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This study examined the effects of conversational language (e.g., asking questions, inviting replies, acknowledgments, referencing others by name, closing signatures, ‘I agree, but’, greetings, etc.) on the frequency and types of responses posted in reply to given types of messages (e.g., argument, evidence, critique, explanation), and how the resulting response patterns support and inhibit collaborative argumentation in asynchronous online discussions. Using event sequence analysis to analyze message-response exchanges in eight online group debates, this study found that (a) arguments elicited 41% more challenges when presented with more conversational language (effect size .32), (b) challenges with more conversational language elicited three to eight times more explanations (effect size .12 to .31), and (c) the number of supporting evidence elicited by challenges was not significantly different from challenges that used more versus less conversational language. Overall, these and other findings from exploratory post-hoc tests show that conversational language can help to produce patterns of interaction that foster high levels of critical discourse, and that some forms of conversational language are more effective in eliciting responses than others.  相似文献   

Improving the productivity of mental health counselors was investigated with the use of an incentive system. Ten Masters-level mental health clinicians (5 females, 5 males) with a range of 1.5 to 17 years experience participated in the study. Single-case and between-group methodologies were used to assess the effects of the incentive on the number of direct client contact sessions conducted per day. Incentive payments were provided to clinicians above a minimum number per two-week pay period. The number of session credits improved from a baseline of 73.6 to a mean of 85.9 during the program.  相似文献   

高校普遍推行的结果目标导向教学绩效激励机制,是否触碰到高校教师的激励点还需提供有力证据。基于内外激励视角建构不同激励因素对教学过程和教学结果绩效影响模型的研究发现:外在激励和内在激励均未对教学结果绩效产生直接影响,反映当前教学结果导向的激励机制存在失效风险;薪酬激励与考核激励对教学过程绩效有影响;创新激励、成就激励、社交激励均对教学过程绩效存在影响,且教学过程绩效对结果绩效影响显著,说明教师激励机制应更多关注教学过程而非结果。  相似文献   

A meta‐analytic review of all adequately designed field and laboratory research on the use of incentives to motivate performance is reported. Of approximately 600 studies, 45 qualified. The overall average effect of all incentive programs in all work settings and on all work tasks was a 22% gain in performance. Team‐directed incentives had a markedly superior effect on performance compared to individually‐directed incentives. This effect was not influenced by the location of the study (business, government, or school), the competitive structure of the incentive system (programs where only the highest performers get incentives versus programs where everyone who increased performance receives incentives), the type of study (whether the study was a laboratory experiment or a field study), or the performance outcome (quality, quantity, or both). In these studies, money was found to result in higher performance gains than non‐monetary, tangible incentives (gifts, travel). More research is needed on the relative cost‐benefit of cash and gift incentives, and the way different types of tangible incentives are selected. Long‐term programs led to greater performance gains than shorter‐term programs did, and somewhat greater performance gains were realized for manual than for cognitive work. Explanations based on cognitive psychological principles accompany each of the analyses.  相似文献   

基于网络学习绩效的个别化交互设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络学习的不断深入,网络学习的低绩效问题逐渐显现,研究发现造成网络学习低绩效的根本原因是对网络教学交互的研究缺失。通过分析网络教学交互的特点和分类,以个别化交互为研究对象,从提供个别化学习材料入手,设计了一种个别化交互模型,为学习者与网络课程之间实现个性化互动。  相似文献   

Summary This study was designed to test the hypothesis that group orientated classroom management procedures may achieve their apparent success merely by raising still further the on‐task behaviour of non‐troublesome pupils. To this end, 1812‐13 year old pupils in a secondary school remedial class were observed and their individual levels of on‐task behaviour recorded. The class teacher's use of approval and disapproval was also noted.

