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Engaged journalism emerging today bears a striking resemblance to the public journalism movement of the twentieth century in the United States. They have similar values and spirits, believing that journalists should connect more with local communities and help create public conversation. They also share similar techniques. While generally considered a failed movement, public journalism may provide important lessons for the future of engaged journalism. Analyzing public journalism in the three major domains of journalism studies – normative, democratic, and commercial – this essay discusses how engaged journalism can learn from the missteps of its predecessor.  相似文献   

图书馆拥有提高公众素质、开发信息资源、传播文化、促进文艺和科技进步的公益性功能。图书馆采购作品,回报作者;传播作品,丰富著作权人收益、保证公众作品使用;守望作品公有领域,确保公共利益。因此,图书馆在维系著作权个人利益与社会公共利益和谐均衡方面,起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

In light of the media industry’s growing focus on audience engagement, this article explores how online and offline forms of engagement unfold within journalism, based on a comparative case study of two American public media newsrooms. This study addresses gaps in the literature by (1) examining what engagement means for public media and (2) applying the concept of reciprocal journalism to evaluate the nature of reciprocity (direct, indirect, or sustained) in the give-and-take between journalists and their communities. Drawing on direct observation and in-depth interviews, this article shows how this emerging focus on engagement is driven by public media journalists’ desire to make their relationship with the public more enduring and mutually beneficial. We find that such journalists privilege offline modes of engagement (e.g., listening sessions and partnerships with local organizations) in hopes of building trust and strengthening ties with their community, more so than digital modes of engagement (e.g., social media) that are more directly tied to news publishing. Moreover, this case study reveals that public media organizations, in and through their engagement efforts, are distinguishing between the communities they cover in their reporting and the audiences they reach with their reporting.  相似文献   


Deception is a key element of immersive undercover journalism, achieved through the omission of information, the perpetuation of misconceptions, or possibly the assumption of a false identity. Usually when proponents defend going undercover, they use the-ends-justify-the-means arguments; that despite the journalist’s duplicity, public benefit outweighs the dishonesty that lies at the heart of the practice. Yet, such statements are usually made in the absence of in-depth theoretical analysis. This paper seeks to redress this by applying Standpoint Theory, testing it against the work of Günter Wallraff, Germany’s lauded but controversial undercover journalist who uses disguises to report on that country’s marginalized and disadvantaged. While the authors applaud Wallraff’s exposure of the deplorable illegal and immoral dealings he uncovers, and do not seek to dismiss the significant results he has achieved, this paper uses the case study of his work to test the applicability of Standpoint Theory to undercover journalism, concluding that even under this accommodating theory, there may be ethical limits to journalism’s most ethically contentious practice.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative historical analysis of the relationship between journalism as institution (i.e., a particular set of organizations in society) and journalism as work (i.e., an activity practiced by individuals) in four European countries: Britain, Sweden, Germany, and Estonia. The analysis compares the institutional context of journalistic work in these four countries around 1860, focusing in particular on the organization of journalistic labor at the national newspaper of record. The historical comparison reveals how exceptional the British case is. The study finds that British journalism circa 1860 exhibited a high division of labor, high labor specialization, and was increasingly focused on news gathering and production. Swedish and German journalism exhibited an emerging division of labor and labor specialization, and was focused on political debate (rather than news gathering and production). Estonian journalism exhibited hardly any division of labor or labor specialization, and was focused on raising national awareness.  相似文献   

公益传播四维框架的构建和阐释   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文将公益传播置于公民社会逐渐形成的现实环境之中,以传播主体为切入点,形成"媒体公益传播"、"企业公益营销"、"政府公益管理"、"民众公益参与"四个考量维度,称之为"公益传播的四维框架".探讨我国公民社会构建中四个维度如何统筹,为公益传播提供符合现实的功能性解释框架.  相似文献   

