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中华民族传统体育在其形成过程中,受到儒、道、墨、释等多种文化影响.民族传统体育文化属性呈现出地域性、民族性、生产与生活性和文化认同性.随着文化的全球化,势必带来体育全球化,在此背景下,民族传统体育的发展,首先应该建立足够的信心,确立民族传统体育是民族文化的重要遗产这一坚实的理念,并坚信民族传统体育同样有鲜明的普遍性.  相似文献   

在世界文化频繁交流与碰撞的背景下,一方面,我国民族传统体育要发展,就要保持民族传统体育的民族特色,挖掘中国民族传统体育中的民族精神,强化民族性,建设当代体育文化,并以此立于世界体育文化之林,为世界体育文化建设做出贡献。另一方面,面对人类文化日益趋向世界性与民族性,随着中国全面走向世界,中国体育文化应大力挖掘民族传统体育的优势,使民族传统体育运动更加规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

民族传统体育的实践内容是我国多元传统体育文化的体现,它所凝聚的是中华各民族最具代表性的优秀传统文化.所以,在构建民族传统体育实践内容上,既要体现出它的民族性,又要体现出它的传统性和时代性.  相似文献   

满族传统体育文化特征探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满族是中国少数民族中人口最多的民族之一,有着丰富多彩的体育文化。在现代化进程中满族传统体育文化主要表现为狩猎民族性、军事传承性、宗教信仰性、民族融合性等文化特征。针对满族传统体育发展历程及其体现出的文化特性进行研究,对于推动满族传统体育文化的发展,弘扬优秀民族体育文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

也论民族传统体育的基本性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探索民族传统体育的性质不仅对深化研究极有必要,而且对其当代重构更有重要意义.但由于观察角度不同,各家研究结果存在较大差异.本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法,对民族传统体育的传统性、民族性和体育属性三个显性特征,以及传统性和民族性相对的两个隐性特性——时代性和世界性进行分析,这样,民族传统体育的基本性质便在最能显示其本质特性的五维空间中得到全面而实质性的充分展现.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法以及田野调查法等研究方法,并通过社会学、民族学等学科视野对武陵山片区民族体育现代化发展的原则进行相关的研究。研究结果表明:武陵山片区民族传统体育现代化发展的原则应突出民族传统体育的民族性;保持民族传统体育的大众性;完善和发展民族传统体育的竞技性和规则性。传统文化是民族传统体育现代化的基石。  相似文献   

民族传统体育属民族文化范畴 ,民族传统体育专业教育具有鲜明的民族性 .开发民族传统体育是当代体育教育改革的必然趋势 ,具有良好的社会和经济价值 .然而 ,在现有的条件下 ,开发民族传统体育必须制定明确的教学目标 ,从本地的教育实际出发 ,尽可能地协调好各方面的制约因素  相似文献   

本研究运用实地调查、专家论证、文献资料等研究方法,对贵州世居毛南族原生态传统体育文化进行调查。调查结果发现:毛南族传统体育文化与毛南人的生产生活紧密相联,具有独特的民族性和广泛的适用性,毛南族传统体育文化既能增强民族凝聚力,又能健身娱乐,但传承与发展令人担忧。因此,建议把传统体育文化的传承与民族旅游产业的发展相结合,实现传统体育文化与旅游产业发展的双赢。  相似文献   

中学体育课程内容呈竞技性发展模式,缺乏民族性,而民族传统体育项目具有民族性和娱乐性等特点,能够弥补竞技体育的缺陷。适应中学课程改革需要,按照教育部课改纲要提出的要求筛选体育课程内容,充分利用我国丰富的民族传统体育资源,在中学积极开展舞龙运动。丰富青少年体育课程内容,传承民族传统体育精华,构建具有健康性、娱乐性和民族性的中学体育课程内容。  相似文献   

一种文化既有其民族性,又有时代性,一个民族自己创造文化,并不断发展,成为传统文化,这是文化的民族性,一个民族创造了文化,同时在发展过程中它又必然接受别的民族的文化,要进行文化交流,这就是文化的时代性。民族性与时代性有矛盾,但又统一,缺一不可,继承传统文化,就是保持文化的民族性;吸收外国文化,进行交流,就是保持文化的时代性,所以文化的民族性与时代性这个问题会贯彻始终的。  相似文献   

