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王桂秋 《林区教学》2008,(10):58-60
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》的颁布,给学前教育教研工作带来了前所未有的挑战。教研员要转变教研工作职能,改革教研工作方式,增强服务意识,积极开展园本教研,引领广大教师走专业发展之路,从而提高教师专业化水平,提高幼儿园教育教学质量。  相似文献   

教研活动是农村幼儿园教师专业发展的重要途径,对提高幼儿园教育质量具有现实意义。在国家政策战略引导、幼儿园教育实践需求、农村幼儿园教师专业发展的背景下,本研究通过调查法发现,农村幼儿园教师在教研活动中存在教研知识有待充实、教研过程有待规范、教研成果有待分享、园本教研制度有待落实的现实困境。提出夯实教研知识、规范教研过程、构建教研分享体系、完善教研制度等推进策略,以期实现农村幼儿园教师自主开展教研活动的目的,凸显农村幼儿园教研活动特色。  相似文献   

园本教研,即以园为本的教研,是一种以幼儿园为研究基地,以一线教师为研究主体,以教师在教育教学实践中所遇到的真实问题为研究对象的研究活动。目前,园本教研已成为幼儿园教研的一种重要组织方式。如何让园本教研发挥它应有的作用,成为幼儿园教研的法宝,快速提高教师的教学能力、教学反思能力,促进教师专业化成长和发展呢?本文通过分析园本教研的现状,提出有效性园本教研的组织实施对策。  相似文献   

诸葛慧慧 《广西教育》2014,(41):123-124
正幼儿教师的专业化成长不可能完全依赖教育专家的帮助和指导,幼儿教师外出学习培训获取的教育新理念、教育新方法又不可能完全照搬使用。因此,幼儿园应当立足本园实际,开展形式多样的教研活动,建立问题本位、教师本位的多元化教研模式,从而提高教师的教育教学能力,促进教师的专业化发展。开展教研活动的方式有很多,如即时教研、专题教研等。笔者所在的幼儿园将教研活动常态化,建立了教研奖励机制,主要开展了问题式教研、听评课式教研、主题式教研、集体备课式教研、专题式教研等教研活动。  相似文献   

园本教研活动是立足于幼儿园实际教育教学活动而进行的一种富有园本气息的教研活动,是教师追求专业发展的重要途径和有效方式。通过起、承、转、合的园本教研策略让教师认识、了解园本教研的意义与价值,让教师在全新的适合幼儿园实际的园本教研中得到新的蜕变与专业化发展。  相似文献   

教育发展,教师为本;幼儿发展,教师为本;幼儿园发展,教师为本。教师是幼儿园的生力军。但在社会快速发展的今天,教师职业倦怠现象越来越普遍地存在着,教师不仅要承担琐碎、繁重的日常带班、教学工作,而且要参加幼儿园的教育研究活动。因此,如果幼儿园的教研活动既呆板、枯燥又缺乏实效性,就会直接影响教师参与教研活动的积极性,从而使教研活动流于形式,这也是管理者亟待解决的问题。因此,我园近年来着力探索易于为教师接受的,能够调动教师参与教研活动的积极性、主动性,提高教师的学习意识和能力的具有园本特色的教研方式与途径,受到了教师们的欢迎。  相似文献   

园本教研是以幼儿园为本体的教研活动,能让教师在分享交流、思考反思、参与体验中得到专业成长。实践证明,专业的教师队伍是提升幼儿园自主游戏质量的有力保障。为了让教师在园本教研中提升专业能力,解决教育教学实践中的问题,促进幼儿自主游戏的开展,幼儿园应结合本园教研现状,探索出体验式教研、圆桌式教研等有效园本教研方式。文章以实例阐述了园本教研的作用及发展过程,论证了有效园本教研对幼儿园自主游戏质量提升的推动作用。  相似文献   

园本教研是以幼儿园为本体的教研活动,能让教师在分享交流、思考反思、参与体验中得到专业成长。实践证明,专业的教师队伍是提升幼儿园自主游戏质量的有力保障。为了让教师在园本教研中提升专业能力,解决教育教学实践中的问题,促进幼儿自主游戏的开展,幼儿园应结合本园教研现状,探索出体验式教研、圆桌式教研等有效园本教研方式。文章以实例阐述了园本教研的作用及发展过程,论证了有效园本教研对幼儿园自主游戏质量提升的推动作用。  相似文献   

园本教研不仅是幼儿园教育管理的重要内容,也是幼儿园教育质量的重要保证。促进教师的专业成长必须结合本园的实际,开展切实有效地"园本教研活动",以教师在真实教育情境中所遇到的问题为起点,借助教育行动研究为重要方式,立足实践的沃土,使教师的观念、知识、能力不断更新、演进和丰富,从而促进幼儿园办园质量的全面提高。  相似文献   

郑玲 《教师》2012,(36):126-126
幼儿园教研是一种有目的、有组织的幼儿园研究管理活动,一线教师对教学中遇到的问题进行教研,有利于促进幼儿教师专业技能的成长。但是,目前幼儿园教研活动中存在教研机构职能发挥不足、教研活动质量不高等问题,这就需要幼儿园教师和领导改进工作方式、发展教研内容,采取措施提高幼儿园教研活动的有效性。  相似文献   

幼儿园教育应以游戏为基本活动,将游戏融入到各项教育活动之中。游戏是幼儿园教育活动的基本形式,已经得到了社会的认可。但是受到传统教学方式的影响,我国的幼儿教育中一直存在着重学习、轻游戏的现象。游戏多元化教学法在幼儿园教学中的应用,符合课程改革与素质教育的要求,也能够为幼儿营造一个良好的学习环境。  相似文献   

