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Hepingli, a working-class residential district developed in the 1950s in Beijing. At 9 am everyday, Duan Xiaoying appears in a first-floor apartment in the district after driving his daughter to school and his wife to office respectively. This small apartment is the legacy of his diplomat father who liked doing woodwork for leisure. Duan recalls that his first oil painting box was made by his father. Now the apartment becomes his studio where he spends the whole day for oil creation. Duan us…  相似文献   

延续几近一个世纪的有关《西游记》“祖本”问题的探讨和论争,堪称异说纷呈,宏论选出。一言以蔽之,成果应予肯定,问题不容忽视。今作必要回顾和反思,以促进新世纪中更好发展。 一 谈论《西游记》“祖本”探讨源头时期的情况,首先应该介绍的当然是鲁迅先生。不过,鲁迅先生并非“祖本”一词的首倡者。他只是在1925年出版的《中国小说史略·明之神魔小说》一节中,对吴承恩百回本《西游记》①和简本《西游记传》②的承传关系作具体分析时,指出:“一百回本《西游记》,盖出于四十一回本《西游记传》之后”,“《西游记》全书次第,…  相似文献   

吴德祥 《寻根》2002,(2):84-84
在福建连城冠豸山下,有一四堡乡,仍保存有完整的雕板印刷化古迹。  相似文献   

吴福辉 《寻根》2004,(4):89-93
我在梦里见过我祖居地宁波镇海的老屋. 我并不出生在镇海,中年以前也无缘面识我父亲出生的地方.像我这样在户口簿的籍贯栏目里填甲地,而在出生栏里却填乙地的人,如今是越来越多了.比如我就生于上海,我的儿子北上生在了鞍山,到我孙子已生在了北京.报户口的时候,我儿子不假思索就给孩子写下籍贯"宁波"两字,我看了直发愣.  相似文献   

胡子龙 《寻根》2011,(2):135-137
今居住在鞍山市及附近的回族同胞,世代相传他们的祖籍是在一个叫"小云南"的地方。笔者认为,曾经是云南县旧地的今祥云一带,是"小云南"之地。据《祥云县志》等地方志书载:汉元封二年(前109年),  相似文献   

祝勇 《寻根》2001,(6):84-89
在一块贫瘠的土地上,富有如何保护自己的财富,确乎是一道难题。最容易想到的办法,就是盖起一座牢固的监狱,把自己连同堆成山的白银一起关起来,就像把美女锁于深闺,把尸体埋入土中,于隔绝中获取永恒的安全。砖墙的高度似乎与安全的程度有关,所以尽管山西民居以平房为主,但乔家大院的院墙还是有了夸张的高度。  相似文献   

Built 700 years ago, the Zhuge Village in the mountains of East China's Zhejiang Province has enjoyed the country's greatest labyrinths and most mysterious architectural works, thus attracting visitors from home and abroad.  相似文献   

Nujiang River, rising in the Tanggula Mountains in west China, stretches southeast through Yunnan Province. Known as Salween River in its lower course, it flows into Myanmar in Dehong, a Chinese prefecture dwelled by Dai people, and finally joins the Indian Ocean in Myanmar.[第一段]  相似文献   

The Qujiang International Shadow Art Festival 2010,taking place in Xi’an,China,attracted a great many celebrated photographers as well as photography lovers.They were fascinated by the magnificent beauty and exquisite  相似文献   

"I've been back to Lhasa; I've been back to the Tangula Mountains. " The popular song Back to Lhasa by rock singer Zheng Jun always lingers in my mind and I eventually decided to go to Lhasa, a city that I had dreamed of many times in my life.  相似文献   

Yuxian County, called Yuzhou in ancient times, enjoys unique terrains and old traditions. As it borders with the northern province of Shanxi, it shares many cultural and business similarities with Pingyao, an old town of Shanxi inscribed in the World Heritage List. Since it is not far from Beijing, Yuxian has become a frequent destination for travelers from Beijing. The Extraordinary Art of Paper Cut In a paper cut workshop of Yuxian County, I was fortunate to see the whole production …  相似文献   

这是发生在英国的一个真实的故事。有位孤独的老人,无儿无女,又体弱多病,他决定搬到养老院去。老人宣布出售他漂亮的住宅。购买者闻讯蜂拥而至。住宅底价8万英镑,但人们很快就将它炒到10万英镑了。价钱还在不断攀升。老人深陷在沙发里,满目忧郁。是的,要不是自己的健康状况不好,他是不会买掉这栋陪他度过大半生的住宅的。一个衣着朴素的青年来到老人跟前,弯下腰,低声说:“先生,我也非常想买这栋住宅,可我只有1万英镑。”“但是,它的底价是8万英镑,”老人淡淡地说道,“现在它已升到10万英镑了。”青年并不沮丧,真诚地说,“如果您把住宅卖给我…  相似文献   

Conflicts over territory are about the power to establish dominant cultures in territories and are often accompanied by cultural claims to legitimacy by each side. The cultural claims, or ideologies, are often expressed in terms of “homeland” dwellers versus “intruders.” Two recent movies, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and The Hundred-Foot Journey, depict such conflicts. They refer to novel groups in the depictions, but they follow the pattern of earlier movies, such as Broken Arrow. Novel groups are required because the earlier examples of despised alien cultures no longer convey to modern audiences the extreme hostility felt by the combatants in the earlier movies.  相似文献   

中国古代女性出游行为特征新探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在中国旅游史研究中,女性旅游现象没有受到应有的重视,学者很少从性别角度来讨论男女两性旅游行为的差异.人们所说的旅游往往就是男性旅游,女性旅游行为较少受到关注和研究.而在现代女性旅游兴起并普遍化的背景下,从探究中国古代女性旅游行为特征入手,来研究中国女性旅游现象及其规律,为研究、发展女性旅游和大众旅游提供历史依据和理论支撑,是有重要学术价值的.本文通过如下两个方面的论述:一.官宦之家的女性依从主人而发生的旅游行为;二.乐妓依附于男性的游历,提出中国古代女性旅游行为的基本特征是对男性的依附性.同时,也论及女性旅游行为的其它次要特征.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):213-229
Because of the success of the first six animated feature films produced in the "new era" of Disney animation (The Little Mermaid, 1989; Beauty and the Beast, 1991; Aladdin, 1993; The Lion King, 1994; Pocahontas, 1995; The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996) and their mass merchandising, Disney animated characters became ubiquitous for children of the 1990s. Although Bell, Haas, and Sells (1995) suggested that Disney films present a "sanitization of violence, sexuality, and political struggle concomitant with an erasure or repression of difference" (p. 7), an increasing emphasis on sexuality and the exotic is evident in the construction of the female heroines in these films, particularly in the female characters of color. This article analyzes what may be referred to in Said's (1978) terminology as the orientalization of women of color in five of these six Disney animated films and posits how these representations of gender and cultural difference operate within Disney's consumerist framework, which provides "dreams and products through forms of popular culture in which kids are willing to materially and emotionally invest" (Giroux, 1999, p. 89). Using a critical lens, I interrogate the unity of images regarding gender and race that these Disney texts offer and the ways in which these meanings operate within the larger socio-historical framework regarding women of color and the notion of Whiteness.  相似文献   

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