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1991年布什总统通过的《美国2000年教育战略》和1994年克林顿总统通过的《美国教育法》都强调,美国学生要在数学和科学成绩方面取得世界第一的地位。[1]为了实现上述目标,美国全国专业教学标准委员会制定了基础教育各学科和不同年龄段优秀教师的认定标准和方法。1998年颁布的数学优秀教师标准分为两种:一种适用于学生为儿童和少年(7岁~15岁)的教师,另一种适用于学生为青少年(14~18岁)的教师。本文介绍的是前一标准,该标准目前已在全美推广,作为鉴定数学学科优秀教师的依据。该标准包括3大方面:(1)教师为学生高效率学习创造条…  相似文献   

美国基础教育课程评价的发展趋势可以成为我国课程评价的一个基点研究。文章从评价取向、评价目标、评价标准、评价要求四个维度概括了美国基础教育课程评价的发展趋势,建议我国确立发展性评价观,建立和完善多元主体、复合标准的课程评价体系。  相似文献   

我国新一轮课程改革的开展需要评价体系的配套发展,但是现在所呈现的却是课程改革与评价脱节。评价牵引着现代教育与课程发展的方向。美国课程评价体制中体现的合理内核,尤其是其课程评价的发展趋势可以成为我国课程评价的一个基点研究。[第一段]  相似文献   

美国重新修订教科书生产标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从上个世纪90年代中期起,美国中小学生因书包过重而造成学生脊椎和背部伤痛的情况逐渐引起了教育界、学术界和媒体的广泛关注。美国的一些州,如加利福尼亚、田纳西等州已经把书包沉重问题列入了立法程序,并修改了本州的教育法以限定教科书的重量。美国教科书标准顾问委员会(The Advisory Committee onTextbook Specifications)不得不重新修改作为全美教科书生产标准的《教科书生产标准细则》(Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks)。新的标准将会对其他西方国家的教科书生产标准产生影响。  相似文献   

通过调查高中生对高中理科教科书评价指标的意见,可以构建高中理科教科书评价指标体系。该体系包含3项一级指标——内容属性、教学属性和表征属性,7项二级指标,24项三级指标,38项评分标准。调查结果显示:高中生对高中理科教科书评价指标的观点主要源于自己的经验,均认同本评价指标体系,且认为各同级评价指标的重要性存在差异,不同人口学变量的被试在评价指标的重要性观点上也存在差异。因此,高中理科教科书评价于参考评价指标体系,教师则要树立正确的学生观,促进学生与教科书的直接对话。  相似文献   

学业评价是教育评价的基础和重点,要想扭转现今教育评价不科学的错误走向,需从学业评价这个“牛鼻子”入手,将其作为改革突破点和重点。目前,我国对基于课程标准的评价体系 的研制十分欠缺,尚缺乏有效的学业评价体系。美国智能平衡评价联盟(SBAC)开发的评价体系由总结性评估、中期评估和教师工具组成,具有公平性、科学性、多元性等特点,其评价模式与最新动向能为我国基础教育构建基于标准的学业评价体系提供参考与启示。  相似文献   

美国基础教育学生评价新进展述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从校本学生评价体系、家长参与评价、校本质性评价方式、评价反馈、校本绩效责任制五个方面对美国的基础教育学生评价进行评述和剖析,以求从中得到对我国学生评价改革的一些启示。  相似文献   

美国基础教育教师教学评价述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The current K-12 Science Education framework and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the United States emphasise the integration of engineering design in science instruction to promote scientific literacy and engineering design skills among students. As such, many engineering education programmes have developed curriculum materials that are being used in K-12 settings. However, little is known about the nature and extent to which engineering design skills outlined in NGSS are addressed in these K-12 engineering education programme curriculum materials. We analysed nine K-12 engineering education programmes for the nature and extent of engineering design skills coverage. Results show that developing possible solutions and actual designing of prototypes were the highly covered engineering design skills; specification of clear goals, criteria, and constraints received medium coverage; defining and identifying an engineering problem; optimising the design solution; and demonstrating how a prototype works, and making iterations to improve designs were lowly covered. These trends were similar across grade levels and across discipline-specific curriculum materials. These results have implications on engineering design-integrated science teaching and learning in K-12 settings.  相似文献   

To support teachers to implement Computer Science curricula into classrooms from the very first year of school, teachers, schools and organisations seek quality curriculum resources to support implementation and teacher professional development. Until now, many Computer Science resources and outreach initiatives have targeted K-12 school-age children, with the intention to engage children and increase interest, rather than to formally teach concepts and skills. What is the educational quality of existing Computer Science resources and to what extent are they suitable for classroom learning and teaching? In this paper, an assessment framework is presented to evaluate the quality of online Computer Science resources. Further, a semi-systematic review of available online Computer Science resources was conducted to evaluate resources available for classroom learning and teaching and to identify gaps in resource availability, using the Australian curriculum as a case study analysis. The findings reveal a predominance of quality resources, however, a number of critical gaps were identified. This paper provides recommendations and guidance for the development of new and supplementary resources and future research.  相似文献   

