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成人教育教学中也要推行素质教育理念,面向全体学员,促进每个学员在原有基础上得到最大的发展。这要求成人教学要适应成人学员的个别差异。本文主要就适应成人学员个别差异的教学策略作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

中学英语教学与大学英语教学的衔接问题留给高等学校教育研究者很多思考。尤其是在大学英语一年级教学过程中中学与大学英语教学衔接的缺失比较明显。因此,在大学英语教学中了解学生学习上的特点,搞好中学英语学习和大学英语学习上的互相衔接,帮助学生逾越学习障碍,克服畏惧的情绪,在大学一年级阶段的教学中显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

面对就业领域的压力,大学人才培养的理念和机制必须进行改革,课程改革首当其冲。为此,大学可通过就业理念的课程融入建构多元化课程系统和提供高灵活性的课程服务,以实现学生就业和发展的个性化、最优化。就业导向的课程修正以当前就业领域的人才需求为导引,以应对学生的差异性为目标,在保持现有大学课程体系和运行机制基本稳定的前提下,依据现代课程理论分析框架对课程目标、课程教学方式、课程内容和课程评价等领域进行适应性修正,针对不同的课程导向来设计课程期望、内容、方法和结果,完善学生职业能力的培养与发展,提高学生的可雇佣性。  相似文献   

《三国志演义》的文本中兼容了历史故事、民间传说、史书直录等各种成分,三者的融合统一,完成了关羽形象的文学定型。而不同版本系统的小说文本对于关羽形象的描写又有细微的不同,从中可以窥见其流变的痕迹,最后由毛评本完成了关羽形象忠义内涵的整合与提升。  相似文献   

Abstract When presented with a task, it was hypothesised that different people tend to process the same information in different ways, using different areas of the brain, depending upon their cognitive style. The study used 15 adult subjects, who received the computer‐presented Cognitive Styles Analysis to assess their positions on two basic cognitive style dimensions: the Wholist‐Analytic and Verbal‐Imagery. In a computer‐presented task, subjects were asked to view words presented singly at a rate of two, five and 10 words/second and in pairs at five and 10 word‐pairs/second and to press a key when a word appeared which was in a target conceptual category (e.g. a fruit). The task comprised eight 30‐second trials. During the task, alpha band EEG was monitored at 15 locations. For the Wholist‐Analytic style, Analytics had, over all tasks, lower alpha power relative to the Wholists at all locations, and particularly posteriorly. With the Verbal‐Imagery dimension, there was style‐hemisphere effect, with Verbalisers having relatively more suppression on the left posterior temporal location T5 compared to right T6, and Imagers having the reverse. These results justify further exploration of the cerebral basis of individual differences in cognitive style.  相似文献   

Development in the ability of 11-year-olds to solve numerical problems of addition, multiplication, and proportion was analysed by means of three Rasch models of change. The students, who had participated in a New Zealand numeracy project in 2002, comprised two groups that differed in socio-economic status: 1,274 students came from low socio-economic areas, and 564 students came from high socio-economic areas. The Rasch analysis showed that students from low socio-economic areas found all three tasks difficult, although they made some progress during the course of the year. Their development was consistent with a model in which each student underwent their own specific development. The development of students from high socio-economic areas was best described as stemming from two latent classes, one of which made substantial and uniform progress and the other of which made no progress. The cumulative nature of the tasks meant that failure on addition propagated to failure on multiplication and proportional reasoning.  相似文献   

阅读教学的三大任务:其首要任务是给学生提供语学习范本;其根本任务是要培养学生的思维能力,特别是创新思维能力;还有一个不可少的任务就是传播化,传播人精神。  相似文献   

Although it is widely agreed that teacher sensitivity to individual learning differences (ILDs) is an integral component of effective teaching, little research has focused on how to develop this sensitivity in teachers. This study describes the reported effects of a year‐long professional development course designed to sensitize 14 teachers to their own and their colleagues' learning differences. The teachers explored their own ILDs in a mediated context with colleagues, utilizing a battery of learning styles inventories. In order to document any teacher change as a result of the course, the researchers collected data from interviews, written critical incidents, questionnaire, and field notes. A taxonomy of teacher change in language, beliefs and practice was constructed from the data using qualitative research analysis. Teachers reported the following changes: gaining a fluency in the language of individual learning differences; gaining interventionist beliefs about students; increased legitimizing and addressing of individual learning differences; and positive outcomes as a result of their changes, that is, awareness of self‐development and increased learner success. An empirical model of developing teacher sensitivity to ILDs is presented, with implications for teacher professional development.  相似文献   