Following the collection of baseline data, a modified, simple ‘rules, praise and ignoring’ intervention strategy was implemented, followed by a partial reversal to baseline conditions. Mean class on‐task behaviour was clearly shown to increase from 77% at baseline to 91% during intervention and this was maintained during the partial reversal. Moreover, it was shown that every pupil's on‐task behaviour increased, these increases varying between 3 and 33%, the pupils with the lowest baseline levels making the biggest gains.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of large group supervision, small group supervision, and combined group and individual supervision with counseling students. Sixty‐four participants in a master's‐level practicum were divided into 3 treatment groups that received supervision over 10 weeks. Using a pretest/posttest method, counselors were rated on growth in effectiveness and development according to self‐report, supervisor, client, and objective rater responses. Analyses of covariance revealed that all supervision formats resulted in similar progress in counselor effectiveness and counselor development. Large group supervision produced a significant result on the factor Autonomy/Dependency. However, participants showed a marked preference for individual feedback and supervision.  相似文献   

In this paper I contend that, although codes of ethics are very good things and could potentially improve performance by acting as a normalising agent for a profession, they are not problem‐free. In particular, they lend themselves to reification (making something abstract into something concrete and thus, reduce the potential for their full impact), they are time dependent (that is, they are relevant only to the time in which they were formulated), subject to different lenses (that is, they are relevant only to the culture in which they were formulated), and emotionally challenged (that is, they are rarely formulated in a way that encompasses the emotions around the particular situation). An individual's role in a situation is hard to delineate via codes of ethics and, thus, these codes of ethics should be seen as a proposition, rather than as a solution for performance problems regarding ethical challenges.  相似文献   


In recent years, the largely punitive accountability measures imposed by the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act have given way to an emphasis on financial incentives. Although most policy interventions have focused primarily on linking teacher compensation to student test scores, several recent studies have examined the prospects for the use of financial incentives for students to improve student outcomes. This study builds on the existing literature by comparing student responses to monetary and nonmonetary (certificates of recognition) incentives to increase participation in federally funded supplemental educational services (SEdS). Approximately 300 eligible middle grade students who had signed up for SEdS were randomly selected and then assigned to either a control condition that received no incentive, a monetary reward group that could earn up to $100 for regular attendance, or a nonmonetary group that could receive a certificate of recognition signed by the district superintendent. Although the benefits of the monetary incentives were negligible, the students in the certificate group attended 42.5% more of their allotted tutoring hours than those assigned to control. The effect of the certificate was particularly strong for female students, who attended 26% more of their allocated tutoring hours compared to males who were also offered certificates. These results suggest the need for further research into the role of nonmonetary incentives in motivating student behaviors. Also, the findings could be useful to policymakers at the state or district level seeking cost-effective mechanisms to increase uptake of underutilized student supports.  相似文献   

货币政策对中国快速经济增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1978年改革开放以来,我国的GDP几乎每年都达到平均高达10%的增长率。在经济全球化的今天,我国的市场经济体制与国际接轨,并且在不断地完善之中。应对全球金融危机,建设有中国特色的社会主义,使得拥有一套独立的、有效的、符合本土客观需要的货币政策制度以保障我国经济稳定而迅速的增长变得日益重要。文章从三个主要经济问题:较高的价格水平(通货膨胀)、人民币重新估值的必要性和疲弱的本土消费需求,来研究货币政策的应用对GDP增长的影响。并且针对这些问题,分析货币政策是如何达到宏观经济调控、控制通货膨胀、增加内需、稳定经济增长、保障进一步实质增长的可能的。  相似文献   