近年,技术的快速发展、制造材料的不断丰富及应用成本的逐渐降低,为人们自己动手设计、制作与创造产品提供了更多可能,也推动了美国"创客行动"的兴起与发展。自2013年以来,美国越来越多的中小学开始加入"创客行动",实施"创客教育",将"基于创造的学习(Learning by Making)"视作学生真正需要的学习方式。本研究通过对美国中小学实施创客教育的理论研究成果及实践案例的分析,旨在对美国中小学创客教育的内涵、特征与实施路径进行梳理与总结。研究表明:美国中小学"创客教育"认为"基于创造的学习"是人类最基本的学习方式,创造是学习的途径,创造的产品即学习成果;全人发展是创客教育的根本目标,主要通过学生全身心投入到独立或协同创造进程得以实现;技术支持对于创客教育不可或缺,同时技术产品又可成为创造的目标指向。教育目标、情境及资源的整合性,学习过程与教学方式的开放性,教育过程的专业化是美国中小学创客教育的三大关键特征。此外,美国中小学创客教育的实施主要依托于精心设计的创客项目,教师对学生创造过程的专业化指导,以及来自政策、资金、人力、物力等多维度的支持。  相似文献   

新版K-12科学教育框架的出台表明美国拉开了新一轮科学教育改革的序幕。美国新版K-12科学教育框架主要特点:聚焦于核心概念的科学教学、工程与科学相提并论、知行合一的"实践"和整体化设计。结合我国当前基础教育阶段科学教学存在的问题,阐释了我们应该从美国新版K-12科学教育框架借鉴的教学改革理念与做法。  相似文献   

美国部分学区试行教师工资改革的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘邦祥 《比较教育研究》2005,26(6):53-56,81
为适应社会发展的需要,美国部分学区正在试行新的教师工资制度:基于知识与能力表现水平的个人工资制.科研机构参与设计并跟踪研究了新工资制试行的过程.研究发现:教师参与制订和执行教学表现评价标准及奖励标准的程度影响着他们对改革措施的态度.美国的改革试验对我国教育管理领域的改革也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

刘辰 《海外英语》2014,(21):271-272
Textbook evaluation is very important in both teaching and learning. The research of the English textbook evaluation in China develops relatively late, so study of the textbook evaluation theory is very important for the present college English teaching in China. The present study introduces some Influential textbook evaluation system and their theoretical characteristics at home and abroad, and points out researchers can detail the textbook evaluation theory in order to evaluate some special areas in English.  相似文献   

The need for computing education in the K-12 curriculum has grown globally. The Republic of Korea is not an exception. In response to the need, the Korean Ministry of Education has announced an outline for software-centric computing education in the K-12 system, which aims at enhancing the current computing education with software emphasis. In this paper, we review the outline from a higher education perspective and provide insights into its constructive improvement based on our experience in computer science education in higher education and a study of global initiatives on computing education. We also consider the social environment for computing education in Korea. In the proposed implementation, we first discuss goals for software-centric computing education and identify areas of focus. The identified areas are discussed in terms of topics to be covered and appropriate exposure of knowledge depth in the three levels in the Korean K-12 system. We then discuss necessary preparations for the success of the plan from academic, governmental and social perspectives.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代至今,比较文学教材建设成绩斐然,为新时期比较文学的发展奠定了坚实基石,与此同时,也不可否认这些教材当中存在种种不尽如人意之处。那么,何谓优秀的比较文学教材?对此,本文试从三个方面予以解析:一、优秀的比较文学教材应当内容丰富,体例完备;二、优秀的比较文学教材应当例证充分,表述畅晓;三、优秀的比较文学教材应当彰显中国特色,努力开拓创新。思考比较文学教材的评价标准,目的是为了以往昔为鉴,为当今的比较文学教材建设服务。  相似文献   

我国基础教育中机器人教育的现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来,机器人教育越来越受到人们的关注。国内外的教育专家提出,教育机器人在基础教育中可作为实施创新教育、素质教育、技术教育的有效载体。从中小学机器人竞赛、机器人教学、机器人教育研究三方面阐述了我国基础教育中机器人教育的发展状况,分析了发展中存在的问题,并提出了若干解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

Textbook evaluation is very important in both teaching and learning. The research of the English textbook evaluation in China develops relatively late, so study of the textbook evaluation theory is ver...  相似文献   

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