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Global Fintech phenomenon is driven by new technological innovations that attempt to unbundle and deconstruct conventional business models in the financial services sector. Existing research on platforms focus on platform leadership, governance, generativity and modularity, as well as their impact on agility and innovation. However, there are limited empirical studies, to explore the role of platform operators in providing scalable financial service delivery to a broader population. This study aims to enhance the understanding of an emerging Fintech landscape in Indonesia which is characterized by heterogeneous, dynamic and evolving network of organizations and the innovative mechanisms by which the scalability of financial services could be enhanced. Our study suggests that the mechanisms of platformization, decentralization, localization and democratization by Fintech platform operators positively impact the scalability of financial service delivery. This study has significant implications for policy makers especially in emerging markets who are seeking to scale, facilitate and govern the Fintech revolution, and for Fintech practitioners in the design of technology-enabled delivery of financial services.  相似文献   

李莹 《大众科技》2012,(9):33-34
人类进入了信息化时代的今天,会计也日益从手工帐转为电算化.笔者在日常工作中慢慢摸索,总结了一些巧用Office简化会计工作、大大提高工作效率的经验,期望能给会计同行们分享的同时也起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

Human interpretation of images during image annotation is complicated, but most existing interactive image annotation systems are generally operated based on social tagging, while ignoring that tags are insufficient to convey image semantics. Hence, it is critical to study the nature of image annotation behaviors and process. This study investigated annotation tactics, transitions, strategies and their efficiency during the image annotation process. A total of 90 participants were recruited to annotate nine pictures in three emotional dimensions with three interactive annotation methods. Data collected from annotation logs and verbal protocols were analyzed by applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of this study show that the cognitive process of human interpretation of images is rather complex, which reveals a probable bias in research involving image relevance feedback. Participants preferred applying scroll bar (Scr) and image comparison (Cim) tactics comparing with rating tactic (Val), and they did fewer fine tuning activities, which reflects the influence of perceptual level and users’ cognitive load during image annotation. Annotation tactic transition analysis showed that Cim was more likely to be adopted at the beginning of each phase, and the most remarkable transition was from Cim to Scr. By applying sequence analysis, the authors found 10 most commonly used sequences representing four types of annotation strategies, including Single tactic strategy, Tactic combination strategy, Fix mode strategy and Shift mode strategy. Furthermore, two patterns, “quarter decreasing” and “transition cost,” were identified based on time data, and both multiple tactics (e.g., the combination of Cim and Scr) and fine tuning activities were recognized as efficient tactic applications. Annotation patterns found in this study suggest more research needs to be done considering the need for multi-interactive methods and their influence. The findings of this study generated detailed and useful guidance for the interactive design in image annotation systems, including recommending efficient tactic applications in different phases, highlighting the most frequently applied tactics and transitions, and avoiding unnecessary transitions.  相似文献   

In this paper we report upon a first empirical exploration of the relative efficiency of innovation development by product users vs. product producers. In a study of over 50 years of product innovation in the whitewater kayaking field, we find users in aggregate were approximately 3× more efficient at developing important kayaking product innovations than were producers in aggregate. We speculate that this result is driven by what we term “efficiencies of scope” in problem-solving. These can favor an aggregation of many user innovators, each spending a little, over fewer producer innovators benefitting from higher economies of scale in product development. We also note that the present study explores only one initial point on what is likely to be a complex efficiency landscape.  相似文献   

基于2013-2018年广东省197家重点实验室样本数据,采用DEA-Tobit模型探究影响不同区域广东省重点实验室投入产出绩效的主要因素.研究结果表明,广东省重点实验室投入产出效率地区差异明显,在人才队伍、学术研究、创新研发、成果转化中受到人力投入、科研环境、地区经济水平等不同因素的影响.在此基础上,围绕"一核一带一...  相似文献   

以2008-2017年A股上市公司为研究对象,用三阶段DEA模型从技术研发和转化两个阶段测度企业创新效率并分析其与高管海外经历的关系。结果表明,高管海外经历能提高企业创新效率,且不同学历层次和专业背景对企业创新效率影响具有明显差异。进一步研究国有属性和风投注资视角下的影响差异,发现相较于非国有企业,具有海外经历的高管在国有企业任职更能发挥对技术创新的促进效应;在有风险投资进入时,具有经管专业背景的高管更能发挥自身优势,促进企业技术创新。  相似文献   

