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1928-1937年,国立北平图书馆处于发展兴盛时期,在图书馆界内以及近代文化史上发挥着积极的作用和影响.其时,馆办刊物以种类多、内容丰富、层次高等特色在推动学术研究以及社会阅读方面起到了良好的效果,在学界以及社会上都有着一定的知名度,《国立北平图书馆馆刊》、《图书季刊》、《读书月刊》、《大公报·图书副刊》(合办)四种刊物便是其代表.参考文献12.  相似文献   

The Osler Library's purpose is to build a collection capable of supporting research in the history of medicine. The major acquisition area is material published from 1960 to 1968. Out-of-print material is acquired on microfilm. The Library contains all pre-1850 monographs, transferred from the Medical Library, and all new monographs from 1850 to 1899 are housed there. The catalogs are described, together with special files, including chronological, journal article index, and publishers' lists index.The place of the original Osler collection is discussed, as are methods by which the collections are preserved. The Library hopes to become a deposit center in Eastern Canada for historical medical material.The administration and organization of the Library are described.  相似文献   

面向大众的图书馆关怀是图书馆人不变的理想,也是图书馆走向社会、服务社会的现实任务.图书馆要更好地服务读者,必须了解读者的需求和心理特点,要掌握相应的心理学知识.试从心理学的角度,采用理论联系实际的方式,探讨读者心理现象的规律、读者的需要种类及读者的年龄层次与心理特点等,以更好地服务读者.  相似文献   

十月十六号 今早十时,白搏九来行与余谈话.余约其往银行公会,因行中人多,不便聚谈也.所谈之事无非筹款.  相似文献   

记汉口中行事 二月八号,由汉致函馥荪,讨论中行问题,十九号接馥荪复函,对于汉口中行钞券及中行用人问题有所论列.  相似文献   

五四运动期间,国内外人士都十分关注这场规模浩大的学生反帝爱国运动.作为著名教会大学圣约翰大学的校长卜舫济,面对大批热情高涨的学生离校投身爱国运动的行为并未横加干涉,而是采取了一种较为温和的态度,对学生的爱国行动表示了一定程度的理解和宽容.  相似文献   

薪火相传与时俱进--广东图书馆学会40年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新中国建立以后我国第一个图书馆学会 ,广东图书馆学会自 196 3年创办迄今的 4 0年来 ,在繁荣图书馆学术研究、发展图书馆事业、开展国际图书馆学术交流 ,尤其是粤港澳图书馆之间的学术交流与合作等方面取得了辉煌的成就 ,其世代相传的图书馆精神已成为广东图书馆界乃至中国图书馆界的优良传统和成功经验。  相似文献   

借助于新增史料,通过细致梳理,深入考察湖北省图书馆早期历史(1904-1908):补充前人未曾应用的重要史料;考证湖北省图书馆建馆日期为1904年3月14日;清晰勾画湖北省图书馆早期发展历程:以事实证明武当宫图书馆、学堂应用图书馆、湖北图书馆三者之间的传承关系;湖北省图书馆创立者为端方、张之洞。  相似文献   

Africa has not been a huge success story in the 20th-century library and information world. What, if anything, can the rest of the developing world learn from the African experience? In many countries library and information services are more highly developed than in any countries of Africa. But others share many of the handicaps of library and information services development which characterize African countries. For librarians and information workers from such countries, the African experience may be quite close to home and it may offer some useful lessons.

This paper attempts to outline the state of library development in Africa at the turn of the century in the context of the challenges and opportunities presented on the one hand by the world-wide developments in information technology, and on the other by the hoped for African Renaissance. Six promising responses to these challenges and opportunities are presented.

Africa is a large and diverse continent. In this paper it is not possible to give a historical perspective on library development in Africa. Given limitations of the author's experience, the emphasis is on Anglophone Africa and on the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and on public, university and national libraries.  相似文献   

文章对《中国学术期刊全文数据库》2006年~2010年5年间399篇有关图书馆联盟的研究论文进行了定量分析,对论文的发表时间、作者、发表期刊、论文主题、论文合著率等进行了分析,对我国图书馆联盟的研究现状进行了总结,并指出了目前我国在该领域研究中存在的不足。  相似文献   

关于现代图书馆管理的研究综述(2000-2005)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文搜集了2000-2005年有关图书馆管理方面的文献,通过研习和总结,对图书馆管理的理念、方法、手段、模式等进行了一些概括,勾勒出近5年来图书馆管理研究的大致轮廓.参考文献4.  相似文献   

何多源是近代著名的图书馆学家,在图书分类编目、图书管理业务、古籍善本题识、地方图书馆史、地方藏书史以及书目编纂等方面均有独特贡献.直到现在,何多源在图书馆学术上的理论与实践探索仍然有很高的学术价值.  相似文献   


The present article describes the life of the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (1853–1920) through the correspondence with her parents: the Emperor of Russia Alexander II, the Empress and close friends. The accent is on Grand Duchess’s life in Great Britain after her marriage in 1874 to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh (1844–1900), second son of the Queen Victoria but also about her life in the Duchies of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha after 1893 with frequent visits to her family in Russia. The letters give us important information about the Grand Duchess’s life, her children, and her social contacts with political and diplomatic circles of the period.  相似文献   

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