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Seashells com e in m any differentshapes,sizes,and colors.Som e shells grow as big as four feetlong.Som e shells are sm aller than half an inchlong.Som e shells have two sides that open likewings.Other shells are shaped like a curlingtube.Shells com e in allcolors:white,black,brown,yellow,green,red,orange,and pink.They are likea rainbow in the ocean.M any seashells are nam ed for other things weknow.The spider shell is one exam ple.The spidershell has long points that look like spider legs.…  相似文献   

写作说明:仔细观察下面的图画,然后解释每一幅图画所代表的意义,并合理预测烟草未来销售的情况,说明你的理由。词数:120左右。学生习作:W e m eet sm okers everywhere.There are5.8billion people in the world,and thereare①about1.2billion of them are sm okerswho m ake up up to20percent of theworld’s total population.Sm oking is very harm ful.First,sm okingcosts a great num ber②of m oney.It wastes200billion dollars each year in the world.Second,sm oking does harm to the health ofsm okers and even people n…  相似文献   

辨析下列各组词语,并用相应词语的适当形式填空。A.look the sam e,look like1.The boy his m other.2.The two girls.B.fam ily,hom e,house1.There are five people in m y.2.There is a big tree behind Tom s.3.Lucy is at now.C.seat,sit1.Please com e in and have a.2.down,please.D.in,on1.There are three windows the wall.2.There is a m ap ofChina the wall.3.There are m any apples the tree.4.There is a boy the tree.A SC H O O L G ARD EN O F EN G LISHE.little,sm all1.M y sisteris only five years …  相似文献   

There were once two m en,both seriously ill,in the sam e sm allroomofa greathospital.Q uite a sm all room,ithad one window for them tolook out.O ne ofthe m en,as partof his treatm ent,was allowed to situpin bed for an hour in the afternoon(som ething to do with draining thefluid(排除积水)from his lungs).H is bed was next to the window.Butthe other m an had to spend allhis tim e flaton his back(平躺).Every afternoon when the m an next to the window was propped up(支撑,维持)for his hour,he woul…  相似文献   

同步阅读Ⅰ.这是一张在公园里拍的照片。瞧,上面都有谁呢?他们都在干什么?阅读短文,并完成下面的句子。This is a picture of a park.Y ou can seesom e people in the park.There is a sm all river.There aren t any flowers,but there are som etrees.The G reen fam ily are in the park today.Its a beautifulday.M r G reenis drinking a coke and reading a book.M rs G reen is watching Jim andM ary.They are throwing a frisby(飞碟).Polly is singing in a talltree.The G reen fam ily is very happy today.1.The G re…  相似文献   

这个道理人人都懂,但人总是有惰性的,总需要多给一些鼓励!而我们正需要用这种方式去为别人加油,同时也为自己赢得自信!1)Languages are for com m unication and,if you alw ays work alonein lessons,you are denying yourself the opportunity to put language intouse.W orking in pairs and sm allgroups will give you m ore tim e to spendtrying outa new language.D on t worry if the teacher cannot hear and correct every m istake youm ake.R em em ber m istakes disappear with tim e.Classes are a good way tom eet othe…  相似文献   

请阅读下面的短文,并注意句中的划线部分:①M any years ago,there w as a doctor in a sm alltown.H e was goodand kind.A t any tim e of the day and night,he was always ready to goand help the sick people.②E veryone in the town liked him and peoplealways wentto see him when there w as som ething wrong w ith them.A fter m any years the doctor becam e old.H e began to lose his m em-ory(记忆力),so he often forgot things.③W hen people noticed(注意到)this,they did notgo to see him any m ore.“H e m ay…  相似文献   

(一)写作说明:请根据下面四幅图画的内容写一篇英语小短文。词数:100左右。参考词汇:burglar-proofalarm n.防盗器;sm ash v.砸学生习作:There are several cars which have been sm ashed recently in Mr andM rs Wang s neighbourhood.O n one evening①they were talking about the unpleasant thing atsupper w hen they heard a loud noise“D ong-D ong”com ing from outside.Being afraid that his car would be sm ashed,M r W ang ran to②downstairsto see w hat was going on.There he saw his son kick③his car.H e shou…  相似文献   

A H ealthy knees aren t the m ain consideration in choosing high heels, but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos(细高 跟 鞋 ). “It takes a long tim e to feel the effects ofknee osteoarthritis(骨关节病)—— and once you do, it is too late,” said D r Casey K errigan,leading researcher ofthe study and associate professor at H arvard M edicalSchools D epartm entofPhysicalM edicine.“I com pare it to sm oking——one cigarette is not painful, but ov…  相似文献   

1.W hich m onth do soldiers hate?2.H ow m any feet are there in a yard?3.W hy is an em pty purse always thesam e?4.W hat book has the m ost stirring(动人的,搅拌的)chapters?5.W hat kind of dog doesn’t bite orbark?6.W hat is the sm allest room in theworld?7.W hat kind of water should peopledrink in order to be healthy?8.H ow do we know the o-cean is friendly?9.W hich can m ove faster,heat or cold?10.W hy is the library thehighest building?K eys:1.M arch(三月;行军).2.It depends on how m any …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力(略)Ⅱ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.—H ey,look w here you are going。—O h,I’m terribly sorry..A.I’m not noticingB.I wasn’t noticingC.I haven’t noticedD.I don’t notice22.—To tell the truth,I w ouldn’t behappy living in such a sm all room.—.I do prefer a sm all room.A.I agree with youB.It’s O K with m eC.It just dependsD.I’d rather not23.can they realize their dream sand becom e w hat they want to be.A.In only this w ayB.O nly in this wayC.In only this way…  相似文献   

