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R&D财政补贴能激励企业增加研发投入,也可能替代企业自身的研发投入,如何使之发挥激励效应是实现R&D补贴有效性的关键。从实施机制而言,任何政策都是一项机制设计。台湾小型企业创新研发(SBIR)计划卓有成效,其中,有效降低项目管理信息成本和实现政府与受补贴企业之间激励相容的机制设计功不可没。为提高中国R&D补贴的有效性,宜借鉴台湾SBIR计划的成功经验,在委托专业机构从事项目管理、完善研发信息报告制度等机制设计方面加以改进。  相似文献   

R&D补贴对企业R&D投入及创新产出影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王俊 《科学学研究》2010,28(9):1368-1374
运用我国28个行业大中型企业的面板数据实证检验了政府RD补贴对企业RD投入及自主创新的影响,研究发现不论是在RD决定方程的静态模型还是动态模型中,RD补贴对企业RD投入的激励效应都是显著存在的。然而,在专利决定方程中政府RD补贴的激励效应却是不显著的,RD补贴对企业自主创新的正面影响存在一定的不确定性。政策启示在于:政府除了继续加大对企业RD补贴之外还可以适当增加RD税收优惠、政府采购等资助方式。此外,政府还应加大对民营科技型企业的补贴力度。  相似文献   

本文基于2011—2014年中关村高新技术企业微观数据,运用广义倾向得分法和最新发展的非参数估计方法,测度了税收优惠和财政直接补贴在不同强度下对高新技术企业RD投入的动态效应,并就政策的有效性进行了对比分析。结论认为:财税政策对不同规模高新技术企业RD活动的影响具有异质性,且存在政策最优作用区间。大中企业的RD投入只对税收优惠的强度变化敏感,税收优惠强度增加可有效促进其RD投入,而直接补贴的边际激励效应不显著;小微企业对两种政策均较为敏感,税收优惠对其RD活动的激励作用显著,随着直接补贴的强度增加其RD投入水平缓慢提高。  相似文献   

政府创新补贴是一国扶持农业企业技术创新的重要政策工具,政策目标是促进农业企业的RD投入杠杆效应而非形成补贴依赖,补贴绩效如何尚缺乏系统研究。本文利用手工方式从涉农上市企业公开披露信息整理出的2012-2014年三年样本数据,构建联立方程模型实证分析了政府补贴对农业企业RD投资的影响效应及其差异性。研究结果发现,政府补贴对涉农企业RD投入的激励效应显著,但行业之间存在较大差异;涉农企业的绩效增长短期对主营业务RD投入会发生杠杆效应,但长期来看效应微弱,RD投资行为具有一定的补贴依赖倾向。此外,涉农上市企业内部治理与经营水平也是影响政府补贴对RD创新投入效率的重要因素。最后,本文从政府补贴的资助对象、方式和监管补贴用途等方面提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

政府补贴是激励企业创新的主要手段。以2010—2013年278家战略性新兴产业上市公司为研究对象,利用固定效应面板模型研究政府补贴对企业RD投入的影响效应,结果显示:政府补贴存在一个临界点,低于此点的补贴强度可以诱导企业RD投入,高于此点的补贴强度会挤出企业RD投入;企业寻租行为有利于政府补贴杠杆效应的发挥,但由于寻租属于企业的非生产性活动,通过寻租获得补贴扭曲了旨在促进创新的政府补贴政策。  相似文献   

一个国家的企业保持活跃的RD投入和技术创新是国家经济可持续发展的基础。但是由于RD活动存在一定的外部性,政府有必要通过补贴的方式,激励企业增大RD投入。以我国高技术产业为例,对高技术产业五个细分行业2003—2008年的数据进行面板数据分析。研究发现:(1)政府补贴并不一定会促使企业增加RD投入水平,其效应与政府补贴率r有关;(2)政府补贴对企业RD投入的影响具有滞后性;(3)政府补贴对高技术产业的五个细分行业影响存在较大差异。  相似文献   

