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设计了一种热泵驱动的溴化锂溶液深度除湿机组,该机组适用于无回风可利用、低湿度需求的场合.机组的性能测试结果显示,当室外温度为28~31℃,含湿量为11~14g/kg时,机组的送风温度为1.6~2.6℃,含湿量为2.6~3.0g/kg,系统COP为1.8.测试时发现了一个造成冷热溶液混合损失的管路链接问题,并对其进行修改.然后,对修改后的新机组进行了性能测试,结果显示,在室外温度为25~32℃,含湿量为18~21g/kg时,机组的送风温度为3.2~4.0℃,含湿量为3.4~3.6g/kg,系统COP为2.8.最后,对机组建立数学模型,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行比较,结果表明管路改动使机组性能提升约20%.  相似文献   

为进一步提高太阳能利用效率和太阳能辅助空气源热泵供热系统的性能,提出了一种新型太阳能空气源热泵供热系统,并研究了该供热系统的性能和特性.基于自行设计的10kW空气源热泵,建立了供热系统的数学模型,通过模拟得出了不同环境温度和出水温度下供热系统的运行特性和性能规律.结果表明:基于新型太阳能辅助空气源热泵供热系统,热泵的性能得到较大的提高.当环境温度为7℃时,空气源热泵的COP最大可增加26%.这为进一步研究新型太阳能辅助空气源热泵供热系统在供暖季节的性能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

A mathematical optimization model was set up for a ground-solar combined system based on in-situ experimental results,in which the solar collector was combined serially with a ground-coupled heat pump(GCHP).The universal optimal equations were solved by the constrained variable metric method considering both the performance and economics.Then the model was applied to a specific case concerning an actual solar assisted GCHP system for space heating.The results indicated a system coefficient of performance(COP)of 3.9 for the optimal method under the seriaI heating mode,and 3.2 for the conventional one.In addition,the optimum solution also showed advantages in energy and cost saving.1eading to a 16.7%improvement in the heat pump performance at 17.2%less energy consumption and 11.8%lower annual cost,respectively.  相似文献   

为消除先导阀在工作过程中的噪声及研究先导阀电磁吸力特性,本文对先导阀中电磁铁的静态吸力进行了模拟仿真。采用数学建模方法,研究了电磁铁分磁环的几何参数对先导阀静态电磁吸力的影响。结果表明:分磁环外径由7.6 mm增至9.6mm时,芯铁吸合处电磁吸力的最大值与最小值均增大,其中最大值增加106.54%;分磁环内径从5.6mm增大到7.6mm时,芯铁吸合处电磁吸力的最大值降低12.56%,最小值降低62.96%;分磁环厚度由1.2mm增至2.2mm时,芯铁吸合处电磁吸力最大值降低12.5%,最小值增加125%。通过对分磁环的几何结构进行优化,有效提高了芯铁吸合处电磁吸力的最小值,满足先导阀对制冷剂进行有效换向的要求,为先导阀的结构设计提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental analysis of a new refrigerant mixture BY-3 was conducted based on a single-stage vapor compression refrigeration system. The water-water heat pump system used BY-3 to produce hot water when the low temperature was 20 ℃. The following results were obtained: the highest temperature at the condenser outlet reached about 85 ℃; when the difference between the water temperatures at the condenser outlet and the evaporator inlet was less than 40 ℃, the coefficient of performance (COP) was larger than 4; when the difference reached 55 ℃, the COP still kept 3; the discharge temperature of BY-3 was lower than 100 ℃, and the refrigerant vapor pressure kept lower than 1.8 MPa. When the water temperature at the condenser outlet reached over 85 ℃, nearly a 5 ℃ superheating temperature was maintained.  相似文献   

首先,对直接膨胀式地源热泵的性能进行了理论分析.与常规地源热泵相比,直接膨胀式地源热泵的地埋管换热器热阻更小,在制冷工况下具有更低的冷凝温度,在制热工况下具有更高的蒸发温度,因此它具有更高的性能系数.直接膨胀式地源热泵系统无需二次换热回路和循环水泵,因此具有更高的系统性能系数.然后,根据实测数据对直接膨胀式地源热泵实验系统的性能进行了分析.该实验系统建立在中国湘潭,其U形垂直地埋管换热器置于水井之中,地埋管换热器的长度为42m,外径为12.7mm.测试结果表明,在制热工况下此直接膨胀式地源热泵系统的性能系数最大值为5.95,平均值为4.72.  相似文献   

