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澳大利亚高等教育质量保证体制综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李兵 《高教探索》2003,(4):60-62,51
扼要阐述了澳大利亚高等教育部门的质量保证。首先综述了20世纪90年代澳大利亚高等教育质量保证的发展,然后总括了澳大利亚目前多层面质量保证体制。论及了两个联合政府机构:澳大利亚学历资格评定框架署和澳大利亚大学质量保证总署,联邦、州和地区政府,以及高等教育部门的各种职能。  相似文献   

高等教育质量保证机制的国际比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
侯威  许明 《江苏高教》2002,(6):52-55
高等教育大众化在一些发达国家已成为现实,高等教育质量保证机制是确保大众化高等教育健康发展的必要途径。本文选取英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰和瑞典5个国家的高等教育质量保证机制及其最新发展加以介绍,在此基础上归纳出政府主导型,民间中介组织主导型和中介机构与院校的内部质量保证机制相结合型三种高等教育保证模式,并对各种模式进行了利弊分析,提出了建立我国高等教育质量保证机制的几点建议。  相似文献   

高等教育评估与质量保证国际会议纪要1996年5月7日至9日,高等教育评估与质量保证国际会议在北京召开。参加大会的有来自中国、美国、日本、英国、韩国、澳大利亚、加拿大、丹麦、香港、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、新西兰、肯尼亚、尼日利亚等19个国家和地区的代表,共2...  相似文献   

澳大利亚高校为迎接目前高等教育所面临的各种挑战采取了质量保证框架,这对我国的高等教育健康发展有所裨益.中国高等教育发展一定要强化质量意识,加强教育教学评估.  相似文献   

综观荷兰、美国、澳大利亚三国高等教育外部质量保证体系,可以发现以下特点:社会外在压力和教育内在诉求推动外部质量保证体系的建立和发展;完善的教育立法成为外部质量保证体系建构的根基和依据;独立的中介机构充当外部质量保证体系的责任主体;健全的评估机制保障外部质量保证体系的有效运行。  相似文献   

澳大利亚高等教育质量保证机制概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,随着高等教育的迅猛发展,高等教育质量问题引起了世界各国的广泛关注.在全球化进程日益凸显的今天,各国高等教育面临的问题具有极大的相似性.澳大利亚高等教育为了适应国际国内环境变化的需要,在原有质量保证机制的基础上做了许多新的改革与尝试.本文试图从质量保证的实施机构、实施环节、实施重点和整个机制的特点加以介绍与分析,以便从中获得有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

高等教育的国际交流和合作日渐增多,了解外国高等学校的水准和质量更显重要。本文阐述了澳大利亚政府、有关机构和学校本身对高等教育的质量保证以及主要媒体和学者发表的大学排行榜等。目的是使读者对澳大利亚高等教育的水准和质量有一个基本认识,而更重要的是促使读者增长自己独立收集有关质量信息的能力。  相似文献   

建立系统完善的高等教育质量保证机制是时代的要求。本文从三个方面对于我国目前的高等教育质量保证机制进行了探讨:首先,从树立正确的高等教育质量观入手。其次,分析了我国目前高等教育质量保证机制存在的问题。最后,探讨如何构建我国的高等教育质量保证机制,从高等教育内部和高等教育外部两个方面进行了细致的分析。  相似文献   

随着教育国际化进程的不断深入,跨国高等教育将逐渐成为各国教育的重要组成部分,中国也不例外。澳大利亚的跨国高等教育发展较早,经过多年的发展,已渐成规模。澳跨国教育质量保障体系的构建和完善。促进了其跨国高等教育的健康发展。本文通过对澳大利亚国家的跨国质量保证策略框架的初步探析,试图总结其利弊,以期为中国跨国教育的健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>张伟远、傅璇卿在《中国远程教育》2014年第1期中撰文,介绍了澳大利亚资历框架建立和实施的发展历程,资历框架的具体内容,以及资历框架的质量保证机制。澳大利亚资历框架的建立源于上世纪60年代在高等教育领域中建立各级教育衔接和互通的高教体系的需要。1995年澳大利亚正式建立资历框  相似文献   

澳大利亚大学质量保障署是一个独立于政府之外的质量保障机构,对澳大利亚跨国高等教育质量的审核起着举足轻重的作用。澳大利亚大学质量保障署跨国教育质量保障框架的构建体现了不同于我国跨国教育评估的理念和策略,有可资斟酌和借鉴之处。本文尝试对此议题进行评析,并对我国的跨国高等教育评估体系的构建提出一些建议。  相似文献   

While globalization poses challenges, it also offers powerful opportunities for the higher education community to play a key role in shaping the future. This article explores globalization as a policy paradigm, both from international and local (Australian) perspectives. It first looks broadly at various strands of globalization - economic, political, cultural, technological - and suggests how each may relate to higher education. The specific example of Australia is then used to illustrate how one government is currently addressing globalization issues of particular concern to it: the promotion, protection, and quality assurance of education as an international enterprise. The government has used concerns about globalization as a "lever" to introduce new legislation extending control over the higher education sector. The author concludes by arguing that, like governments and other bodies, the higher education community can "leverage" globalization to judiciously move debate and shape future policy directions.  相似文献   

