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汉语中的“参加”在英语中有多种表达法。本文拟列举数种。一、join指“参加”某一组织、党派、团体或成为一群人、一个球队、一场游戏中的一员,意义上相当于becom e a m em ber of。例如:H e joined the arm y w hen he w as18years old.他18岁参军。二、join in意为“(与某人  相似文献   

1.H e uses a lift to go up and down.(P32)他使用电梯上下(楼)。此句相当于:H e goes up and dow n by lift.这里的lift是名词,意为“电梯”。例如:W e often take the lift to the twelfth floor.我们常常乘电梯到第十二层楼去。注意:give sb a lift意为“让某人搭车”、“帮某人的忙”。lift也可以作动词用,意为“提起”、“举起”、“升起”。例如:The boy can lift a pailof water from the ground.这个男孩能把一桶水从地上提起来。This box is too heavy for m e to lift.这箱子太重,我搬不动。2.H e leaves his hom e and w alk…  相似文献   

“Excuse me.”,“Im sorry.”和“I beg your pardon.”均可用来对可能被认为是“失礼”的言行表示歉意。本文拟对它们的使用场合作一说明。一、“E xcuse m e.”的使用场合1.意为“请问”,用于打扰别人,如向陌生人问路的场合。例如:Excuse m e,can you tell m e the way to the nearestpost office?请问,去最近的邮局怎么走?2.意为“劳驾”,用于别人挡住去路,而自己无法走过时。例如:Excuse m e,letm e through,please.劳驾,让我过一下。3.意为“对不起”,用于和人谈话时,要暂时走开或做一点别的事。例如:Excuse m e,I have to call b…  相似文献   

一、as用作连词,引导状语从句。1.as引导方式状语从句时,意为“按照、如同”。例如:You mustdo everything as I do.你必须像我那样去做每一件事。When in Rom e,do as Rom ans do.入乡随俗。2.as引导时间状语从句时,意为“当……时候”,“一边……,一边”。例如:I read the letter,as I walked along the river.我一边沿着河走,一这封信。I saw him as he got offthe bus.当他下公共汽车的时候,我看见了A s I gotoff the bus,som eone cam e near.正当我下车时,有人走上。3.as引导原因状语从句时,意为“因为”。例如:As it is raining…  相似文献   

请看下面两个句子:Do you like this?W ould you like a bowlofnoodles?这两个句子里都有like一词,有什么不同呢?A SC H O O L G ARD EN O F EN G LISHw ould like的用法:1.would like可缩写成d like,意为“想要”,“愿意”,相当于want,但语气比want委婉。主要有以下几种用法:①would like som ething想要……例如:Id like som e French fries,a ham burgerand a bottle ofpop,please.我想要炸薯条、一个汉堡包和一瓶汽水。②would like to do som ething想要做……例如:Danny is thirsty.H ed like to drink som e tea.丹尼渴…  相似文献   

1.look like...意为“看上去像……”,其中的like为介词;look asif...意为“看上去仿佛(或好像)……”,其中的as if后接从句或从句的省略形式。例如:She looks like her m other.她看上去像她的妈妈。It looks as if it is going to rain.(=It looks like rain.)看上去天要下雨了。H e looks as if talking to him self.(=H e looks as if he is talking tohim self.)他看上去像是在自言自语。2.try to do sth意为“试图做某事”;try doing sth意为“试着做某事”。例如:The m an tried to escape,but he failed atlast.那个人企图逃跑,…  相似文献   

turnonturnon意为“打开”,通常指打开电源等,反义词组是turnoff。例如:It’ssohottoday.Couldyoupleaseturnontheair-conditioning芽今天天气真热。请打开空调好吗?Pleaseturnofftheradio.Thebabyissleeping.请关掉收音机。这婴儿正在睡觉。HeturnedoffthecomputerandturnedontheTV.他关上电脑,然后打开了电视机。相关短语:turnup意为“调大(音量)”,turndown意为“调小(音量)”。例如:Sheisdoingherhomework.TurndowntheTV,please.她正在做家庭作业。请把电视机穴的音量)调小。Canyouturnuptheradio芽你能把收音机(的音量)调大点儿吗…  相似文献   

