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建立良好的师生关系不仅需要师生双方均有良好的愿望,而且需要相对完善的制度保障。师生间存在博弈关系,学生对教师进行评价的影响因素有:价值观存在分歧、师生之间疏于感情沟通、学生的功利主义思想较重,等。实际上课堂内外都存在影响师生关系的因素,学校须在以下几个方面进行改进:严格规定教师行为、加强对学生的管理、完善学评教评价系统。  相似文献   

教师职业精神被消解是师生课堂冲突的重要原因。教师职业精神的消解缘于社会现实环境、学校科层制管理、办学功利主义倾向和学生课堂问题行为等因素。化解师生课堂冲突需重构教师职业精神:强化社会舆论正确导向,提高教师社会地位;推进现代学校治理方式,保障教师合法权力;积极建立有效管理制度,重树教师信心与权威。  相似文献   

学校里师生冲突时有发生,有些因为教师处理不当矛盾激化,扰乱了正常的教育教学秩序,伤害了师生的身心健康,影响了教育教学目标的实现。那么,在化解师生冲突时,教师如何起到主导作用呢?一、师生冲突的表现及原因分析根据师生之间行为对立与对抗的程度,师生冲突可分为一般性冲突和对抗性冲突。一般性冲突是指在课堂上师生之间出现的可由教师调控的对立和对抗行为,如,学生不听老师劝告随意与同学说话,拒绝回答教师提问等,一般不影响课堂教学,师生对立情况不严重,教师可以通过自己的权威地位来调  相似文献   

任何教育课程或革新都是通过教师对学生发挥作用的,教师课堂行为的有效性非常关键;教师课堂行为有效性的标度,是判定教师课堂行为有效性的基本依据;“有效教学”的基本特征是教师课堂行为有效性的标度的基本参照;从有效教师的课堂行为所呈现出的若干特征,可析离出教师课堂行为有效性的若干标度:正确对待学生、积极的师生交往、创造更适宜的教学模式、有效的课堂管理行为、教学的计划与反思。  相似文献   

通过课堂录像对高中英语课堂上师生言语行为进行的矩阵量化分析显示:目前英语课堂教学中教师言语量高于学生言语量,封闭性问题和开放性问题比例失衡,教师使用间接影响方式比例低于直接影响方式,课堂互动中学生主动提问发言比率低。为改变这种现状,建议高中英语教师要不断更新教学理念,突出学生在课堂学习中的主体性;不断完善课堂互动,激活学生主动思维,增加间接影响方式运用,建立融洽的师生关系,激发学生学习积极性;保证教学环节顺利衔接,提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

金涛 《考试周刊》2012,(37):180-180
文章认为,对未成年人思想建设的转变过程,教师要摆正师生的位置,认清与学生平等相待的重要性,相信学生,关爱学生,善用班集体力量,影响学生;多方面关爱帮助,感染学生;从心底产生与学生交友的愿望。  相似文献   

课堂是教学的主要场所,师生在课堂中通过互动影响来完成教学,达成教学目标。然而,由于学生问题行为存在及教师课堂管理方式的失当,使课堂教学效率倍受影响甚至难以为继。为消除学生问题行为、提升课堂教学效率,对学生问题行为的表现、成因及应对策略进行探讨尤为必要。  相似文献   

孙彩霞  曹静 《教育评论》2023,(8):147-152
课堂消极沉默是学生在日常课堂教学中由于自身原因以及教师和课堂情境的影响,采取的一种不作为的话语行为。探究式交谈是学生与老师为了回答或解决一个具体的问题,或者通过交谈对某一问题形成一致的意见而发生在学生彼此感到舒适安全话语环境中的一种辩证性课堂话语互动形式。探究式交谈对改善课堂消极沉默现象有重要的意义,破解课堂消极沉默问题可从以下方面入手:交谈内容与生活世界的融通,引发学生共鸣;建构共生、创生的师生共同体,释放课堂活力;打破思维路径依赖,提高师生反思能力。  相似文献   

课堂是教学的主要场所,师生在课堂中通过互动影响来完成教学,达成教学目标。然而,由于学生问题行为存在及教师课堂管理方式的失当,使课堂教学效率倍受影响甚至难以为继。为消除学生问题行为、提升课堂教学效率,对学生问题行为的表现、成因及应对策略进行探讨尤为必要。  相似文献   