幼儿期是终身教育的起点也是基础教育的奠基,开展幼儿生命教育有利于幼儿身心发展。当前幼儿生命教育的研究主要关注幼儿生命教育的内容、幼儿生命教育的方式以及幼儿生命教育的实施主体三个方面。幼儿生命教育在学前教育中的地位日益凸显,但是幼儿生命教育课程结构不合理、幼儿生命教育的形式与手段较为单一、师资力量略显单薄并且缺乏专业性。今后应积极探索幼儿生命教育的形式与手段,注重幼儿生命教育实施主体的多元化,建构幼儿生命教育课程结构,重视幼儿生命教育在学前教育中的地位。  相似文献   

Since 2003, the Vietnamese government has prioritised curriculum reform efforts and commitment to improving the quality of the national curriculum. The Vietnamese early childhood education renovation has encountered considerable changes and challenges, particularly in the area of pedagogical approaches. Many early childhood teachers continue to favour direct instruction over more appropriate teaching practices for early childhood. This paper reviews the implementation and renovation of the revised curriculum over the past 10 years in Vietnam, and examines the changing realities of early childhood teachers' work to explore ways to implement and sustain changes in pedagogy in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam. The paper explores how changing societal expectations and the changing educational philosophies and resultant pedagogy have impacted on the beliefs and practices of early childhood teachers. The teaching profession, as a whole, is facing ongoing change and challenge; not only are ongoing educational reforms redefining teachers' work, but increasing teacher attrition and turnover also creates problems for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Lam Dong province. The paper concludes with suggestions for areas for future research in Vietnam in the field of ECEC.  相似文献   


To better understand the reasons underlying attrition and the teacher shortage, and to develop ways to attract and retain high-quality teachers in early childhood education, it is necessary to explore teacher motivation and commitment to teaching. Although previous research has investigated various aspects of teacher motivation and commitment to teaching, little attention has been paid to this in the context of early childhood teachers, especially early career teachers. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with 12 early career, early childhood teachers in mainland China, this study aims to examine early career early childhood teachers’ motivation to teach and commitment to teaching in the Chinese context. Four distinct types of early career, early childhood educators were identified: committed passionate, committed compromiser, undecided, and uncommitted. Each of these had unique motives for teaching and different levels of commitment to kindergarten teaching in mainland China. The four types of early career early childhood teachers identified in this study demonstrate the diversity and complexity of teaching motivation and commitment to teaching in the field of early childhood education. The findings from this study can provide implications for policy-makers and teacher educators to enhance novice teachers’ motivation and commitment to teaching in the early childhood context.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the increasing cultural diversity of Australia’s education settings and explicates the global education movement and the new Australian Early Years Learning Framework. It discusses the implication of these factors for early childhood education practice and early childhood teacher education. The key research question considered in this paper is what prior learnings do early childhood educators utilise to consider global education? Data are presented on a research project that explores the prior learning of pre‐service early childhood educators at a major Australian university. The paper shows that, unlike primary and secondary pre‐service teachers, most early childhood education pre‐service teachers have significant professional experiences in educational settings. These prior experiences have a significant impact on pre‐service early childhood educators’ knowledge, beliefs and attitudes in the area of global education and align strongly with the global education curriculum movement and new national curriculum.  相似文献   

成都市幼儿教育的改革与发展取得了重要成就,也还面临着不少问题:资源总量不足,农村幼儿园教师数量严重不足;教师队伍不稳、整体水平不高;办学体制较为混乱、办园思想不够端正;保教质量不高。这些问题的主要原因包括:政府投入不足,且没有保障机制;经费配置不合理;管理制度不适应;监管、评价、指导不到位;政策执行有偏差,反馈、整改还不够。当前,成都市幼儿教育的改革与发展需要进一步:加大财政投入,完善政策保障机制;完善教师管理制度,保证教师队伍稳定;加大监管力度,保证良好的运行环境;建立健全信息发布的体系;优化教师队伍建设;落实对贫困家庭子女接受幼儿教育资助政策;加强研究与规划。  相似文献   

Although action-research is a well-known research methodology in the field of education, in the case of Greece there are few actions-researches carried out by early childhood teachers. The absence of action-research in early childhood education settings is related to the way many early childhood teachers shape their professional role as well as the curriculum of their initial education and in-service training. This paper describes the case study of three Greek early childhood teachers who do action-research for the first time. According to the three teachers, fear of educational research, the children’s age, time pressure, parents’ demands, and colleagues’ reactions are among the main obstacles in doing action-research in early childhood education.  相似文献   

幼儿教师专业发展是其教育理论知识与教学实践相结合,不断内化为个体理论知识和实践知识的教育机智的过程。教育叙事研究来自实践,服务于实践,是幼儿教师成为学习者和研究者,是促进幼儿教师专业发展的有效方式和手段。  相似文献   

教学改革不仅是教学方法、方式的孤立革新,而是在对教育理念、培养目标、课程内容、资源及师生状况等方面综合考量基础上的教学策略的改革。幼儿园教师职前教育教学策略的改革必须在《幼儿园教师专业标准》和《幼儿园教师教育课程标准》的视域下,以实践和反思能力培养为主要目标,以典型学习情境和工作任务为主要内容,以"行动—实践"为教学模式,以实操练习为主要方法,从而培养出符合时代需要的合格幼儿园教师。  相似文献   

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