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During the 1990s an African American university band director brought together Rosa Parks and Mark Camphouse for a performance of Camphouse's composition, A Movement for Rosa. Teaching the composition, the conductor and Camphouse communicated with language describing musical and lived realities that student musicians attempted to express and reproduce through their performance. Engaging students substantively with issues of social justice was constrained, because pedagogy dependent on representational language confirms the common sense of what everyone knows, and installs the good sense stabilizing knowledge that tacitly discourages challenges or critiques. Communication that is performative, by contrast, enacts pedagogies that create partial, multiple, and contingent understandings, moving students' responses to action. Beginning with a discussion of the limitations of representational pedagogy using Briankle Chang's model of traditional communication theory, I propose applications of performative pedagogy through Della Pollock's characteristics of performative writing.  相似文献   

国外绿色教育简述:思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国教育界对绿色教育关注的日益升温,世界其他国家和地区的有关教育理念和实践可以为我们提供借鉴.国际上与我国绿色教育概念最接近的概念是环境教育以及稍后延伸出的可持续发展教育.经过近几十年来各国教育者和一些国际组织的不断探讨和推动,环境教育(以及后来的可持续发展教育)已经具备了相当程度的理论与实践基础,我们有必要在这个基础上不断推进我国绿色教育的理论与实践探索.总的看来,目前国际上的环境教育和可持续发展教育呈现出四大特征:一是各方普遍将教育视为环境保护的重要方面;二是在学校中注重环境教育的综合性和跨学科性;三是关注教师教育对于环境教育的重要作用;四是将关注重心从人与环境之间的关系延伸至自然和人类社会各个方面的全面协调和可持续发展.  相似文献   

阐述了政治文明的提出、所包含的内涵及与物质文明、精神文明的关系,及政治文明理论的提出对现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

房地产企业要能在激烈的市场竞争中求生存谋发展,必须摆脱旧的思维理念定势,在营销上进行改革和创新。为此,文章对我国房地产营销创新的理论与实践作了比较深入的考察与分析,同时解读了百强企业的营销创新模式,并从中获得了几点有益的启示。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes recent work in psychology on the nature of the representation of complex forms of knowledge with the goal of understanding how theories are represented. The analysis suggests that, as a psychological form of representation, theories are mental structures that include theoretical entities (usually nonobservable), relationships among the theoretical entities, and relationships of the theoretical entities to the phenomena of some domain. A theory explains the phenomena in its domain by providing a conceptual framework for the phenomena that leads to a feeling of understanding in the reader/hearer. The explanatory conceptual framework goes beyond the original phenomena, integrates diverse aspects of the world, and shows how the original phenomena follow from the framework. This analysis is used to argue that mental models are the subclass of theories that use causal/mechanical explanatory frameworks. In addition, an argument is made for a new psychologism in the philosophy of science, in which the mental representation of scientific theories must be taken into account.  相似文献   

日本关于共同过失犯罪的理论研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共同过失犯罪在日本理论、立法和司法界都是观点林立,纷争不已。在过失犯的共同正犯是否成立问题上,刑法理论界有否定说、肯定说和限制的肯定说;立法规定则不明确;司法界有肯定和否定相对的判例实践。在教唆犯和帮助犯的过失共犯问题上理论界也有肯定和否定之纷争;立法和司法均是采取否定态度。  相似文献   

The conflicts arising between the pedagogical preferences of the fields of instructional design and technology (IDT) and social foundations of education are substantial. This conflict is primarily one of pedagogical values separating the Social Foundations with its emphasis on critical and creative thinking and the presumption of value and theory neutrality inherent in IDT. This is a serious issue because, increasingly, educators use IDT models to translate Social Foundations courses with social justice and equity outcomes into online formats. Much is lost. This article offers a discussion of the theoretical grounding of IDT (task-analysis) versus social foundations in regards to implications for the instructional social organization of online social foundations classrooms. This article uses the notion of signature pedagogy to describe sociocultural literacies as a basic tenet in social foundations of education. By doing so, it is demonstrated how these important theoretical positions are currently playing out in online instruction and space, to extend their relevance by introducing newer concepts such as Digital Cartesianism and copresence, and to provide a concrete example of what these concerns look like in the current push towards digital formats. In the current context of the use of electronic, social, communication, and mobile technologies in education, we find a new site to continue challenging the assumed neutrality of the technological model for education.  相似文献   

