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押宝欧冠、押宝英超和押宝双杯三篇文章标题的百分比相当于切尔西本赛季在三类赛事上的关注度.具体数字为本编辑部自拟。  相似文献   

作为上赛季两项传统杯赛一一足总杯和联赛杯的冠军,切尔西是蝉联两项锦标最强有力的竞争者。至少从俱乐部的口中,听不到孰重孰轻,如何取舍的言论,一句话,蓝军对荣誉的渴望永无止境。实际上,对那个早已对大耳朵杯害了相思病的阿布来说,孤悬海外一隅的杯赛冠军实实在在就是一块鸡肋,在没有其他冠军的时候聊胜于无,一旦欧冠、英超联赛形势大好,当可以弃杯赛如敝屐。上有所好,下必效之。同为犹太后裔的格兰特自然对东家的心病一清二楚,于是,  相似文献   

2009-2010赛季英超联赛29轮战罢,积分榜三甲依次为曼联(63分)、切尔西(少赛一场,61分)和阿森纳(61分)。阿森纳的积分超出暂列第4的托特纳姆(少赛一场,49分)12分之多,在联赛仅剩九轮的情况下,本赛季英超联赛的奖杯只能成为英超三强竞夺的花魁。不论是安切洛蒂的切尔西收复暌别三年的失地,还是弗格森的曼联延续前三个赛季的辉煌,抑或温格的阿森纳终结英超桂冠五年的空白期,他们自身的综合实力和临场发挥自然是主观因素,然而剩余赛程中将遭遇的对手,却很可能改变他们本赛季的最终命运。在3月下旬争冠进程进入快车道时,不同的对手来检验他们的冠军成色,也有某些球队,会频繁出现在三强的赛程之中,一方面后者将成为检验三强谁能夺冠的试金石,另一方面他们的发挥也很可能改变冠军的最终归属,在这个层面上,他们是英超航海中的最后狙击手。  相似文献   

傅雳 《当代体育》2012,(33):16-21
在3个多月的等待之后,英超新赛季终于拉开大幕。首战十场,既有冠军逆转、豪门爆冷的惊奇,亦有新帅抢镜、平民转身的好戏。纷争背后,联赛新格局已暗含其中,一个崭新的英超时代已经到来。  相似文献   

张梦然 《当代体育》2011,(31):16-29
北京时间8月13日,2011-12赛季英格兰足球超级联赛烽烟再起。这是英超自92年成立以来的第二十个年头。拥有1 9座冠军奖杯的曼联再度出击,他们将与同城死敌曼城一绝高下。伦敦3强虽动作不大,但"新狂人"博阿斯登陆斯坦福桥也期待带给蓝军更多的荣耀。达格利什大肆招兵买马,红军利物浦能否给曼市双雄带来威胁?期待重返欧冠的热刺又能否如愿以偿?在这个陌生升班马与传统豪强激烈厮杀的赛季里,一切答案从现在开始揭晓。  相似文献   

慕沅 《足球俱乐部》2012,(16):52-58
2011—201 2赛季以史上最戏剧情节为英超头20年画上一个华丽的句号之后,201 2—201 3赛季又在球迷的期待中如期到来。二十弱冠的英超,已经成为了世界足坛最成功的联赛,无论是风格营造、球迷培养还是商业运作都已臻化境。但世界是平的,竞争从未远离,巴萨皇马双雄堪称足坛两极的西甲,正携风雷之势欲与试比高,英超要想维持第一宝座,必须自勉提高。  相似文献   

慕沅 《足球俱乐部》2011,(Z1):104-109
2010-2011赛季英超圣诞-新年赛程终于画上句号,这段开启自去年12月26日(节礼日)第19轮、结束于今年1月6日第22轮的魔鬼赛程,用十天四轮的车轮鏖战考验了20支球队。纵情厮杀后,有些球队在捉襟见肘中掉下队来,如近九轮仅一胜的卫冕冠军切尔西,有些球队在谈笑之中安然度过艰辛赛程,如均收获三胜一平的曼彻斯特双雄。赢  相似文献   

任佳琪 《当代体育》2011,(21):76-77
2010~2011赛季,各大联赛冷门频出,拜仁、尤文一蹶不振,AC完胜国米强势领跑,多支黑马球队突发涌现……而冷门最多的,当属英格兰超级联赛。近几个赛季,英超诸强在欧足联的重压之下依旧表现抢眼,终于坐稳世界第一联赛宝座,大不列颠传统四强成为了欧亚大陆乃  相似文献   

4月10日英超联赛第32轮,阿森纳客场迎战布莱克浦,由于阿穆尼亚在赛前热身时膝盖受伤,暂时回归"枪手"不到一个月的德国门将莱曼以41岁零151天的高龄披挂上阵,代表阿森纳第200次出场,并一举超越范德萨成为英超历史上出场时年龄最大的外籍球员。这一幕恍如隔世,因为距离莱曼上一次为"抢手"出场已有1071天,而且德国  相似文献   

没有哪国联赛会像英超一样,主教练的位置会完全向外国人敞开。从埃里克松入主英格兰队的那天起,英格兰人的思想已经无限开放了。如今在各大俱乐部的帅位上,来自西班牙、法国和其他国家的主教练比比皆是。英格兰是现代足球的发源地,但这并不  相似文献   

