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对当下医学院校的公共英语演讲课程做出了三点调整:一是将公共英语演讲课程的定位从跨文化交际类通识课逐渐过渡到专门用途英语课.二是在教学内容的选择上凸显医学学科特色;提升对思辨能力的系统性认识;增加对说理演讲的学习,达到专业、技能、思辨的深度融合.三是在教学模式上,采用线上线下混合式教学.通过上述方法并举,力求使医学院校开...  相似文献   

采用不相等实验组对照组前后测准实验研究,并辅以行为观察数据和质性资料分析,探究在"基本电路理论"课程教学中采取问题式教学法促进工科大学生批判性思维倾向的发展。研究表明,问题式教学对工科大学生的批判性思维倾向有显著的促进作用。作者认为,为有效开展问题式教学以促进学生批判性思维发展,应注意:(1)教师需具备良好的批判性思维精神;(2)积极营造良好的思考情境和氛围,鼓励与引导学生发现和解决问题;(3)应根据学生基础设置难易适当的问题,营造问题讨论的安全教学氛围;(4)积极引导讨论小组确定合适的讨论问题和组内讨论规则,充分利用信息技术辅助教学。  相似文献   

This article describes the implementation of a module that utilizes drama students to teach social work students how to use active listening skills in an interview environment. The module was implemented during a semester‐long micro skills practice course taught to 13 undergraduate social work seniors in a western liberal arts university. Four drama students attending the same university served as clients. Clients evaluated the social work students' active listening skills at the end of the interview, and social work students completed self evaluations and evaluations on the module. Results indicated that the module was effective in helping students to learn interviewing skills and identify strengths and weakness regarding use of skills. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

在使用社交媒体的人群中,大学生群体对社交媒体的多任务使用与其学业成绩之间有着怎样的内在关联属性,对其社会资本的积累产生怎样的影响是本文的研究问题所在。对研究问题的原因进行探索性分析,研究发现,出于学习或娱乐目的的社交媒体多任务使用对大学生的学业成绩呈现负相关,不利于其学业成绩的提高,阻碍学习进程健康、科学开展,不利于其社会资本的正向积累。  相似文献   

现代教育的发展 ,使更多的功能完善、特点各异的现代教育媒体参与到了课堂教学中 ,所以必须更加注意各种教育媒体的组合使用 ,要综合考虑教学内容要求、学习者的状态及客观条件的允许范围等因素。多种媒体有序设计组合形式是充分发挥各种教育媒体功能的有效方式 ,也是现代教育发展的必然趋势 ,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The use of multimodal learning techniques is becoming more widespread, however, the pedagogical discourse surrounding its implementation into classroom and course design is complicated as these technologies are either demonized or viewed as the panacea for curriculum ills. Educators are faced with unique challenges when investigating how to experiment with the best ways to produce classroom experiences that use digital media. This case study examines the implementation challenges and learning outcomes related to such an experiment by reviewing and assessing the use of digital media in a health communication course, specifically through the development of documentaries. Creating an effective assignment requires addressing the development of technical skills along with course content and providing guidance and feedback throughout a semester-long project. Creating an effective assignment is pointless without sufficient learning outcomes. Because this assignment engaged students with both the course content and digital media, their learning experiences were enhanced and improved their group collaboration, critical thinking and media literacy skills.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between the classroom learning environment and academic achievement has been explored in subject-free and disciplinary subject contexts, research into this relationship is still lacking in the context of interdisciplinary subjects. This study investigated the relationship between the classroom learning environment and student achievement in an interdisciplinary subject (i.e. liberal studies) in Hong Kong secondary schools. The mediating role of critical thinking was also explored. The participants were 410 Hong Kong secondary school graduates. The structural equation modelling analyses indicated that (1) the Content aspect of the classroom learning environment had an effect on the achievement in liberal studies, and this effect was not mediated by critical thinking; (2) the Pedagogy aspect predicted critical thinking skills, which in turn predicted the achievement in liberal studies; (3) the Relation aspect had no significant effects on critical thinking skills and student achievement in liberal studies. Suggestions on enhancing students’ high-order thinking skills and achievement in interdisciplinary subjects were provided.  相似文献   

In the context of higher tuition fees, the Government’s employability agenda and growing concern for defined career development strategies among young people, there is a need more effectively for Politics programmes to foster the capacity to communicate politics. Without communicating the implications and relevance of politics the subject and the skills derived from studying within Politics the discipline, Politics departments may face recruitment difficulties that those in, for example, the natural sciences, vocational subjects or the ascendant Business Management, may not. This article examines pedagogical means of promoting the capacity to communicate politics as part of an overall programme which integrates outreach, widening participation, recruitment, undergraduate study and employability activities. I focus, in particular, on applying salient approaches prominent within the Politics pedagogical literature to the development of the curriculum of a third year undergraduate module in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University: PPR389: Communicating Politics. I suggest that incorporating active learning and innovative teaching and assessment methods provides opportunities for meeting both student recruitment and employability agendas in Politics and beyond.  相似文献   

