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1995年5月至7月国内外大事记5月从5月1日起,我国实行每周工作40小时,5天工作制。1日至14日,第43届世界乒乓球锦标赛在天津举行,中国队获得全部7项冠军。新华社5月7日电,江泽民、李鹏分别为孔繁森同志题词。江泽民同志的题词是:“向孔繁森同志学...  相似文献   

职教日记(1996年5月1日──5月31日)5月1日’96天津首届读书节暨图书展销会今天在天津水上公园开幕。四川省召开教育经费审计检查总结表彰大会。5月2日今天是我国第一部教育立法《中华人民共和国学位条例》实施15周年。5月3日国家教委主任米开轩今天...  相似文献   

我现在是怀孕四个月的准妈妈,据说孕期是一定要通过做“B超”来确定胎宝宝的发育状况,不知B超做多了对胎儿是否有害? 超声波在临床上应用十分广泛,产科自从有了超声波,可以检查很多内容,如胎儿发育是否正常、胎儿是否有畸形、羊水量多或少、胎儿有几个;尤其是试管婴儿的全过程,如果没有显示清晰的超声波几乎不可想象,总之现代医学领域中离不了超声波的检查。 在怀孕5个月左右用超声波检查胎儿是否正常,这已是国内外各医院的常规,此后如需要明确胎儿是否发育迟缓或巨大、羊水是否异常等等仍需要惜助于超声波检查。一般孕妇自受…  相似文献   

临床实习考核成绩评定标准(一)业务能力:70分门诊各科适用项目标准分要 求询问病情10围绕主证、规律有序、抓住重点。病历书写4客观、整洁、规范、合乎逻辑各2分(专业实习左四项各1分,病历体现专科辨证施治所需各项指标及正确记录检查结果4分),无错别字2分。处方书写4规范、清晰各2分。操作能力15规律有序、较熟练检体、熟悉常见体征特点(左三项包括中医望、闻、切体征)各5分。专科处理能力10专科门诊一般治疗、检查仪器使用(必要时可现场考核)5分;熟悉专科处理特点5分。实习内科将此分平均计入“操作能力”…  相似文献   

1999年6月30日,湘潭市科协、教委联合组成检查组对我校科技活动进行了检查。检查组同志充分肯定了学校挖掘实验室潜力,开展科技活动的做法。东山学校是一所具有百多年历史的学校,无产阶级革命家毛泽东、毛泽覃,军事家陈庚、谭震等,先后在此就学。学校于1998年6月被省科技活动领导小组、省科协授予“湖南省青少年科技活动示范基地”以来,多次召开会议,就如何开展科技活动作了部署,组建了各种活动小组40多个。通过一年的活动开展,学校取得了省级科技活动奖3项,地级科技活动奖5项,县级科技活动奖46项。湘乡市东山…  相似文献   

1998年全年平均全国商品零售价格总水平和居民消费价格总水平分别比上年下降26%和08%,这是改革开放20年来,我国年度价格总水平的首次下跌。当前我国物价持续走低的特点、原因和对国民经济运行的影响是什么?国家怎样解决物价持续走低的问题?在经济常识教学中,我们必须引导学生正确的认识这些问题。一、物价持续下跌的特点1持续时间长1998年1月—1999年5月物价同比指数表指标1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月9月10月11月12月991992993994995商品零售价格同比-1.5-1…  相似文献   

实施“普九”工作必须狠抓普及率曹仲俭,汪耀明普及九年义务教育,第一位的工作应当是提高普及率。所谓普及率,是指九年义务教育的普及程度,包括人学率、辍学率、完成率、文盲率等项指标要求。今年5月,我们组织人员深入到海东地区7个县的20多个乡镇,对“普九”工...  相似文献   

进入5月份以来,为了推行职业资格证书制度,开展职业技能鉴定,实行持证上岗制度,郧县劳动局专门成立了以分管领导为组长的郧县检查持证上岗领导小组。领导小组主要由劳动监察大队、职业技能开发股及局有关股室人员组成。这次检查的范围是国有、集体、私营以及部分个体企业。截止5月16日,全县共查出企业尚未持证人员1568人,并且这部分人重点分布在各乡镇企业、个体企业,为保证今年7月1日全面实行持证上岗,该县劳动局采取了边检查、边鉴定的有效措施,这样大大提高了工作进度和工作效率。这次检查得到了受检企业干部职工的热…  相似文献   

为了推行职业资格证书制度的激励机制,开展职业技能鉴定,实行持证上岗制度。进入5月份以来,湖北省郧县劳动局专门成立了以分管领导为组长的郧县检查持证上岗领导小组,领导小组主要由劳动监察大队,职业技能开发股及局有关股室人员组成。这次检查的范围是国有、集体、私营以及部分个体企业。截止5月16日,全县共查出企业尚未持证人员1568人,并且这部分人重点分布在各乡镇企业、个体企业、为使今年7月1日全面实行持证上岗,该县劳动局采取了边检查、边鉴定的有效措施,这样大大提高了工作进度和工作效率,这次检查得到了受检企业干部职工…  相似文献   