Higher education policies related to quality assurance are implemented in many countries. The purposes of such policies are to ensure the provision for high-quality education, university accountability and transparency in the use of public funding and meeting the needs of the diverse stakeholders. The current Australian Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework was implemented in the year 2000. It can be described that the framework has been enjoyed by universities, academics and other providers in Australia. This paper provides a brief history of quality assurance, its evolution in higher education in Australia and current changes and trends in quality assurance in other developed countries. It then provides an analysis of the success and deficiencies of the current framework used in Australia and suggestions which may be helpful in the development of the new framework. The analysis includes the thoughts of the three authors based on their experience in managing quality and reviews in seven different institutions and the views of more than 40 participants who are staff members from 25 Australian universities.  相似文献   

The complex and contested phenomenon of globalisation presents a fundamental challenge to higher education. Arguably, the development of quality assurance mechanisms during the 1990s and into the 2000s is one of the key globalising practices evident in many higher education sectors – in both developed and developing countries. However, there are still too few studies on the implications of globalisation processes grounded in detailed examinations of particular historical times and geographical spaces. It is important to investigate context-specific differences in potentially globalising policies and practices, rather than simply assuming global homogenisation. This paper offers an analysis of policy on quality assurance in Australian higher education over the last decade. It points to the changing discourses on `quality' over the period from a management device to a marketing device. It suggests that, in essence, quality assurance mechanisms have provided the government with an avenue for `steering at a distance', where the controls over universities and academics have not lessened but have changed form. The specific mechanisms used are both similar to, and different from, those evident in quality assurance policies in other higher education systems.  相似文献   

高等学校《本科教育教学质量报告》透视(笔谈)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育部拟建立全国高等学校教育教学质量年度报告发布制度,表明我国对高等教育质量的期待已从学校层面上升到了国家意志层面。2011年9月底,39所"985工程"大学首度公开发布了各自的《本科教育教学质量报告》,说明我国高教界已开始对社会期待和问责作出回应。尽管不能说各大学不重视,但它目前还没有很好地发挥信息平台、质量保障和管理监督的功能。作为创建具有中国特色的高等教育质量保障制度的重要举措,它还有待于从质量标准、报告内容和形式等方面进一步规范和完善。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical–political discourse analysis of the media debate over quality assurance in higher education, which occurred in Chile after the 2011 student movement. Students criticized the privatization of higher education and the multiple flaws of this sector, which included corruption scandals during the process of quality assurance certification. After the end of the movement, the government announced a new quality assurance system, triggering public discussion over this issue in the media. The most influential newspapers and educational authorities participated actively in this debate. Through editorials and columns, these education agents constructed quality assurance discursively as a domain for experts, who have to design and administer quality standards for all educational institutions and actions. These procedures regulate and discipline educational practices, but professors and students are excluded from this debate. Thus, this quality assurance discussion reproduces the traditional neoliberal power relations in education and does not problematize the role of education in society.  相似文献   

This article seeks to spark a dialectic discussion on the establishment of a set of professional competencies for quality assurance practitioners who serve in external quality assurance agencies in higher education. Such a need is identified due to the shortage of relevant and sufficient coverage in the quality assurance literature. To substantiate the need, the concepts of professionalism and profession, and how these concepts are linked to the quality assurance in higher education sector, are carefully examined through a desk-top research study. References are drawn from the experiences in several other occupations. The result reveals that the development of the essential competencies for external quality assurance practitioners in higher education is valuable and essential and it will be useful for the practitioners to transform themselves into a profession in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper provides a study of the quality assurance and accreditation in the Jordanian higher education sector and focuses mainly on engineering education. It presents engineering education, accreditation and quality assurance in Jordan and considers the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) for a case study. The study highlights the efforts undertaken by the faculty of engineering at JUST concerning quality assurance and accreditation. Three engineering departments were accorded substantial equivalency status by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology in 2009. Various measures of quality improvement, including curricula development, laboratories improvement, computer facilities, e-learning, and other supporting services are also discussed. Further assessment of the current situation is made through two surveys, targeting engineering instructors and students. Finally, the paper draws conclusions and proposes recommendations to enhance the quality of engineering education at JUST and other Jordanian educational institutions.  相似文献   

The context of higher education across the world currently presents evidence of university failures. These failures are evident in areas such as governance, financial and risk management, conduct of senior leaders and quality assurance issues surrounding international education. Having this in mind, the present paper argues the need to add a new definition (to what is already known) of quality. The conceptual approach proposed by the authors takes into account ethics and morals as key virtues of the higher education sector. The literature shows that it is still difficult to find agreement on a single definition of the concept. University leaders and quality assurance professionals define quality in many different ways. However, despite the ethical challenges in the current higher education landscape, little has been discussed on the connection between quality, ethics and moral values. Therefore, the authors provide the unexplored relationship between these concepts.  相似文献   

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