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"你还用靠前锋进球吗?"这是《伦敦标准晚报》对奠里尼奥的提问。切尔西诸位中场疯狂进球,令一向疲软的"蓝军"锋线倍感压力。实际上,在本赛季欧洲联赛,中场球员已经多次上演不断进球的好戏了。英超刮起中场风在本赛季英超开始后,切尔西三大前锋托雷斯、埃托奥和登巴·巴都陷入了进球荒,如果不是中后场球员发挥出色,切尔西的成绩可能会很惨。在去年10月中旬的国家  相似文献   

Beijing emblem back from space China’s fist astronaut Yang Liweicarried a Beijing Olympic flag to spaceand the flag was returned to the Olympicorganizing committee after thesuccessful launch of the Shenzhou 5spacecraft.  相似文献   

When mentioned creating the acrobatic drama Swan Like, vice president of China Acrobats Association Ning Genfu had the following remarks"We are acrobatics people and we all know how difficult it is to create,to train,to organize and to package an acrobatic drama."So in this sense we could regard the acrobatic drama"Dunhuang Goddess"as a big success,because it was produced by Gansu Acrobatic Troupee from the northwest of China and which didn't have a fairly solid foundation in creating before.It was a big success,but this success came from enormous difficulties.  相似文献   

1、It(van Gaal's decision) was theright decision 我相信范加尔的决定。 巴塞罗那近几轮的比赛成绩始终不是让人很满意,范加尔的帅位似乎也有些松动,但最近的比赛又让人们看到巴塞罗那的状态在回升。普约尔说的这一番话说明球员还是支持他们的教练的。  相似文献   

世界绿茵十大进球欢庆动作 绿茵场上,进球无疑是最美妙的,而欣赏进球后球员的欢庆动作也成为观赏足球比赛的重大"副产品". 随着足球运动的一天天发展,球员们的欢庆动作也历经了颇大的转变.上个世纪五六十年代至七八十年代,欢庆动作似乎非常统一,一般都是助跑几步后双脚跳起,再用单手做一个明显的挥臂动作.而到了上个世纪九十年代之后,因为球员的个性越来越鲜明,各种各样的庆祝动作出现在绿茵场上,让我们欣赏到了足球比赛中的又一大美景.  相似文献   

I am from Sri Lanka, a country as beautiful as China. For the calling of Wushu, I came to China and have been here for seven years. I love anything Chinese.When I was very young, I had naively thought Wushu was all about being invulnerable and flying. I had a dream that I was flying like a bird back to Sri Lanka after I finished my Wushu studies in China.  相似文献   

A英汉对照我看81分原文:It was an amazing night for Kobe.Just unreal. Like watching a video game.He’s the best player in the game. We play Toronto in March.I’m going to go for 100.译文:对科比来说,这是一个惊魂之夜,虚幻得就像在看一场电视游戏。他是联盟里最好的球员。我们在三月份要打猛龙队,到时候我要向100分冲刺。被科比抢去得分王头衔的艾弗森给自己下了军令状。  相似文献   

Oct. 21, 2002 - Yao Minglanded in Houston Chinese basketball star Yao Mingarrived to a hero's welcome on Sundayas the Houston Rockets paraded theplayer they hope will lead them back toa National Basketball Associationchampionship. (Reuters) Yao Ming finally joined the HoustonRockets on Sunday and quickly realizedhis first dilemma: He's an instantcelebrity. (AP) The arrival of the 2.26m player wasdescribed by the team Web site as "rockstar-like," and he was presented with a…  相似文献   

It is significant to investigate the landing load suffered by high-level athletes for evaluating the training effect and prevention of injury. Simulation can get the ground reaction force (GRF)that can't be gotten by force platforms,but the accuracy of data needs to be confirmed. The study investigated the similarity and characteristic values of landing force curves got by simulation and force platforms to verify the accuracy and reliability of Lifemod simulation. Results showed that the CMCs of GRF curves gotten by simulation and force platforms were all about 0.90 representing the high correlation. The difference value of maximum GRF was 1.4% of the maximum GRF got by force platforms,and the time difference of getting the maximum GRF was 0.002s.Conclusion:Accurate data matching the real value could be got by simulation. It is feasible and accurate to get the GRF of national level athletes in the training and match.  相似文献   

阿伦佐·莫宁:回家的感觉真好 原文:"It's definitely been a long time coming.It just feels good,feels good to be back home,having everything finalized.I've been here for the past three months training,just waiting,being patient." 译文:"已经很长一段时间了。我感觉很好,回家的感觉很好,所有的 事情都有了着落。我已经在这里训练了三个月,只是在耐心的等待。" 35岁的莫宁在2005年3月1日结束了两个小时的训练和额外30分钟的投篮练习后说。 莫宁曾经是迈阿密热队的当家中锋,七次全明星球员,如今,他知道那一切都已 成为过去。莫宁重返迈阿密热队的合同是在2005年3月1日签订的,同时热队放弃了 前锋韦斯利·珀森。  相似文献   

