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There is ample evidence in the social psychological literature that the physical attractiveness of people influences their success in various areas of life. However, it cannot always be assumed that attractive people are really more productive. Rather the interaction partners and decision makers in the context of the respective social actions simply treat attractive people better. Giving such unsubstantiated privileges to attractive people is especially likely when no objective performance standards exist and the criteria for the performance assessment are not transparent. Because performance is well documented in professional sports and can be measured relatively objectively, 483 professional football (soccer) players of 18 teams in the German professional football league during the 2007/2008 season were included to determine how their attractiveness affects the assessment of their performance by sports reporters and trainers. The results show that in the judgment of objective performance sports reporters are not substantially influenced by the attraction of the players, while there is certainly an influence of the trainers’ judgment. This is attributed to the greater transparency and the greater adherence to the rules of journalistic judgment.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):209-221
One question facing professional football (soccer) players in today's highly mobile football labor market is how to move between teams and develop boundaryless careers that positively signal their qualities, skills, and value to the market. The author departs from previous researchers, who have conceptualized market values as a function of performance and human capital factors at one point in time. Instead, the author argues that market observers face imperfect information when estimating the value of players, which they overcome by using job mobility as a signal for the qualities, skills, and playing potential of footballers. Analyzing a unique longitudinal dataset of 1670 professional player careers with fixed effects panel regressions, results indicate that upward mobility is a positive signal shifting observers' estimations of player market values up and downward mobility is a negative signal pushing market values down. Each extra move up leads to an additional increase in market values and the negative impact of downward mobility decreases when players take up more important roles in their new team. The impact of mobility on player market values is thus contingent on broader career patterns and the context in which job mobility takes place.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):521-535
Social sciences, anthropology, psychology, and economics researchers have shown various effects of physical attractiveness. In this study, the authors analyze 622 live tennis matches from 66 Grand Slam tournaments between 2000 and 2016, examining the relationship between facial attractiveness, measured by tennis players’ facial symmetry, and TV-viewership. Results indicate that facial symmetry plays a positive role for female matches while there is no significant effect for male matches. The effect persists in several subsample regressions and robustness checks. The findings have important implications for managers in the field of sports. While public broadcasters have a public service function and therefore should be careful in exploiting consumer biases to avoid reinforcing non-sports taste-based discrimination types. Commercial broadcasters and media institutions with solely profit-maximizing objectives will likely exploit consumer biases.  相似文献   

为了研究时尚瑜伽对职业女性形体和柔韧性方面的锻炼效果,对保持半年以上瑜伽训练的职业女性前后身体形态和柔韧性指标的测试,结果显示:瑜伽训练可以有效地减少腰、腹及大腿部脂肪,提高关节柔韧性.  相似文献   

There is converging evidence that physical activity influences affective states. It has been found that aerobic exercise programs can significantly diminish negative affect. Moreover, among healthy individuals, moderate levels of physical activity seem to increase energetic arousal and positive affect. However, the predictive utility of affective states for bodily movement has rarely been investigated. In this study, we examined whether momentarily assessed affect is associated with bodily movement in everyday life. Using a previously published data set (Schwerdtfeger, Eberhardt, & Chmitorz, 2008), we reanalyzed 12-hr ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data from 124 healthy volunteers. Electronic momentary positive-activated affect (EMA-PAA) and negative affect (EMA-NA) were assessed via handheld computers, and bodily movement was recorded via accelerosensors. Generalized linear mixed models were calculated. Results indicated that EMAPAA increases were accompanied by bodily movement increases of varying intensity. EMA-NA was also positively associated with increases in certain kinds of bodily movement. In light of previous research, this finding suggests that affect and bodily movement may have circular effects on each other.  相似文献   

