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This study was designed to examine children's attitudes toward the role of sports in determining social status, as well as the activities in which children prefer to participate. A total of 227 boys and 251 girls in Grades 4, 5, and 6 completed a questionnaire to determine which criteria were most important in determining personal, female, and male popularity. Personal popularity was answered by the girls and boys according to “what would make you well liked by your classmates. “Female and male popularity was determined by asking both girls and boys to decide “what would make (girls, for female subjects, and boys, for male subjects) well liked by your classmates. “A comparison of results from the Buchanan, Blankenbaker, and Cotten (1976) investigation and the present study indicated that, in the last 15 years, appearance has become more important and academic achievement less important in determining personal popularity for girls. For boys, the comparison revealed that sports have become more important and academic achievement less important in determining personal popularity. Boys reported sports to be the most important determinant of personal and male popularity and appearance as the most important determinant of female popularity. Sports and appearance became more important for boys with each higher grade level Girls reported appearance to be the most important determinant of personal, male, and female popularity. For girls, appearance became more important with each higher grade level A comparison of results from the Buchanan et al. (1976) and the present study indicated that the activities in which girls and boys preferred to participate have changed. The importance of “making good grades” has decreased and the importance of “being popular” has increased.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法对我国部分城市青少年体育偶像的运动项目、运动项群、竞赛属性、性别等问题进行了调查分析。研究表明:我国青少年的体育偶像覆盖了众多的运动项目,国际重大赛事上为中国争得荣誉的国内明星运动员,是我国青少年崇拜的主要对象;我国青少年体育偶像选择普遍倾向夏季奥运会体育明星,男性体育明星更受青少年的欢迎;NBA及职业足球文化对我国男性青少年体育偶像选择具有重要的影响,奥运文化对女性青少年体育偶像选择具有更大的影响;女性青少年在难关类体育偶像的选择上高于男性青少年,男性青少年则在重竞技项目偶像选择上高于女性青少年。  相似文献   

中国竞技体育“阴盛”现象探因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用文献资料、调查统计等研究方法,从中外男女青少儿体质特征、中外优秀男女运动员身体形态特征,以及导致女子竞技体育快速发展的社会学因素三个层面,揭示了中国体坛“阴盛”现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

郭强 《浙江体育科学》2012,34(4):76-80,111
采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对当前大学生的锻炼行为和锻炼消费特征进行了调查。结果发现:①在锻炼行为方面,男生每周锻炼1~2次的人数比例最高,占33.3%;女生偶尔参加锻炼的人数比例最高,为36.1%。45.0%的男生每次锻炼时间在31~60min;55.5%的女生每次锻炼时间在30min以内。32.4%的男生已经坚持锻炼了1~6个月;52.7%的女生坚持锻炼的时间不足1个月。以上3方面,男女生之间均存在非常显著的性别差异。②友伴锻炼和单独锻炼是大学生主要的锻炼参与方式;65.7%的男生会将大球类作为锻炼项目,49.8%的女生则喜欢跑步锻炼;选择下午课外时间锻炼的男生人数比例最高,为37.0%;选择晚上时间锻炼的女生比例最高,为27.3%;多数人选择校内室外体育场地进行锻炼,人数比例高达57.7%。③69.4%的大学生年体育消费额在100元以内;大学生的体育消费主要用于购买运动服装、小器械等物化的体育用品。④从主观总体而言,学业压力大空闲时间少、没有喜欢的锻炼项目、锻炼场所拥挤不方便、锻炼相关知识掌握少、怕累及从众心理等是大学生不良锻炼行为的主要原因。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of sport as a social status determinant among racially diverse children. Participants were 1,233 fourth- to seventh-grade children. Results indicated there were gender, grade, and racial differences for the selection of social status determinants. Boys placed more importance than girls on being good at sports and wealth. Girls placed more importance than boys on getting good grades and being attractive. Fourth- and fifth-grade students ranked getting good grades as most important, while sixth- and seventh-grade students ranked being attractive as most important. Non-Hispanic Caucasian students ranked being good at sports and being attractive as most important, while African American students ranked getting good grades and wealth as most important.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of sport as a social status determinant among racially diverse children. Participants were 1,233 fourth- to seventh-grade children. Results indicated there were gender, grade, and racial differences for the selection of social status determinants. Boys placed more importance than girls on being good at sports and wealth. Girls placed more importance than boys on getting good grades and being attractive. Fourth- and fifth-grade students ranked getting good grades as most important, while sixth- and seventh-grade students ranked being attractive as most important. Non-Hispanic Caucasian students ranked being good at sports and being attractive as most important, while African American students ranked getting good grades and wealth as most important  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to measure grade school children's attitudes toward female involvement in sports and their relationship with participation, sex, and grade level. A Likert-type questionnaire (CATFIS) was administered to 106 girls and 264 boys in grades 3–6 at the beginning of their participation (P) in a YMCA-sponsored sports program. Similarly, 344 girls and 287 boys in grades 3–9 who did not participate (NP) in this sports program were administered the questionnaire in their school classrooms. Five months later the P group and the NP group (only grades 3–6) were retested to investigate whether attitude change occurred. The results of the study indicated that females at all grade and participation levels had significantly more favorable attitudes than the males. At grades 3 and 4 male P and NP were quite similar in their attitudes, as were female P and NP, but at grades 5 and 6 the attitudes of each sex group diverged. Male NP were more positive than male P, while female NP were less positive than female P. The significant three-way interaction between participation, sex, and grade was explained in terms of a psychological contrast effect and sex roles. Overall, the groups became more positive toward female involvement in sports from the time of the pretest to the posttest.  相似文献   