台港澳之窗台湾教改动向台湾教育改革审议委员会(简称“教改会”)1996年3月由李远哲主持第19次会议,提出5项原则性的建议:一)关于教育机会。不宜以人才需求规划作为教育发展规划的首要指标,以免造成强制和教育机会不合理。二)关于教育内容。全面开放民间编...  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of cloze tests in the reading and listening modes together with a computer analysis of responses to the tests. The subjects were groups of Scottish school children at the ages of 8-9, 11-12 and 13–14 years sampled over the whole country as part of a national survey of English language; the cloze tests were only a small part of the whole testing programme which also contained three other major reading tests. Approximately 400 subjects took cloze tests in each mode at each age. The test material was the same throughout for all stages tested. Two tests, each containing one narrative and one expository text were used. The mode of presentation did not significantly affect the types of cloze responses offered nor the total scores of the tests at any stage. However, results indicated better performance for older subjects when they read, and for the youngest group when they listened to, expository though not narrative passages. The comparisons of the results for the three different school stages showed continuing interdependence of reading and listening ability through the ages tested. The different cloze response patterns for the two types of text (in either mode) as well as the only moderate correlation between the texts, indicated that success in comprehending narratives may not necessarily transfer to comprehending information.  相似文献   

The research reported in this thesis was designed to investigate the nature of reading comprehension failure with a view to improving remedial reading programmes for those children who, although resembling normal readers in other respects, enter secondary education with an inadequate level of reading ability. By the use of cloze tests, in which the reader is required to restore words deleted from a text, comparisons were made between failing readers at age twelve, normal readers of age twelve and normal readers of age nine who had reached the same level of reading comprehension as the failing twelve-year-olds. The three groups’ responses were classified by a system based on a view of the reading process as an interaction between the reader and the text. The effects of specific aspects of text on the three groups of readers were investigated. It was found that there were significant differences between the responses offered by the failing readers at age twelve and normal readers at age nine. Since the level of reading ability of the two groups was the same, this suggests that reading failure involves qualitative differences from normal reading development. The types of difficulty experienced by failing readers, as reflected in their cloze responses, include difficulties in visual scanning, in reconstruction of syntactic structures and in vocabulary. These components did not affect all failing readers equally. Failing readers appear to have greater difficulty than normal in relating their responses to the general theme of the text and tend to treat it as a series of isolated fragments. They make less use of the context following a deleted word than normal readers. Failing readers at age twelve appear to have greater difficulty than normal readers at age nine in recognizing which segments of a text contain important information. The whole population of a secondary school, 643 subjects, was tested and it was found that failing readers at age fifteen produced the same pattern of responses as those failing at age twelve. The only improvement appearing in their reading was in the processing of complete sentences. There were indications that remedial programmes designed on the diagnostic basis provided by the research results produced an increase in reading age in six months of a similar order to that produced by previous remedial programmes in a year. The increase was approximately twenty-four months on average for a group of failing readers whose mean reading age on entry was eight years six months. The programme caused them to alter their response patterns to resemble those of normal readers at age twelve.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether among children who speak Kannada, a Dravidian language from South India, there are those who show the same pattern of specific dyslexia as has been found to occur in children who speak European languages. The performances of 14 dyslexic children, aged between 8 and 10 years, whose native language was Kannada, were compared on a variety of tasks with fourteen normal readers and fourteen non-dyslexic poor readers. There were no significant differences between the three groups on tests of visual discrimination, visual recognition, visual recall, memory for shapes in sequence, or auditory discrimination. There were differences, however, between the dyslexics and the normal readers on tests of recall of auditorily presented digits, word analysis, word synthesis, and on two tests of visual-verbal association. The non-dyslexic poor readers were more similar to the dyslexics on recall of auditorily presented digits and word synthesis but more similar to the normal readers on word analysis and on the two tests of visual-verbal association. It is argued that these results are evidence of a consistent pattern in specific dyslexia which does not depend on any one writing system or geographical location.  相似文献   

蚯蚓素9201平喘的实验研究和临床试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对蚯蚓素9201平喘的功效进行了实验研究,并作了临床试验,结果表明:对豚鼠过敏性哮喘有部分缓解作用,能部分抑制大白鼠的PCA;能对抗组织胺所致的豚鼠哮喘和离体气管片痉挛,对乙酰胆碱所致的豚鼠哮喘无作用;临床试验的结果表明蚯蚓素9201对不同年龄支气管哮喘发作的男女患者有即刻疗效.  相似文献   