面对教育信息化的潮流,日本政府不断调整教育政策,制定了“教育信息化计划”,并提供了强大的财力支持。学校教育用计算机的整备和学校因特网的接续,教育用软件的开发利用,以及职教教师队伍信息化培训工作也配套到位。这些措施的实施有力地促进了日本职业教育信息化的发展。  相似文献   

如何对待教学中学生的个体差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的个体差异是教育教学活动应考虑的重要方面之一。因材施教被认为是应对教学中个体差异的有效方法。在对个体差异的涵义和变量进行分析的基础上,对因材施教这种以适应为主处理个体差异的教学思想和策略进行了反思,并提出要在承认差异,尊重差异的前提下,以形成学生的主体性为根本,在适应的基础上逐步超越学生的个体差异,以促进全体学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

本研究针对当代语文阅读教材选文标准问题提出了从适合于学生心理发展、社会生活变化、历史文化传承需要的“三位一体”多元化选文标准观。同时对依此标准进行选文必须遵循的原则进行了阐述。  相似文献   

研究生学习的三大任务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究生教育的目的是使学生获得一种能够持续发展和不断成长的能力,因而研究生学习的三个基本任务是:掌握科学活动的规范和严格的学术标准;建立合理的知识结构,打好专业知识的基础;培养获取和创造新知识的能力,即继续学习和研究的能力。  相似文献   

本文论述了改革情报信息产业体制,建设与社会主义市场经济相适应的功能社会化、结构网络化、情报信息生产与服务产业化、手段现代化的社会公益型和科技服务型并举的情报信息产业的重要性及其途径。  相似文献   

推进我国教育信息化进程的三大主要任务   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
二十一世纪是科学技术飞跃发展的新时代 ,现代信息技术日益多媒体化、网络化 ,又使整个地球成为一个信息资源共享的网络村。教育信息化已经成为新世纪教育发展的必由之路和必然目标。作者从现代教育技术角度 ,论述当前推进教育信息化进程的重要任务是 :增强整个民族的信息化意识 ;创建信息化学习环境 ;探索和建构新型教学模式。  相似文献   

在外语学习过程中,学生个体存在有诸多的特征差异,其外部表现有年龄、性别、民族、习惯等方面;其内部差别有学习动机、能力倾向、认知风格以及情感状态等。重点就内部差异进行探究。  相似文献   

管理心理学是研究管理过程中人的心理活动和行为的科学,而人也因为各种原因的影响,相互间互有差异,这种个体间的相互差异主要表现为个性差异,通过用人所长、人员配置个性互补、管理制度科学、激励机制灵活等管理策略,消除个性差异的缺陷,使组织管理科学高效,企业快速健康发展.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate how can speaking tasks be designed to improve different aspects of speaking.The author will first analyze three different aspects and introduce four criteria which can use to define the meaning of task.The result about whether the learner achieves the goal of the task is very important since evaluation of the outcome is the vital way to judge a task is successful or not.After getting to know the definition of task,communicative effectiveness will be analyzed from the angle of its two dimensions.The level of communicative effectiveness can decide the outcome of learner production in the speaking task.Task implementation cannot be ignored in the research of task designing since the feedback from it would enlighten the operation of task design.  相似文献   

Potential sources of individual differences in mastery motivation are the attachment relationship (hypothesis 1) and specific features of infant engagement with persons and objects (hypothesis 2). We reviewed studies pertaining to both hypotheses. We distinguished between three types of mastery motivation measures and measures conceptually related to mastery motivation. In studies of infants older but not younger than 20 months, hypothesis 1 was generally supported. Consistent with hypothesis 2, amount and contingency of stimulation were related to increased mastery motivation in infants as young as 6 months. Maternal affect during mastery motivation tasks and withdrawal or intrusiveness during mother-infant interactions may also influence mastery motivation. For neither hypothesis did study designs support inferences about causality. Future studies should support causal inferences about main effects and interactions among these various factors; and evaluate how developmental level or prior experience may constrain or facilitate change in mastery motivation.  相似文献   

Potential sources of individual differences in mastery motivation are the attachment relationship (hypothesis 1) and specific features of infant engagement with persons and objects (hypothesis 2). We reviewed studies pertaining to both hypotheses. We distinguished between three types of mastery motivation measures and measures conceptually related to mastery motivation. In studies of infants older but not younger than 20 months, hypothesis 1 was generally supported. Consistent with hypothesis 2, amount and contingency of stimulation were related to increased mastery motivation in infants as young as 6 months. Maternal affect during mastery motivation tasks and withdrawal or intrusiveness during mother-infant interactions may also influence mastery motivation. For neither hypothesis did study designs support inferences about causality. Future studies should support causal inferences about main effects and interactions among these various factors; and evaluate how developmental level or prior experience may constrain or facilitate change in mastery motivation.  相似文献   

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