江西省大学生闲暇体育锻炼行为及影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对江西省大学生闲暇体育锻炼行为及影响因素进行研究。结果发现:多数大学生有自己喜爱的闲暇体育锻炼项目,男女生闲暇体育锻炼项目存在差异;大学生闲暇体育锻炼频次男生高于女生;由同学陪同一起锻炼是主要锻炼形式。影响大学生闲暇体育锻炼的主要因素为:体育心理情感、体育环境、个人体质和体育技能。  相似文献   

为了掌握傣族与汉族中学生的身体素质现状,文章运用文献资料法、对比分析法、数理统计法等,对汉族与傣族中学生的速度素质、耐力素质、力量素质、柔韧素质进行对比分析,结果表明:在速度素质方面,汉族男生优于傣族男生,傣族女生则优于汉族女生;在耐力素质中方面,13岁这个年龄段傣族男女生均优于汉族男女生,14、15岁则汉族男女生优于傣族男女生;力量素质方面,傣族男女生总体上优于汉族男女生;柔韧素质方面,汉族男女生优于傣族男女生。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to test for the presence of a relative age effect among male (n = 119,715) and female (n = 12,823) members of the shooting sports federation, and to determine whether any such effect has an impact on dropout from the sport. For the boys and girls, the results show a uniform distribution of dropout. A relative age effect was not found for the girls, showing that in female shooting sports there is no such effect. For the males, a significant statistical relative age effect was not detected in the 18–20 and 13–14 year categories. However, a relative age effect was found among adults and the 11–12 and under 11 year categories. A significant “inverse” relative age effect was found for the 15–17 year group. Further qualitative research is needed to clarify which factors contribute to this asymmetric distribution of birth dates in French male shooting sports.  相似文献   

一个国家繁荣强盛最根本的决定因素是人,而对于任何一个人来说,最基础、最重要的因素就是身体素质。青少年正处在身体发育的重要时期,加强体育锻炼,努力增强体质于是便显得十分迫切。广大青少年身心健康、体魄健康、意志坚强、充满活力,是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是社会文明进步的标志。全国阳光体育运动的启动和开展,以及运动开展的实施举措在当今国内形势和国际环境下对于国家和民族都将具有现实意义和深远影响,文章基于此,对阳光体育运动开展的必要性进行研究。  相似文献   

In a review of 46 meta-analyses of gender differences, overhand throwing had the largest gender difference favoring boys (ES > 3.0). Expectations for gender-specific performances may be less pronounced in female Australian Aborigines, because historical accounts state they threw for defense and hunting. Overhand throwing velocities and kinematics were recorded in 30 female and male Aboriginal Australian children 6-10 years old. Results indicated the Aboriginal girls and boys were more similar in horizontal ball velocities than U.S. girls and boys. Throwing kinematics between girls and boys were also more similar in Australian Aborigines than U.S. children. Aboriginal girls threw with greater velocities than U.S., German, Japanese, and Thai girls, while the boys were similar across cultures.  相似文献   

In a review of 46 meta-analyses of gender differences, overhand throwing had the largest gender difference favoring boys (ES > 3.0). Expectations for gender-specific performances may be less pronounced in female Australian Aborigines, because historical accounts state they threw for defense and hunting. Overhand throwing velocities and kinematics were recorded in 30 female and male Aboriginal Australian children 6-10 years old. Results indicated the Aboriginal girls and boys were more similar in horizontal ball velocities than U.S. girls and boys. Throwing kinematics between girls and boys were also more similar in Australian Aborigines than U.S. children. Aboriginal girls threw with greater velocities than U.S., German, Japanese, and Thai girls, while the boys were similar across cultures.  相似文献   