才艺教育属审美教育范畴,是通识教育的子门类.鉴于才艺教育在学生"德智体美劳"全面发展中的重要性和其在国内高校中的边缘地位之间的矛盾,文章选取独立学院才艺教育理论与实践为研究对象,探讨了三个问题--才艺教育是什么?为什么办才艺教育?怎样办好才艺教育?文章选取吉首大学张家界学院的才艺选修课为例,以期论证独立学院才艺教育成为通识教育核心课程的合法性和为才艺教育实践寻找现实依据.  相似文献   

以往关于教育理论与实践关系的研究主要是以静观的理论分析为思路,如逻辑分析、理论分层和哲学演绎。伴随人们对这一问题的深入思考和基础教育改革实践的不断推进,关于二者关系的新认识也得以形成。教育理论和实践的主体关系问题是二者关系的核心;二者的关系问题不仅是"理论"问题,更是"实践"问题,不仅是哲学、逻辑学问题,更是教育学问题。从方法论层面来看,从理论分析到实践创生的转换意味着前提预设、分析单位、思维方式和学科立场的转换。  相似文献   

传播学视野下的传统教育学派与现代教育学派   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史与学派的角度释义者认为,所谓现代教育,就是指与德国赫尔巴特为代表的传统教育思想相对的,以美国杜威的教育思想体系为代表的教育理念及教育系统。前者作为一种教育指导思想和模式对社会实践的影响主要在18世纪末至19世纪中后期,后者直到现在。由此也就有传统教育教育学派和现代教育学派的区分。以赫尔巴特为代表的传统教育学派,把教学过程分为了五个步骤:第一步是预备,即唤起学生头脑中有关旧概念,引起对新知识的兴趣。第二步是提示,即讲授新的教材。第三步是联想,即对新旧知识进行比较,建立相互联系。第四步是总结,得出结论。第五步…  相似文献   

马克思开创了社会交往理论。他认为交往是人们的交互活动,它有内部交往、外部交往和世界交往等形式。交往与生产决定一个民族的整体结构及与他民族的相互关系,它能保存既有的生产力,促进生产率的提高。世界性交往则导致“世界历史”的形成,并最终导致共产主义革命和全人类的解放。  相似文献   

Although many technical communication teachers and programs integrate some form of service-learning pedagogy, there is a dearth of technical communication research on the silent partners of these projects: the community partners. Drawing upon research data from 14 former community partners of professional writing service-learning courses, the authors suggest that understanding community partners’ own self-defined stakes in service-learning projects can challenge hyperpragmatist representations of community partners and aid us in the continued creation, management, and critical evaluation of service-learning pedagogies and curricula.  相似文献   

文章对“5W“传播理论、双向传播理论和“SMCR“传播理论的基本观点进行了阐述,并就这三种传播理论对现代远程教育在信息传播、通道选择、信息控制和信息评价等方面进行了较为详尽的论述.  相似文献   

In this article, a group of nontraditional and/or doctoral students of color and our advisor discuss how the advisor-advisee mentoring relationship has positively affected our experiences within academia. The mentoring relationship, cultivated within a group mentoring model, was integral to our acclimation of the hidden culture of our doctoral programs. We elaborate on the history and mentoring model of the group of which we are a part, and follow with a review of the literature on mentoring practices and a discussion of methodology. Finally, through autoethnographic vignettes, each author discusses his/her experience as a non-traditional and/or student of color and how our relationship with the group has provided us with the logistical, emotional, and psychological support needed to progress in and complete our programs.  相似文献   

交际教学法与剑桥少儿英语教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交际理论是一门新兴学科。交际能力的培养作为外语教学的主要目标被列入各级学校教学大纲。剑桥少儿英语学习系统,从设计思想、教材编写到检测评估将交际教学法结穿始终。  相似文献   

Teaching Scientific Practices: Meeting the Challenge of Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a rationale for the changes advocated by the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards. It provides an argument for why the model embedded in the Next Generation Science Standards is seen as an improvement. The Case made here is that the underlying model that the new Framework presents of science better represents contemporary understanding of nature of science as a social and cultural practice. Second, it argues that the adopting a framework of practices will enable better communication of meaning amongst professional science educators. This, in turn, will enable practice in the classroom to improve. Finally, the implications for teacher education are explored.  相似文献   

本文从苏东剧变入手,探讨了我党解决我国民族问题的基本政策及其内容,以及这一基本政策在国家政治制度上的体现,分析了民族区域自治制度的形成历史和成功实践,以及民族区域自治制度的科学性和实践性。  相似文献   

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