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论翻译中的文化趋同与存异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归化翻译与异化翻译应作为一种文化策略加以讨论,文化的趋同与文化的存异表示在寻找不同文化之间的普遍性的同时,也注重保持不同文化自身的独特性。翻译作为跨文化实践,翻译的表面目的是消除异质,而翻译的深层次目的则是向异质开放。异化翻译的文化意义在于对文化异质性的强调;差异是翻译存在的理由,又是翻译的目的。译者在跨越差异的同时又表现了差异,异化翻译是一个文化概念,是译者主体确立自身文化身份的依据和手段。  相似文献   

The current study examined relations between distinct aspects of moral functioning, and their cognitive and emotional correlates, in preschool age children. Participants were 171 typically developing 3- to 6-year-olds. Each child completed several tasks, including (a) moral tasks assessing both performance of various moral actions and evaluations of moral scenarios presented both verbally and nonverbally; and (b) non-moral tasks assessing general cognitive skill, executive functioning, theory-of-mind, and emotion recognition. Shyness and empathic concern were assessed from video acquired during participation. Results demonstrated positive associations among distinct moral actions, as well as among distinct moral evaluation tasks, but few associations between tasks assessing moral actions and moral evaluation. Empathic concern and inhibitory control each emerged as important predictors of preschoolers’ moral functioning.  相似文献   

全球化过程中的文化同质化与异质化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化所带来的一个后果是不同文化之间的碰撞 ,在这种碰撞中 ,世界文化发展的走向如何 ?是将走向文化的同一化 ,还是走向文化间进一步的分裂 ?本文认为 ,由于存在着文化帝国主义及文化主体性诉求这双重现象 ,全球文化既不会完全走向同质化 ,也不会完全走向异质化 ,同质化与异质化这两个相互矛盾的发展趋势将同时并存于全球化的发展过程中  相似文献   

矛盾的同一性和斗争性既是绝对的又是相对的。抽象的矛盾同一性和斗争性是绝对的 ,具体的矛盾同一性和斗争性的表现形态是相对的 ,绝对的同一性和斗争性存在于相对的同一性和斗争性的具体表现形态之中 ,具体的同一和斗争形态包含和表现着同一性和斗争性。  相似文献   

该文研究字的齐次性,然后改进文献[1]定理的证明.  相似文献   

A computerized adaptive testing (CAT) algorithm that has the potential to increase the homogeneity of CAT's item-exposure rates without significantly sacrificing the precision of ability estimates was proposed and assessed in the shadow-test ( van der Linden & Reese, 1998 ) CAT context. This CAT algorithm was formed by a combination of maximizing or minimizing varied target functions while assembling shadow tests. There were four target functions to be separately used in the first, second, third, and fourth quarter test of CAT. The elements to be used in the four functions were associated with (a) a random number assigned to each item, (b) the absolute difference between an examinee's current ability estimate and an item difficulty, (c) the absolute difference between an examinee's current ability estimate and an optimum item difficulty, and (d) item information. The results indicated that this combined CAT fully utilized all the items in the pool, reduced the maximum exposure rates, and achieved more homogeneous exposure rates. Moreover, its precision in recovering ability estimates was similar to that of the maximum item-information method. The combined CAT method resulted in the best overall results compared with the other individual CAT item-selection methods. The findings from the combined CAT are encouraging. Future uses are discussed.  相似文献   

随着中国高等教育规模的扩大,高等教育机构的类型也呈现多样化形式。在众多的高等教育机构共同发展的前提下,如何使这些高校分层分类协调发展,已成为了一个突出的难题。而要解决这个问题,就必须了解中国高校发展的现状。笔者下面将以伯顿·克拉克的理论为基础,对我国高校趋同的原因和院校分化的必然性趋势进行分析。一、理论基础伯顿·克拉克认为影响高等教育系统发展的势力有三个来源,即国家、市场和高校,三种势力的综合作用决定着高等教育系统的发展与变化,高校的趋同与分化决定于这三股力量平衡的结果。二、高等院校趋同的原因(一)国家方…  相似文献   

日常生活中的教育与非日常生活中的教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生活世界的教育是人的教育不可或缺的基础,它包括两个亚领域,日常生活中的教育和非日常生活中的教育,日常生活中的教育表现出传统性、自在性和异质性,而非日常生活中的教育则一般出创造性、自为性和同质性。个人通过日常生活中的教育达成社会化和个人化,通过非日常生活中的教育达成专门化和总体化。这两个亚领域中的教育是个体再生产和社会再生产折辨证统一。  相似文献   