This chapter focuses on the attempt by Croatian leaders to use educational policies to incorporate ethnic minorities into the societal mainstream and create an ideal contemporary Croatian citizen. Unfortunately, progress toward these goals is difficult in light of the serious emotional consequences of Yugoslavian Civil War. The case of Marina, a Croatian adolescent, is used to highlight the differences between the stated curriculum and what actually transpires during conversations in schools and classrooms. The chapter reminds us that the politics of education cannot be understated. Refugees and displaced students are particularly vulnerable to the political whims of many groups.  相似文献   

平武地区的白马藏族,与阿坝州九寨县和甘肃省文县的藏族,具有同属于一种族性类别的共同文化特性。但对平武白马藏族的族属问题上,学术界颇有争议,莫衷一是。本文以“格厘村”为个案,对白马藏族的族源及其现状进行考察。  相似文献   

We examined the role of justification for knowing beliefs in learning and comprehension when ethnic majority and ethnic minority students from the same school classes read five conflicting documents on the scientific issue of sun exposure and health. Results showed that the more ethnic minority students trusted scientific authorities and the less they relied on personal opinion when validating knowledge claims in the domain of science, the more they learned from and the better they comprehended the documents. In contrast, justification for knowing beliefs did not seem to play a role in learning and comprehension among ethnic majority students. These results may reflect that the documents represented more of a challenge to the ethnic minority students, with justification beliefs affecting learning and comprehension processes to a greater extent when the task is perceived as an ill-structured problem. This study is probably the first to indicate different relationships between various justification beliefs and performance in different language and cultural groups, having theoretical as well as educational implications.  相似文献   

缅甸民族问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族问题是缅甸最严重的国内问题之一,缅甸也是东南亚地区民族问题最严重的国家之一。本在概述缅甸民族总体状况的基础上,对缅甸民族问题的表现以及缅甸政府为解决民族问题所采取的措施进行了分析,认为缅甸的民族问题已经得到了缓和,但它的发展还存在一些障碍因素。  相似文献   

试论民族村寨旅游的特征与开发原则   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从民族村寨旅游的概念、内涵与发展背景出发,在分析民族村寨旅游基本特征的基础上,提出了民族村寨旅游开发的基本原则.  相似文献   

论民族认同性与多民族国家民族政策的成功调整   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代多民族国家 ,几乎共同面对这样一种矛盾 ,即 :如何让文化的多元与政治统一和内部秩序并存。矛盾的解决难以仅靠某一两项民族政策的调整便能奏效 ,有时甚至需要对整个政策以及制定政策背后的理念进行反思。对民族认同性复杂性的分析 ,对民族认同性对于多民族国家政治统一、内部秩序和谐的正反两方面作用的分析及相关变量的研究 ,可以启发我们的思路 ,增添思想上某种有益的兴奋感  相似文献   

中国西南地区少数民族大学生民族认同心理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In China, ethnic identity refers to both one’s own ethnic identity and the identity of the Chinese nation. It is of great significance not only to individuals’ mental health and full play of psychological functions but also to ethnic solidarity and regional and national stability. On the whole, ethnic minority college students in the Southwestern regions have positive national identity and behavior tendency. Universities and colleges should further uplift students’ national identity and improve their behavior through education. __________ Translated from Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu 民族教育研究(Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 2007, 18(2): 32–36  相似文献   


The education of special needs students in Portugal goes back to the beginning of the nineteenth century, but its major developments were initiated after the middle of this century. At the beginning of the 1960s, a movement for integration was begun that gained a considerable impetus after the April 1974 revolution and the re‐establishment of a democratic regime. Since then, this movement and the inclusion of SEN pupils has grown both in quality and quantity. Portugal has shown itself to be very open to models coming from abroad and created a significant experience in this field, integrating in regular schools approximately 75 per cent of the existing SEN pupils. New challenges have appeared with the Inclusion movement that have not only changed the strict scope of the ‘handicapped’ population, but have acquired ambitious aims with regard to the improvement of regular schools and education for all.  相似文献   

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