运用SE-DEA模型对2018年广东省21个地市的科技创新效率进行评价,得出各地市科技创新效率排名,其中有12个地市科技投入与产出指标达到DEA有效.评价结果如下,广州市排名第一,肇庆排在末位,投入产出指标中排名首位的深圳市科技创新效率评价表现不佳,仅排在第七位,说明科技创新效率与区域经济发展水平关联不大,且并非R&D...  相似文献   

李青华 《情报科学》2000,18(10):918-924
本文对《报刊库》和《中刊库》的收录范围及收录总量进行了调查;从期刊抽样统计和主题词抽样统计对收录文献的完整性进行了分析;从标引深度、标引一致性、标引准确性和自然语言动用等方面对两个数据库的标引技术进行了比较。  相似文献   

基于三阶段DEA模型,对我国2015年的省际科技金融效率进行测算,同时利用Tobit模型对科技金融效率的影响因素进行分析。结果表明,我国的省际科技金融效率普遍过低,只有北京、黑龙江、浙江、河南、广东5个省区的技术效率处于技术前沿面,其他省份的技术效率都有待提高;高技术产业的科研经费投入、地区法制化水平、金融发展与技术创新的程度对于科技金融效率都有正向影响,且高技术产业的科研经费投入影响程度最高;高技术产业利润总额占比与政府机构的财政支持度对于科技金融效率的影响有不显著的负向影响。综合以上分析,各地政府应加大高技术产业的科研经费投入,改善经费投入的体系;加大地区法制化水平,保障科技金融市场正常有效的进行;加大金融发展,增进资本积累以及优化资源配置;加大对于科技创新的鼓励,走科技创新内涵路线;各地应监管科研经费,合理分配科学技术财政支出,积极发挥政府的引领作用,保持科技金融效率的持续提升。  相似文献   

This paper applies the production framework associated with the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method to evaluate the relative efficiency of R&D activities across countries. R&D capital stocks and manpower are treated as inputs while patents and academic publications are considered as outputs. A three-stage approach, which involves using DEA for evaluating efficiency and using Tobit regressions for controlling the external environment, is applied to 30 countries in recent years. The results show that less than one-half of the countries are fully efficient in R&D activities and that more than two-thirds are at the stage of increasing returns to scale. Most countries have a more significant advantage in producing SCI cum EI publications than in generating patents.  相似文献   

运用数理统计和地理学空间分析方法对中国科技创新与绿色化的时空演变进行刻画并对科技创新对绿色化的影响机制进行验证,得出以下结论,(1)2000—2014年中国科技创新能力和绿色化水平逐年提升,二者的时序演变具有显著相似性;(2)科技创新和绿色化在空间分布上均由"大差距低水平"逐渐向"小差距高水平"的特点转变;(3)科技创新通过资源利用效应、投入产出效应、知识外溢效应以及人力资本效应对区域绿色化起到显著正向影响。  相似文献   

构建数据包络分析DEA- BCC模型与Malmquist指数模型对2 011-2 016年30家中国生物科技上市公司经营效率做静态和动态分析:静态分析可知生物科技类上市公司近67%处于经营效率较高,33%的公司处于规模报酬递增阶段,通过扩大生物科技类上市公司规模提高经营效率有很大操作空间,整体看管理效率成为制约公司经营效率的主要因素;动态分析可知近年来中国生物科技类上市公司全要素生产率下滑7. 2%,技术进步下降7. 7%成为制约TFP增长的主要因素,同时受技术进步、规模效率以及纯技术效率制约的公司数占总数3. 4%,只受规模效率和纯技术制约占总数3. 4%,仅受技术进步制约占总数53%。  相似文献   

为了针对影响CHPP融资效率的主要因素,制定融资效率提升策略。采用实证分析的方法,根据CHPP2006—2010年的财务数据,应用灰色关联分析法,确定各影响因素对融资效率影响的大小,其结果是融资成本、融资结构、偿债能力和盈利能力对企业融资效率的影响较大,在此基础上,对重要影响因素分析其原因,并站在系统的高度,从资金的获取和配置两个方面提出CHPP融资效率提升的策略。融资策略的提出是以影响融资效率因素的重要程度为依据,资金的获取以运用为基础,并将融资和资金运用紧密结合,这对于从总体上提高融资效率、为企业创新和企业价值的提升提供支撑具有重要作用。本研究可为CHPP和同类企业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为探索冷链物流配送影响因素,提高企业配送效率,从冷链企业、冷鲜产品及客户三方面分析冷链物流配送影响因素及相互关系,据此构建冷链配送系统及其子系统因果关系图;以冷鲜肉配送为例,将实载率、流通损失率、准时交货率等作为配送效率量化指标,同时特别考虑车辆调度、装车以及运输过程中的不确定性因素,构建配送效率影响因素系统动力学模型。利用该模型对系统进行投资分析、供需分析、载货分析,并依据分析结果提出合理的配送效率提升策略。  相似文献   

