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This study aims to identify sources of stress and consequent stress levels in university academic staff, to identify the coping strategies used by staff, and to examine the relationship between stress levels and job satisfaction. The study sample, consisting of 414 (305 males and 109 females) academic staff, was asked two open‐ended questions which invited them to specify the five main causes of stress in their lives in general and at work. The Life Stress Scale (LSS) was used to assess academics’ stress levels. A coping strategies list was used to identify the strategies used by academic staff during stressful periods. Two questions were asked to assess the level of satisfaction felt by academics with their jobs. The results indicated that academic staff rate work as the most significant cause of stress in their lives (74%) and conducting research (40.3%) was the main cause of stress at work. Results showed also that 74.1% and 10.4% of the academic staff fall into the moderate and serious stress categories respectively, and that there were no significant differences between males and females in stress levels. There were significant differences between the four academic rank groups in stress levels, with lecturers as the most stressed group. The results also indicated that academic staff use a wide range of coping strategies. A negative significant correlation between stress and job satisfaction (r= – 0.444) was found, indicating an inverse relationship between stress level and satisfaction.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法了解福建省高校人事工作人员工作满意度总体状况,结果表明:高级职称人事工作人员工作满意度的各个维度上的得分均高于中级和初级职称;二本院校、职业院校人事工作人员总体工作满意度分值显著高于重点大学、一本院校。同一院校中男女人事工作人员之间存在升迁进修的明显差异;同一院校中总体工作满意度并不存在性别差异。提出高校管理层须重视人事管理人才的培养,促进人事管理人才的可持续发展建议。  相似文献   

论工作满意度与工作绩效的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
工作满意度与工作绩效间有着复杂的关系,对此学者们提出了不同的看法,这些理论观点可以归纳为“因果论”、“非因果论”、“重新定义概念论”等三种。通过对这三种观点的论述与评论,提出了工作满意度与工作绩效关系的研究出路在哪里的问题。  相似文献   

大学归根结底是进行学术生产的机构。因此,从经济学角度出发,提出大学学术生产力决定大学办学水平的观点。本文针对我国当前大学学术生产存在的问题,探讨制约大学学术生产力发展的主要因素,包括学术生产产权制度、学术资源配置方式、学术评价制度、学术管理制度、学术竞争和激励机制等方面。提升大学学术生产力的关键在于明晰学术生产产权制度,改善学术资源配置方式,构建合乎学术逻辑的学术评价机制,构建具有学术道德伦理约束的学术管理制度、构建科学的学术竞争和激励机制等。  相似文献   

Under the federal government's current policy on funding university research, institutions which can best identify and encourage the higher performers amongst their academic staff will fare better than others. However, in order to secure a strong position in competing for these government funds universities will need to know more about the research activity of their academic staff and how staff in different disciplines are likely to respond to the increased use of performance indicators. This paper reports the views of staff from one Australian university on such issues. One of the main findings is that potential research output is influenced by a range of factors including the differences in research styles, methods and strategies and the degree of dependence on funds. Such findings favour the differential use of performance measures depending on the nature of the research undertaken rather than the use of measures which are intended to standardise research output within or across disciplines.  相似文献   

陈利 《忻州师范学院学报》2007,23(2):115-116,128
绩效技术致力于提高组织和个人的绩效,在企业培训中得到了广泛的应用,取得了显著的效果。本文主要针对高校教师培训中存在的问题,阐述了运用绩效技术进行高校教师培训绩效改进的操作模式,以提高培训的效果。  相似文献   

论大学学术活动的特性与学术生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学学术活动的两个重要特性是隶属于精神生产活动、具有组织化的特征。大学学术活动的基本内容是知识传播、科学研究和知识应用,但“精神生产”的特性要求大学学者实现“学术化生存”;大学学术活动带来学者的高度分化,但“组织化”特性要求学者在“无形学院”的诸多启示下广泛开展交流与合作。从这两种特性出发改进大学学术活动,才能促进大学学术生产力的迅猛发展。  相似文献   

学术生产力包括三部分:人才的生产能力、学问的生产能力和学问的转化能力。它具有整体性、内隐性和变革性的特点。学术生产力是由多重影响因素的合力形成的,包括知识内在发展的动力、大学组织发展的驱动力以及社会发展的推动力。影响一流大学的学术生产力的主要因素有:国家政策、学术共同体、大学学术氛围和大学教师及研究人员的学术水平和学术能力。  相似文献   

创新高校中层干部绩效考核机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
创新高校中层干部绩效考核机制既是不断完善高校干部人事管理的内在需要,也是高校提高办学水平、应对外部竞争挑战的重要举措。建立科学合理、体现科学发展观要求的高校中层干部绩效考核体系,一要建立相对科学合理、可操作性强的评价指标体系,二要改进考核方法,三要强化考核结果使用效能。  相似文献   

就业满意度是衡量大学毕业生就业效果的主观指标,也是大学生对自身就业状况的综合评价指标。文章从心理学、博弈论、利益相关者理论等角度对大学生就业满意度的内涵及特征进行了剖析,以期对大学生就业满意度的概念、内涵和特征有一个比较全面的了解。  相似文献   

Community colleges accommodate nearly half of all United States college students. Increased reliance upon community colleges is driven by the current economic downturn, rising costs of higher education, and changing expectations for today's workforce requiring advanced skill sets. Community colleges offer more affordable options for broader spectrums of students including traditional and nontraditional college students and dual-enrolled high school students.