从熵态视角对空调负荷进行划分,基于双温冷源空调系统基础上,根据不同新风处理方法,探讨设计参数选取及负荷计算。通过系统优化遵循“高熵负荷用高温冷源消除,低熵负荷用低温冷源消除”的原则,除高温冷源降温外,提出串联高、低温冷源的除湿循环,建立双温冷源能耗模型,数值模拟计算得到最佳除湿、除热冷源有效温度。  相似文献   

提出一种低倍瓦式聚光集热器,对其瓦式抛物面聚集器的结构设计、工作原理、光路传输进行理论分析。同时,基于数学推导和建模,通过MATLAB软件,理论模拟该集热器的几何特性、聚集性能等,并分析影响因素,对重要的设计参数进行优化研究。瓦式聚光集热器能将建筑屋顶空调节能与太阳能集热系统统一起来,对低成本高效太阳能热利用技术具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对常规污水源热泵系统出力常无法满足建筑最大负荷的问题,提出了在高峰负荷下提取污水凝固潜热作为补充热源的新思路.首先,结合污水特征设计了一种集除冰、取热、除垢于一体的凝固换热器,并给出了城市污水源采集凝固热热泵的合理形式.然后,从理论上分析探讨了新系统的供热潜力.典型的工况计算结果表明,采集凝固热热泵系统的供热能力大于常规城市污水源热泵系统,两者的最大供热率之比在4.5~8.7之间,说明该污水源采集凝固热热泵系统在寒冷地区的应用潜力较大.  相似文献   

This paper presents the heating performance and energy distribution of a system with the combination of ground-source heat pump and solar collector or a solar-assisted ground-source heat pump system (SAGSHPS) by calculation and experiment.The results show that the average absolute error is less than 0.6 ℃ and the relative error is less than 5% under the pulse load when the analytical solution to the 2-D solid cylindrical source model is used for the SAGSHPS.The coefficient of performance (COP) of the SAGSHPS is 2.95-4.70.The average fluid temperature in the borehole heat exchanger can increase by 3 ℃ with the assistance of solar collector,which will improve the COP of the heat pump by approximately 10% from the experimental data.The energy contributions to the total heating load of soil,electricity and solar are 56.30%,36.87% and 6.83%,respectively.  相似文献   

Sewage source heat pump unit operates under partial load most of the time, and study on the law of coefficient of performance (COP) of the unit varying with load ratio can provide basis for the heat pump units running in high efficiency. A mathematical model determining COP, evaporation temperature and condensation temperature of a single unit was proposed. Under the condition of uniform load distribution, the model was established according to different ways of bearing partial load with the same type multiple units but different parallel operation models, and the operation characteristics of units were analyzed as well. Results show that the single screw water-source heat pump can maintain high COP only at 60%—100% load ratio, COP decreases sharply with the decrease of load ratio, and the units with parallel operation are controlled by the load ratio of a single unit according to the reduction of total load which can keep the average COP at high level within a wide load range.  相似文献   

循环泵是锅炉房运行中的主要耗电设备,其设备容量往往是按其最大负荷选定,而实际运行中一般在60%-80%负荷下运转,造成设备效率低下,电能浪费,就此问题对循环泵实施变频调速节能运行,实践表明,节能效果非常显著,节电率可达40%~80%。  相似文献   

分析现有第三代移动通信系统TD SCDMA的室内分布存在的容量、覆盖和质量的问题,给出针对现有问题的改善方法。并通过具体案例进一步说明室内分布系统的设计思路和优化方法,实际测试的结果验证了该方案在改善TD SCDMA室内分布系统性能上的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的地源热泵-辐射供冷/暖复合空调系统,分析了该系统的原理和特点.该系统被应用于镇江西津渡展览馆中,并利用TRNSYS软件对其热舒适度和能耗进行了模拟分析.结果表明,地源热泵-辐射供冷暖复合空调系统在冬季采暖运行时,地板辐射和顶板辐射方式均具有良好的热舒适度,且无须采用机械通风;在夏季空调运行时,地板辐射和顶板辐射必须配合合理的机械通风,才能具有良好的热舒适度;在同样的热舒适度条件下,顶板辐射供冷/暖的全年能耗比地板辐射低.  相似文献   

根据夏热冬冷地区的气候特点、建筑使用功能和建筑周边资源现状,对某综合楼空调冷热源方案的选择进行比较研究。通过比较优化前后冷热源方案,对其初投资、运行费用、舒适性、稳定性等因素进行综合分析,结果表明当建筑规模较大且需提供空调及热水时,模块式风冷热泵(热回收)系统优越于多联机 VRV 加独立热源系统。  相似文献   

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