This study examined the intergroup language used by young heterosexual Australians in conversations about HIV/AIDS and safe sex. Sixty male and 72 female heterosexuals participated in four‐person facilitated conversations (same‐sex or mixed‐sex) about HIV/AIDS and safe sex, which were recorded and transcribed. We focused on extracts concerning strangers or malevolent individuals who appear to be group members, along with extracts involving foreign national groups. Discourse analysis showed that groups at lower levels of social distance were constructed mainly in terms of individual responsibility. At moderate social distance, stereotypes were more negative, but sub‐typing was common, whereas at the highest levels, people were constructed entirely in intergroup terms. The findings of this study suggest that HTV prevention programs should make reference to all salient outgroups, so as to neutralize communicative strategies that strengthen intergroup boundaries as a means of reducing perceived personal threat of HIV infection.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过对我国现行著作权立法及修法草案中图书馆相关公共利益的缺失现状展开分析,就如何加强网络时代图书馆相关公共利益的维护这一问题从立法角度提出学术建议。[方法/过程] 通过文献综述分析、国外立法援引以及法理比较论证等研究方法对图书馆相关公共利益的保护进行分析。[结果/结论] 图书馆相关公共利益可以通过对原则性条款(包括著作权法宗旨条款和合理使用原则性条款)以及具体个别条款(包括许可使用实践、科研成果共享以及文献传递)的提出与加强予以维护和保障。  相似文献   

This article examines key scenes and ideas portrayed in the film Spotlight and discusses related landmark Supreme Court cases as a reaffirmation of the value of a professional, free press in a democratic society. Based on actual events, the movie adaptation follows journalists from the Boston Globe (within an investigate unit with the actual name “Spotlight”) as they reveal one of the biggest scandals of the twenty-first century, the cover up of systematic abuse of children by priests; and go up against one of the most powerful institutions in the world, the Catholic Church. By giving a voice and a platform for the victims, and by meticulously researching the story, the film provides a clear and strong argument for the continued court protection of one of the United States’ founding principles: freedom of the press.  相似文献   

Broadcast network newsrooms are powerful gatekeepers, setting cultural standards and attitudes for America at large via the stories they tell and the images they project. In 1968, the federal Kerner Commission chastised American news media for ignoring race, and seeing through the “white man’s eyes” and speaking from “the white perspective.” Grounded in critical and cultural studies and organizational theory, this study analyzes the experiences of 23 post-Civil Rights generation black journalists working in broadcast newsrooms who continue to struggle against anti-black cultural norms and attitudes at great physical, psychological and financial cost.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 2013, HBO produced or distributed over twenty HIV/AIDS programs. These films trace a cultural shift from an early focus on AIDS as a public health issue to be dealt with through individual “safe-sex” practices and ethical citizenship to a later focus on AIDS as a global pandemic where the explicit strategy becomes a reliance on non-state actors to combat AIDS. This article argues that HBO's HIV/AIDS films are embedded within a cultural approach to AIDS that relies on governmental logics and neoliberal solutions – not direct action, but directing action.  相似文献   

论文通过对盐城市图书馆举办的"七彩的夏日--未成年人暑期系列活动"进行探究与剖析,认为暑期是加强未成年人思想道德建设的最佳时机,在暑期开展读书活动,既是发挥公共图书馆社会教育职能的需要,也是建立公共文化服务体系的需要.让青少年读者变"阅读"为"悦读"是公共图书馆加强未成年人思想道德建设的新举措.  相似文献   


The privacy and confidentiality of library use are often at odds with efficiency in and customization of library public services. When librarians make decisions about services and privacy, they should consider strategic approaches to defining and discussing privacy and become familiar with the law of library privacy and their ethical commitment to privacy in library use. A wide range of library services and efficiencies threaten privacy and introduce the potential for secondary uses of personally identifying information collected by the library. Market failure for privacy weakens the value of consumer surveys and consent as substitutes for librarians' choices between privacy and services. Compromises such as those outlined by the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee offer reasonable approaches to libraries and librarians struggling with the uncertainties that characterize the challenge of meeting both service and privacy interests.  相似文献   

洪黎  柴春英 《新闻界》2009,(2):74-75
网络媒介的崛起,为媒体、公众和政府三者之间实现良性互动,构建富有生命力的主流舆论提供了技术上的可能性.参与舆论构成的各方,应努力实现社会意见相互交换的畅通,媒体从业行为的高专业标准以及意见表达的成熟与理性,为和谐社会的构建奠定基础.  相似文献   


