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Discussions of service learning emphasize opportunities for students to gain real world experience through work in community contexts. Less attention, however, has been given to the role of technology in these projects. Incorporating critical reflection on the rhetorical and social dimensions of technology throughout students' collaborations with clients can help to situate their practices within larger public contexts. This sort of reflection can encourage student engagement on a variety of levels: professional, rhetorical, intellectual, personal, and civic.  相似文献   

This article highlights elements of civic engagement programs that have the rich potential to facilitate civic identity development. Focusing on research with alumni, the study examines 3 civic engagement programs, the approaches of which are guided by critical service-learning. It explores elements of the experiences that alumni name as influential to their learning, development, and present commitments to understand the ways that civic engagement programs based in a critical service-learning approach can encourage them to develop commitments to active citizenship as exemplified by Knefelkamp's (2008) vision of a mature sense of civic identity.  相似文献   

I examine and question whether the goal, or dream, of service-learning has been actualized in practice. I raise the possibility that what educators dream of—a critical service-learning able to ameliorate persistent real-world inequities—may be a case of their dreaming being fulfilled, rather than their dreams. More specifically, I argue that although the dream of critical service-learning has been incredibly successful at driving research and practice in higher education, it has not fulfilled the goal of impacting the very people and communities educators purport to serve. Thus, the groups most wishing for the success of critical service-learning are those whose dreams are most fulfilled. I offer a set of tenets that, I hope, will encourage educators to dream different dreams.  相似文献   

Critical Approaches to Lifelong Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that contemporary interest in lifelong learning can be seen as an artefact of the market. It points out how the attractive vocabulary associated with personal development and empowerment often masks other economic and social purposes. Bearing in mind the social function of education, the author compares the strategies for the promotion of lifelong learning designed for those in "included social categories" with the policies designed for those in marginal and excluded positions. It concludes by challenging its own position by citing positive learner experience in each case.  相似文献   

本文考察了英国教育技术互用性标准中心(CETIS)通过支持国家项目(即英国联合信息系统委员会(JISC)和高等教育委员会的英国开放教育资源试点项目,详见http://www.jisc.ae.uk/oer),以促进发布开放教育资源方面的经验,并探索了如何让我们的支持模式对其他相关项目有所启发,并能改编用于鼓励开放课件运动的可持续性技术支持网络。作为一个涵盖英国众多大学的国家层面的创新举措,众多开放教育资源提供者参与了英国开放教育资源(UKOER),这包括个别教育者、学科联合体和机构。考虑到这种多样性,从一开始我们就意识到没有任何一种技术解决方案能适合所有的项目。因此,也没有委托专门的工具、描述性标准、交流或分发机制(除要求所有制作的资源应该放在国家学习资源库中外,详见http://jorum.ae.uk)。为了支持这一项目,我们引导采取不同的方法和形成不同的社群,也许在支持发布开放教育资源方面,任何类似的跨机构创新都将会面临相似的问题。我们的项目支持方法已从具体的细节问题发展到提供基本的支持原则,从而预测其他问题,并推动最佳实践。我们的做法是:通过会议上的技术汇报和讨论机会,以及在博客上发帖,激发讨论;通过技术评论讨论,并记录针对这些公布在网上的讨论的总结性内容,从而调查个别项目的技术选择;针对通过以上方式所发现的问题,以及项目博客上凸显的问题,做出相应的反馈。考虑到如何使这一方法在更广泛的范围内应用,我们也反思了这种公开的工作模式所面临的挑战、这一方法的开支、适应性,以及我们所认为的其在支持开放教育资源管理和传播方面所扮演的角色。  相似文献   

An intergenerational oral history project paired 63 students enrolled in human behavior in the social environment (HBSC) courses in a bachelor of social work (BSW) programs with older adults. The goal of the project was to provide contextual application of HBSE theories and concepts by engaging students in semester-long intentional interaction with older adults. Qualitative evaluation of the oral history project found that students reported multiple benefits from participation. The authors attribute the project's positive outcomes to its service-learning nature as well as the unique and applied way in which it allowed students to learn mandated course content.  相似文献   

Service-learning opportunities are prominent on many college campuses. The process of designing and implementing service-learning experiences, especially for students of gerontology, however, has rarely been addressed. The current article briefly reviews the background and utility of service-learning in gerontology courses, describes our service-learning project, outlines a general six-stage model for developing service-learning projects in gerontology courses, and describes our process of integrating the service-learning project into an introductory gerontology course. Finally, we demonstrate that in conjunction with the promotion of evaluative practices, service-learning in the gerontology classroom presents a promising practice for creating healthier communities.  相似文献   

