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中小学师生关系对教师的教学和学生的发展有非常重要的作用,但实际上师生的交流还存在一定的困难。如果借鉴心理咨询师对待来访者的促进态度,通过积极倾听的姿态,对学生能做到积极接纳和关注、共感理解、尊重和真诚,健康、和谐的师生关系就一定会形成。  相似文献   

实习过程中,要保持自己的工作热情,但不必对实习地的师生期望过高。实习生不能将上课权利的获得仅仅理解成是大学方面的安排,应注意自己的言行举止对实习地可能产生的影响。实习生可以依照称职指导教师的指点进行工作;对于不称职的指导教师,最好在沉默中多作反思和批判。实习生应努力学习指导教师从大学生转变为中学教师的人生经验;应思考大学所学知识与中学语教学之间的关系;主动去了解中学语教学的禁忌。  相似文献   

聋人大学生的空间概念及其组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以聋人大学生为被试,对17对空间词做相似性分类,用多维标度法和分层聚类法分析。结果表明:(1)聋人大学生的空间词概念结构有两个维度:①物体的方位和状态/自身的方位;②状态/方位。(2)聋人大学生的空间认知围绕4个主题:①观察者自身的三维方位;②空间饱和度;③边界;④物体的三维空间位置。聋人大学生与健听大学生对空间词的概念组织有相似性,他们之间的差异反映了语言对空间认知的影响。  相似文献   

关于师生冲突中教师行为的案例研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对中学一线教师进行的关于师生中突的实证研究中发现,师生冲突的发生是经常的,而且中学阶段是师生冲突的高发期。师生冲突可分为一般性冲突和冲突激化两个阶段。冲突的激化尤其是对抗性冲突的发生,会严惩破坏师生关系,伤害各自的身心,阻碍教育的顺利进行。而导致师生间冲突激化的直接原因,往往是教师的言行失当,潜在动因则是偏见。教师要处理好师生冲突,协调好师生关系就必须树立正确的学生观,具备良好的人格修养和较高的教育技巧。  相似文献   

Pupils talking about their learning mentors: what can we learn?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The use of learning mentors to provide additional support to pupils who experience barriers to learning has become a feature of many schools in recent years. Mentoring places learning within a social context and recognises the necessity to ensure that students feel both comfortable with and in control of the learning process. This paper describes research which sought the views of young people who, having been identified as having social difficulties, had been supported by learning mentors. Their personal interpretation of mentoring and its impact on their lives is discussed and illustrated through use of their own words. Students interviewed demonstrated an ability to rationalise their own situations and behaviors and provide an indication of the important role that learning mentors have played in their lives.  相似文献   

Service Learning (S-L) is an integral component of the Early Childhood preservice curriculum at the University of South Carolina. In spite of the fact that our college students had experienced the benefits of S-L first hand during their professional education, they had not become adept at implementing this experiential pedagogy into their own preschool and primary classrooms. This article describes the strategies the authors used to motivate their college students to integrate S-L into the classrooms where they were completing their capstone internship. It recounts these teacher education students' successes in planning and implementing effective S-L projects and identifies the benefits that came to the preservice teachers, their young students, and the schools and communities where they taught.  相似文献   

音乐教育是中等职业学校实施美育、培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才的重要途径,是素质教育不可或缺的重要内容,是中等职业学校学生必修的一门公共基础课。中职音乐教学应结合现今课堂教学实际情况,大胆突破传统的言传身教的教学实施,让学生在体验的过程中,能够充分发挥自己的主观能动性,动手、动眼、动嘴、动脑、动心、动情,主动去获得知识、技能、获得积极的情感体验,带来美的享受。  相似文献   

Peter Medway was an exceptionally able teacher, researcher and thinker, and his work throws light on governments, inspectors and educators. In the early 1960s, Peter met a theory which ‘established language as a major means of constructing our realities’. Later, after teaching English in secondary schools for two decades, he reflected on why this theory had failed to make English more serious and more central. In his research, he looked into the history of English, its assumptions, practices and motivations. He also wrote about the significance of the students’ experiences, looking carefully (and critically) at what they produced in talk and writing. Persuaded that English needs to be about using language rather than studying it, he helped students find the right words. Starting with their own words, Peter focused on the business of making interventions without compromising students’ own agency. When he returned from Canada to take up a lectureship at King’s College, London, he was dismayed by the state of English in schools. His dissatisfaction with current English teaching led to a fully funded research project as well as a major publication that tells a story of the way teacher-led change transformed English in post-war London, English Teachers in a Postwar Democracy. Here we remember what was special about his contribution, his legacy and why we will miss him.  相似文献   

聋生青春期生理发育和心理发展现状调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究对上海市聋哑学校的部分12~19岁共92名聋生进行了生理发育和心理发展的调查研究,结果显示聋生青春期性生理发育的年龄与正常学生基本相同,男生首次遗精的平均年龄为13岁,女生月经初潮的平均年龄为12.6岁;大部分聋生都认为性生理上出现的一些变化如男生首次遗精、女生月经初潮以及出现第二性征是正常现象;青春期聋生已经对男、女性别角色形成了较为固定的看法,已经能对男,女性别以及男、女应具备的气质进行区分;多数聋生偏向与自己同性别的聋生交往,而比较疏远和回避异性聋生。  相似文献   