英格兰足球超级联赛市场开发研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
英格兰足球超级联赛是市场开发最好的体育赛事之一。高度发达的经济、完善的社会保障体系、先进的现代传媒技术、良好的投资环境和悠久的英格兰文化是其市场开发外部支撑体系;垄断性的赛事组织、资本雄厚的足球俱乐部、明晰的赛事产权和激烈的升降级赛制度、赛事整合行销是其市场开发内部支撑体系。"球迷"将英超联赛市场内外部支撑体系连接在一起,共同推动着英超联赛的市场开发。  相似文献   

从上赛季的欧洲冠军联赛四强占据三席,到本赛季占据八强的半壁江山,英超联赛的强势显而易见。正是英超中场的集体井喷,实现了英超球队在冠军联赛上的整体飞跃,尤其是在本赛季冠军联赛八分之一决赛中,英超四强中场的表现更可以用  相似文献   

德国体育赌博的法律规制研究及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国是欧洲体育赌博比较盛行的地区之一,虽然已经合法化,但是因为国有公司的垄断以及禁止网络赌博而导致非法的体育赌博时有发生.虽然欧盟法律和欧洲法院有关体育赌博的法律和判决也对德国具有约束力,但是欧盟成员国可以自由决定赌博法制并且以公共利益等为由进行抗辩.最新的发展表明,德国有废除体育赌博垄断和允许私有公司从事网络赌博的迹象,这符合欧盟法服务自由的精神.  相似文献   

网络体育赌博是指人们拿足球、篮球等比赛结果、球员以及相关的事实通过网络进行赌博的行为。网络赌博是一种新的形式,更加具有隐蔽性。2014年巴西世界杯期间,网络体育赌博俨然成为中国的全民话题。运用文献资料、案例分析等研究方法,对网络体育赌博问题进行了初步的研究,对网络体育赌博快速增长的社会背景和致因分析,并对网络体育赌博问题的遏制策略提出了建议和观点。  相似文献   


A squad of Premiership soccer players (n=24) provided informed consent to participate in this study. Using ISAK (International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry) accredited methods, a total of 39 measurements (sectioned as: skinfolds, girths, lengths, and breadths) were made for each player. The procedure involved three measures at each site to calculate a mean value and an acceptable technical error margin. All data collection was performed by an ISAK level 3 accredited anthropometrist. The data analysis consisted of demographic and anthropometric data, including fractionation of body mass and estimated body fat from sum of skinfolds. Scaling of the raw data was done by using the phantom strategem to obtain calculated data for inter-player comparison. Mean calculated scores for playing position were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed no differences between positions (F 15,41.810=0.783, P=0.688). Previous studies have reported heterogeneity between playing positions. However, in this study, stature and body mass were not different between strikers, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers. Research has suggested that a soccer player's anthropometric dimensions can be a major determinant for success within a playing position. In this study, within-position variation was quite large in some cases, which could indicate that a team that does not have the opportunity to hand-pick players, based on anthropometric characteristics, may be at a disadvantage.  相似文献   

Officiating bias is thought to contribute to home advantage. Recent research has shown that sports with subjective officiating tend to experience greater home advantage and that referees' decisions can be influenced by crowd noise, but little work has been done to examine whether individual referees vary in their home bias or whether biased decisions contribute to overall home advantage. We develop an ordinal regression model to determine whether various measures of home advantage are affected by the official for the match and by crowd size while controlling for team ability. We examine 5244 English Premier League (EPL) match results involving 50 referees and find that home bias differs between referees. Individual referees give significantly different levels of home advantage, measured as goal differential between the home and away teams, although the significance of this result depends on one referee with a particularly high home advantage (an outlier). Referees vary significantly and robustly in their yellow card and penalty differentials even excluding the outlier. These results confirm that referees are responsible for some of the observed home advantage in the EPL and suggest that home advantage is dependent on the subjective decisions of referees that vary between individuals. We hypothesize that individual referees respond differently to factors such as crowd noise and suggest further research looking at referees' psychological and behavioural responses to biased crowds.  相似文献   


Officiating bias is thought to contribute to home advantage. Recent research has shown that sports with subjective officiating tend to experience greater home advantage and that referees' decisions can be influenced by crowd noise, but little work has been done to examine whether individual referees vary in their home bias or whether biased decisions contribute to overall home advantage. We develop an ordinal regression model to determine whether various measures of home advantage are affected by the official for the match and by crowd size while controlling for team ability. We examine 5244 English Premier League (EPL) match results involving 50 referees and find that home bias differs between referees. Individual referees give significantly different levels of home advantage, measured as goal differential between the home and away teams, although the significance of this result depends on one referee with a particularly high home advantage (an outlier). Referees vary significantly and robustly in their yellow card and penalty differentials even excluding the outlier. These results confirm that referees are responsible for some of the observed home advantage in the EPL and suggest that home advantage is dependent on the subjective decisions of referees that vary between individuals. We hypothesize that individual referees respond differently to factors such as crowd noise and suggest further research looking at referees' psychological and behavioural responses to biased crowds.  相似文献   

民众对体育博彩的旺盛需求与我国互联网体育博彩的禁止型监管政策之间呈现出明显的对立关系。传统体育博彩具有补充财政、促进体育事业发展、娱乐大众的积极作用,同时也引发了彩票沉迷、操纵比赛、洗钱犯罪的风险。以互联网为媒介的体育博彩具有新的特征,国际经验显示对互联网体育博彩的监管方式存在美国禁止型、德国垄断型以及英国适度开放型的不同方式。未来在秉持审慎监管的基础上可以充分运用新科技,加强对"特殊人群"保护、防范干预比赛,从而促进互联网体育博彩健康有序发展。  相似文献   

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