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理学教育家普遍认为,政府在社会教育中承担主要的责任,通过社会教育提供稳定、和谐的社会秩序是政府进行社会治理的主要手段,而其前提则是道德化政府的存在。从这一思路出发,理学教育家对当时政府的性质进行了分析,并为如何推进政府的道德化建设从而更好地推行社会教育进行了有益的探索,为当今社会如何推动政府的道德化建设从而更好地发挥其在社会教育中的主导作用提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

社会教育由于其在社会治理与发展中的重要作用而被人们所重视。理学教育家也极为关注社会教育问题,对于如何推行社会教育进行了诸多的思考与探索。理学教育家认为,在社会教育的网络体系中,中央政府处于最高的决策与管理地位,发挥着非常重要的作用。对于中央政府如何确定自身在国家社会教育中的地位并充分发挥其作用,理学教育家提出了一些很有价值的建议。  相似文献   

“开民智”是近代教育发展中的一个重要课题。如何“开民智” ,近代以来教育家们都普遍关注社会教育的作用 ,在一定时期甚至有人认为社会教育应该优先发展。近代社会教育在“开民智”中的基本经验 ,为我们今天开展素质教育 ,重视群众教育和社会教育提供了许多值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

借助公共选择理论的经济人假设和政府失灵理论,对地方政府在廉租房建设中消极参与的原因进行分析,就如何提高地方政府推行廉租房建设的政策执行力提出四点建议。  相似文献   

社会教育作为中国近代教育的重要一翼,其从涵盖内容到推进路径的选择,政府、社会团体和知识精英都进行了积极的探索,社会教育的推行路径也经历了从江湖到庙堂的转变.北洋政府时期的通俗教育研究会作为一个集政府官员、社会精英于一体的社会团体,其团体性质的变迁及其对社会教育模式的探索,不仅建构了民国时期社会教育的主要内容,体现了北洋政府时期的社会教育路径选择的变化,而且为南京国民政府时期以“行政力”推动社会教育奠定了基本路向.  相似文献   

我国现代著名的教育家廖世承在担任国立师范学院院长时,带领学院师生开办社会教育,对学院所在地的文化、卫生、生产等事业的发展和民众教育水平的提高,起到了巨大的推动作用.社教工作是国师智力、人力和财力的全方位付出,凸显了国师推广地方文化教育的中心地位,而廖世承的社会教育思想是国师社教工作发展的原动力.  相似文献   

完善的服务于终身学习的社会教育设施 二战之后,日本在美军占领下建立了现代教育制度,包括以青少年为主要对象的学校教育制度和以所有社会成员,特别是成年人为主要对象的社会教育制度。1949年,日本颁布了《社会教育法》,要求各地方政府负责建立公民馆、图书馆、博物馆以及青年之家等社会教育设施,并在地方的教育委员会中配备专门负责社会教育的管理职位。《社会教育法》的颁布和实施,使日本建立起了体制完备、  相似文献   

蔡元培是我国近代著名的教育家。受西方和本国思想的影响,又鉴于当时中国的社会现状,蔡元培强调社会教育的重要性。其有关社会教育的作用、教育内容以及实施方式的论述,促进了近代社会教育的发展,对今天社会教育的发展仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

日本以开展民众文化教育活动为目的的社会教育受到政府的高度重视。早在1949年,日本文部省制定的《社会教育法》就明确规定:国家及地方民众团体必须为民众提供接受社会教育的机会,以唤起人们学习的欲望,提高其技能和修养,发扬民族文化传统,提高整个社会文化水平。从此,各种进  相似文献   

马宗荣,从贵州走向全国的著名社会教育家,他继承了李端棻近代教育发展的思想,通过对美、英、德、日等国社会教育的考察,结合中国实际,把他的社会教育思想建立在全民基础之上,主张教育机会均等和全民的、全面的、终身的教育理念,阐述了社会教育的概念、特点、主客体、必要性、可能性等,成为中国近代社会教育理论的奠基石。  相似文献   

高阳是20世纪前期名的民众教育家之一。他创办并担任院长的江苏省立教育学院作为中国第一所培养民众教育与乡村教育专业人才的高等学校,曾在中国近代教育史上产生过重要影响。他提倡教育大众化、学校社会化,强调以乡村建设为主旨的乡村教育最终要达到让农民自动参加的民众教育思想,至今仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The introduction of citizenship education to school in England (and Wales) in 2002 has generated interest and concern among religious educationalists, some of whom welcome the opportunities this new educational territory opens up for religious education and some of whom suspect it augurs religious education's demise. This article reports findings of a school‐based study of the early implementation of citizenship education and its impact on religious education. It discusses those findings in the context of the current debate about the future relationship between the two subjects, noting a similar ambivalence toward citizenship education among religious education heads of department, as there is among religious educationalists. The discussion includes an examination of the Crick Report, noting its lack of interest in religious education, and argues that its conceptualization of citizenship leaves it open to two quite different broad interpretations of what might be meant by an education for citizenship, one of which religious education practitioners appear to endorse and associate with religious education, and one of which they reject and associate with citizenship education.  相似文献   