W e have a rather sm allhouse, w ith only tw o bedroom s. Y ou canthink our alarm (恐 ),then, w hen A unt C lara w rote to say thatshe 慌w as com ing to stay w ith her fam ily for the w eekend. H er fam ily, Ishould say,has four boys,allunder the age oftw elve. I sent offa telegram (电 报 )atonce,and explained(解 释 )in it thatour house w as too sm all.A unt C lara called us up the next m orning. “Iforgot to explain,” she said in her sw eetest voice. “T he boy w illbebringing a co…  相似文献   

A W hy,you m ay wonder,should spiders (蜘蛛)be our friends?Because they destroy so m any insects, including som e of the greatest enem ies of the hum an race.Insects would m ake it im possible for us to live in the world;they w ould devour(吞食)all our crops and kill our cattle,if it were not for the protection w e get from insect-eating anim als. W e ow e a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects,but all of them put together kill only a very sm all am ount of the num ber destroyed by spid…  相似文献   

1 Introduction a In this paper, we calculated the capture rates of pep solar neutrino in the chlorine and gallium solar neutrino experiments according to the standard solar model (SSM)[1-3] in which there are five separate neutrino sources within proton-proton chain involving the following nuclear reactions. 2 p + e ?+ p → H + νe (1) 2 p + p → H + e ++ νe (2) 2 Approximation calculation The rate of the pep reaction, p + e ?+ p → 2 H + νe, can be expressed in terms of the rate of reacti…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.重点词汇检测  A 雪根据句意或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。  1. is the fourth day of a week.  2.There are seven in a week.    3.C an you m ake a m bus芽  4.I also w ant to watch the football gam e熏do   you have two t 芽  5.Please b your hom ew ork here tom orrow .  B雪用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。  1.I have two 熏one is sm all and the …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Butyric acid has several potential applications in industry. Its applications in the foodstuffs and beverage industries are widespread. It may be used as the pure acid in the dairy industry, or in the form of esters as a food additive to increase fruit fragrance. Furthermore, butyric acid could also have some important physiological functions. For example, butyric acid esters are the character-impact flavors in tropic fruits and dairy products (Centeno et al., 2002; Watson e…  相似文献   

A Education in China had been developed rapidly for the past few years. 1. M ore and m ore special schools,colleges and universities established for 2. students to study in.A dvanced equipm ents is introduced to prom ote the 3. quality of education.N evertheless,som e problem s are still affecting on the 4. education in C hina,that can’t be ignored.For exam ple,a large num ber of 5. people in the countryside are illiterate,not even know how to write their 6. nam e.Som e children have to dep…  相似文献   

Rosa Parks never planned to becom e fam ous.Shegrew up on a sm all farm in the South.H er fam ily w aspoor.R osa w ent to a school for black children.A t thetim e blacks and w hites could not go to the sam eschools.T hat w as the law in the South.R osa later took a job.She rode the bus to w orkeach day.B lack people had to sit in the back of thebus.Som etim es m any white riders got on.Then blackriders had to give up their seats to them .It w as a law inher city.O ne evening in 1955, R os…  相似文献   

E-literature in the frame of e-learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In last two/three decades, advancement in modern information and communication technology enabled e-learning. E-learning is supported with modern information and communication technology. A shift in learning paradigm, from traditional (i.e. collocated participants) to more distance education (i.e. geographic dispersed participants), especially in the form of e-learning, has resulted in changes in many fields. Traditional and e-learning processes differ significantly in many aspects. One among the most important is the field of literature (e.g. its design, creation, implementation, distribution). Literature which is used in traditional education process (e.g. hard copy books) could also be used in e-learning process, but is lees suitable. Therefore e-literature has evolved and gained importance recently. E-literature is more convenient because it is in electronic version (not hard copy), which allows fast and cheap distribution to participants in e-learning process. In the contribution, we research student's preferences about literature in e-learning and especially what are the characteristics of a good e-literature. Therefore the paper provides an insight into student's attitudes towards the usage of e-literature, which are in turn importantly dependent upon the quality (i.e. characteristics) of e-literature. Results of a research among undergraduate students at business school are presented.  相似文献   

In1837,the historian Carlyle m ade the firstrecorded use of the word“queue”(排队).H e spoke ofthe French and their“habit of standing in a queue”.Forty years later Paris was the best place to wait inline.H owever,queuing becam e popular in Britain too.The Second W orld W ar was the golden age of queuing,and people joined any line in the hope that it was aqueue for som ething to buy.This was the source ofm any Second W orld W ar jokes:Shopkeeper to custom er:Excuse m e,m iss,are youpregnant(怀孕)?Custom er:W ell,...  相似文献   

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