对于处罚"脱衣庆祝",一直处于喋喋不休的争论中。"进球后脱掉球衣庆祝是完全没有必要的行为,球员应该避免这种高兴过头的举动。"国际足联在其网站上这样说。但足球裁判出身的国际足联秘书长鲁菲南却认起:"足球的一切都围绕着进球发生。只要庆祝活动在球场之内进行,而球员不对球迷作出猥亵、挑衅的动作,裁判就不会管。裁判应该根据常识较为宽松地对待球员进球后的庆祝行为。"最初不让球员脱衣庆祝,尤其是蒙住头奔跑,完全是对球员自身安全的考虑,担心他们一头撞倒。但近些年,一些厂商看中并利用了这种庆祝方式,他们通过衬衣来宣传品牌。另外,国际足联也担心在球星的内衣上,有宗教、政治、种族歧视等言论出现。2004年2月,国际足联决定,还是采用进球后脱衣要被出示黄牌,并写入了规则。尽管国际足联三令五申,禁止球员在进球后脱衣庆祝,或者展示任何带有政治、种族或者商业性字眼的服饰,但是惩罚力度最多也就是一张黄牌而已。因此,不少球员都开始"顶风作案",而这种"衬衣秀"也成了他们展示自身个性的新风潮。更多的球星,愿意用他们的内衣,来表达对家人的感谢,对朋友和祖国的祝福。  相似文献   

科比:无心伤害 原文:If I felt like he was a distraction, I would have said it. But I didn't say anything like, 'I don't want him to come back' or 'He's a distraction.' I didn't say anything like that. I'll try to give him a call and square it all out. What I said was in no way directed toward him or a personal attack toward him in any kind of way whatsoever. If he felt some type of way about that, I apologize.It was in no way intended to be an attack toward Karl or anything like that. I just want to make sure that my players know that I believe in them and I believe in what we have.So if Karl comes back, it's going to be a tremendous addition to our ballclub. But if he doesn't, I'm fine with rolling with the guys that we have here because I have confidence in them, too. 译文:如果我真觉得他让人分心了,我会直言不讳。可我压根儿没说过诸如'我不希望他回来'或者"他让人分心"之类的话。我从没那么说过。我会试着给他打个电话把事儿说开。无论如何,我所说的话绝不是有意对他搞个人攻击。假如他这么觉得了,我向他道歉。我无意批评  相似文献   

Historical records have been found in bothChina and Europe, suggesting that footballcould have started in either of them. In Chinas case, it can be traced back 2,500years. At that time, football was called Cu Juand it was used to train army cavaliers. Inancient Chinese, Cu means kick, and Ju meansleather ball. However, this ball wasn't filled withair like it is today, but with feathers. Several centuries later when China was underthe rule of the Han Dynasty, the game'spopularity spread f…  相似文献   

Formula One opened a new season under new rules, producing a striking result: Michael Schumacher of Germany failed to finish among the top three.In a sport ruled by Schumacher and his Ferrari team, the Australian Grand Prix was won by David Coulthard. It marked the first time in 2O races that Schumacher was not on the podium.  相似文献   

Drama originated in the ancient Greek Fesfival acfivity inGreece in the 5th century B.C,As one aspect of literature,drama is different from fiction and most poetry in one essentialway.It is meant to be performed,The word“Drama”was derivedfrom the Greek verb“dran”(to aet or to do).Therefore some  相似文献   

First Speaking第一次说的话"My name is Elroy Pinto aka fnatic.Noname,I am the manager for fnatic.WC3 and head of WC3 on fnatic.com.I have worked on several international projects such as WCReplays.com which is a big American community website.I have also been a manager and head of WC3 for MYM.International back in 2005.Until 2007 I was with MYM until I switched to fnatic.My first venture was a content writer and admin on a national website which soon came to an end.But in my time as a manager I have  相似文献   

The Olympic flag has a plain white background with no border. In the centre are five rings forming two rows of three rings above and two below. The rings of the upper row are, from left to right, blue, black and red. The rings of the lower row are yellow and green.The rings are thought to symbolise the five continents; Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. It is widely believed that the colours of the rings were chosen because at least one of them can be found in the flag of every nation, though this has never been confirmed as the intention of the designer.The flag was presented by Games founder Baron de Coubertin at the 1914 Olympic Congress, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the IOC. It was first flown in Alexandria, Greece, but made its Olympic debut at the 1920 Antwerp Games. This well-worn flag was finally retired after the 1984 Games, and a new one flown at the 1988 Seoul Games.  相似文献   

The end off the Road 山径终点At tenth of a mile before the finish line at KatahdinStream Campground, Buzz asked Orient and me to stop whilethe rest of the crowd went ahead. I guess it was right thatOrient and I should walk the last stretch as we began, just thetwo of the Lord and us. It was another one of those moments ofnear completion that was overshadowed by the joy of the process.I felt as if we were counting down the final seconds of agame in which victory had long been assured. At t…  相似文献   

对于进球后的庆祝方式.100位球员有100种表达心情的方式,而且在不同的时期,也有着不同的方式.当然,像阿兰·希勒这种永不改变的球员除外。12月的第一个周末,欧洲足坛就为我们个演了别样的庆祝进球方式。在酋长球场以1:0击败威根队的比赛中,主以阿森纳前  相似文献   

运用视频观察和数理统计等方法对第16届欧洲杯决赛阶段的142例进球进行分析。结果显示:"46-60min"是进球最多的时段;"地滚球"对守门员造成的威胁最大;淘汰赛阶段场均进球大于小组赛;球门"左下部"成为进球最多区域;赛事常规时间下半场进球多于上半场,加时赛上半场进球数高于下半场;"脚内侧"是运动员首选射门部位;首发和前锋位置球员进球最多;"接球近射"和"抢点抢直接射"是运动员得分最多的方式和手段。  相似文献   

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