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地名是人类为了便利自己的生产和生活命定的地物或地域名称,它的形成和发展与政治、经济、军事、交通、地理、历史、民族、宗教、语言、文字、风俗、物产等都有密切关系,因此,地名蕴涵着深厚而丰富的文化。地名又是地域的标签,是其发展变化的真实记录,它的演变折射出地名文化的轨迹。高阳县位于河北省保定市东南,关于高阳地名的由来有三种说法:一是古传这里曾为颛顼帝(高阳氏)的故都而名;二是县内有潴龙河(古称高河),高阳古县城(今旧城村)因地处高河之阳而命名;三是战国时期燕国武成王将高阳封于宋荣蚠,因其封国而名。高阳地理位置重要,其既为宋代著名"三关"之要,又是20世纪30年代"高蠡暴动"之策源地。其自然资源丰富,经济发展,素有"纺织之乡"美称。高阳自古崇文尚武,文化底蕴深厚,人才辈出,素称"戏曲之乡"、"华工之乡"和"八才旧里"。  相似文献   

论教育学的文化品性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学的每一环节均渗透、体现着特定的文化与价值。从文化视角出发审度教育学,我们就能对中国教育学的根本问题与特有现象形成比较完整而深刻的理解。中国教育学具有其独特的文化品性。文化自觉意识的形成是中国教育学文化品性得以建立的基础与前提。中国教育学的独特文化内涵在于其对文化伦理的重视与推崇。同时,我们还要形成文化比较的视野,使中国教育学走向世界。  相似文献   

科学、教育学与人的关系,是纠缠我国当代教育学理论建设的基本问题之一。自科学主义思潮确立其在思想史中的地位以来,科学逐渐被狭义化为自然科学,成为人类认识与改造自然的一套知识系统。而自然科学的方法体系,被包括教育学在内的人文社会学科运用于解释人与社会的复杂现象。教育学的科学化,使人在教育活动中的地位变得卑微起来。人在密布且精细的科学程序中被围困,为科学所负累。教育学研究近乎等同于教育科学研究。不难判读,我国当代主流的《教育学》关于人性的假设,以及其中的基本概念、核心命题、学术论域甚至语法规则,都浸染着科学主义色彩。人在教育学中行将消匿,为了使人在教育学中体面地出场,《教育学》亟待重写。  相似文献   

Drawing on the work of Dewey, we present a view of science education from the perspective of art and aesthetics. This perspective places a transformative, aesthetic experience at the forefront of educational objectives. Such experience involves the application of learning in everyday contexts, expansion of perception, and development of an increased interest in science ideas and aspects of the world illuminated by those ideas. We present a pedagogical model focused on fostering transformative, aesthetic experiences. This model involves two general categories of instructional methods: (a) methods of crafting ideas out of concepts, and (b) methods of modeling and scaffolding transformative, aesthetic experiences. We discuss how the methods comprising this pedagogical model relate to established science education methods.  相似文献   

This article takes as its starting point the ongoing downturn in student interest in, and engagement with, the enabling sciences. We make a case that embedding of creative pedagogies in science education has significant potential to arrest the flight from modern science. Five propositions are explored in order to argue the case: that young people are more engaged by active tasks than with a passive consumption approach to transfer of core knowledge; that it is boredom, not rigour, that disengages them––the difference is between static and dynamic sources of knowledge; that creativity is not the antithesis of scientific rigour but the core business of scientific thinking; that we now have new understandings of creative pedagogies that make teaching strategies visible and effective; and, that these strategies can build academic, digital and social capacity simultaneously and this is the new core business of the science educator. We conclude by flagging implications for leading such pedagogical change in science faculties.  相似文献   

The role of analogy in learning has been extensively researched in science education. The core purpose of the use of analogy as a strategy deployed in teaching is that of developing understanding of abstract phenomena from concrete reference. Whilst such an objective is desirable, it is predicated on the assumption that there is an agreed interpretation of the particular phenomena under scrutiny to which all subscribe. This paper argues that such a position is untenable and that the research enterprise should shift focus from determining the effectiveness of analogy in cognitive transfer from base to target domains towards the recognition of the role of analogy in generating engagement in the learning process. In such a paradigm, meaning in science for both learner and teacher is derived from discourse rather than being independent of it. The discussion draws on hermeneutic philosophy to provide a theoretical framework to illustrate the implications for teacher subject and pedagogical knowledge.  相似文献   

依靠法兰克福学派、伯明翰学派和洛杉矶学派的努力,西方教育学界在应对媒体文化挑战时已推出了三种理论结构清晰的媒体文化教育学。不仅如此,西方教育学者还通过教育学院的教师教育体系开拓了合理有效的实践路径,使媒体文化教育的理论建构首先服务于塑造优秀的媒体文化教师。面对媒体文化的强大影响及国内中小学远未成熟的媒体教育实践,中国教育学者同样能发展出进步主义的媒体文化研究和媒体文化教育学,并将它纳入教师教育的课程体系,培养教育观念进步、媒体文化研究能力优秀的教师。  相似文献   