现阶段我国高等院校中创新创业教育与专业教育之间的结合力度不足且教学效果不佳,因此针对高校创新创业教育与专业教育的融合途径进行分析研究有着重要的价值及意义。简要分析高校创新创业教育与专业教育相融合的理论基础及融合现状,继而提出高校创新创业教育与专业教育的融合具体途径。通过研究及分析,旨在促进高等院校的创新创业教育工作能够与专业课程更有效地结合,为社会的主义事业的发展培养出更多优秀的人才。  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Complex systems are made up of many entities, whose interactions emerge into distinct collective patterns. Computational modeling platforms can provide...  相似文献   

文章对美国新发布的ACOT2项目报告的核心内容做了概述,对项目所开展的一种新的学习方式:基于挑战的学习(Challenge Based Learning,简称CBL)进行了追述,分析了CBL的构成要件和实施过程。最后,将ACOT项目与国内课程整合项目从项目指导理念、项目目标、项目推进方式、项目实验学科和课程整合模式等五个方面进行了比较分析,试图找出两国在整合项目上的不同取向,并尝试对我国教育信息化发展提出几点启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of Science in Action (SIA) was to examine the relationship between implementing quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) service-learning (SL) projects and the effect on students' academic engagement in middle school science, civic responsibility, and resilience to at-risk behaviors. The innovative project funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) included 6,000+ middle school at-risk students (eligible for at least 50% free or reduced-cost lunch), 126 science teachers who integrated STEM problem-based SL pedagogy into science instruction to teach students to solve real problems in schools and communities. The project involved 20 schools and communities with assistance from 120 community partners. Participants completed pre- and post-SL surveys on academic engagement, civic responsibility, and resilience; qualitative data were collected from journals, interviews, focus groups, observations, and field notes. Results highlight exemplary SL projects that demonstrated increased student academic engagement and achievement for students living in high poverty areas with potential at-risk behavior. Implications for future research and educational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Although many technical communication teachers and programs integrate some form of service-learning pedagogy, there is a dearth of technical communication research on the silent partners of these projects: the community partners. Drawing upon research data from 14 former community partners of professional writing service-learning courses, the authors suggest that understanding community partners’ own self-defined stakes in service-learning projects can challenge hyperpragmatist representations of community partners and aid us in the continued creation, management, and critical evaluation of service-learning pedagogies and curricula.  相似文献   

安全教育培训是安全生产的基础保障。通过对安全教育培训现状的分析,从实际出发,提出水利工程施工企业安全教育培训的有效措施与途径,意对实际工作有所启发。  相似文献   

将科研项目引入机电一体化课程教学的实践和探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机电一体化课程是机械设计制造及其自动化专业非常重要的一门专业核心课,具有涉及面广、实践性强等特点.在深入分析教学内容和目标的基础上,结合学生的能力水平,精心选择合适的科研项目引入机电一体化课程教学,以项目实践带动专业理论学习,可以在很大程度上改善教学效果.学生在实践中学,学以致用,可以增强实践能力,培养良好的创新意识,提高综合素质.  相似文献   

实质蕴涵理论是逻辑学的一种基础理论,但它长期面临着蕴涵怪论的质疑,尤其是一些反例成为实质蕴涵理论的严峻考验。针对它所面临的“严峻反例”,国内目前主要有两种不同的化解路径:以程仲棠为代表的命题逻辑方案和以张建军为代表的形式蕴涵方案。这两种方案有着本质差别,究竟哪一种更合理,这需要立足于具体的分析来进行抉择。  相似文献   

本文对芒硝复分解循环制备碳酸氢钠新工艺进行了介绍。并用正交法找出了最佳工艺条件,产品质量可达到JB1606-79标准。  相似文献   

目前常规的活性污泥处理的方法都存在投资大、处理成本高等各种问题,本文介绍了剩余污泥可溶化回流氧化处理技术及其尚待改进的问题,并重点列举了臭氧、超声波法处理剩余污泥工艺的应用实例和研究现状.为达到污泥零排放的目的并能从本质上减少污泥排放量提出了未来的发展方向和研究方向.  相似文献   

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