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This article reviews the American and British library literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to see what librarians of this period expected libraries and librarianship to be like in the mid to late twentieth century. They expected librarians would be involved in a variety of services and outreach activities such as teaching children in the schools. These writers also anticipated a publishing glut with more books being printed than any library could acquire. Budgets, consequently, were expected to be tight. Though no one foresaw the computer, most expected technology to have an increasingly important role. Improvements in mechanical devices also meant a unified national catalog might be realized. This would be but the harbinger of other cooperative activities such as inter-library reference and lending. Writers also expected libraries would be imposing edifices. Finally, many forecast that librarians would become professionals.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents some personal perceptions about “drivers of change,” which have impacted the role and nature of museums since the 1980s, leading to the rise of the visitor‐centered museum. Such changes mirror developments occurring in society. In the case of museums, a decline in public funding has occurred at a time when increased resources are required to enable museums to successfully compete for the visitor dollar in the expanding “experience economy.” The authors suggest that the role and nature of museums in the future will be shaped by their responses to many challenges, the most important being: how to increase visitor numbers without negatively impacting on visitor satisfaction; how to adjust policy and practice as museums approach the limits of visitor growth; how to start to reverse the trend of declining public funding by demonstrating museums’ value to society through the adoption of community‐centered policies and practice; and perhaps the most unpredictable, how museums will adjust their policies and practices in the face of possible climate change.  相似文献   


This paper explores the changing role of the information professional in a dynamic environment in which technology, resources, information needs, and user expectations change very rapidly. The author's conclusion is that while some of the roles of traditional librarians may be disappearing, there are plenty of opportunities for proactive information professionals in the new information environment. There are new services, new expertise, and new job titles. Businesspeople recognize that technology is not everything; the human factor, a person to select, filter, and analyze information, is critical. Information brokers and library fee-based service staff stand at the forefront of this new environment, because they are already used to employing and continually improving these vital skills.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

In her report about the German publishing industry in 2010, Veronika Licher shows some of the trends and different stages of digital development. She mentions how different players like the German Publishers and Booksellers Association or book wholesalers changed direction or added new services to adapt to the changing market and how e-book distribution is working its way through traditional and new channels. A short review of the bestselling titles in 2010 and the development in children’s publishing follows as well as an introduction how German publishers are trying to make use of the new reading pens.  相似文献   

A brief summary report and highlights are presented for key topics and issues that have taken place in Germany’s Trade book industry during 2009. The Nobel Prize for Literature and other awards are described along with a review of the Best Seller List. The article concludes with a review of data for the book fairs and the economy in general.  相似文献   

吴锋 《出版科学》2007,15(5):38-41,52
2006年我国期刊业获得了稳步增长,不同类型期刊的运作模式日益成熟,公益性和经营性期刊都取得了长足发展,期刊的数字化转型加快,电子杂志市场引起关注.同时,期刊产业仍然面临结构不合理、集团化建设进程缓慢等问题.未来几年,期刊产业将围绕集团化、产业化和发行专业化的路径继续发展.  相似文献   

Community radio is a form of noncommercial broadcasting designed to serve audiences in a specific geographic area. In recent years, community radio has become a viable alternative to both commercial and public radio, which produce nationally oriented programming designed to attract mass audiences. The value and impact of community radio can be seen through the work of Allegheny Mountain Radio, a three-station network serving a rural and geographically isolated region of southern West Virginia and Virginia.  相似文献   


This article is a preliminary report on the work of the Canadian Linked Data Initiative (CLDI), a collaboration between five of Canada’s largest research libraries, Library and Archives Canada, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, and Canadiana.org. Although still in its nascent stage, participating institutions are working together to advance the technical services divisions of our libraries in the area of linked data. Project working groups are making progress in five main areas: grant funding, digital collections, education and training, legacy metadata enhancement, and in the evaluation and adaptation of Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative tools. By working across geographic and institutional boundaries, the CLDI aims to chart a path to a new age of technical services, one based on the foundation of Linked Open Data.  相似文献   

近代上海的霍乱,与中国古代所说的"霍乱"不同.中国古代霍乱,为急性吐泄病,非近代凶猛的亚洲霍乱(Cholera Asiatical),而这种"在十六世纪中,已有海舶或从印度、安南等处传人"的烈性传染病则在清末民初的中国找到了适合自己生存的地域,那便是水乡泽国的江南地区,其中又以当时身为远东第一大都市的上海,发病最为频繁剧烈,1919年至1946年,前前后后竟有六次大流行,死者无数,并且其间还有不间断的轻微流行,可谓是地方上的流行病第一杀手.  相似文献   

高校图书馆期刊信息资源开发利用的主要途径包括:把好期刊文献采购的质量关、建立完善的期刊检索系统、加强期刊的规范化管理、全面提高期刊管理人员的素质等。  相似文献   

以富勒烯领域引文数据为样本,通过HistCiteTM生成不同规模与格式的引文网络,利用Pajek集成的三种主路径算法分析不同数据格式、不同网络规模的主路径组分与形态差异,运用曲线拟合方法探索主路径规模与主路径长度间的关系。结果表明:三种主路径算法结果没有显著差异,主路径长度与网络规模呈对数关系,主路径在网络规模约为总顶点数40%后趋于稳定。  相似文献   

未来的档案馆是数字的吗?我们不能把应用计算机和网络技术的档案馆简单地称之为"数字化档案馆",所谓的"数字化档案馆"从目前来看,多被理解为,建立在"复合型实体档案馆"之上的一个网络化的虚拟的档案馆,它与我们通常所称的"档案馆"还是有本质的区别的.笔者认为,多数的档案馆就是在未来,馆藏档案的主体形态也应是复合的,而非数字的."数字档案馆"这一词意并不明确和清晰.  相似文献   

世纪之交少儿图书馆事业回眸与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章回顾了20世纪少儿图书馆产生、发展的历程以及取得的主要成就和存在的问题,在此基础上展望了少儿图书馆事业的发展前景.  相似文献   

Abstract Is it time for all museums to initiate large‐scale 3D digitization programs? We don’t yet know how 3D is going to change, replace, or integrate into current museum experience. Yet the possibilities are being actualized right now. What does 3D mean for museums? Digitizing museum objects in 3D (or the museums themselves, for that matter) with incredible accuracy and realism; examining the inside of a mummy; modeling collections in 3D; retaining virtual copies of vulnerable objects; all these and more already exist in the fast‐changing realm of 3D applications.  相似文献   

<正>1949年中华人民共和国成立后,以美国为首的西方国家对华奉行敌视和封锁的政策,特别是1950年朝鲜战争爆发后,更是针对中国实施了远比对其他社会主义国家更加严厉的制裁。像美国商务部宣布中国为"敌对国家",并按照美国《1949年出口管制法》,将中国列入全面禁运的Z组;1952年巴黎统筹委员会(输出管制统筹委员会,简称"巴统")成立专门的"中国委员会",形成所谓的"中国差别待遇",设立"中国禁单",即对中国贸易的特别禁单,该禁单所包括  相似文献   

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