教育家人力资本的内涵与特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实现教育家办学是提高教育质量和创建一流大学的关键。当前教育家缺乏主要是因为教育家人力资本供给不足。教育家人力资本是体现在教育家身上的,可以被运用于教育领导实践以实现大学办学效益的体力、智能与心力等人力因素的总和。教育家人力资本既具有人力资本的一般特征,又具有不同于学术人力资本的特征。通过对教育家人力资本内涵和特征的分析,教育家不足的成因将得到揭示。  相似文献   

Since 1991, the Eritrean government has put into place an education system which had already been developed in the liberated areas during the years of struggle against Ethiopia. Little has been written on Eritrean education policy, and in particular the voices of educationalists responsible for its implementation have remained silent. In this article the voices of middle managers (teachers, school directors and vice-directors, regional supervisory staff, teacher trainers and ministry administrators) in the education system are heard as they discuss the curriculum in relation to the current and future needs of developing countries such as Eritrea. Although the issues that are discussed are often complex, and the mountain that has to be climbed seems at times insurmountable, it is suggested that the passion and vision of these educationalists will be instrumental in enabling the nation to succeed, and that their voices deserve to be heard.  相似文献   

自然主义教育理论及其思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
自然主义教育理论是西方教育发展史上的一个重要理论 ,一些著名的资产阶级教育家如夸美纽斯、卢梭、裴斯泰洛齐等人都从各自不同的角度分析、论述了自然、适应自然及自然教育的含义 ,阐明了一个深刻的道理 :儿童的身心发展有其自然规律 ,教育应当顺应儿童的天性 ,遵循和尊重这些规律而不能与其对抗。这些思想对于我们重新思考教育的途径、手段、教育的目的及当前的教育实践改革有重要的启发意义与借鉴价值  相似文献   

高等教育学的学科合法化,一直处于学科研究人员和高等教育研究人员的“视野之外”和“盲点之中”,结果造成高等教育学学科建设的研究表面繁荣,而其学科合法化地位一直未得到确认的不良状况和倒置局面。高等教育学要想在人文、社会和自然科学圈中确立自己的学科合法化地位,必须科学解析合法化、学科合法化与高等教育学学科合法化的内涵和外延,从而确立高等教育学学科合法化基础,推进高等教育学作为一门学科的学科合法化和科学化进程。  相似文献   

The publication of A‐level examination results in England, Wales and Northern Ireland has become one of the major diary items in the news media’s calendar. This paper is based, in part, upon the findings of an inter‐disciplinary study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). It explores two key questions about the relationship between the education sector and news media in the UK. Firstly, it asks why educationalists appear to have become pessimistic about the possibilities for raising the quality of media debate about education. Secondly, it takes the example of the annual coverage of A‐level results, in order to discuss why education news coverage tends to adhere to templates that many educationalists criticize as producing ritualistic and polarized coverage. The paper concludes by exploring some suggestions for those who are seeking ways to influence the quality of education news coverage.  相似文献   


Drawing on the perspectives of 11 education lecturers, this paper examines what it is like to work in the Education Department of one small denominational College of Higher Education (CHE) in England. From what these lecturers say, it seems that the college teaching staff are located as either academics or as non-academics (educationalists); a binary which has been constructed over time. This positions teacher education lecturers who work in the CHE in structural contexts where it would be extremely difficult for many of them to perform any of the accepted traditional roles of academia. Although the focus in this paper is with lecturers who teach on a 4-year undergraduate primary teacher training programme, it could be argued that similar dilemmas of status differentials impact on all those who teach teachers. Thus, the paper argues that, to a large degree, educationalists are excluded (and perhaps work to exclude themselves) from participation in the academy and inhabit another world which perhaps more accurately mirrors the school room rather than the lecture hall. Teaching in higher education, in England as elsewhere, is therefore not of a piece; it is highly differentiated and internally divided.  相似文献   

In the UK policy context, skills, education and learning are seen as a universal solution to a vast array of economic and social problems. In challenging this view, this paper argues that those educationalists calling for progressive reforms to the education system need to acknowledge the reality of the contemporary workplace and the institutional context of UK capitalism. When it comes to the question of how the UK might move towards a more inclusive high skills society, no matter where we start to look - be it the economy or a highly class-divided English education system - it all seems to add up badly. In challenging the current policy agenda, educationalists will need to insist that progressive educational reform cannot be separated from the struggle for broader political, social and economic change.  相似文献   

提高国民素质,是近百年来思想家、教育家关注的问题与追求的目标。上个世纪的20年代,杨贤江“全人生指导”的思想与实践,是今天我们构建完整的素质教育理论体系与完善的国民教育体系的宝贵的思想资源。  相似文献   

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