课堂里的师生冲突:根源及对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来,一些学校“双差生”增多,学生的行为问题也有日渐增多的趋势,这使得在课堂里,师生之间的冲突行为也相应地增加。一些冲突甚至演变成师生之间的行为对抗,引起教师、学校与学生家长的法律纠纷,牵动社会、学校方方面面的精力,对学生,对教师,对学校,对家长,...  相似文献   

Recently much research has focused on student engagement, both at school and at university. This attention is motivated by the role that engagement plays in student learning and in the student experience. Acknowledging that student engagement is a multifaceted construct we focus on the contribution that teaching and teacher traits make to the quality of student engagement, from the student’s perspective. In this small scale study, we adopt a qualitative methodology to investigate students’ perceptions of what factors impact on their engagement and what role the students themselves have in fostering such engagement. Focus group and one-to-one interviews with students in the last year of school and at university were analysed to reveal four overarching themes related to engagement in classroom life including the importance of active listening on the part of both students and teachers. The resulting Refined Quality Teaching Initiatives Framework outlines how dual engagement and active listening can be viable pedagogical strategies both at school and university. The framework also brings to the fore the active role and responsibilities that students have, in their own perceptions, for engagement in the classroom. We conclude with a reflection on the implications of our findings for teaching and teacher training.  相似文献   

With respect to European science teacher education, a growing interest can be noticed in the idea that teachers should not be confronted with solutions to teaching problems but be given real teaching problems which are open to different interpretations. This ‘problem posing’ course strategy should pay attention to school students’ conceptions as well as existing and new (student) teachers’ conceptions. The present article deals with classroom protocol analysis as a tool for a problem posing teacher education. Some methodological aspects of the production and interpretation of this type of protocol are described. Experiences with classroom protocol analysis in the context of inservice courses in teaching and learning electrochemistry and in problem solving in chemistry are reported. The impact of the analysis method on chemistry teachers’ thinking is investigated by analysing protocols of teacher meetings. Implications for innovating science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

校长领导力是如何影响学生成绩的?为什么说一个好校长就是一所好学校?对于这些问题,国外关于校长领导力与学生成绩关系的大量实证研究已经初步形成了五个具有影响力和说服力的理论模型:校长领导力三元理论模型、学校氛围中介效应模型、校长领导行为涟漪效应模型、以学习为中心的校长领导力模型和成功校长领导模型,可以很好地解释校长领导力影响学生成绩的方式与关系,对于校长如何提高学校办学质量以及如何提高学生成绩具有实践的指导价值。其中学校发展的政策背景、校长的专业培训、学生的家庭背景、利益相关者的需要等都会对校长领导力产生影响,而校长领导力与这些变量的相互作用又会对学校条件、教室条件以及教师质量产生影响,进而影响学生成绩。  相似文献   

Despite the wide agreement among educators that classroom learning and teaching processes can gain much from student and teacher questions, their potential is not fully utilized. Adopting the view that reporting both teachers’ (of varying age groups) views and actual classroom practices is necessary for obtaining a more complete view of the phenomena at hand, the present study closely examines both cognitive and affective domains of: (a) teachers’ views (via interviews) concerning: (1) importance and roles of teacher and student questions, (2) teacher responses, and (3) planning and teacher training; and (b) teachers’ actual practices (via classroom observations) concerning: (1) number and (2) level of teacher and student questions, as well as (3) teachers’ responses to questions. The data were collected from 3 elementary, 3 middle, and 3 high school science teachers and their respective classroom students. The findings lay out a wide view of classroom questioning and teachers’ responses, and relate what actually occurs in classes to teachers’ stated views. Some of the study’s main conclusions are that a gap exists between how science researchers and teachers view the role of teacher questions: the former highlight the cognitive domain, while the latter emphasize the affective domain.  相似文献   


This project incorporated live broadcasts of teaching from small, multi‐graded, rural schools into university lecture halls where pre‐service teacher education students in the last semester of their programmes were able to observe ‘best practice’ in a learning context that they would eventually be responsible for during their final practicum session. Interactive observation sessions were immediately followed with opportunities for students to discuss various aspects of planning, classroom organisation and teaching strategies appropriate to multi‐graded contexts with the remote classroom teacher. These ‘reverse distance education’ sessions followed an intensive lecture and tutorial series centring upon topics relevant to teaching in small rural communities. Tutorial activities placed student teachers in small rural school scenarios containing everyday ‘problems’ requiring diagnosis and the generation and analysis of solutions. At the conclusion of scenario discussions, students had networked, collaborated with colleagues and applied current research findings in generating viable solutions and considered school community reactions to these proposed solutions.