黄和平  彭小琳 《资源科学》2016,38(3):493-500
土地利用效率研究一直是城镇化过程中资源环境与社会经济协调可持续发展相关方面关注的热点.将脱钩分析的理论框架应用于土地利用效率变化的研究,构建基于脱钩视角的城市土地利用效率变化的分析范式,剖析1990年以来南昌市在不同时期段以及连续时期之间的土地利用效率变化特征,并进一步讨论提升南昌市城市土地利用效率的策略.结果表明:①大多数时期段内南昌市土地利用效率下降,并未实现城市经济增长与土地资源消耗的脱钩;②连续时期之间南昌市土地利用效率具有波动上升的趋势.探究这两类变化的原因之后,本文认为"严控增量,盘活存量"这一般性策略仍然非常适用于南昌市脱钩经济增长与土地资源消耗和提升土地利用效率,并辅以产业优化与制度保障.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103788
The domain of transition studies has been drawing more and more scholarly attention and, as a result, its body of knowledge is rapidly growing. This raises new challenges as well as opportunities, not the least regarding the methodological and philosophical underpinnings of research in this domain. In this respect, transition research, as a relatively young field of inquiry, has been little concerned with methodological investigation and reflection. We propose a framework that enables this reflection: the so-called ‘transition research onion’. Subsequently, we utilize this framework to systematically assess 217 peer-reviewed papers in the field of transition studies, to distill key methodological patterns and trends of the field. The findings suggest that the methodology of transition studies, in terms of depth and diversity, is underdeveloped. These insights serve to guide future research on transition processes.  相似文献   

技术环境悖论认为技术同时是环境变化的起源和补救方式,中国工业加速发展不仅带来了技术进步和工业繁荣,也导致了一系列生态问题。本文在测算2007-2011中国各地区超效率生态效率的基础上,利用省际面板数据分析工业技术对生态效率的影响。结果表明:(1)中国的生态效率自东向西逐渐降低,资源环境要素生产率增长主要来源于技术进步;(2)虽然整体上工业自主创新和创新成果转化仍未摆脱粗放特征,但东南沿海地区自主创新对生态效率已呈显著正效应;(3)整体上高技术行业对生态效率的正效应显著,但中西部地区仍应加快完善高技术行业以促进生态正效应显现。  相似文献   

融资约束是制约高端装备制造业发展的瓶颈问题。文章充分发挥Surper-SBM精准测量融资效率值并排序的优势,利用2010-2016年45家上市公司的2205个观测值,计算高端装备制造业企业的不同融资效率值,并根据目标效率值大小对企业进行分区。同时,为了探究影响融资效率变化的关键因素,利用Malquist指数模型研究综合效率指数轨迹、技术效率轨迹和技术进步效率轨迹的动态变动。研究表明:我国高端装备业整体的融资效率均值大于0.85,但91.11%的上市公司处于非效率状态;Malquist平均指数总体保持在1.0左右的水平,但是融资效率呈现波动性特征;技术效率指数受规模效率影响大而纯技术效率作用不明显;88.89%的企业注重持续的技术创新,但是技术进步因素还未成为提升融资效率的主要动力源。  相似文献   

文章聚焦资金要素对战略性新兴产业的驱动效应,紧紧围绕产业资金供给与需求分析产业发展的融资效率低下问题展开分析。从方法上,本文对融资效率评价模型进行拓展,克服传统径向模型变量“松弛”的不足,构建了以Surper-SBM模型为基础的中国战略性新兴产业融资效率评价的方法,以探究企业融资效率不足的内在动因。通过利用2010-2016年上市公司样本数据进行实证测算的结果表明:只有2.4%的上市公司实现融资效率有效,有97.6%的企业的平均融资效率保持在0.786水平,企业通过改善融资结构,减少投资冗余提高有利于提高融资效率;另外,从七大子行业融资效率来看,生物行业效率最高,均值为0.8248,新能源汽车产业效率最低,均值为0.7636,不同行业发展呈现差异性。最后,利用二元离散性Logit选择模型对影响战略性新兴产业融资效率的因素分析表明:在其他内外部环境保持稳定的情况下,股东权益比率和资产负债率越小,上市公司融资效率越高,非流通股比例越高,融资效率越低。  相似文献   

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