我国高校英语专业学生的思辨能力薄弱是一个不容忽视的问题,这个问题尤其体现在其英语写作上。构建基于学习共同体的英语写作课堂有助于激励学生的学习参与、加强学生的思辨能力及提升学生的综合语言能力。英语写作课堂学习共同体的构建需通过三个步骤:重构教师对写作课堂的认识;培养学生课堂学习共同体意识;引入研究性写作模式。  相似文献   

传统的课堂教学设计在学习者分析、学习目标、策略设计和教学评价等几方面存在着不足.难以体现“以学生为本”的现代课堂教学设计的基本理念。运用R·M·加涅的学习结果分类理论可以改善现有的课堂教学设计,可以使错综复杂的课堂教学有一定的规律可循。  相似文献   

随着媒体竞争的日益激烈、新型媒体的不断涌现与逐步成长、知识经济时代的到来,人才已成为媒体竞争力强弱的关键与核心因素。在地市级媒体机构中,人才队伍建设工作尤为迫切,构建学习型媒体迫在眉睫。从制定规划、创造氛围、健全机制、加强领导等四个方面探索了构建学习型媒体的方法和策略。  相似文献   

如何提高学生学习计算机课的兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中等职业学校计算机基础教育,应更多地侧重于培养学生计算机的应用能力。在实际的教学过程中我们发现,目前计算机教学中存在着许多不尽人意之处。如果还采用陈旧的教学方法和教学内容,学生容易感到枯燥乏味,失去学习的兴趣。因此,改革课程体系和学习模式,提高学生学习计算机课的积极性,是当前需要解决的首要问题。  相似文献   

媒介融合以及由此带来的受众分享传播,人类进入真正的大众传播时代,受众如何积极应对这一时代成为当下媒介素养讨论的核心。大众传播时代的媒介素养应该在批判认知的基础上加入媒介生产维度。媒介技术关系到媒介生产和批判认知,媒介生产需要考量传播伦理。大众传播时代媒介素养教育的目标是为了建构积极的受众。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):119-125
Melioration is borrowing and using an idea from another field not closely associated with your field of expertise. Using the borrowed concept to address a challenge in your field potentially provides new avenues of action and insight. I borrow the concept of boundary objects from science fields and use it to examine assignments in the college classroom. Through analysis of student-teacher discussion, I become aware that content, not assignment, is the boundary object of interest. Avenues of action and insight opened through that analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下,大学生在交往形态上产生了较多问题,媒介素养的培育研究势在必行。本文尝试使用“前台、后台”理论以及“过渡转向”理论分别研究大学生新媒体交往形态和媒介素养的培育。通过参与观察法掌握调查资料,并创新运用结构化思维分析交往形态的三个阶段以及媒介素养培育的过渡转向规律,并将二者结合,探讨大学生媒介素养培育的路径取向。为新媒体下大学生思想政治教育工作提供理论和方法论上的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

新媒体技术悄然改变了我国教育生态环境,也迎来了大学生"自主学习"教育发展的新契机。在深入阐释利用新媒体平台技术提升大学生"自主学习"能力是适应高等教育发展形势、践行高校以人为本教育理念和实现教育主体全面可持续发展需要的基础上,从树立科学理念、创建自主学习教育平台、探求自主学习新法等方面提出了自媒体时代教育发展的对策。  相似文献   

从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述批判教育学的基本理念和回顾媒介素养教育的发展历史基础上,提出从批判教育学和媒介素养教育的共同点入手来培养当代学生批判性和主体性思维的重要性,借用批判教育学中的对话式教学方法,彻底转变师生在教育中的角色,以实现媒介素养的教育目标。  相似文献   

本文通过对现有《VFP流媒体辅助教学系统》的特征与存在问题分析,给出了将自主学习策略应用在《VFP流媒体辅助教学系统》中的设计方案及其教学效果。  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of 15 teachers and 103 middle school students at a progressive private school located in Mumbai, India to determine their support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom, their perceptions of the mobile phone features that are beneficial for school-related work, and the instructional benefits and barriers to mobile phone use prior to beginning a mobile phone pilot program. The results indicated that most teachers (86%) and students (92%) supported the use of mobile phones in the classroom while those remaining voiced uncertainties. The participants perceived many mobile phone features as being useful in the classroom, but the teachers and students significantly differed in their views. Participant responses revealed little concern about most of the barriers reported in the literature; both teachers and students were least concerned about the use of mobile phones causing a disruption to learning.  相似文献   

文章在简析目前国内外思辨能力培养现状的基础上,分析了英语阅读理解对培养高职学生思辨能力的重要性,并提出了通过改变英语阅读理解目标设置,教学模式,评价与反馈模式的方式来培养高职学生的思辨能力。  相似文献   

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