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This article describes and assesses “Research Circles” as a mechanism for enhancing faculty collegiality and research. Recently established on our campus, these circles, composed of three to four faculty members, have had a particularly powerful effect on the new faculty members' adjustment to their tenure track positions, especially since they entered a context that might otherwise have been challenging: a new interdisciplinary upper-division campus with high expectations for teaching excellence. Based on the end-of-year evaluations, journals, and focus groups, the co-authors described themes that emerged from their participation in these circles. Circle participation not only facilitated faculty writing throughout their first year, but it also fostered the development of an interdisciplinary community which nurtured creativity and risk taking in writing. All authors are currently teaching in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) at The University of Washington, Bothell (UWB). Except for Diane Gillespie, Professor and Associate Director of IAS, all other authors are Assistant Professors in IAS. Diane Gillespie received her Ph.D. in cultural and psychological studies in education from The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Her interests include critical pedagogy, narrative psychology, and cultural diversity. Nives Dolšak received a joint Ph.D. in public policy and political science from Indiana University. Her interests include public policy, environmental policy, and international relations. Bruce Kochis, received his Ph.D. in Slavic languages & literatures at the University of Michigan. He focuses on global human rights policy, discourse analysis, and political theory. Ron Krabill received his Ph.D. in sociology and historical studies from New School for Social Research. His interests include comparative media, politics and social movements with a special emphasis on South Africa, as well as the study of peace, conflict, social justice, and human rights. Kari Lerum received her Ph.D. in sociology from The University of Washington. Her interests include culture, organizations, sexuality, qualitative methods, and visual studies. Anne Peterson received her Ph.D. from Washington University. Her interests include urban politics and policy and the distribution of natural resources at the local level. Elizabeth Thomas received her Ph.D. in psychology from The University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign. Her interests include community-based resources for adolescent development, cultural psychology, and the social context of learning.  相似文献   

Based on a mixed methods case study design, the current study reports on a Promise Scholarship program offered by a community college and its affiliated foundation to graduating students at a nearby high school located in a low-income neighborhood of a large city and with a high proportion of African American and other students of color. Using a mix of government and private funding, all graduating students, regardless of financial need or academic achievement, were offered free tuition at the community college for one year. The promise of a scholarship plus an intensive outreach effort resulted in the majority of graduating seniors submitting scholarship applications and a four-fold increase in the proportion of graduates from the high school who subsequently matriculated at the community college. Once at college, the student recipients demonstrated a high rate of quarter-to-quarter retention. However, few placed into college-level courses in English and math, and their academic progress at the end of the first year was modest.  相似文献   

高校奖学金的合理评定发放研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高校学生奖学金的评定工作是高校学生工作的一个重要组成部分。当前高校奖学金具体实施过程中出现的德育分量化和“马太效应”等问题,弱化了高校奖学金制度基本功能。针对这一问题,提出改进高校奖学金评定制度的具体对策。  相似文献   

Feminist theory uses gender as a lens to evaluate society's institutions and power hierarchies. Gender evolves as a social construction rather than an essential difference between the sexes, and it supports the so-called “hegemony of dominant men” in society. Socialization by gender enables discrimination in gender roles and occupations, and its main tool of segregation is a major strategy used by employers and other decision makers to engage effectively in discrimination. The extent to which the principle of gender organizes selection of field of study by students and faculty, and other facets of the community college campus, provides for a number of ongoing research questions.  相似文献   

本文认为必须建立大学生就业动力支持模式,在内容上把就业理论支持辅导与实践活动辅导相结合,在方法上采取连续性与阶段性相统一,给学生以全方位的自我认知就业动力支持,提高大学生就业素质。  相似文献   

文章把数字故事引入大学生项目学习,构建了设计模型,并以平面动画制作大赛项目实践为例进行设计、验证。研究表明,数字故事是大学生项目学习过程与成果的真实、生动见证,有助于激发、维持学习动机,提高问题的解决能力并促进有意义的学习。  相似文献   

Project-based learning is a comprehensive approach to classroom teaching and learning that is designed to engage students in investigation of authentic problems. In this article, we present an argument for why projects have the potential to help people learn; indicate factors in project design that affect motivation and thought; examine difficulties that students and teachers may encounter with projects; and describe how technology can support students and teachers as they work on projects, so that motivation and thought are sustained.  相似文献   

奖助学金制度是校园文化精神引领的重要体现,其价值取向和激励方向不但是制度能否公平合理实施的关键,而且会影响奖助学金的评定工作和学生的日常管理和教育。奖助学金评选中的价值"众生相",削弱了奖助学金应有的人文关怀和价值引导功能。奖助学金制度要发挥其正向激励和价值导向功能,从完善奖励机制体系、加强过程教育、建构后期管理机制、塑造精神奖助体系来实现物质帮助和精神提升的双重价值引导效果。  相似文献   

