to be both comparable with previously published literature and accurate when compared with expected power output values.  相似文献   

如何提高自由式摔跤运动员的体能,在比赛中夺取优异的成绩,日常运动训练负荷的安排是直接影响运动员体能提高的重要因素。本研究通过多年来对自由式摔跤运动员训练负荷的监控,探讨自由式摔跤运动员训练负荷监控方法,为教练员科学系统地安排训练,减少运动员伤病的发生提供客观数据。  相似文献   

少年女子跳水运动员在跳水运动发展更趋难度化的今天,如何处理好训练中难度与基本技术,对练板和练台以及一般素质与专项素质训练等几个方面问题进行分析  相似文献   

少年在亚极量、极量负荷运动下血中MDA、GSH、SOD和CAT的变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了探讨不同运动对机体自由基代谢和抗氧化酶的影响 ,采用跑台提供运动负荷 ,对 48名少年进行了安静、亚极量负荷和极量负荷下血浆中丙二醛 (MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽 (GSH)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)和过氧化氢酶 (CAT)的测定。结果发现 ,MDA在极量和亚极量运动负荷下极显著地高于安静时 ,极量负荷下又极明显地高于亚极量负荷时 ;全血中 GSH在两种负荷下均比安静时显著下降 ,但两种负荷间无明显差异 ;SOD的活力在两种负荷运动下显著高于安静状态时 ,极量负荷下虽高于亚极量负荷时 ,但无明显差异 ;CAT在亚极量负荷下其活力比安静时有所降低 ,但不显著 ,而在极量负荷下非常显著地高于安静和亚极量负荷状态时。  相似文献   

张鹏  孙亮  钱风雷 《体育科研》2007,28(5):62-63
对18名上海优秀跳水运动员进行创伤调查与分析,结果发现男运动员发病率为70%,女运动员为62.5%。其特点是多为慢性损伤,大多发生在训练中。发病率最高的4种疾病依次是腕三角软骨盘损伤、腰椎间盘突出、胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎及骨折、肱三头肌拉伤。对这几种疾病进行病因分析,并结合调查提出防治建议。  相似文献   

我国跳台跳水优秀选手起跳技术的生物力学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
选择我国跳台跳水的优秀选手,在11和12两届亚运会,巴塞罗那、亚特兰大两届奥运会上的跳水大赛中从1组到4组动作的起跳技术,进行三维和二维的摄影、摄像记录。经过对运动技术图片的解析和力学分析,提出对我国选手起跳技术的看法和建议。例如从能量转化角度分析提出对增大起跳高度的利弊;从人体的肢体转动,摆动能量的变化研究,提出增大1组动作起跳翻转角动量的起跳新技术的建议。以及3组起跳动作的技术缺陷所在。  相似文献   

跳水"压水花"动作的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据流固碰撞跳水“压水花”动作计算机模拟和水花成形机理研究结果,提出平掌撞水、撞揉结合的“压水花”理论和方法。采用双盲实验法,对实验对象在实验训练前后的“压水花”成功率进行评估、统计处理和显著性检验。结果表明:用撞揉结合的“压水花”理论和方法指导实验训练,能够更快地帮助运动员建立“水感”,缩短“压水花”动作的训练周期,提高成功率。  相似文献   

章介绍了跳水转体的动作要领及转体训练的教学方法。  相似文献   

运用生化指标与训练负荷变化相结合的诊断方法,对河南女子公开级赛艇运动员冬训准备期训练负荷进行为期16周的诊断与监测.结果显示:冬训的负荷强度较小,负荷量过大;CK对诊断负荷强度较为敏感,表现出很强的同步性;BU对诊断负荷量较为客观.但在BU处于高位、负荷严重积累时,并不随负荷量的变化而明显地变化;Hb与负荷量的变化并非完全一致,相对滞后.提示:具体应用时,一定要将这些指标与负荷的变化结合才更为客观、准确.  相似文献   

使用SAFMS测力平台,分别测量人体从15 cm和40 cm高度自由下落时有缓冲和无缓冲两组落地动作所受冲力的实验值,在取与地面接触时间相等的条件下,运用能量守衡和动量定理分别计算出有缓冲和无缓冲着地所受冲力的理论值。通过理论值与实际值之间的差异比较分析,得出理论的平均冲力和测量的最大冲力值差异很大,给出了差异倍数的区间,进而指明在应用动量定理计算冲力值要注意的问题。  相似文献   

影响广东省跳水后备人才培养的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周洪珍  陆明辉 《体育学刊》2005,12(6):131-132
通过对广东省跳水后备人才培养影响因素的调查分析,认为管理、教练员队伍、教育与就业、经费、独生子女等是影响广东省跳水后备人才培养的主要因素.  相似文献   