为分析高中生体育兴趣现状,探讨高中生体育兴趣的特点及其与心理健康的关系,本研究对高中生体育兴趣与心理健康进行调查。结果发现:(1)62.82%的学生喜欢体育运动,但仍有37.18%的高中生不喜欢体育运动,男生喜欢体育运动的人数明显高于女生;(2)高中生的体育运动兴趣较为广泛,主要以竞技性球类运动为主。(3)大部分高中生感兴趣的项目都集中在羽毛球、篮球和跑步上(71.9%);(4)喜欢体育运动的高中生的心理健康状况显著高于不喜欢运动的高中生,高中生体育兴趣与其心理健康水平有一定的关系(r=0.123,P=0.000)。  相似文献   


Using an extension of Webb's concept of professionalized sport attitudes, it was explored whether the type of significant other and degree of parental psychological support were related to professionalized sport attitudes (win/skill orientation) or to nonprofessionalized sport attitudes (fair play/total participation orientation). Comparisons were made between 1236 economically disadvantaged boys and 1096 economically disadvantaged girls enrolled in the summer portion of the National Youth Sports Program, resulting in the following findings. Males demonstrated a more professionalized sport attitude than did females. Males perceived their father/male guardian as the most important significant other whereas females perceived their mother/female guardian as the most important significant other. No relationship was found between the type of significant other (mother/female guardian, father/male guardian, teacher/coach, or friend) and professionalized sport attitudes for both boys and girls. However, parental psychological support factors were found to be related to professionalized sport attitudes for males but not for females. Explanations for the demonstrated relationship between parental psychological factors and professionalized sport attitudes were discussed which included support for the growing concern that parents may be in part responsible for developing “winning” and “skill” values in youth sport participants. This adult intervention, however, presently may only be significant for male youth sport participants.  相似文献   

上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动现状的调查与思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动的现状进行研究。结果发现:上海青少年儿童参与民间体育活动表现为总体性“冷”与个别项目“热”的两种态势;民间体育活动对青少年儿童具有很强的吸引力;学生、教师及家长对民间体育活动应走进学校有较一致的看法。从我国民间体育发展的历程、现状及其与学校体育的关系等方面,追溯民间体育活动在青少年儿童中开展不力的社会根源,据此提出发展我国民间体育活动的对策。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between physical self-perceptions and physical activity in Canadian school children aged 10–14 years. The sample consisted of 220 boys and 246 girls in grades 5–8. Physical activity was assessed by 7-day recall using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children. Selfperceptions of physical conditioning, sports competence, strength, body appearance and general physical selfworth were measured by the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP). We found that boys were more physically active than girls and had higher perceptions of sport competence and strength. All PSPP scales were significantly correlated with physical activity in both boys and girls. Structural equation modelling procedures found the hierarchical PSPP model provided a good fit to the observed data, with little evidence of diff erences between the sexes. Analysis of five alternative structural models of the relationship between the PSPP and physical activity found the most parsimonious model to have significant pathways from both physical conditioning and sport skills to physical activity. Models for the sample as a whole, for boys and for girls were similar, accounting for an R 2 of 0.27–0.29 for physical activity. Our results demonstrate that physical self-perceptions, especially physical conditioning and sport skills, are significant correlates of activity in this population.  相似文献   

Children's physical activity and physical self-perceptions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between physical self-perceptions and physical activity in Canadian school children aged 10-14 years. The sample consisted of 220 boys and 246 girls in grades 5-8. Physical activity was assessed by 7-day recall using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children. Self-perceptions of physical conditioning, sports competence, strength, body appearance and general physical self-worth were measured by the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP). We found that boys were more physically active than girls and had higher perceptions of sport competence and strength. All PSPP scales were significantly correlated with physical activity in both boys and girls. Structural equation modelling procedures found the hierarchical PSPP model provided a good fit to the observed data, with little evidence of differences between the sexes. Analysis of five alternative structural models of the relationship between the PSPP and physical activity found the most parsimonious model to have significant pathways from both physical conditioning and sport skills to physical activity. Models for the sample as a whole, for boys and for girls were similar, accounting for an R2 of 0.27-0.29 for physical activity. Our results demonstrate that physical self-perceptions, especially physical conditioning and sport skills, are significant correlates of activity in this population.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the role of sport in immigrant youths integration into a host society. The analyses are based on a survey of 454 first-generation immigrant youths from secondary, vocational, and pre-apprenticeship schools located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. In short, our results indicate that for most immigrant youth, sport is an important part of their free time, even though the proportion of female immigrant youth doing sport in sports clubs is twice as low as that of male immigrant youth. Our findings also illustrate that female and male immigrant youth who do sports in clubs have considerably more personal contact with Swiss peers during these sporting activities. Moreover, the young people who have frequent personal contact with Swiss peers during sporting activities reported having considerably more intercultural contacts in their free time and among their close friends. Finally, immigrant youths’ contacts with Swiss peers during sporting activities increase their feeling of being integrated in Switzerland.  相似文献   

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