1.Peter,could you please take out the trash?(P65)彼得,请你把垃圾带出去好吗?(1)trash是美语中的一个不可数名词,意为“垃圾”、“废物”、“碎屑”,相当于英国英语中的rubbish。(2)take out是“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,意思是“取出”、“拿出”。例如:The dentisttook outhis bad tooth yesterday.昨天医生拔掉了他的一颗坏牙。Y ou can t take the book out ofthe reading-room.你不能把书带出阅览室。2.C ould you please sweep the floor?(P65)请你把地板打扫一下好吗?floor意为“地板”、“地面”。floor还…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关。1.settle【用法】用作动词,意为“定居;解决;使平静”。例如:The fam ily has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。W e have settled w ho w ill pay for them eal.我们已经定了由谁来付饭钱。A fter the excitem ent Itried to settle m yself.激动过后,我设法平静下来。【搭配】settle dow n意为“安顿下来”,例如:H e settled down as afarm er with his fam ily.他与一家人安顿下来务农。2.clim ate用作名词,意为“气候”。例如:H e was going to spend the w inter inSouth A frica or som e other warm clim at…  相似文献   

matter是一个常用词,既可用作名词,又可用作动词。其主要用法如下:一、matter作名词的用法1.matter意为“问题”。例如:It is stillaseriousm atterthat some people drive after having drunk.一些人酒后驾车仍然是一个严重的问题。Whether to buy a car isa matter of money.是否要买车是一个有关钱的问题。2.matter意为“事情”、“事态”。例如:I蒺ll look intothe m atteras soon as possible.Just have a little pa鄄tience.我将尽快调查此事。请多点儿耐心。I蒺d like to talk aboutthe m atterwith you in a frank w ay.我想坦率…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.com fort用作名词,意为“安慰;舒适;安逸”,常用作不可数名词。例如:H e lived in com fort.他过得很舒服。W e could give him no com fort.我们无法给他安慰。com fort用作名词还可具体化,表示“安慰者;给予安慰的东西”。例如:She was a great com fort to m e when Iwas ill.我生病时她给了我极大的安慰。It’s a com fort to be with you.与你在一起使人得到安慰。com fort还可用作及物动词,意为“安慰;鼓舞”。例如:She com forted the sick child.她安慰这个生病的孩子。I tried to com fort Jane after her m oth…  相似文献   

1.help作动词时意为“帮助、帮忙”。例如:Could you help me,please?你能帮我吗?May I help you?你要我帮忙吗?2.help somebody do something或helpsomebody to do something意为“帮某人干某事”。help后的不定式符号to既可以省去也可以带上。例如:He often helps me(to)study English.他经常帮助我学英语。  相似文献   

一、keep用作及物动词 1.意为“留着;遵守(诺言、法律等);保守(秘密等)”.如: 1)Here's afive-dollar bill,please keep the change.这是一张五元钞票,零钱不用找了. 2)Can you keep your promise forever? 你能永远遵守诺言吗? 2.意为“(暂时)保管;(暂时)存放”,有时可引申为“借”之意.如: 1)Will you please keep my watch while going swimming?我去游泳时,请你保管一下我的手表好吗? 2)You can keep the book for a week.这本书你可以借一周. 3.意为“供养;饲养”.如: He works over ten hours every day because he has afamily to keep.他每天工作十多个小时,因为他得养活一家人.  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.interrupt【用法】用作及物动词,意为“打断;中断”。例如:Traffic in the city w as interrupted bya snow storm.市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。R ain interrupted our baseball gam e.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。It is rude to interrupt other’s speech.打断别人的话是不礼貌的。interrupt常构成搭配interrupt sb.w ithsth(用某事打断/干扰某人)。例如:She interrupted m y speech with aquestion.她问了一个问题,打断了我的演讲。2.introduce【用法】用作及物动词,意为“介绍”,常构成搭配introduce sb.to sb.。例如:H e i…  相似文献   