赵骅  姚韵 《科研管理》2017,38(3):135-143
基于双寡头企业RD竞争模型,利用动力系统分支理论和混沌经济学原理,构建一个带有政府研发补贴的有限理性双寡头企业动态博弈模型,分析离散动态系统中政府研发补贴系数对RD竞争均衡条件的限制作用及对整个双寡头市场运作状态的动态影响,并进行数值仿真。研究表明:1)Nash均衡条件下,合理的补贴系数取值范围应受到市场需求函数、有限理性企业RD投入调速以及产品成本的约束。适当的补贴率有助于系统维稳,而不适当的补贴率则会使得RD竞争进入混沌状态。2)补贴政策实行初期,市场会呈现出短暂的不均衡状态。双寡头企业前期RD投入波动幅度大于利润波动幅度,且两者皆与补贴力度正相关。3)双寡头市场中,政府RD补贴能够刺激企业加大RD投入,并使得RD投入调速较快的企业将取得更高的利润,而调速较慢的企业则会处于相对劣势。文章最后通过讨论给出政策层面上的相关建议,以期为相关研发补贴政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

本文首先评析了技术创新中的需求拉动论、技术推动论与政府引导论,然后以装备制造业中的专用设备上市公司2009—2011年数据作为研究样本,实证检验了政府补贴、市场需求与企业技术创新之间的关系,特别是考察市场需求是否具有中介或调节效应。最后以国家自主创新示范区东湖高新区内精伦电子、华中数控等企业为案例进一步阐明了这三者之间的关系。研究发现,政府补贴和市场需求与企业RD投入显著正相关,市场需求对政府补贴与企业RD投入之间不存在中介效应。研发投入与企业创值能力显著正相关,市场需求对企业RD投入与创值能力有显著的正调节效应,而政府补贴对RD投入与企业创值能力存在显著负调节效应。政府补贴与企业盈利能力显著正相关。  相似文献   

基于我国29个省市规模以上工业企业数据,采用面板数据模型、面板门槛回归模型实证研究RD资金投入与RD人员投入对企业利润的作用特征及两者的协调效应。研究结果表明,RD资金投入与RD人员投入具有协调作用机制,只有研发资金与人员协同的企业才能实现超额利润。RD资金投入存在最佳规模,中等规模下资金投入对企业利润的弹性系数最大。RD人员投入水平较高时,RD资金投入对企业利润的弹性系数较大。由于我国RD人员投入水平整体偏低,且高素质研发人员较为匮乏,人员投入对企业利润的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

技术创新的溢出效应致使企业的RD投入低于期望的最优水平,政府应对其进行补贴,但是在不同的市场结构下企业之间的竞争态势存在明显差异,政府应制定差别化的最优补贴率,并引导企业在RD竞争或RD合作中作出正确的选择。主要采用博弈论的方法,以企业数量的多少来衡量市场结构的差异,着重考察4种不同市场结构下政府的最优补贴率及其对企业研发行为的影响。研究发现:(1)在完全竞争的市场结构下,政府的最优补贴率为1,不管企业之间的研发方式如何(RD竞争或RD合作),都不会对最终的研发投入水平产生任何影响;而在完全垄断的市场结构下,政府的最优补贴率为0.33,由于市场上仅有1家企业,因此不存在RD竞争或RD合作的选择问题。(2)在寡头垄断和垄断竞争的市场结构下,政府的最优补贴率应随企业数量的增加、溢出效应的增大而增大,即竞争越激烈、溢出效应越高,政府越应提高补贴率;而企业之间的研发方式选择主要与溢出效应有关,若溢出效应小于0.5,则企业应选择RD竞争;若溢出效应大于0.5,则企业应进行RD合作;若溢出效应等于0.5,则两种研发方式不存在明显差异。  相似文献   

【目的】 帮助学术期刊把握出版运营的原则与本质,打破运营误区,提升运营能力,为期刊出版的有效运营提供参考。【方法】 针对学术期刊出版运营中的误区和不良现象,剖析期刊发展“术”与“道”的差异及关系,揭示学术期刊出版运营的本质。【结果】 “道”是根本,以“道”驭“术”,以“术”促“道”,不仅是学术期刊出版初心和本原的回归,更是学术期刊生存发展的需要。【结论】 学术期刊需要牢记初心使命、坚守学术定力,科学认识期刊出版运营的影响因素,系统调用运营全要素,不为“名”所困扰,不为评价指标所羁绊,实现有效运营与可持续发展。  相似文献   

