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《彩云追月》是我国音乐家任光先生创作的一首民族器乐合奏曲。乐曲因抒情优美的旋律、淡雅清幽的风格而深受人们喜爱。在创作后的几十年里,曾被改编成歌曲、各种器乐独奏、合奏曲。王建中据其改编的同名钢琴曲在用外来乐器演奏民族传统乐曲中体现出高度的融合性,既保持了原曲的民族风格,又充分发挥了钢琴富于表现的优势,体现了中国音乐在新时期的新发展。  相似文献   

<正>Gary wasn’t used to being around people.He didn’t like being touched or even looked at.If anyone came too close,he’d lash~2 out.加里不习惯和人类呆在一起。它不喜欢被人触摸或被人盯着看。如果有人走得太近,它就会攻击。He was perfect for the job now,because at the Working Cats Program,no manners is no problem.它现在很适合这份工作,因为在这项工作猫项目中,猫的脾气坏也没问题。  相似文献   

Over the last couple of decades, Heideggerian philosophy has become an important resource for educationalists. A growing body of literature has demonstrated its educational potential, thus illumining pivotal educational features and phenomena. Whereas my research is situated in the critical space opened by this literature, I adopt a slightly different perspective: in this paper, I discuss what we may refer to as the thoroughly educational nature of Heideggerian philosophy. I contend that Heideggerian thought is not only anchored by questions and features that are quintessentially pedagogical but also represents a passionate and ethical call to freedom, becoming and the space of the ‘not-yet’, a call that appeals to the self to overturn his gesture and position; a call that is, in and of itself, educational. Rather than abandoning the initiative towards Being, Heidegger, in the late 1920s, created an ethic of resoluteness and choice that places freedom and responsibility centre stage. Hence, when analysing Heidegger’s thought, we need not necessarily place educational concerns and demands from without, nor must we necessarily apply Heideggerian insights to analyse educational features and phenomena, for Heideggerian philosophy is always already rooted in, and in a sense is, an educational endeavour.  相似文献   

平等的师生关系是调动学生学习兴趣的关键.也是使其积极主动运用所学英语知识在创设的语境中参与自由交流的关键。所以在英语教学中必须建立新型的、平等的、开放的师生关系,以提高英语教学水平。  相似文献   

为使教学中的可视化程度进一步加强,采用边界元分析软件BEASY对船舶在海水中由腐蚀产生的水下电场进行数值模拟分析,计算了船体在自然腐蚀和外加电流保护下两种状态下的船身电位分布和船体下方的电场分布。结果表明,对阴极保护系统的输出电流进行调控,能够对船身的腐蚀状况和水下电场信号的强度和分布产生影响,在合理设置的情况下能够抑制船身的腐蚀并减小水下的信号特征,采用beasy对船舶水下电场进行数值模拟能够使参数的调节更加直观,使得计算结果能够即时地跟随参数的变化而变化,有助于增强学生对船舶水下电场的认识和理论水平。  相似文献   

回应新时代对大爱、大德、大情怀的大格局人格的召唤,将耳熟能详的日常人格概念"格局"作为德育理论研究的主题.通过对格局的词源学考察,追溯其伦理内涵获得过程,进一步对格局进行伦理图式的还原,敞开其所包含的中国文化独特的伦理认识方式:道法自然的直观明察、价值秩序的空间延展及动态开放的精神世界组建方式.以开放动态的格局作为新时代德育使命,弘扬中国的相似性伦理认识特色,自觉培育儿童空间直观道德思维,应为育格局的时代教育路向.  相似文献   

船舶污油水排放系统的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析船舶污油水来源及当前污油水处理存在的问题,基于ZYF型油水分离器的工作原理,提出了在油水分离器前增设油污水收集柜和粗分离柜,在油水分离器之后加装双电极分离柜和增加备用污油舱等的改进优化设计,可较好地消除原系统的缺点,提高机舱舱底水的分离效果,在降低污油中水含量的同时也增加了污油的利用价值。  相似文献   

回应新时代对大爱、大德、大情怀的大格局人格的召唤,将耳熟能详的日常人格概念"格局"作为德育理论研究的主题.通过对格局的词源学考察,追溯其伦理内涵获得过程,进一步对格局进行伦理图式的还原,敞开其所包含的中国文化独特的伦理认识方式:道法自然的直观明察、价值秩序的空间延展及动态开放的精神世界组建方式.以开放动态的格局作为新时代德育使命,弘扬中国的相似性伦理认识特色,自觉培育儿童空间直观道德思维,应为育格局的时代教育路向.  相似文献   


This paper outlines aspects and dimensions of my ‘relationship’ with Richard Peters from 1966 onward. The underlying suggestion is that, while Peters’ contribution to philosophy of education was undeniably of major proportions, both that contribution and his legacy are institutional rather than substantive.  相似文献   

