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任何使用数学方式进行描述的动态系统都可以使用simulink进行建模、仿真与分析.通过摆钟运动系统的动态仿真,可以进一步体会simulink在动态仿真中完成诸如数据分析、过程自动化、优化参数等过程.  相似文献   

利用Arduino增强Flash互动性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为当前流行的多媒体创作工具,Flash有着较丰富的互动方式,但目前Flash的主要互动方式是通过计算机键盘或鼠标来进行人机互动,缺乏感知外部世界的能力.利用Arduino可以为丰富的多媒体世界和看似冰冷的物理世界建立易于沟通的桥梁,为Flash的互动性提供全新的方式.主要通过实例介绍Arduino如何利用声音传感器扩展Flash的互动性.  相似文献   

通过分析应用型人才培养方案下Flash动画课程转型的必要性,论述了Flash动画课程交互式教学平台设计思想和设计框架,并在此基础上探讨了Flash动画课程交互式教学平台的技术实现.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了通过Flash交互动画演示力的动态平衡过程的意义和方法.  相似文献   

As part of a first-year college Introductory Physics course, I have students construct an Excel®: spreadsheet based on the differential equation for pendulum motion (we take a pendulum having a light bar rather than a string, so it can go ‘over the top’). In extensive discussions with the students, I find that forcing them to make the spreadsheet themselves, entering velocities as position differences divided by time, etc., leads to a firmer grasp of basic calculus concepts. And, the instant graphical response of the finished product gives a sense of accomplishment as well as a lot of fun while building intuition about pendulum motion.  相似文献   

As part of a first-year college Introductory Physics course, I have students construct an Excel®: spreadsheet based on the differential equation for pendulum motion (we take a pendulum having a light bar rather than a string, so it can go over the top). In extensive discussions with the students, I find that forcing them to make the spreadsheet themselves, entering velocities as position differences divided by time, etc., leads to a firmer grasp of basic calculus concepts. And, the instant graphical response of the finished product gives a sense of accomplishment as well as a lot of fun while building intuition about pendulum motion.  相似文献   

基于VRML的交互式动态虚拟实验环境的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过VRML技术对虚拟实验场景的建模以及与图像、声音、文字、视频等多媒体技术的结合,构建出了一个逼真的实验环境。整体设计达到了很好的真实效果,显示了虚拟现实技术在实验教学中的广泛应用前景。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论马歇尔大学在网络环境中如何应用讨论工具来促进批判性思维的发展.在高等教育中发展批判性思维的重要作用已经得到了各国及其学校的重视.本研究以马歇尔大学研究生院教育与专业发展专业所开设的英语为第二语言的一些课程为对象,分析了讨论法在这些课程中培养批判性思维的状况.在开展本研究的那个学期末,研究者编制了一份问卷,调查这种讨论法实施的效果,以及对这种方法加以改善的可能性.问卷随后被分发给三个班的所有学生,他们都来自西佛吉尼亚州的中小学教师.在21个被调查的学生中,15人全部回答了问卷所提出三个问题.结果显示,几乎所有的被调查者都认为,讨论对促进学习和批判性思维有帮助.大部分学生赞成教师参与网上讨论,教师参与讨论的作用是在发展批判性思维中担当帮助者的角色.  相似文献   

周明 《物理教学探讨》2007,25(23):51-52
等效是物理学最重要、最常见的思想方法之一。等效的核心是变换,是把实际的、陌生的、复杂的事物用理想的、熟悉的、简单的事物来代替,从而把面临的问题转化为已解决的问题。等效涉及到物理学的方方面面,本文只是从模型等效这一侧面来说明等效电源、等效电阻在复杂电路分析中的应用。  相似文献   

J2210型单摆运动规律演示器在物理教学中的应用非常重要。使用时,需配用J0202-1型记时器,可供高中及普通大学物理课程研究单摆运动规律之用。此外利用本仪器可以很方便地测定重力加速度,实验方便结果准确。按照国家教委颁发的《中学理科教学仪器配备目录》的要求,我们于1995年5月通过教仪站调拨一台J2210型单摆演示器。但是,由于各种原因遗失了使用说明书。本人试图通过教学解剖摸索使用方法,想来也不是很复杂的问题,但是费了九牛二虎之力还是没有成功。两年后又购回一台,虽然还是同一个厂家生产的比前一台在…  相似文献   