资本市场下我国职业体育俱乐部融资路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料和调查研究方法,阐述中国职业体育俱乐部的发展和资本市场改革的现状,分析资本市场促进体育产业发展的机制,提出职业体育俱乐部的融资方式,指出:中国职业体育俱乐部在经济全球化的背景下要抓住我国资本市场改革和不断完善的契机,充分发挥资本市场的融资功能,促进俱乐部投资主体多元化,加快俱乐部的自身发展,提高应对国际体育组织挑战的竞争力。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):145-159
Over the past several years, professional sport organizations have started to shift from cost-based ticket pricing strategies to a demand-based focus, where price considerations are driven, in part, by market demand. Dynamic ticket pricing (DTP), where prices fluctuate daily based on market factors, evolved from this transition. The motivation for DTP stems from the significant growth of the secondary ticket market, where ticket prices are almost completely demand driven. One issue with this strategy is the limited understanding of specific factors that influence dynamically priced tickets and secondary market tickets. The current study examined price determinants in the primary market where DTP has been implemented and comparable tickets in the secondary market. Four regression models were developed for this purpose. The first two models examined factors influencing dynamic ticket price. Both DTP models were found to be significant, explaining 91.4% and 70.8% of the variance in dynamic price, respectively. The second two models examined factors influencing secondary market ticket price. Both secondary market models were found to be significant, explaining 82.7% and 79.7% of the variance in secondary market price, respectively. There were many consistencies between models, including an emphasis on team and individual performance factors, ticket-related factors, and time-related factors. However, there were a number of unique aspects to each model, which may help sport managers develop pricing strategies that better reflect market demand for sport  相似文献   

Previous studies that have examined self-efficacy-performance relationships have used novice performers. It is unclear if these findings would generalize to "experienced" performers. Based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory, this study was designed to investigate (a) the effects of false information feedback on self-efficacy beliefs and subsequent weightlifting performance, and (b) whether self-efficacy or past performance is most related to subsequent weightlifting performance. Experienced weightlifters engaged in six performance sessions, each consisting of a one-repetition-maximum bench press. Male subjects (N = 36) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: accurate performance information, false information that they lifted more than their actual lift, or false information that they lifted less than their actual lift. Before each session, subjects indicated the amount of weight they were 100%, 75%, and 50% confident they could lift. Results replicated existing research findings regarding deception and performance; false positive feedback increased future bench press performance. In addition, results indicated that past weightlifting performance accounted for nearly all of the variance in subsequent performance. This finding is discussed in light of the difficulty in extending the predictions of self-efficacy theory to sport settings where athletes have gained experience by undergoing repeated training trials.  相似文献   

安徽省体育市场发展与经营管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对安徽省体育市场发展中的体育用品业、竞赛表演业、体育旅游业等进行研究。结果认为,安徽省部分体育用品企业年产值较好,但实质上98%属来料加工,其产品真正以自主或安徽品牌出口的几乎没有;安徽省竞赛表演市场行政干预过多,市场管理相对薄弱;安徽省专业体育旅行社缺乏,体育旅游活动仅限于某一地方政府组织的工作计划或号召,缺乏社会商业力量的投入,多元化体育旅游形态难以形成。诸多问题在一定程度上制约着安徽省体育市场的发展。  相似文献   

中国棒球运动与亚洲职业棒球发展差距的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棒球在日本、韩国和中国的台湾省有着悠久的历史和很高的竞技水平,与其职业棒球的发展有着紧密的联系。中国棒球联赛称不上真正意义的中国职棒联赛,只是看到了中国职棒的雏形,成为真正意义的职棒联赛,还需要有一定的时间进行棒球市场的培育与开发,只有队伍规模的壮大,球员水平的提高和拥有一定数量的球迷,真正气候的职业棒球才会实现,竞技水平才能赶超日本、韩国和中国台湾。  相似文献   

竞技体育与合成类固醇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在竞技体育中,为提高运动能力和比赛成绩,使用合成类固醇日趋广泛和严重。笔者以文献综述的形式对合成类固醇的生化、生理机制、作用、功能、和对人机体的负面影响及未来可能影响趋势做一概括性介绍,使对此关注的人士对合成类固醇的真实全貌有一全方位的了解和认识。  相似文献   