王慧 《成人教育》2014,(4):110-112
双向灵活的转学制度是美国高等教育的一个重要的标志,20世纪60年代以来,社区学院反向转学现象逐渐引起了社会的关注。文章研究了美国高等教育中反向转学现象产生的原因、反向转学优劣,在此基础上深入分析了中国近些年出现的高校毕业生"回炉"现象,为中国高等教育改革提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

随着国家逐步加大对大学生的奖励和资助,以及社会机构和个人捐资助学的增多,高校奖学金的名目及数量越来越多,这使奖学金评定工作出现了一些亟待解决的问题.通过对高校奖学金设立和管理的现状及存在问题进行分析,并从加强管理、注重宣传、扩大比例、强化激励等方面对高校奖学金工作的优化进行论证,以期更好地发挥高校奖学金的激励作用.  相似文献   

国家奖学金自设立以来,经过了几次调整与完善,本文就发展与变革进行探讨,以及高校在评审国家奖学金时存在的问题及困难进行分析,并就存在问题提出应对之策。  相似文献   

In a report entitled Reshaping the Graduate Education of Scientists and Engineers (National Academy of Sciences, 1995), the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy proposed a modified PhD training model that retains an emphasis on intensive research experiences, while incorporating additional experiences to prepare graduates for an increasingly diverse job market. The National Science Foundation (NSF) subsequently instituted the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program to foster interdisciplinary training of doctoral students. Faculty in kinesiology graduate programs are often well positioned to contribute to such interdisciplinary training programs. We highlight an example of such a program, specifically the NSF IGERT program on Musculoskeletal and Neural Adaptations in Form and Function at Arizona State University. Both benefits and challenges of IGERT participation are considered.  相似文献   

以某班级必修课、选修课成绩及附加分为评价指标,运用TOPSIS法对30名学生进行学习成绩排名和奖学金评定.实例表明,TOPSIS评价方法公平、公正,评定结果客观、合理.  相似文献   

Reverse transfer students, those students who matriculated at four-year colleges and then transferred to two-year colleges, have been enrolling in community colleges since at least the 1960s. Consisting of both undergraduate reverse transfers and post-baccalaureate reverse transfers (individuals who already have at least a bachelor s degree), these students represent at least 16 % of community college enrollments nation-wide. A concern about the admission of reverse transfers is that they may take enrollment spaces, particularly in selective programs, at the expense of potential students with no previous college experience and with weaker academic backgrounds. Analysis of documents written about reverse transfers indicates that their enrollment has been justified under a variety of rationales, including providing a second chance for these individuals in school and in the job market.  相似文献   

SUSTAINING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: WHAT REMAINS AFTER THE MONEY ENDS? – A major concern confronting development specialists in the education sector is the sustainability of project activities and outcomes, that is, their ability to persist once external funding ends. The increased attention of international development-assistance organizations to sustainability reflects the greater recent focus on outcome-based funding. The present study investigates differences between six communities in Ghana that varied in their ability to sustain externally initiated community-participation activities beyond the life of the external development-assistance project that promoted those activities. It was hypothesized that high- and low-sustaining communities differ in eight managerial and socio-cultural dimensions suggested by earlier research to be important for sustainability of community-level activities: planning, transparency, leadership, and participation, on one hand, and, on the other, social cohesion, resources, community skills, and valuing of education. Findings indicate that leadership and social cohesion are the two most vital elements in the sustainability of organizational structures intended to promote community participation in the oversight of local schools. Other factors suggested by the model are largely subsumed under leadership, so that the model can be simplified.  相似文献   

In the 40th publication year of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice (CCJRP), the authors present a 39-year retrospective on research on the community college through the lens of the journal. It is not known exactly what the body of community college research wholly consists of. Without access to the larger picture of community college research, both the research and practitioner communities remain generally unaware of the existing research, areas lacking in study, and opportunities to build upon past research and to explore adaptation of practices that have been implemented at other institutions. The purpose of this study was to explore the evolution of community college research by surveying topics in community college research published over the past 39 years within the context of the CCJRP, highlighting implications for future research, policy, and practice. Findings from this content analysis study demonstrate more attention to student success, teaching and learning, and community college leadership than other topics. Overtime, topics such as college mission and international perspectives cycled across the decades, while others, such as access, held steady. Findings also show the popularity of policy and innovation topics and changes in authorship over time, particularly as related to gender.  相似文献   

高校知识社群的产生有利于促进高校的持续创新,它具有非知识特质更相近、知识交流更充分、成员学习意愿强烈的特点。由于存在多种非正式的知识交流途径以及知识共享互惠的激励,在依托各种信息化媒介,同时具备知识产权保护的意识、技术和制度的条件下,高校知识社群得以产生。可通过建构成员身份,发展实践社区,挖掘社群知识资源,整合学术知识库,完善社群交往制度,促进知识交流共享来组织和培育高校知识社群。  相似文献   

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