针对村上春树的《海边的卡夫卡》一书,从艺术层面上分析村上小说独特的魔幻主义手法,分析了魔幻背后的现实内涵;以小说的现实性为切入点,分析了主人公在现实世界的各种遭遇,面对现实的无奈与叹息,放弃又从新拾起生命,并分析了其中隐喻的隐喻对人物命运的影响;揭示村上在作品中的魔幻与现实之间,展现作者想要勇敢面对现实,真爱生命的内心诉求。  相似文献   

为满足轮机工程专业实验教学和相关科学研究的需要,开发了船舶动力装置综合实验台,包括柴油机、并车齿轮箱、拖动电机等,并增设了传动轴、特殊联轴器等部件,可进行多种主推进装置运行工况模拟,增强学生实际动手能力,对轮机教学起到促进作用。同时,也有利于开展船舶动力形态研究。  相似文献   

村上春树是典型的后现代主义作家,卡夫卡是表现主义的大师,两人都赢得了世界性的赞誉。村上春树坦言受到卡夫卡的启发,在《海边的卡夫卡》这部小说中,村上春树对卡夫卡本人、暴力和孤独等问题上都有自己独到的见解。由此我们可以看到村上春树与卡夫卡的异同。  相似文献   

An institutional evaluation of flexible delivery can lead to improvements in education practice, and gives the institution the opportunity to re-focus its strategic intent and correct practices that are contrary to that intent. In this paper, flexible delivery as a strategic emphasis of Universal College of Learning (UCOL) is outlined. The evaluation of the strategy's implementation is then described through the process, results and future directions of flexible delivery at UCOL. Flexible delivery was evaluated across the institution by interviewing heads of faculty and lecturers and mailing a questionnaire to students. The results are discussed not only in relation to distinct areas for improvement but also to the concept of drift from the original strategy. It is suggested that all tertiary institutions aiming to improve their practice when using flexible forms of course delivery should undertake similar evaluations on a regular basis.  相似文献   

在增程器失火-不对中耦合故障下,通过多工况下虚拟样机仿真,对不对中故障的故障诊断特征的变化规律展开了研究。借助虚拟样机平台搭建了某款增程器虚拟样机刚柔混合模型;对已经探索得到的不对中故障诊断特征,在多转速、多失火状态工况下,研究耦合故障下不对中故障特征变化规律;对耦合故障下的增程器转子系统进行动力学分析,结合机理研究,对不对中故障诊断特征的变化进行了原理分析;由此得到耦合故障工况下不对中故障诊断特征变化规律。  相似文献   

针对CSD650型绞吸式挖泥船在疏浚吹填工程施工过程中所遇到的各种岸管回水的情况,通过在岸管起点处将管线垫高至整段管线的最高点,并在此处加装呼吸阀,以达到避免岸管回水可能给船舶带来的危险性和提高挖泥船泥泵掏石的效率.  相似文献   

针对船体结构钢16 Mn处于海水腐蚀与交变载荷的交互作用,并且在阴极保护作用下工作的实际工况,研究了阴极保护对16 Mn船体结构钢在海水和3.5%NaCl水溶液中的腐蚀疲劳裂纹萌生和裂纹扩展的行为。结果表明裂纹扩展速率不仅受阴极电位的影响而且受环境介质的影响。  相似文献   

无人船在水质检测、采样、巡逻等方面有着广阔的应用前景。针对无人船传输数据实时性差的问题,利用4G网络结合数据传输模块进行无人船与控制中心之间的数据传输;针对具有自主能力的无人船造价昂贵的问题,以树莓派为控制中心设计无人船控制系统,实现无人船的自动巡航;针对无人船无法自动处理突发情况的问题,采用移动端、遥控器、服务器端多端控制的方法;针对无人船适应环境能力较差的问题,采用PID算法进行无人船的航向控制。实验结果表明,该算法可实现无人船的多端控制、数据实时传输与自动巡航功能。  相似文献   

This paper outlines an initiative, namely a leadership symposium, which developed from a chance meeting of like-minded academics, who were trying to achieve similar outcomes with their student groups; namely, to include the scholarly activity of disseminating graduates’ action-oriented projects. One group of graduates comprised a mix of healthcare professionals, the other group comprised teachers. Both were leading change projects across their professions. One group was guided by action research and the other by action learning. This paper outlines the graduates' experiences of their challenges, opportunities and learning from leading these change initiatives. Arising from the symposium exchanges, the authors focus on the unique opportunity of the event as a distinctive space for exchange of learning across professions. Findings from qualitative data collected for the symposium are supported by situated learning and existing literature.  相似文献   

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