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The present study examined the outcomes of a newly designed four‐lesson science module on opinion‐forming in the context of genomics in upper secondary education. The lesson plan aims to foster 16‐year‐old students’ opinion‐forming skills in the context of genomics and to test the effect of the use of fiction in the module. The basic hypothesis tested in this study is whether fiction stimulates students to develop opinions with regard to socio‐scientific issues. A quasi‐experimental pre‐test and post‐test design was used, involving two treatment groups and one control group. One of the experimental groups received a science module incorporating movie clips (i.e., the movie group). The other experimental group received the same science module, but only news report clips were used (i.e., the news report group). Prior to and after the module, 266 secondary school students completed a questionnaire to test their opinion‐forming skills. The results demonstrate that the science module had a significant positive effect on students’ opinion‐forming skills and that the movie group improved their skills more compared with the news report group. It may be concluded that the use of fiction—to be more specific, movie clips about genomics extracted from feature films—to introduce a socio‐scientific issue in the classroom stimulates students to develop their opinion‐forming skills.  相似文献   

CBI理念是基于某种主题或某个学科进行外语教学的一种理念,英语电影作为英语语言与文化的统一体,为CBI理念的应用提供了极具灵活性与伸缩性的操作平台。将电影片段引入高职英语教学,能调动学生学习积极性,营造轻松、积极互动的课堂氛围,促进学生的英语应用能力的提高,为高职英语教学课堂模式改革提供参考。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of the use of digital video technology with a new pedagogical approach under a constructivist framework in an elementary school foreign language methods course. Data were collected through interviews with the methods course instructor, field notes, analytical notes from videotaped student presentations of their learning from the video clips, students’ mid‐semester evaluation of the use of video clips, and end‐of‐semester student reflections on open‐ended questions regarding the use of video clips. A careful examination of the data identified themes that illustrate the characteristics of the use of digital video technology under a constructivist framework. Those themes include the flexibility and capability of digital video technology, the development of the video clips, students’ ownership of knowledge, feedback from the students, and evaluation of the use of video clips. This case reports the vision of technology integration being realized. It results from the presence of technology, the instructor's pedagogical knowledge, and his or her content expertise.  相似文献   

"微生物学"是生物相关专业的一门重要专业基础课,因其涉及知识面广、知识更新迅速、且微生物个体微小、多肉眼不可见,因而教学内容相对其他生物课程较为抽象和难学,常规的课堂教学效果不理想.作者在教学中通过插入生活话题和相关电影片段、结合新闻热点、设置感兴趣的讨论以及强调微生物知识的有用性,来激发学生对微生物学习的兴趣;并通过布置学生课前预习,课后练习巩固、课外扩展阅读,考前综合复习等作业任务,使学生切实系统的掌握微生物学知识."兴趣+任务"这一教学模式在微生物学教学中的应用取得了较好的效果.可为讲授本课程的高校教师提供参考.  相似文献   

This study discusses the representation of (the) literacy (myth) in popular movies and a teaching and research project on cinematic literacy narratives. It attempts to reveal the existence of a powerful ‘Pygmalion template’ in contemporary movie culture. Focusing on a discourse or culture clash ‘Pygmalion movies’ simultaneously contribute to the discursive construction and deconstruction of the literacy myth. Because of their polysemic character, these films offer fertile grounds for inquiring into the problematic nature of literacy acquisition and discourse or culture clashes. Inviting pre‐service teachers to reflect on these issues, the authors created a curriculum as contact zone in which films are used as a primary source of knowledge and insight together with students’ movie analyses and interpretations, personal narratives, and theoretical readings. This exploratory study of on‐line discussion groups revealed the students’ contradictory and competing movie readings. Organizing the curriculum as a contact zone deepened the students’ and one’s own understanding of literacy as an ideological site of struggle in (movie) culture.  相似文献   