1.dishdish用作名词时,意为“盘”、“碟”,其复数形式为dishes。例如:Y ou m ust wash the dishes before you go out.出去之前你必须把盘子洗好。D o you often help your m other w ash the dishes?你经常帮助你妈妈洗盘子吗?dish用作名词时也可以指“一道菜”。例如:They were w arm ly served a cold dish and a m ade dish soon afteroolden7.1they entered the restaurant.他们一进那家饭馆,很快便有人热情地端上来一个冷盘和一个拼盘。H e cooked a chicken dish for dinner.晚餐他做了一只鸡。[特别提醒]do the dishes意为“洗餐…  相似文献   

一、m uch可以用作形容词1.m uch用作形容词时,意为“很多的”、“许多的”、“大量的”,修饰不可数名词,用作定语时,多用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:There isn t m uch w ater left.剩下的水不多了。H e doesn t have m uch m oney.他没有多少钱。2.在肯定句中,m uch用作形容词,作定语修饰主语时,后面的谓语动词须用单数形式。m uch还常与how,so,too等词搭配,表达不同的含义。在肯定句中可以用a lot of,plenty of等短语替换m uch。例如:M uch snow has fallen.下了很大的雪。H e has m uch/a lot of/plenty ofw ork to do.他有许多工作要…  相似文献   

<正>1. Could you please sweep the floor?请你扫一下地好吗?【解析】“Could you(please)...?”意为“请你……好吗?”,常用来礼貌地请求别人做某事。对该句型作肯定回答时常用“No problem.”“OK.”“Sure.”等;对该句型作否定回答时常用“Sorry, I can’t.”或“Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.”等。例如:—Could you help me buy some apples?你可以帮我买一些苹果吗?  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.itch【用法】用作名词,意为“渴望,发痒”,常与get或have连用,构成get/have an itchfor sth./to do sth.结构,意为“渴望(做)某事”。例如:The boys had an itch for the lessonsto end so as to play hide-and-seek.男孩子们急着想早点下课去玩捉迷藏。Com e on,I know you have an itch totell m e.快点,我知道你迫不及待地想告诉我。itch也可用作动词,意为“渴望,急于”。例如:H e itched to tell his friends the new s.他急于要把这消息告诉他的朋友们。2.urge【用法】名词,意为“冲动,强烈的愿望”,常跟have,feel等动…  相似文献   

当have用作使役动词时,其后常接复合宾语。如果用不同的词或短语作宾语补足语,那么,have与复合宾语也会表达不同的含义。笔者就这一问题作一归纳,供同学们参考。1.“have+宾语+(不带to的)动词不定式”意为“让(使)……做某事”,相当于“let/m ake sb do sth”结构。例如:The teacher has everybody fill out a form.老师要每个人都填一张表。I w ould have her waitfor m e.我要她等我。2.“have+宾语+过去分词”意为“叫(请)某人做某事”,相当于“tell/ask sb to do sth”结构。例如:W e had the car repaired.我们请人把车修好了。I am …  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.career【用法】用作可数名词,意为“事业;职业;经历;生涯”。例如:H e had a very successful career.他的事业很成功。There are m any m ore careers open towom en now than50years ago.现在向妇女开放的工作比50年前更多了。career可作定语,表示“职业的;有事业心的”。例如:H e’s a career teacher;it’s the onlyjob he’s ever done.他是个职业教师,这是他做过的唯一的工作。a career youth有事业心的青年2.scene【用法】用作名词,意为“(故事或事情发生的)地方”。例如:This is the scene of the accidentwhich ha…  相似文献   

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