The study presented here investigated the performance of children with learning, psychiatric, and attentional disabilities on the Stroop Color and Word Test. Forty‐three children diagnosed with a full battery of tests as learning disabled (LD [reading]) in grades K through 6 were matched on age, gender, ethnicity, and grade with 43 normal controls. They were also matched with groups of 43 children with psychiatric disorders and 43 children with attentional problems. All subjects were given the Stroop test, which took about 4 minutes per subject. The results indicated clear differences between the groups, with the LD and the psychiatric/attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) groups generating unique profiles different from the normal controls. The children with LD showed slower reading speed and less interference, while the subjects with ADHD and diagnoses showed impairment only on the Color‐Word score. A discriminant analysis using the three basic Stroop scales was able to significantly differentiate the LD group from the non–learning‐disabled (NLD) group (89%) and the LD group from a joint Psychiatric/ADHD group (86%). However, results were poorer for differentiating a joint LD/ADHD group from the NLD group (68%) and the LD from the ADHD group (59%). © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This case-study investigates the predictive validity and reliability of Key Stage 2 test results, and teacher assessments, for target-setting and value-added assumptions at Key Stage 3. (In England Key Stage 2 tests are taken in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science at the age of 11. Key Stage 3 tests are taken in the same subjects at the age of 14. Teacher assessments are also completed for these subjects at both key stages.) The study employed the type of linear regression analysis recommended in several government reports, to correlate Key Stage 2 test results, and teacher assessments, in core subjects, with Key Stage 3 test results, and teacher assessments, in both core and non-core subjects. Following government recommendations that the use of any other form of testing - such as the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) - was now no longer necessary to provide baseline data for value-added calculations, or to set targets, correlations were also investigated between results on the CAT, and test results and teacher assessments at Key Stage 3, for both core and non-core subjects, to see whether this recommendation was well founded. The results of the case-study suggest that Key Stage 2 data, both in the form of test results and teacher assessments, have little or no predictive validity, or reliability, for test results or teacher assessments at Key Stage 3. Indeed, the predictive validity for non-core subjects at Key Stage 3 was so low as to be negligible. However, the CAT average score correlated more highly with both teacher assessments and test results at Key Stage 3 in core subjects, although this relationship was not reflected in non-core subjects. These findings suggest that the predictive validity and reliability of Key Stage 2 data is seriously open to question as baseline data for either value-added, or target-setting procedures, at Key Stage 3. It should be pointed out, however, that these findings are provisional, since they are based on data from two intake years, but preliminary analysis of data from a further three intake years appears to indicate that the concerns identified are well founded.  相似文献   

How to select medical students who will be successful during different study phases as well as later in their profession is a difficult problem. This study focuses on the predictive value of students' entry-level skills measured by three multiple-choice science tests, the secondary school matriculation examination, and 'Learning-from-text' (LFT) tasks which were designed to measure critical thinking skills.The subjects (N = 109) were those medical students who were accepted in the University of Helsinki Faculty of Medicine in 1988. The results showed that the three science tests predicted the medical course grades. Further, a LFT task intending to measure the ability to pull together the essentials of a text predicted the pace of studying during both basic and advanced studies. LFT tasks intending to measure the deepest level of learning, i.e., the application of knowledge, predicted the grades obtained for the advanced courses.  相似文献   

根据Craik和Lockhart提出的"深层加工理论"设计研究方案,探讨了不同的学习任务对小学生词汇附带习得的影响。60名来自福州某小学二年级的受试者被分成两组(词义组和形义组),分别在两种不同的加工条件下听英语故事。即时和延时词汇测试分别考查了受试对7个目标词的习得和保持情况。SPSS.18.0统计软件对收集的数据进行处理和分析的结果显示:中国小学生能够附带习得英语生词;在即时测验中,两组组内对目标词的习得效果没有显著差异;在延迟测试中,形义组对目标词的习得效果显著好于词义组,但是在两次词汇测试中两组组内都有显著差异。实验结果只部分验证了"深层加工理论"。  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to investigate the relationship between sex, personality and learning style and French and German performance in secondary school pupils. 432 13–14 year old children (216 boys and 216 girls) whose mother tongue was English were given the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory and Raven's Standard Matrices. Half of the subjects were then given three performance tests (comprehension, essay and prose translation), and the rest received three parallel German tests. The main findings were that, although pupils studied each language for the same time, German was easier than French, girls did better than boys, and that language performance increased with extraversion. The results were discussed in terms of their practical implications.  相似文献   

This study reinvestigated questions raised by Sidney Jourard in the initial stages of research on self‐disclosure. Using new conceptualizations and measures, this study attempted to assess the viability of previous research conclusions. The study specifically investigated the effects of discloser sex, topic of disclosure, and the target of disclosure on five dimensions of reported self‐disclosure. With 104 undergraduate volunteers as subjects, 2 × 2 × 2 (sex by topic by target) analysis of variance and follow‐up tests revealed that disclosures to both parents were more positive but less honest, frequent, and intimate than to best same‐sex friend. Topic affected or interacted to affect three of the dimensions of disclosure while the sex variable interacted to affect only one. These results provide little support for the conclusions drawn by Jourard. Evidently, topic and target now function as constraints on the ways individuals reveal information about themselves.  相似文献   

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