由于日本民族文化的独特性,使得中国学生学习日本文学课程感到困难。将影视作品引入课程教学,发挥影视视觉效果的直观性、观赏性,能够帮助学生更好地把握作品所传达的日本民族文化信息和审美意识。教师应当发挥主导作用,在保证实现课程教学目标的同时,引导学生借助影视辅助手段进行学习,以提高学习兴趣和效率,提高日本语言的综合运用能力。  相似文献   

英语影视欣赏能够激发学生的学习兴趣、创造良好的语言学习环境和氛围,迅速提高学生的英语学习成绩和语言运用能力,并能增进学生对西方国家文化的了解和文化素养的提高。本文着重阐述了影视欣赏对英语教学的重要意义,并分阶段讨论了影视欣赏课程应把握的关键环节,从而能对大学英文影视欣赏教学法的应用带来有益思考和启迪,对学习英语有更大的帮助。  相似文献   

霍雨光 《海外英语》2012,(9):117-118
结合英文影视的大学英语文化主题教学以某一文化主题为重点,延伸出对西方社会由点到面、全方位的了解,是培养学生跨文化交际的行之有效的途径。该文主要从三方面论述了英文影视应用于大学英语文化主题教学的具体操作,即观看前宏观社会文化背景导入、观看中微观文化现象讲解、观看后文化精髓的感悟。  相似文献   

随着多媒体等多元化教学方式的不断深入,在大学英语教学中,除了要注重培养学生的语言运用能力外,还需增强学生对西方国家的风俗习惯及文化背景的了解,使学生更全面地掌握英语语言的特性。原版英文电影以生动的表现形式,真实的语言环境,丰富的文化内涵成为大学英语教学中了解西方文化的一个有效途径。由于课堂时间有限,节选有针对性的原版英文电影片段与教学内容相结合,必然会提高教学效果。  相似文献   

从研究的角度看,法律和电影都能从各自的角度对人的生活、思想与行为产生影响,在功能上存在共通之处,以此为基础的法律与电影研究是法律与文学、法律与人文、法律与大众文化交叉研究的前沿地带。从教育的角度来看,"法律与电影"是一种法学教学方法或高校选修课程,能够让学生在轻松的情感中领悟严肃的法律之训诫,有助于提升法学教育的人文关怀,增进高校大学生法治教育的成效。法律与电影在法学研究与教育领域值得进一步探讨与实践。  相似文献   

影视鉴赏选修课是高职院校多元化选修课体系的重要组成部分,以向各专业影视艺术初学者和爱好者普及专业知识,提高综合素质为目的,是众多选修课中深受选课同学喜欢的一门课程。创新能力是高技能人才应具备的重要能力之一,在高职院校影视鉴赏选修课中,如何针对学生特点培养学生的创新能力,服务学生职业能力与综合素质的提高,是本门课程的基本任务之一。本文将从以下几方面对本问题加以论述。  相似文献   

1928年,法国导演莱皮埃在改编左拉的小说《金钱》时,注重对原著核心主题的理解和把握,精简出场人物,利用新型摄影技术展现宏大画面,在舞台布景上充分利用印象派艺术风格,使电影《金钱》突破了早期电影借鉴情节的简单改编模式,具有特殊价值。莱皮埃的《金钱》对左拉原著的"忠实改编"和电影化处理凸现了这部作品对于电影美学的意义,也呈现出对于改编学的重要意义。  相似文献   

随着经济和科技的迅猛发展,流行文化对当代大学生产生了非常重要的影响。作为文化载体的英文原声电影在带给学生视听方面的享受和冲击的同时,也激发了他们对学习英语的兴趣以及调动起他们要说一口流利英语的主观愿望。本文探讨了原声电影相比于传统的英语音像资料的优势,和如何利用原声电影优化高职英语口语教学。指出把原声电影运用到高职英语口语教学中时可能遇到的问题,提出笔者的见解。以期对越来越关注学生交际能力的中国高职英语口语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