美国反危机货币政策的特征与效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007-2009年美国金融危机可划分为危机初现阶段与危机爆发后阶段.危机初现阶段美国货币政策明显具有"不作为"的特征,丧失了对次贷进行隔离手术的最后机会,大幅度提高了反危机成本.在危机爆发以后,美国金融市场处境艰难,由于反危机货币政策时滞较长,拖延了拯救进程.对美国反危机货币政策的总体评价是,前期准备不足,后期走向正轨;总体值得肯定,政策时滞尚待解决.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的不断发展和生活水平的不断提高,肥胖族群已经成为现代社会关注的焦点。通过对国际上关于"肥胖"标准的定义和肥胖族关于服装需求的定位,从其生活方式上的特点入手,研究肥胖族群对服装的个性化要求,从色彩、款式、创新时尚等方面为肥胖族群设计个性化的服装品牌。  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcomes of an empirical study undertaken to explore the possibility that cognitive style may be an important factor influencing performance on certain types of task in management education. A total of 412 final year undergraduate degree students studying Management and Business Administration were tested using the Allinson- Hayes Cognitive Style Index. Their cognitive styles were then compared with assessment grades achieved for academic modules, the task categories of which were deemed to be consonant with either the Wholist/Intuitive or the Analytic style of working. Overall ability defined by final degree grades was also tested against individuals' cognitive styles. As expected, students whose dominant cognitive styles were Analytic attained higher grades for long-term solitary tasks involving careful planning and analysis of information. However, contrary to expectations, performance on tasks believed to be more suited to the Wholist/Intuitive style was also higher for Analytic individuals, as was overall ability defined by final degree grades. The results were discussed in terms of the nature of the tasks and the need for methods of performance assessment that are independent of an orientation bias. Without this, it is argued, employment selection criteria may favour the wrong type of candidate in some circumstances.  相似文献   

杨慧 《海外英语》2011,(15):69-70
The English vocabulary study is a very complicated process,affected by lots of factors.This article will analyze several important individual differences among learners,such as,learning style,gender and learning strategy,exploring the most effective ways to expand English vocabulary.  相似文献   

在个体和群体的相互影响中,哪些因素起主要作用,这些影响因素又是如何对二者产生影响的?文章针对该问题从经济学和心理学出发,通过对局部环境下作为理性经济人的个体行为进行计算机建模仿真,对个体行为与群体行为之间的相互影响关系进行了分析研究。实验结果较真实的涌现了现实世界中个体行为与群体行为之间的影响模式,说明文章所建立的模型能对个体行为与群体行为之间的相互影响关系做出较为合理的解释。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of pre‐structuring discussion threads on group performance in computer‐supported collaborative argumentation where students labeled their messages as arguments, challenges, supporting evidence, and explanations on a threaded discussion board. In the pre‐structured group students were required to post supporting and opposing arguments to designated and separate discussion threads. In the control group no discussion threads were designated for posting supporting and opposing arguments. The mean number of challenges elicited per argument was 64% greater with pre‐structured threads (ES = +.47). No significant differences were found in the mean number of counter‐challenges, supporting evidence, and explanations posted in reply to challenges. The findings suggest that prestructured discussion threads can increase the frequency of argument→challenge exchanges needed to initiate critical discourse.  相似文献   

在魏晋险恶的政治环境下,王弼、嵇康、阮籍、向秀、郭象等名士对个体与群体之间的关系进行辨析。王弼在形而上的视域下论述尊重个体的主体性,并强调崇本举末、一以统众,嵇康、阮籍在宇宙论视域下论述"以从欲为欢"的身躯我,向秀、郭象由宇宙论视域下的独化转化为形而上学的"同一"。此时的魏晋士人总体上继承汉代以来混杂难分的宇宙论和形而上学思想。  相似文献   

根据调查显示,高职学生的不良个性主要表现在自负、自私、依赖、偏激、好虚荣与优柔寡断。这是由于过强保护自尊心使他们产生自负的心理;家庭教育方式的不正确,使他们产生了自私、依赖心理;缺乏辩证思想使他们产生偏激心理;认知偏差与人格缺欠使他们产生好虚荣的心理。为此,要使学生学会正确评价自己与接受批评,告诫家长不要溺爱孩子,培养学生的劳动习惯,教会学生为别人做事,加强学生人格训练,使他们敢于承担责任和义务。  相似文献   

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