要保持我国跳水项目在世界上的优势,必须发展转体动作的难度。为使更多运动员尤其是青少年能够成功顺利地掌握跳台反身转体5337D(即反身翻腾一周半转体三周半)动作,在梳理以往教学方法实践的基础上,提出了保留弹网保护带及陆上辅助措施,避开陆上跳板,水上一米板,三米板的诱导动作,转换成三米台、七米台的诱导动作等新的构思,使转体动作的学习过程简单化,提高学习转体过程的成功率。  相似文献   

史惠国 《体育科研》2005,26(1):51-53
从体操运动中多办周翻腾同时加转体类动作"旋"的技术在跳水中应用发展的可能性及具体做法,对跳水第五组翻腾兼转体动作进行归纳及技术分析,进一步发展创新跳水高、难、新动作,以继续巩固我国跳水水平的领先地位.  相似文献   

通过对北京奥运会跳水比赛录像及成绩的分析,了解当前世界跳水发展的现状。旨在为跳水项目保持优势地位以及2012年伦敦奥运会的奋斗目标提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study biomechanically quantified the movement patterns for six elite goalkeepers making diving saves to their preferred and non-preferred side at three different dive heights. Synchronised three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic biomechanical data analysis found diving direction to significantly (P < 0.05) influence the movement patterns of the diving save. The non-preferred side displayed greater lateral rotation of the pelvis and thorax at the initiation event. These over-rotational differences were reduced during the time on plate phase with the thorax displaying no significant difference at take-off; although a difference still remained for the pelvis. These over rotations were subsequently linked to greater peak knee joint moments, lower peak ankle joint moments, less hip extension at take-off, and for the centre of mass (COM) to travel slower and less directly to the ball, as measured by the net projection angle at take-off. These results indicate that joint movements in the transverse plane at or before the initiation event for the dive for the pelvis and thorax are the causation for subsequent asymmetries. These observed differences indicate that there is an advantage in having prior knowledge of limb preference in an opposing goalkeeper.  相似文献   

在竞技体育的竞争中,人力资源是体育竞争的基础和后盾。人力资源泛指两个方面,一是培养人才运行机制的规模与程度,二是个人发挥内在潜力的程度。后备人才的培养是竞技体育发展的战略问题,近年来,教练员问题日益引起人们的高度重视,特别是教练员的素质及培养问题。对此,章通过问卷调查法等,对广东省跳水运动后备人才教练员队伍现状进行调查研究,力求较真实、全面地反映这一特殊群体的整体情况,为探讨提高该省跳水教练员的整体素质提供理论依据。  相似文献   

研究目的:探索表象训练是否能有效提高跳水运动员运动时间知觉的准确性,以及对时间的判断和控制能力。研究方法:在跳水训练中运用时间知觉复制法、表象训练方法及视频分析技术。结论:运用表象训练实验建立跳水项目的时间知觉训练模型,对于提高跳水运动员的心理调适水平,实现竞技体育的科技化有着重要的意义。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual dimorphism in male (n=43) and female (n=39) springboard and platform divers at the 1991 World Diving Championships in Perth, Western Australia. In addition to recording the age, height and body mass of each diver, measurements were taken of 8 skinfolds, 13 girths, 8 breadths and depths, and 11 lengths. The derived variables were somatotype, sum of 6 skinfolds (SUM6) and height-adjusted proportional z-scores. The mean (±s) values for the males were: age, 22.2±4.6 years; height, 171±9 cm; body mass, 66.7±10.2 kg; somatotype, 2.0–5.3–2.4±0.5–1.0–0.8; SUM6, 45.9 + 11.4 mm. For the females, these values were: age, 20.9±3.8 years; height, 161±6 cm; body mass, 53.7±5.5 kg; somatotype, 2.8–3.8–2.8±0.7–1.0–0.9; SUM6, 65.6±17.0 mm. The males were taller, heavier, more mesomorphic, less endo-morphic and had a smaller SUM6 than the females (P<0.01). A series of discriminant function analyses were applied to groups of variables. Wilks' lambda and the overall F-ratio were highly significant (P<0.001), with correct classification of sex reaching 84–99%. The best combinations of variables were as follows: (1) absolute size, 3 girths + SUM6, or body mass + SUM6 + height (Wilks' lambda=0.17–0.35); (2) relative size, 2 girths + SUM6 + body mass. Combinations of breadths and lengths, skinfolds, or somatotype components, were less successful, with 84–87% classified correctly (Wilks' lambda=0.40–0.48). We conclude that, in addition to the expected absolute size differences, sexual dimorphism between male and female divers can be explained by differences in relative size, skinfolds and somatotype, and that these differences may have implications for coaching and selection in diving.  相似文献   

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