This article is based on my recent book Time for Science Education (Plenum Publishers, 1998). It begins with the treatment afforded the pendulum in the US National Science Education Standards, and a number of other contemporary curriculum documents. It notes that all of these documents advocate liberal, or wide, goals for science education, including students understanding something of the historical and cultural significance of science. It notes that all the documents ignore the very significant role played by the pendulum in the foundation of modern science, in solving the longitude problem, and in enabling the first accurate clocks to be constructed. There are thus lost opportunities for realising the laudable goals that the Standards set for US science education. Finally, it is claimed that realising these cultural goals for science education requires that the history and philosophy of science be more routinely incorporated into preservice and inservice courses for science teachers.  相似文献   

教育学:科学抑或艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“教育学是科学还是艺术”是教育学史上的经典论题之一。围绕这一论题,基于不同的学术立场和文化语境,学者们提出了一些富有启发性的观点。总体上,“科学”指向“知”,追求符合教育事实的规律;“艺术”指向“行”,探寻指导教育实践的规则。因此,两者的对峙实质上是“科学理论”与“实践理论”的分野。随着教育学作为统一的知识体的瓦解,“教育学是科学还是艺术”这一论题面临着前提性的困境,但又由于其对教育学发展路向的暗示,获得了在现时代的存在合理性。  相似文献   

本文在探究现象学的实证性的基础上论述了教育现象学在行动研究中的适用性、可能性、价值与意义,并对深入到教育现象学的应用中的教育现象学写作与研究的方法、特征与意义做出了区分与描述。现象学不仅以其独特的价值与使命,为多学科、跨学科的研究方法提供汲养,其实证的科学之光亦照亮了真实的人的生活之路,为教育学研究真实的人做出了重要的方法论引导。教育现象学以生活体验作为研究的出发点和归宿,扎根于教育情境、面向实事本身、关注教育现象的意义等等方面,为教育行动研究的实践性做出了重要贡献;本文在此基础上,对于进入到实践层面的教育现象学的反思以及教师自身发展中的反思性文本的写作进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

文化的定义是长期困扰文化学界的难题之一,近年来信息学界、生物学界和文化学界的一些学者开始采用信息概念来界定文化并日益受到关注。文化的信息定义并不能为“什么是文化”或“文化是什么”给出一个终极答案,但它能够基于信息的流动而把精神文化、行为文化、物质文化与制度文化整合为一个文化理论分类的动态模型,并为以探究各种具体文化现象科学规律为己任的各门社会科学提供有益启示。  相似文献   

地名是一类特殊的词汇,地名中包含着丰富的地域文化内涵。科尔沁独特的地域文化集中体现在作为语言的特殊成分的地名上。在科尔沁土语中,很多地名与农耕定居生活方式有关,但还有不少地名保留了传统游牧文化及旧时喇嘛教的痕迹,甚至我们通过科尔沁土语中的地名也可以了解到从前的科尔沁地区良好的生态状况。  相似文献   

When we refer to scientific knowledge, we, implicitly or explicitly, refer to its three components, namely its conceptual framework, its methodological principles and its cultural aspects. The pendulum is a topic of science teaching and learning where all three of these aspects can be examined with the aim of gaining a holistic appreciation of the transformation of a natural phenomenon into a phenomenon of the physical sciences and how this can then be recontextualized into a topic of school science learning. The main objective of this study is to examine whether this richness of the pendulum as a topic of teaching is revealed in the school science textbooks in Greece and Cyprus, for both primary and secondary education. We will use an analytical mapping instrument in order to determine, whether the pendulum is introduced at some grade level and, if so, in what context. We will then use an interpretive instrument, which relies on taxonomy of science curricula into traditional, innovative and constructivist programs, in order to attach meaning to the analysis. Finally, we will formulate a series of proposals in relation to the educational value of the simple pendulum at the Greek and Cypriot gymnasium level.  相似文献   

Culture bound: Science,teaching and research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Historical studies of science pedagogy have flourished in recent years. This essay offers an assessment of the literature on science pedagogy from the 1930s to the present. It argues that rather than focusing on the work of Thomas Kuhn and Michel Foucault, historians of science pedagogy could with profit turn to the work of Ludwik Fleck. Fleck offers three categories of historical analysis – experience, sensation, and cognition – that are embedded in science pedagogy. He furthermore argues unequivocally for the central importance of considering the cultural context of science pedagogy. Fleck’s interpretation of the role of publishing in science is used in the final section of this essay to assess scientific publishing and textbook culture, topics that are the principal concern of the articles in this volume. Among the novelties of the articles in this volume on textbooks are (1) the connections they draw between textbooks and social structure; (2) the relationships they suggest between textbooks and the public sphere; and (3) their identification of the eighteenth century as the crucial transformative century in textbook production.  相似文献   

The intrusion of pseudoscience into science classrooms is a problem in science education today. This paper discusses the implications of constructivist pedagogy, which relies on the notions of viability and inter-subjectivity, in a context favourable to the acceptance of pseudoscience. Examples from written statements illustrate how prospective science teachers in Turkey readily accept pseudoscientific explanations of the origin of species. Constructivist pedagogy underestimates, if not ignores, the difficulty of holding rational discussions in the presence of pseudoscientific or absolute beliefs. Moreover, it gives a higher priority to learners’ exposure to alternative constructions through social negotiation than to furthering their appreciation of science. Under these circumstances, self-confirmation and social pressure to accept existing pseudoscientific beliefs may be unanticipated consequences of social negotiation. Considering the aim of science education to foster an appreciation of science, the implications of constructivist pedagogy are, or should be, of great concern to science educators.  相似文献   

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