Cataract is one of the leading causes of visual disability often leading to blindness in the elderly population. One of the causes is oxidation of proteins present in lens, by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In the present study 100 goat lenses were analyzed to determine the protective efficacy of ketoacids, against the oxidative insult by H2O2. The ketoacids used were (pyruvate, alpha ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate), that are constantly produced endogenously. The lenses were incubated as control and experimental groups in TC-199 media for 72 hrs. H2O2 concentration of 10mM was used to induce cataract. The biochemical parameters measured were levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product and activity of glutathione peroxidase (G-Px), an enzymatic antioxidant. The results showed a significant increase in the levels of MDA and significant decrease in the activity of G-Px in the cataractous lenses as compared to control. After addition of ketoacids (pyruvate (10mM), alpha ketoglutarate (20mM) and oxaloacetate (20mM)) separately, the levels of MDA decreased significantly and the activity of G-Px increased significantly. The results suggest that the ketoacids can be very promising antioxidants for the treatment of cataract. They may also be useful in treating other disabilities related to acute and chronic oxidative stress.  相似文献   

By using a sample of 793 inventors drawn from the PatVal-EU dataset, this paper explores three aspects of patent production at the individual inventor level: (1) the number of EPO patents that the inventors produce; (2) the average value of their inventions; (3) the production of the most valuable patents. By jointly estimating the three equations we find that the inventors’ level of education, employment in a large firm, and involvement in large-scale research projects positively correlate with quantity. Yet, apart from the size of the research project, none of these factors directly influence the expected value of the inventions. They do, however, have an indirect influence, as we find that the number of patents explains the probability of producing a technological hit (the maximum value). Also, there is no regression to the mean in the invention process at an individual level, as the number of inventions that an inventor produces is not correlated with the average value.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the special issue on “emerging nanotechnologies”, this paper puts in perspective contemporary debates and challenges about nanotechnology. It presents an overview of diverse analyses and expectations about this presumably revolutionary set of technological, scientific and industrial developments. Three main lines of argument can then be delineated: first of all, the degree of cumulativeness of science and technologies and the respective roles of newcomers and incumbents in the industrial dynamics; second the knowledge dynamics in nanotechnologies, especially the linkages by science and technology and third the role of institutions (network, geographic agglomeration and job market). It finally discusses methodologies to delineate the field of nanotechnologies and to collect data.  相似文献   

Ocimum sanctum leaves have been traditionally used in treatment of diabetes mellitus. Dietary supplementation of fresh tulsi leaves in a dose of 2 gm/kg BW for 30 days led to significant lowering of blood glucose levels in test group. Intake ofOcimum sanctum also led to significant increase in levels of superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione and total thiols, but marked reduction in peroxiodised lipid levels as compared to untreated control group. The leaves were found to possess both superoxide and hydroxyl free radical scavenging action. The present observations establish the efficacy ofOcimum sanctum leaves in lowering blood glucose levels and antioxidant property appears to be predominantly responsible for hypoglycemic effect.  相似文献   

The present study reveals the effect of Musa paradisiaca stem juice on blood glucose level (BGL) of normal & diabetic rats. The dose of 500 mg/kg bodyweight produces a significant rise of 28.3% in blood glucose level after 6h of oral administration in normal rats. Whereas, in sub diabetic rats the same dose produces a rise of 16.4% in blood glucose levels within 1h during glucose tolerance test (GTT) and a rise of 16% after 4 h in fasting blood glucose levels of severe diabetic cases. These results were unexpected and important to report as other species of Musa like Musa sapientum has been reported for its hypoglycemic effect.  相似文献   

This paper builds on Teece's, 1986 paper to consider how appropriability conditions affect the ability of an industry, and the economy as a whole, to progress. In particular, it offers a careful discussion of the broader costs and benefits of patenting. Can too much appropriability actually work against the broader interests of society in fostering economic growth and technical advance in the market?  相似文献   

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