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Tiago Mata  Tom Scheiding 《Minerva》2012,50(4):423-449
Research in the social sciences received generous patronage in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Research was widely perceived as providing solutions to emerging social problems. That generosity came under increased contest in the late 1970s. Although these trends held true for all of the social sciences, this essay explores the various ways by which economists in particular reacted to and resisted the patronage cuts that were proposed in the first budgets of the Reagan administration. Economists?? response was three fold: to engage in joint lobbying with other social scientists, to tap into their authority as a respected policy player, and to influence the types of research financed by the patron. With interviews of the former lobbyist for the social scientists, the former director of the Economics program for the National Science Foundation, and a review of the archival records of economists and their scholarly society, we discuss how economists have claimed entitlement to patronage in the closing decades of the twentieth century. We observe a dynamic and productive relationship between politicians and researchers mediated by the National Science Foundation, where civil servants, lobbyist and public minded scientists, and self-serving grantees trade roles.  相似文献   

Geert J. Somsen 《Minerva》2008,46(3):361-379
That science is fundamentally universal has been proclaimed innumerable times. But the precise geographical meaning of this universality has changed historically. This article examines conceptions of scientific internationalism from the Enlightenment to the Cold War, and their varying relations to cosmopolitanism, nationalism, socialism, and ‘the West’. These views are confronted with recent tendencies to cast science as a uniquely European product.
Geert J. SomsenEmail:

Geert Somsen   is assistant professor in history of science. After a PhD in the history of chemistry, his current work focuses on socialist conceptions of science in the twentieth century and on scientific internationalism. With Harmke Kamminga, he edited Pursuing the Unity of Science: Scientific Practice and Ideology between the Great War and the Cold War (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, forthcoming).  相似文献   

明末清初时事小说近来受到了研究者的关注,本文将时事小说作为一个文学现象,纳入到整个小说史视野中,梳理唐人小说、宋人话本、明代小说(包括白话和文言)及晚清小说是如何以小说方式讲述时事的,借此管窥小说史视野中时事小说作为一个新的文学现象,其萌芽、发展、变化的规迹。  相似文献   

叶彤 《文化交流》2003,(1):52-54
由国务院新闻办公室统一协调、组织的“历史的记忆”大型展览活动,于2002年10月17日至11月5日在美国华盛顿等地展出。浙江省政府新闻办公室组团参加展览活动,组织承办“营救杜利特尔轰炸机队”部分图片、实物制作和组织浙江救助者与美国杜利特尔轰炸机队老飞行员互相交流活动。 展览场所设在位于华盛顿市中心国际贸易中心大楼的威尔逊国际学者中心展厅。威尔逊中心主席帕密尔顿与国务  相似文献   

The compact disk (CD) player was one of the major audio innovations of the 1980s in the Netherlands. For studies of the temporal and social diffusion pattern of the CD player and the compact disks, both cultural and economic theories about innovations and music consumption are available. In this paper, these theories are combined in six working hypotheses concerning earlier adoption. The empirical analysis includes both time-invariant and time-varying variables and consumer characteristics. Event history analysis, the technique used in this article, enables one to incorporate these kinds of variables simultaneously in a dynamic model. Compared with the diffusion models usually employed by means of longitudinal analysis, event history analysis is a significant improvement in studying the development of the CD market in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary research is frequently viewed as an important component of the research landscape through its innovative ability to integrate knowledge from different areas. However, support for interdisciplinary research is often strategic rhetoric, with policy-makers and universities frequently adopting practices that favour disciplinary performance. We argue that disciplinary and interdisciplinary research are complementary, and we develop a simple framework that demonstrates this for a semi-permanent interdisciplinary research field. We argue that the presence of communicating infrastructures fosters communication and integration between disciplines and the interdisciplinary research field to generate innovative knowledge. We apply this to the experience of economic history in Australia in the second half of the twentieth century to demonstrate the life cycle of a semi-permanent interdisciplinary research field.  相似文献   

随着北京2008年奥运会的逼近,民众越来越关心“中国”品牌的树立,学习英语的热情也被点燃。越来越多的外宣干部和业内同行向我们表达了期待看到双语栏目的愿望。因此,我们自2006年第1期起开办了《双语视窗》栏目以满足广大读者的需求。 看看周围的媒体,在《北京青年报》、《参考消息》、《国门时报》上有许多精粹的小短文,像一只只啄木乌,善意地提醒了中国人习以为常的行为背后“尚未和国际接轨”的细节,读后让人回味不已。在获得借鉴意义的同时,也带来更深入的思考。我们效仿中英文对照的版面形式,旨在通过外国友人的视角来看中国,从中折射出东西方观念、习俗的异同。通过一篇篇这样的文章,让读者在领略异域文化的同时,也能达到学习英语的目的。  相似文献   

正"大英博物馆百物展:浓缩的世界史"最近在上海博物馆启幕。展览按照时间线索,从人类文明鸿蒙初开,直到我们创造的当今世界,来自大英博物馆的100件难得一见的藏品,讲述了人类如何改造世界、世界又是如何塑造人类的漫长历程,浓缩了一部悠久而丰富的别样"世界简史"。这100  相似文献   

《梁书》与《南史》的刘勰传对刘勰的身世、经历和文集等的记载是不同的,由此引起研究者对有关刘勰的问题有不同的观点。根据相关的历史资料,本文认为,《梁书·刘勰传》的记载是可信的,而《南史·刘勰传》对《梁书·刘勰传》所做的删减,并非是由于其“失实”,而是因为就简或存疑。因此,在对刘勰及其《文心雕龙》的研究中,《梁书·刘勰传》是弥足珍贵的历史资料。  相似文献   

所有的历史对于亲历者而言都必然拥有怀旧的可能,怀旧不是缘于自恋,不是缘于矫情,它是针对自我生命体验的一种积极关怀,是超越于自恋之上的有关时代命运感的亲切体认,是对人生价值毫无挑剔的一次慷慨感恩。而自恋则无关乎历史,无关乎时代,因为极端的自我中心主义者始终只是一个空间性的存在,他们从不理会时间,幻觉是其固有的生存方式,真实因此永远难以闯入他们的视域。只有在乐观主义的历史进化论者那里,怀旧才会遭遇到理所当然的质疑。在他们看来,怀旧之于往昔看似伤怀的眷恋,不仅冷落了进步理性所致力抵达的美好未来,也忽略了此刻注定胜出…  相似文献   

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