Community college faculty facilitate student learning and program completion. A shortage of community college faculty will likely emerge as numerous faculty retire. Community college administrators need strategies for retaining and recruiting faculty amid increasing retirements. One effective strategy is to offer a work environment that cultivates positive work-related attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction). This study examines the ability of select human capital investments, intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and sociodemographics to predict overall job satisfaction for full-time community college faculty. A cross-sectional predictive design was used with secondary analysis of the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) dataset.

Logistic Regression was utilized to determine predictive ability of the independent variables on overall job satisfaction. Results indicated that faculty were more likely to be satisfied with their work if they were satisfied with their salary, benefits and workload; were satisfied with the teaching support they received from their institutions; and if they perceived that females and minorities were treated fairly by the organization. Conversely, minority faculty were less likely to be satisfied, as were faculty who indicated they would again choose a career in academe if given the choice.  相似文献   

高校图书馆员工业绩考核是图书馆管理工作的重要组成部分,对图书馆的发展起着至关重要的作用。本文在分析高校图书馆员工业绩考核的重要性、可能性及目前高校图书馆业绩考核所存在问题的基础上,重点探讨了高校图书馆员工业绩考核体系建立的原则、基本内容及实施办法。最后,指明了进行业绩考核时应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

郑洁红 《莆田学院学报》2007,14(4):95-97,102
采用冯伯麟编制的《教师工作满意度量表》和自己设计的《莆田学院教师工作满意度调查问卷》,对莆田学院的360名教师进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷314份,结果表明:男女教师相比较,女教师比男教师在职业引力、工作投入、工作压力和组织承诺四个方面更满意,在自我实现和社会认可两方面不满意,在领导关系、工资收入、学生品质和同事关系四个方面没有明显的差异;在职务因素上兼职教师比专职教师在自我实现、工作压力、工资收入、职业引力、工作投入、组织承诺和社会认可七个方面更满意;在职称因素上高职称教师在职业引力、自我实现、工资收入、工作压力、领导关系、组织承诺、社会认可和工作投入八个方面更满意。  相似文献   

对142名企业在职员工进行问卷调查,通过实证研究探究工作倦怠、工作满意度与工作绩效三者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)工作倦怠与工作满意度相关;(2)工作倦怠与工作绩效相关;(3)工作满意度与工作绩效相关;(4)工作满意度在工作倦怠与工作绩效之间有部分中介作用。在数据研究的基础上,从降低工作倦怠和提高工作满意度两方面提出相应的策略,有助于提高企业员工的工作绩效。  相似文献   

教师的工作满意度不仅会影响学校的教育教学质量,而且还会影响学校的可持续性发展。蕴含激励机制的绩效工资制度,虽然有助于提升教师的工作满意度,但也有可能成为影响教师工作满意度的新因素。为此,在绩效工资制度的实施过程中,应着重公平原则、激励原则和可操作性原则。  相似文献   

调查高校教师工作满意度的现状及其影响因素是现代高校教育管理的一个切入方式。采用李克特量表,调查显示地方高校教师的工作满意度处于一般水平,工作环境、氛围保障等满意度较高,教学管理、科研环境和工作压力满意度较低,年龄、职称、学历和性别方面存在满意度差异。基于调查结果,需要从教师教学管理、科研提升、压力降低等着手,提升教师工作满意度,从而更好地激励教师,服务学校发展目标。  相似文献   

A system has been developed for measuring the performance of faculty members at Middle East Technical University (METU) in 1998. This system has been designed to provide feedback for improving the quality of academic work. It involves a separate set of criteria and measures for each college within the university. The criteria used for the College of Engineering include publications, editorial work and translation, professional and other research activities, educational activities, memberships and awards, and other activities. Faculty members are recruited based on these criteria. They report their activities and works annually as required by this system, and they can access their measurement results through the university Intranet. These results play a significant role in promotion of the faculty members. Awards are given to faculty members who demonstrate superior performance. This system has also been utilised to measure the efficiency of engineering departments, and guide and support departments in improving their efficiency. Since the beginning of implementation of this system, significant changes have been observed in preferences and activities of faculty members, and their performance. The paper discusses impact of this system on performance of the Engineering College.  相似文献   

教师绩效考核是高校人力资源管理的重要组成部分,也是高校人事管理制度改革的一项重要内容。本文将KPI引入高校教师绩效考核系统,阐述其内涵、优势及应注意的问题,并试图构建基于KPI的高校教师绩效考核指标体系。  相似文献   

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