我国职业体育俱乐部未来上市融资研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用文献研究法和专家访谈法,就我国职业体育俱乐部上市融资的现实意义、可行性、上市操作过程中应注意的问题以及目前上市存在的困难进行了初步的研究。笔者认为,虽然我国部分职业体育俱乐部具备在二板市场上市的条件和能力,但由于目前职业体育俱乐部在上市过程中存在股份制改造、经营不规范、盈利能力差以及缺乏产业发展政策等一系列问题,将制约其上市融资的进程。因此,目前我国职业体育俱乐部应首先通过股份制改造,私募部分发展资金,为将来职业体育俱乐部上市融资做准备。  相似文献   


Previous studies that have examined self-efficacy–performance relationships have used novice performers. It is unclear if these findings would generalize to “experienced” performers. Based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory, this study was designed to investigate (a) the effects of false information feedback on self-efficacy beliefs and subsequent weightlifting performance, and (b) whether self-efficacy or past performance is most related to subsequent weightlifting performance. Experienced weightlifters engaged in six performance sessions, each consisting of a one-repetition-maximum bench press. Male subjects (N = 36) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: accurate performance information, false information that they lifted more than their actual lift, or false information that they lifted less than their actual lift. Before each session, subjects indicated the amount of weight they were 100%, 75%, and 50% confident they could lift. Results replicated existing research findings regarding deception and performance; false positive feedback increased future bench press performance. In addition, results indicated that past weightlifting performance accounted for nearly all of the variance in subsequent performance. This finding is discussed in light of the difficulty in extending the predictions of self-efficacy theory to sport settings where athletes have gained experience by undergoing repeated training trials.  相似文献   

文章分析了加强我国职业篮球市场监管对形成良好的市场秩序、剔除不规范的市场行为、建立优良的道德和信誉机制、减少市场交易中信息非对称现象的必要性,提出了完善我国职业篮球市场监管内容和途径的建议和对策。研究结果表明:目前我国职业篮球市场监管架构和实施效果不高,对此一要提高职业篮球市场监管必要性的思想认识;二要协调相关部门对篮球市场建设的从严执法;三要制定全面、详细的我国职业篮球市场监管政策、法规体系。  相似文献   

姚远 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(4):464-466,469
现代高桩舞狮运动是中国特有的一项民族传统体育项目,经过近10年的传播和发展,技术难度不断丰富、提高,已经发展成为一项集竞技、娱乐、表演等功能于一体的世界性体育项目,成为了地方旅游文化的一个品牌,具有巨大的市场开发价值和广阔的市场发展空间.通过对2005中国(湛江)国际舞狮邀请赛的观摩,结合湛江的实际情况,分析我国现在高桩舞狮运动的价值与意义及前景展望.  相似文献   

我国职业竞技体育产权制度变迁与创新研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对我国职业竞技体育产权不清的问题,应用制度经济学相关原理与方法,研究职业竞技体育产权制度变迁与创新的问题,得出的研究成果:职业竞技体育产权是人们关于职业竞技体育服务产品、知识产权、人力资本以及体育设施使用、转让、获取收益和保护所形成的一系列社会规范。我国职业竞技体育产权制度变迁的基本方式是渐进式变迁.我国职业竞技体育产权制度创新要从组织变革和市场建构上有所突破。  相似文献   


The recruitment of athletes with limited resources is a global problem in professional sports. In US Major League Baseball, the experience of the Oakland Athletics’ general manager in the last decade turned his “Moneyball” model into a synonym of quantitative analysis in the transfer market of baseball players. His strategy focused on hiring players with outstanding technical skills but relatively low market value. This study adapted this model to the framework of a multiple criteria decision aid (MCDA), by selecting undervalued players who have complementary abilities. The novelty here refers to the joint use of four algorithms explored by the composition of probabilistic preferences (CPP) (i.e., ranking, classification, dynamic evaluation and regularity analysis) and their application to soccer player performance evaluation. The new model analysed the recent transfer of a left-back soccer player to Europe. The results indicated 12 opportunities for better investment, among 32 left and right-back players considered. Two years later, the value of the same player was considerably lower. He played only five matches in the 2018–2019 season, without scoring or providing any assists. On the other hand, the players better classified by the CPP-MB model presented higher performances and market values.  相似文献   

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