在以多媒体为主的大学英语课堂教学中,可以借助英文视频创建良好的英语学习课堂环境。利用英文视频进行英语教学对于提高学生的英语实际应用能力有着其自身特有的优势,可以起到事半功倍的效果。英语电影是集图、文、声、像于一体的信息传播媒介,可创造生动逼真的英语学习环境,激发大学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,提高学习效率,更重要的是,它能为语言的学习提供第一语境,有效地提高学生的语言应用能力。在了解文化的基础上学习语言,达到真正交流的目的。本文研究英语电影和视频如何影响学习者的语言知识结构,并总结出合理、有效地利用英文视频给大学英语教学带来的作用。  相似文献   

小说蒙太奇文体探源 ——以西西的跨媒介实验为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代小说先锋手法之一是实验跨媒介叙述。香港先锋代表作家西西的文体创意源于对现代电影的研究。挖掘并梳理其发表于20世纪60年代的电影专栏,这是具有开创意义的工作,由此可以分析西西在现代电影语境中形成的电影观,研究新电影技法如何激发其小说实验灵感,探究其小说蒙太奇文体特点,如何体现出后现代小说的新趋向。  相似文献   

Much has been written about the use of popular film clips for cinematherapy with gifted students. However, the use of this media has not been addressed in terms of educating preservice teachers, in‐service teachers, and graduate students about the characteristics, stereotypes, social‐emotional needs, diverse populations, parenting issues, and characteristics of teachers of the gifted. Strategies and sample film clips are described for preservice, in‐service, and graduate use. Suggestions, cautions, and future considerations are also presented. Listings of possible films and suggested topical applications are included.  相似文献   

影片《无声的河》是关于实习老师文治与聋生之间的师生情故事。加德纳的多元智能理论认为,所有儿童都具有各自的优势智能,注重开发聋生们的优势智能,有利于使他们更好地参与社会和经济生活。该影片揭示了教师依据聋生的心理特点引导其情感,依据加德纳的多元智能理论开发其潜能对其身心的发展。  相似文献   

论高校广播、影视的德育功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广播、电视是高校舆论宣传的重要阵地,只有充分调动学生主动参与的积极性、创造性,才能充分发挥广播、影视的功能,创造一个良好的学习、育人环境。  相似文献   

Two investigations were conducted in this study. In the first experiment, the effects of two types of interactivity with a computer simulation were compared: experimentation versus observation interactivity. Experimentation interactivity allows students to use simulations to conduct virtual experiments, whereas observation interactivity allows students to observe segmented video clips of the simulation at their own pace and sequence. In the second experiment, the effects of two types of scaffolding for experimentation interactivity were compared: the driving question versus structured prompt scaffolding. A total of 128 eighth-grade students were involved. The learning outcomes examined include the students’ understanding of the concepts in the simulation, their learning time, total numbers of virtual experiments conducted or observed, and learning efficiency. All four designs resulted in comparable learning gains for the students. The driving question scaffolding resulted in better learning efficiency, whereas the structured prompt scaffolding supported students in conducting more virtual experiments.  相似文献   

Background : Advance organizers are instructional materials that help students use previous knowledge to make links with new information. Short animation movies are a possible format and are well suited for physics, as they can portray dynamic phenomena and represent abstract concepts.

Purpose : The study aimed to determine guidelines for the construction of an instructional short animation movie, with the role of an advance organizer. A film was created in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach, making part of a physics lesson and concerning the subject ‘moment of a force’.

Sample : The study took place in a Brazilian school in the city of Arapoti, in the south region of the country. Thirty-eight students participated, having an average age of 16 and following the third year of high school.

Design and methods : Criteria drawn from a literature review directed the construction of the movie and the lesson. Data were collected using pre- and post-tests; registers of oral comments were also done during the class. The post-test included open-ended questions, allowing students to write remarks concerning the lesson and the animation.

Conclusions : The article describes steps and guidelines to orient the process of designing an animation movie with the role of advance organizer. Data indicated that the movie facilitated the construction of links between pre-existent knowledge and the new information presented in the lesson. The proposed methodology can be considered a valid framework to derive similar approaches.  相似文献   

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