基于网络的CPSL环境设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CPSL(即协作—问题解决学习)是目前教育技术界比较关注的一种新型的教学模式。该文主要从物环境和人环境两个方面,结合《教学设计》网络课程的开发实际,探究了基于网络的CPSL学习环境设计。  相似文献   

基于网络的案例教学是现代远程教育的形式之一,是开放教育工商管理专业教学模式改革的方向和重点.本文结合长沙电大工商管理专业教改的实际,探讨了基于网络的案例教学的方法与策略,力图为网络环境下的案例教学模式建设提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(1):190-193
Abstract. The number of online courses being offered by postsecondary institutions has increased dramatically and consequently an increasing number of faculty are faced with teaching online courses. Students demonstrate more positive attitudes and higher levels of performance when online classes are highly interactive, but many faculty about to embark in online teaching are not aware of the techniques available to increase the level of interactivity in online courses. This article describes how to establish an interactive online learning environment and provides strategies for increasing student interactivity.  相似文献   

Communications technologies (i.e., Internet, videoconferencing, etc.) have propelled distance education to a vibrant and burgeoning field. Online education, which is centered on the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web (Web), presents a new generation of distance learning tools. The online learning environment frees students from the constraints of time and place, and it can be made universally available. Although online courses break down physical and temporal barriers of access to education, assessing students' learning is one of the challenges of online education. In an effort to meet the needs of measuring the learning effectiveness of adult students in an online learning environment, a response paper assignment was developed to serve as a tool to assess students in an online course. Then, it was executed in Fall 1999 during an online segment of Pepperdine University's Philosophy and Effects of Mass Communication (MSCO 560) course. This article presents a snapshot of the assessment tool (i.e., response paper), the process used to test the assessment tool, response paper results, response paper evaluation results, and a summary of the summative committee meeting.  相似文献   

该研究是针对网络环境中远程教师培训在线讨论过程的案例研究.研究的目的是总结网络异步交互环境中学生间社会性交互的规律和评价社会性交互的质量.研究结果表明,多数成人学习者受传统学习方式的影响,习惯于通过观察他人交互进行学习;成人学习者参与交互的主动性差异较大,选择交互对象的倾向性是比较熟悉的个体;交互的方向和水平主要由核心参与者的兴趣和水平来决定;社会性交互对有效学习的促进作用尚有待提高.根据研究结果,建议通过加强教师在交互中的调控和引导作用、设计建构社会关系的交互活动,以及发挥核心参与者的组织和管理作用三种方法来提高成人学习者的参与度,进而提高社会性交互对有效学习的促进作用.  相似文献   

利用Flash的Action Script实现三帧交互型物理课件的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用Flash的Action Script可以实现各种复杂的课件交互设计,而在具体课件设计中,有一种仅需三帧就能实现多种复杂交互型课件的方法常常是行之有效的。本文结合物理课件开发实例来具体介绍这种方法,谈一些开发技巧,供教学参考。  相似文献   

The discovery of the near isochrony of the simple pendulum offered the possibilityof measuring time intervals more accurately than had been possible before. However,the fact that it was not strictly isochronous for all amplitudes remained a problem. Thecycloidal pendulum provided this strict isochrony and, over a thirty year period from1659 the analysis of the motion of this pendulum was developed. Newton’s analysis inhis Principia was both elegant and comprehensive and his argument is illustratedin this paper. It provides insights into the revolutionary nature of Newton’s thinkingespecially compared to the Galilean approach to understanding the motion of the simplependulum found in early 18th century textbooks.  相似文献   

Manabu  Sumida 《Science & Education》2004,13(4-5):473-492
This paper describes life-span development ofunderstanding about pendulum motion and effectsof school science. The subjects were 2,766 peopleranging from kindergartners up to 88 years seniorcitizens. The conflict and consensus between childrenand their parent's understanding of pendulum motionwere also analyzed. The kindergartner's understanding,mostly non-scientific, made a marked developmental changeto another type of non-scientific understanding by thetime they reach G 4. Parents with scientific understandingdo not presumably nurture scientifically minded children,even though about half of them can apply scientificconceptions that shorter pendulums swing faster, andthe amplitude and speed of pendulum motion do not dependon its weight. There seems to be another type ofdevelopmental change from scientific understanding tonon-scientific understanding around their fifties. Itis suggested that the scientific understanding in thepublic about pendulum motion become predominant due tothe educational intervention through school science.  相似文献   

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