通过新旧单词对比、同义词反义词对比、构词法等教会中专学生记忆英语单词以扩大词汇量激发他们的学习英语的兴趣,同时通过与词的搭配方面的教学,促进学生扩大语汇,学会理解英语词的词义并掌握其用法,这是中专英语词汇教学的有效方法。  相似文献   

Deaf high school students at different schools shared second drafts of their own narratives via an electronic bulletin board after conferencing with their repective teachers. This article characterizes the kinds of questions teachers asked during the conferences and the kinds of revisions the students made between first and second drafts. Results indicate that teachers most often ask questions that require student to provide more information; yet these questions do not affect revision as much as questions which require students to rephrase specific language. Students typically either added or substituted words or phrases that showed both similarities to and differences from the revision patterns of inexperienced writers with normal hearing. In the majority of cases, trained readers rated the deaf students' revised drafts better than their first attempts, signifying the central role revision plays in the composition process.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the Schoolwide Early Language and Literacy program (SWELL) was undertaken in four schools. Two schools participated in the SWELL program in the kindergarten year. The other two schools pursued the regular kindergarten curriculum. Pre‐ and post‐tests were made on a sample of kindergarten students in all four schools (between‐school evaluation). Post‐tests only were performed on a sample of Year 1 students who had not been exposed to SWELL (within‐schools evaluation). End‐of‐year assessments indicated that experimental students outperformed control students on words read in context, but not on words read in isolation (between‐schools evaluation). A similar but non‐significant trend was observed between kindergarten and Year 1 students in the experimental schools, but was not evident for control schools (within‐schools evaluation). Implications for at‐risk and disadvantaged students are discussed.  相似文献   

莫务海 《高教论坛》2009,(10):126-129
中等职业学校不少学生在企业顶岗中存在频繁离职的问题,这给学校、用人单位和家长带来不少的难题,要解决这个同题,需要学校、企业和学生三方共同努力:学校要加强对实习生的职业指导教育,企业要为学生创造适合学生特点的就业环境,学生要转变就业观念,提高自身综合素质.  相似文献   

A perception that some boys are performing poorly both socially and academically is evident in the research literature. This perception has been linked to broader concerns around the transition of boys to manhood. Schools are increasingly paying attention to their role in this transition. This paper discusses the implementation of a rites of passage programme to a New Zealand all-boys secondary school. Experiences of staff and students involved in the programme are reported using their own words as far as possible. Of particular note is the impact of the programme on the teacher–student relationship. The study raises some significant points for consideration, applicable beyond the specific programme discussed and relevant to all schools concerned about supporting boys.  相似文献   

作为摄影专业的学生在很多学校的培养目标应该是要求学生不但要有很强的理论,还要有过硬的实际操作能力,实际能力离不开实践,我们针对学生这样特殊的群体和学校这个环境,提出学生可以根据自身环境和条件来拍摄校园商业人像。  相似文献   

One of the issues identified in a recent study of science teaching and learning in Fiji's primary and secondary schools was the problems faced by students in coping with scientific terminology, and in expressing ideas in their own words (Muralidhar, 1989). In this paper, some examples from the study are used to illustrate the extent of the problem and to discuss the implications for teaching and learning science. It is argued that the quality of communication is an important factor in promoting the understanding of science, especially when the main sources of information for the majority of students are the textbook and the teacher. Specializations: Science teacher education, curriculum in action, problem solving, curriculum evaluation, naturalistic research.  相似文献   

薛娇 《成才之路》2020,(3):128-129
教师在写作教学中应该鼓励学生积累生活中的点点滴滴,汇聚成为写作的好素材,更应该鼓励学生在阅读中积累好词好句,提供例文让学生模仿,使学生学会字、词的准确表达,有效迁移到自己的写作中,还要通过结合多种修改方式,使学生的作文水平不断提高。文章对学生写作的有效指导策略进行论述。  相似文献   

在研究生论文的撰写方面,各高校领导的思想还应该再解放一点,应该允许研究生根据自己所学的专业,选择自己感兴趣的选题。要鼓励研究生独立思考,积极创新,用自己的话语表达自己的观点和主张,阐释自己的研究结论,创建自己的理论。要做到这一点,就必须真正贯彻“百家争鸣”的方针,为年轻人创造一个宽松的舆论环境。  相似文献   


There have been strong calls to action in recent years to promote both school choice and the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This has led to the burgeoning development of STEM-focused schools. Nine STEM-focused charter and 2 STEM-focused magnet schools that serve elementary-aged students were examined to assess the achievement of students who transfer to these schools, as compared to students transferring to non-STEM schools, in the content areas of mathematics, language arts, and reading. The achievement of students transferring to STEM-focused elementary schools was also evaluated after 3 years at their new school and compared both to students’ own prior achievement at their old school and to achievement of students comprising comparison groups. Results generally indicated no effect of STEM-focused magnet schools, but did indicate some positive effects of STEM-focused charter schools.  相似文献   

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