This study explored how men who have sex with men (MSM) communicated their use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on smartphone applications. Informed by the theory of problematic integration and uncertainty management, we asked if revealing ‘HIV negative, on PrEP’ status on smartphone applications might increase one's uncertainty in communicating about safe sex with others. We conducted interviews with 31 Taiwanese MSM currently taking PrEP who participated in a national demonstration project. We identified three types of PrEP-related uncertainty: condition, information, and stigma uncertainty. Applied implications of our findings indicate the importance of the feasibility of medical infrastructure in implementing PrEP, the complication in translating scientific and medical jargon into everyday language, and dynamics of negotiating stigmas associated with HIV and AIDS in the context of HIV prevention.  相似文献   

In late nineteenth-century USA, technological developments in paper production—a shift from a reliance on scarce cotton rag to plentiful wood—drastically reduced the price of newsprint. That decline helped overturn the reigning economics of the daily newspaper and resulted in the rise of new cheap papers with vastly expanded circulation. This novel mass press encompassed almost all Americans in the public sphere as represented by its pages. Focusing on newspapers in Detroit, this study examines the manifold consequences this shift had for the press's economics, its news agenda, and the implicit identity of the audience it addressed. The rise of a mass press in the late nineteenth century, however, was not specific to Detroit or the USA. As comparative historians have highlighted, the emergence of a mass press in Europe and elsewhere was a turning point that deeply marked the historical evolution of press systems around the globe.  相似文献   

Virtually every public library in the United States provides public access Internet computers as a role central to its mission. This article addresses the issue of why the Internet matters for public libraries, both in terms of impacts on the general public, particularly the digitally disadvantaged (part one of the article) and impacts on libraries themselves (part two of the article). Each part of this report begins with an extensive literature review, followed by a data analysis section. In part one, the author uses the 2000 United States Census dataset to evaluate library efforts to bridge the digital divide, by analyzing differences in the growth of public terminals in library systems serving counties with different levels of household income, households in poverty, non-white households, and non-English-speaking households. The analysis finds no disparity in the number of public computers available in areas with high and low incomes but finds a significant—and widening—disparity in the number of computers available in areas with a higher versus lower percentage of non-white and non-English-speaking households. In part two of the report, the author uses a random effects linear regression model to estimate the effects of Internet access on library usage. This analysis finds that having Internet terminals (versus having no Internet terminals) has a significant positive effect on a library's visits and reference transactions, but not on a library's circulation. An increase in the number of Internet terminals has no significant effect, positive or negative, on visits, reference transactions, or circulation.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):407-420
Determining whether or not to publish controversial photographs is a challenge for any editor, particularly when questions arise regarding invasion of privacy. Further complications occur when these images involve members of the British Royal Family, given the longstanding tension between the British press and the Royal Family. Within weeks of the 15th anniversary of Princess Diana's death, British newspaper editors faced two separate ethical dilemmas of whether or not to publish nude photos of Prince Harry and of Prince William's wife, Kate Middleton. This study uses qualitative textual analysis of 111 editorials and opinion columns in Britain's national newspapers to determine why the British press made these decisions. We found that editors and commentators offered conflicted explanations over whether Harry and Kate had an expectation of privacy in their respective contexts and whether or not the images were in the public interest. Prior good or bad behavior, the legacy of Princess Diana and her treatment by the press, the situational factors involved in each case, and their respective marital statuses were all used as reasons behind whether or not privacy won over the appeal to the public interest. We argue the restraint used by the British press in publishing these private royal photos and the somewhat robust discussion of press ethics captured in this discourse may be evidence of a tentative shift in how newspapers address privacy and the Royal Family.  相似文献   

我国已初步形成一套舆情信息工作体系,并在机构、队伍、制度、理论、技术等方面取得一定成效。但该体系存在工作机构不健全、报送内容不明晰、报送指向不明确、人员激励不充分、信息分层不具体、信息采集不深入、信息不能共享等问题。需完善舆情机构和网络,加强部门间合作交流和信息共享,强化舆情工作者激励机制,深化舆情信息分析研究,构建舆情调查和安全保障机制,以形成职能明确、运作有效、成果显著的舆情信息工作体系。  相似文献   


Much has been written about the competencies that reference providers must exhibit to be successful at their positions given today's technology-rich, information environment. Many have proclaimed new mandatory technological and attitudinal qualities for librarians, while others have interviewed future, practicing, and hiring librarians for their perspectives on this topic. This study adds to the existing literature by examining a dataset of 9,683 recorded reference transactions collected during the fall 2012 semester in an urban, academic/public library. This dataset provides a very current look at the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities that reference providers need to be successful at this library.  相似文献   

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