The incorporation of interactive video technology with these problem situations consolidated the concept and skill development of student teachers and increased both their real time involvement in their chosen professions, and their access to best practice. This dual focus upon a problem solving approach to teaching immersed the student teacher in situations derived from real school environments, and so encouraged a collegial and open approach to teaching. Extensive evaluations revealed that pre‐service teachers were more thoroughly prepared for rural teaching experiences, displayed competence in effective multigrade teaching skills, and exhibited control during involvement  相似文献   

The teacher’s body has a dubious status within contemporary pedagogic practice. The impact of progressivism in many western countries, with its emphasis on student‐centred learning, has resulted in a marginalisation of the teacher’s role in many classrooms. While its influence appears to be waning, in Australian primary schools, student‐centred methodologies such as group‐based and independent learning tend to dominate classroom practice. Relegated to the role of facilitator the teacher’s overall presence and bodily impact in classrooms has been greatly reduced. Drawing on a study of the practice of two kindergarten teachers in two schools in Sydney, Australia, this article will examine the ways in which they embody pedagogic space, the regimen they create and the techniques they employ in teaching their students how to write. In a sense the title ‘Disparate bodies’ has a dual focus. Not only does it relate to the different ways in which the two teachers deploy their bodies in the classroom, it also refers to the differential embodiment of their students which results from the affects that their teachers’ pedagogies engender.  相似文献   

Classroom discourse can affect various aspects of student learning in science. The present study examines interactions between classroom discourse, specifically teacher questioning, and related student cognitive engagement in middle school science. Observations were conducted throughout the school year in 10 middle school science classrooms using the Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol, which is designed, among other things, to measure observable aspects of student cognitive engagement and discourse factors during science instruction. Results from these observations indicate positive correlations between students’ cognitive engagement and the following aspects of classroom discourse: questioning level, complexity of questions, questioning ecology, communication patterns, and classroom interactions. A sequential explanatory mixed-methods design provides a detailed look at each aspect of classroom discourse which showed a positive effect on student cognitive level during science instruction. Implications for classroom practice, teacher education, and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how ‘teaching communication’ in the classroom is connected to school culture. In the age of accountability, the outcome focus force to the forefront, a ‘blame game’ which either blames students’ achievements on the teachers and teacher education, or the students and their socio-economic background. We argue that to succeed with teaching and learning is dependent on the school culture more than the single teacher or the students’ backgrounds. School culture is understood as attitudes, communication, student focus and engagement. Teaching communication in this paper is studied as teachers’ and students’ talk about subject matter in whole-class teaching. We explore how different school cultures give students different opportunities to experience meaning from teaching communication. The perspective on meaning is derived from Bildung-centred didactics. By using qualitative comparative case method in Norwegian Lower Secondary schools, we find three different types of ‘teaching communication’ typical for different school cultures: ‘Dialogic teaching communication’, ‘storytelling teaching communication’ and ‘reproducing teaching communication’. The school culture with the ‘dialogic’ variant is characterized by trust and reciprocity, making students’ experiencing meaning a possibility.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how different educational programmes contribute to student teachers efficacy for classroom management and their abilities to provide learning opportunities and good classroom outcomes. Data were gathered from 491 student teachers attending different teacher education programmes in Norway and analysed via structural equation modelling. The results revealed the following: (1) problem behaviour in the classroom has a negative effect on student teacher efficacy, (2) students' perceptions of the integration of pedagogic knowledge and practice supports students' efficacy beliefs, (3) support from supervisors contributes positively to student teachers' efficacy beliefs, and (4) student teachers in university college programmes for primary school teaching report higher teacher efficacy than students in university programmes for secondary school teaching.  相似文献   

国内外学者越来越意识到教师不当教学行为是一种潜在的课堂教学问题,是学生缺乏学习动机、对学习不满以及产生冲突矛盾的潜在根源,因此教师的不当教学行为逐渐成为国内外研究者关注的话题。文章主要从教师不当教学行为的内涵、教师不当教学行为分类、教师不当教学行为对学生的影响,教师不当教学行为归因及纠正策略五个方面对国内外关于教师不当教学行为的相关研究进行概述。  相似文献   

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