网购成为学生消费的重要组成部分,快递分发也成为当前高校的一大热点。大学生年龄相仿、居住集中、缺乏购物经验以及高购买频率等特点,使得校园网购存在着同质性。本文以亚洲第一大单体校园为依托,组织了这次调研。调查结果表明:(1)大学生的消费同质性非常明显。(2)绝大部分同学网购(占样本总数93.7%)。(3)但是大学生网购并没有达到其省钱的目的,反而增加了其支出。  相似文献   

通过对侗文化圈旅游产品发展现状的分析。对其同质化原因及影响进行探析,认为缺乏合理的旅游发展规划、产品缺乏创新、圈内缺乏区域联动、旅游投资缺乏资金、旅游产品、需求市场、缺乏引导、等是主要原因,从而提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

从考古学、历史移民和现存的文化形态3个方面分析了闽台文化的同质性,在此基础上进一步分析了闽台文化的同质性在发展两岸关系中的重大作用及保护、发展闽台文化的相关对策。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of Peer-rejected Girls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heterogeneity within a sample of 46 peer-rejected 8–10-year-old girls was investigated using cluster analysis procedures. Rejected girls were identified using rating sociometrics, and peer and teacher behavior rating measures were obtained. 2 large clusters emerged from the analysis, with one of these being more deviant than the other. The more deviant group was characterized by withdrawal, anxiety, and low academic functioning. In contrast to findings previously reported for boys, aggression scores did not differentiate the 2 clusters. Thus, it does not appear that the use of a combination of aggression and rejection criteria identifies the most deviant group of girls.  相似文献   

穆时英早期作品《交流》的新近发现使我们得以进一步对其进行研究。我们发现《交流》中透露出了鸳鸯蝴蝶派的气息、"爱的哲学"和嗜血性,小说人物类似于命运之神,这些展现出与其后期作品的异质。  相似文献   

自1995年1月1日中国第一份都市报——《华西都市报》创办以来,都市类报刊在大江南北纷纷崛起,成为中国新时期报业百花齐放、百舸争流的绚丽风景。但在最初的新闻策划、报道方式、版面突破等创新、创异、创造带来阵阵清风之后,大量“克隆型”报纸、版面甚至稿件的出现,使得都市报出现了严重的同质化倾向。重庆都市报的同质化比之全国有其独有的鲜明特征,背后有其独有的特殊弊端。  相似文献   

互联网的兴起给新闻传播业带来一场地覆天翻的变革,但是由于网络的特性以及新闻政策的限制,我国商业网站的新闻存在明显的同质化现象,这在一定程度上限制了网络新闻的发展。  相似文献   

Effective category‐based induction requires understanding that categories include both fundamental similarities between members and important variation. This article explores 4‐ to 11‐year‐olds’ (n = 207) and adults’ (n = 49) intuitions about this balance between within‐category homogeneity and variability using a novel induction task in which participants predict the distribution of a property among members of a novel category. Across childhood, children learned to recognize variability within categories—showing increasing sensitivity to the role of property type and domain in constraining inferences. Children below the age of 6 showed evidence for a domain‐general assumption that categories are homogeneous—generalizing properties broadly to 100% of category members. These studies support important developmental changes in category representations that may influence category‐based induction.  相似文献   

The present studies investigated the out-group homogeneity effect in 5- and 8-year-old Israeli and German children (= 150) and adults (= 96). Participants were asked to infer whether a given property (either biological or psychological) was true of an entire group—either the participants' in-group (“Jews” or “Germans”) or their out-group (“Arabs” or “Turks”). To that end, participants had to select either a homogenous or a heterogeneous sample of group members. It was found that across ages and countries, participants selected heterogeneous samples less often when inferring the biological properties of out-compared to in-group members. No effect was found regarding psychological properties. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the origins of intergroup bias.  相似文献   

礼乐本为一体,并且,礼包含乐。荀子论礼亦论乐。从礼的角度审视乐,荀子发现礼与乐均治人治世、本于性情、取法天地。呈现同功、同源、效法对象相同等面貌,甚至,乐之“和”也基于礼之“别”。即是说,礼乐同构。  相似文献   

根据17家主要船公司的集装箱航线及挂靠港口数据构建世界海运网络,应用复杂网络理论对世界海运网络的度、度分布、聚类系数、平均路径长度及介数等指标进行测算,分析网络的拓扑结构。结果表明,世界海运网络为无标度网络,具有聚类特性及小世界特性且存在层次结构。在此基础上引入经济学中衡量收入分配平均程度的洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数,对世界海运网络的异质性进行定量分析,海运网络的基尼系数为0.554,表明世界海运网络具有较强的异质性。  相似文献   

十多年来法学硕士与法律硕士教育取得了重大成绩,为理论界和司法实务界培养了大批人才,但是问题也不断凸显,其中最主要的是两者同质化倾向越益严重,改革的思路是强化法律硕士并最终取代法学硕士。  相似文献   

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